Splashing firepowder.

The heat I feel on my skin.

A resounding tense voice.

Confident and invincible grin.

Grandpa's temper is tremendous, and even if he meditates on his eyes, he feels the signs are obvious.

I'm going to be able to pull my hips off with that great presence, but I'm going to be ready and hold Esperda. And I opened my eyes softly, and I bumped into Grandpa's gaze.

I didn't have steps, I didn't look up. I just looked straight ahead and my eyes met extremely naturally. At the same height, he has an unexpected feeling in his gaze, similar to when confronted in the Knights of the King's Capital. But unlike then, I knew the answer to that emotion now.

- I miss you, but it's time to break up, Grandpa.

I whine softly in my heart about the words Lord Joyeh used to whine about.

It's horrible that no one will be there to protect and guide me, and I miss what I've been aiming for. But as much as that, no, I have more than that entrusted joy in my chest.

My face must be laughing right now.

There are grandfathers and cellulites, there are sires and fathers, and there are Grays, Claires and Ballads everyday. He wanted to be recognized around him, to be treated as a single person, but somewhere in his mind he wanted to stay like this.

But that ends today, too.

This situation, which has been fed everywhere, has been set up to inform me and others who are outside the boundaries.

Grandpa, Selly and Elva. Looking around and putting his people in my sight, I thought of Chancellor Libro and Assistant Lutus, who would then be watching from within the castle, whining "Damn it" unexpectedly.

The grandfathers who put the curtain down themselves before being given guidance are, regrettably, good looking.

The presence of Grandpa, who shows me waving a spear to provoke me in front of him, goes very far with that temper. But the truth is, Grandpa and I are very much the same height, and the thickness and thickness of our bodies is not a hopeless difference, although we are losing.

For me now, [Flaming Spear Brave] is a fightable opponent.

"- If it's not here, we're going here!

My grandfather, who cut the numbness, screams like that.

I pulled out the espada to show it off in order to stop Grandpa from coming this way right now.

I want to at least do the part of putting the curtain down, because you've got me so ready.

"No. I'm coming now."

At the same time I told him so, I jumped toward Grandpa.

How long have you been exchanging weapons with your grandfather?

Slash, stop, stab and flush.

Use your skills and magic to fight your grandfather with swordsmanship, body tricks, and spears. Is it about the Spirit and Oreo that I haven't used?

My grandfather and I wore each other out.

But still, we don't stop attacking each other. I didn't want to stop it.

This will be the last time I'll be dealing with Grandpa. When I thought about it, I wanted you to see everything I've ever cultivated.

When I stepped into my grandfather's nose, I made it look like I was using [Shadow Cutting] and I shrugged my feet. I tried to [slash it up] because it was lightly avoided, but was soon slapped down with a spear.

By holding me back at the tip of my head, I lose my balance. Grandpa couldn't have missed that gap, and the attack using the pattern came out with his head turned before he got in position, so he pulls out the oreol and takes it.

Oreo's body gently devours the pattern of the spear with the shock received. It was the first time the battle had begun that Oreo had revealed himself, but when Grandpa opened his eyes to the cleavage, he drew a pattern to distance himself from whether he felt dangerous.

I'm sorry to hear about Grandpa, who took a little more distance than he had between spears.

Verified during his training with Mr. Obza, he finds that enhanced cleavage and strength by magic is ideal for Oreo. Whether it is the result of the use of a magically resistant material called a dragon, or the granting of attributes is one thing now, but sending magic increases physical strength. The actual dragon entailed unparalleled magic, and it seems to be related to the area because it was hard to destroy.

If it had been a second from the feeling I received, I would have been able to disconnect the pattern with an Oreo that sent magic and enhanced it. While I regret what I did, Grandpa opened his mouth slowly when he laid eyes on the wounded pattern.

"I didn't know it would be easy to scratch a spear... don't use dragons or dragons on that knife or material."

"It's a dragon. Mr. Obza gave me an engagement celebration."

Answering my grandfather with certainty rather than a question, I get in shape. At the same time, his spine trembled at his grandfather, who hit Oreo's material with a contact that was not even a blow.

Grandpa's gaze at Oreo is sharp. Perhaps based on the nature of Oreol, you are devising and taking action on how I will use it.

While he has been a strong man for many years with that overwhelming power, his grandfather, who is not chronic, is a troublesome opponent. He calmly analyzes his enemies, preferring a collision of forces and forces, releasing a blow that, from the right hand, would be fatal if it came from the other side.

This is the big difference between Grandpa and Jin, which is left to power but makes sense. Instead of putting the curtain down for you, if I show you a gap, you're going to get hit.

"A good sword, you should take care of it."

You finished your observation, and Grandpa smiles when he tells you so.


"[Thousand Pokes]!

It was almost simultaneous with my answer and my grandfather stepping in.

I somehow figured out the content of the move from the skill name [Thousand Pokes] that I heard, so I make about three [ice walls] with my grandfather.


But the three ice walls we have prepared are instantly scattered, and a flame-wrapped spear looms at a terrible speed. An attack by a punch carried out without a gap appears to be a moving wall of fire. When I saw the power, I wrapped my inner tongue around it.

Grandpa knew it was an attack that he couldn't prevent even if he knew it was coming, so he knew what his next hand was about, so he named his skill and made it more powerful.

I wonder if it would be better to use it by naming your skills, or if it would be more effective to use your eyes in meditation and silence for reduced power, my grandfather has experienced over a long period of time.

- Boulder, Grandpa. You're used to fighting.

I don't want to be shut up about the way Grandpa fought "I'll apprentice too".

When I leave my flight distance open, I enter the attack before my grandfather packs the distance again.

This move stops head-on.

So I decided to add magic to the two swords.

This is a curtain pull as your grandfather's knight.

I would like you to tear it from the front and put the spear down comfortably instead of making a mistake.

So this place, without pulling, collapses.


Attack is the biggest defense, so I use a [windscreen] clockwise that cuts like a circle. In that way, first, he shoots off his grandfather's spear with an oreol in his left hand.


The flame scratches out with that blow, and the spear, which was sticking out in secret, is flashed and sparse. I could scratch my cheeks, arms and feet everywhere, but I didn't mind stepping in between spaced pokes. Two swords draw circles around the body by using wind rolls. He cuts to his grandfather with the momentum he stepped out and his weight, plus an esperda with centrifugal power.


Forced to stop his descending thrust, Grandpa took Espada with a flaming spear as he approached himself.

But the tip of Espada touched slightly, and there was blood coming from Grandpa's neck.

- Brilliant.

"Thank you"

Tell that to your breathtaking grandfather, and leave once.

He was spinning around with a right rotation, so he was returning his wrist when Espada and the spear hit him. I had to when I tried to hit the blade, but the momentum was killed because of it.

If this was a left hand with an oreol or a left rotation, it would have done a little deeper damage. I had no choice but to say that I slashed him while spinning with a knife with only one blade, but I have no body. I confront my grandfather while reflecting on whether this would happen if it wasn't a double-edged sword.

"You've been fighting for a long time."

Grandpa slowly looked around as he wiped the blood flowing down his neck muscle and told him so.

I look around at those words, too.

Due to the skills and magic used by me and my grandfather, the ground is cracked and raised. Some pieces of crushed scattered ice chunks, burnt ground, and muddy muddy at the end. Several holes and cracks are visible in the interior of the junction stretched by Master Celery and are being repaired.

Everyone outside the conjugal world is watching us in solitary spit. Some of them were leaving their mouths open, and they could see how they were being shocked.

It's incredible that the outcome of my battle is this tragedy...

When I was a little girl, I thought it was a monster when I saw your father and his real match. A land so desolate that I don't think it was done with manpower and two people at its center. Clothes are torn everywhere and blood seeps into the skin peeking through the hole. They say their hair is messy and their appearance dirty with dirt and coal is worn out, but they breathe on their shoulders but they stand firm on their feet, setting up their weapons and confronting each other.

Fearing for those two, he looked with respect and regretted the difference with himself, determined that one day he would be too.

I'm standing in the same spot where I've dreamed so many times. If I look down at my body, it's worn out and dirty, and my breath is up quite a bit, but I can still do it. But it looks like it's time to open up.

Grandpa opens his mouth slowly when he meets me.

"I'd like to talk a little bit more, but it's time to end this."

I'll do the same to respond to Grandpa who said that and quietly put up his spear again. Drop your hips and pull Oreo back with your right leg in front of you. The right arm with the espada rested slightly upwards. More magic can be shed on Oreo to break Grandpa's attack, and the rest can go into Esperda.

When he saw me like that and broke my face, Grandpa burned his spear with the best output of the day.

If you look out of the juncture, there are people staring at us like that with a flashing look, and it makes me feel strange.

The emotions within them are fear, amazement or respect. As shocked and determined as I am by the battle between my father and grandfather, there may be those in there who are excited to see this battle. And one day, like me, I'll start making this sight with my own hands, and it'll be someone's goal.

The thoughts of countries and people are connected that way.

So there is no need to miss this goodbye.

Laughing small at the floating thought, he looks to Grandpa as he hears the sound of Paki and Espada wrapping around the ice. He was horribly reliable in holding the bar flame itself rather than the flame-wrapped spear, and remained the flame-spear brave man I admired.

- The fear and respect that the fiery spear brave man has borne, I will inherit on this occasion.

Declare in your heart to your grandfather, and I will hold the sword firmly.

Without foreshadowing at that moment.

Grandpa and I stepped out at the same time, stuffing our distance from each other and raising our voices.

"This is the last time, Doyle!


Shortly after we exchanged words like that.

The flaming spear and oreol bumped into each other, and the ground swayed.

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