A flaming spear that is played by Oreo and dances through the universe. What I then felt was the feeling of slashing the meat.

If you raise your face in response to telling Espada, raise the end of your mouth and look like a grandfather who collapses. I threw down my knife and took it.

Support your grandfather with both arms, without worrying about the sound of a spear stabbing the ground or the sound of a karan karan and sword rolling.

- Brilliant.

After being told so in a voiceless voice, the emotions that swept up into the increased weight of his arms closed his eyes softly and swallowed.

"Thank you for taking care of me for so long"

I know you're not hearing me, and I say thank you. And carefully lay your grandfather on the ground so that the wounds I had inflicted would not spread.

The grandfather's face of the unconscious seemed satisfied, and he confirmed his breathing without thinking of that reassuring expression, but he zeroed his relieved breath to a firmer heartbeat than he thought he would breathe even weaker and continued.

While I think it's a boulder to my heart, which is so broken and pulsating so hard, I give my gaze to Master Celery in an effort to get him to untie the line to treat my grandfather.

Though I didn't see that before I looked up, the junction began to collapse without me asking, and there was a blue peek in the sky where the fantastic sights were spreading.

- Uh-oh!

Gradually loud, clearly audible cheers.

If the boundaries strewn around him were broken, as well as his gaze down on the various voices that poured in, he could see Mother and Meryl rushing in with the pharmacists led by Master Elva.

"Handle the haemostasis of the steeple as a top priority. Hurry!"

"" "Yes!

I leave my grandfather to Elva and his mother, who will be treated immediately, to stand up. When I picked up the rolling espadas and oreoles and looked around to find an uninterrupted place to move around, I saw Lady Celery and Lady Gray.

Soon Master Celery, who was down on the ground, seems to be using some kind of magic to keep the audience from creeping in, rubbing it with the stalled Grays.

Lord Celery, hurry up.

"My lord Grey, it's your fault."

"Dear Doyle! Dear Celery, let me through!

"Yes, sir. Let's just calm down, Mr. Rove."

But also in the meantime, after exchanging words with two or three words, Master Celery, the Greys slip past him and come to me.

"Dear Doyle!

"" Brother Doyle!

Balado and Seniors Ljeci coming on the run. From behind it comes Senior Leo, who holds a medicine box, and Master Gray, who is in a hurry with a cool face.

I sheathed Espada and Oreo while I put their appearance in my sight like that.

"Dear Elva, I have brought you an extra magic medicine!

"The medicine is on that wound over there. The general hemostasis is over, so me and Lord Serena go on to treat our frozen left arm. Others should be treated for hematopoiesis and wounds with frostbite preference. Let me know as soon as there's any anomaly."

"" "Yes!

Pharmacists rushing around under the direction of Master Elva. The facial expressions of the medics being treated are serious, and the drifting air is pregnant with tension.

Wipe and disinfect your grandfather's body dirty with blood and dirt and stop the bleeding with a clean cloth or bandage. Treatments and magic pills are used to treat large wounds and severe frostbite, as well as restorative magic on the mother, and treatment progresses. In the meantime, Grandpa doesn't move, but he does.

I lay quietly from a short distance and watched over their treating grandfather.

By my side like that are Lady Gray, Ballado, and Seniors Leo, watching the grandfathers in the same way. Claire, like the audience, was stopped by Master Celery. The queens are similarly stopped, so it would be a consideration not to interfere with treatment and not to show anything that smells like blood to ordinary women.

"... are you okay with not being treated, Doyle"

Master Gray opens his mouth hesitantly as he watches his grandfather's treatment quietly.

At the same time, Seniors Leo's eyes were pointed at me. Their eyes, which strengthened their gaze at Lady Gray's words, were dissatisfied with 'Why, refuse to treat', and I have no choice but to laugh bitterly.

"It's okay. Thank you for your concern, Master Gray."

Answer that to Lady Gray, who asks, and smile at Senior Leo. Then I breathed heavily, and I corrected my posture.

Not as much as Grandpa, but his worn out body is heavy, and if I'm serious, I want to sit back. But I enjoy the feeling, and I stand on my feet.

Me standing on my own with a worn out, flaming spear brave man lying and being treated. Wins and losses are obvious, but if you think you've picked up wins in the midst of a full-blown creation, there's no point in being prepared to push you to the weight and slaughter your grandfather.

... I appreciate the seniors' concern, but I need the audience to think they've defeated the Flaming Spear Brave at their leisure.

I look up, feeling the stunned voice mixed with cheers and the caged gaze of awe. Stretch your spine, chest up, smile and make room.

Fear, amazement and respect. There is no way that I can be treated here to engrave into the memory of the apostles, the nobles of my country, the sorcery divisions, the knights, and all those who are here now. For that, I have the best of my patience.

I guess that's how much Master Gray knows. I could see a wrinkle in my eyebrows for a moment, but the answer I returned was unsatisfactory.



Master Gray, who is aware of my reasons for endurance, said nothing more.

Ballado and Seniors Leo look at us like that, but Lady Gray just shakes her head small.

Even though I have a faint understanding of the reasons for Master Gray's such attitude, Senior Leo stares at me with an untold gaze, unable to give up treatment. Its eyes are sharp and harsh. As someone who completes pharmacy, Senior Leo won't be able to give in easily either.

But this is a vanity that must be stretched out even if it is mean to me. I understand your concern about Seniors Leo, but you can't break it here, so I laughed and misled.

Senior Leo tells me that in an increasingly narrow and blameworthy tone.

"You're free to carry all sorts of things, but that doesn't make sense when you die."

"I understand, and if Senior Leo is here, I think it's a useless worry"

In return, Senior Leo took his breath away. It is a serious but terrible reaction. Keep your eyes open and say, "If it was really the limit, you'd help me with it or not, wouldn't you?" Asking him to fold, "Senior Leo said after a plethora of beats solidified, he sighed loudly and gave a look like he was extremely dissatisfied.

"... to tell you the truth, I'd still like to treat you with strength, but you have a position. Now take a look."

"Thank you"

If I thank Senior Leo for breaking it unintentionally, he will be stared at.

"Now,. Remember later -"

"Dear Elva, Master Zeno's consciousness is back!

One of the pharmacists speaks up the moment Senior Leo is about to say a disturbing dialogue.

To the words I heard, me and Senior Leo, of course, the people nearby turned their gaze to Grandpa.

"Can you hear me, Zeno"


"Even with the help of Lord Serena, it is all the more so with the same resilience. Does your left hand move?

I hear you're back in consciousness, and Master Elva talks to Grandpa.

Its voice tone towards the patient was gentle and very reassuring to go hand in hand with a loving expression.


"Fingers are fine. You don't have to lift your arms. Seems like the sequelae will be fine if you move that much. We're almost done with the treatment, so we're moving on to the treatment room."


"What? What are you talking about? I don't think it's up to you."

But as soon as my grandfather told me what it was, there was danger in the gentle voice color.


"Just talking for a second, I'm dying right now. I don't think it's up to you."


"No. Do you want to die? Even you, with your warcraft-like resilience, won't make it to your sunny stage if you can't do much."

"- To Doyle -"

"Hey, wait!? Okay, I'll call you, I'll call you, don't get up! It would ruin having stopped the bleeding at the corner!? If you move any further, Doyle, I'll force you to sleep before I talk to you, Xeno!

I felt my grandfather's head lifted as he was supposed to lie up as he changed from a voice containing insurance to a caged voice of fright. At the same time, the pharmacists stopped Elva in a hurry.

What the hell is going on, watching Elva and the others trend with a nervous face. I wondered if I had also heard your mother's hurried voice while I was doing so, and Lady Elva, standing up, looked back and called me with a tired look on her face.

"Father-in-law, you can't do much about it."

"Mr. Doyle, I hear Zeno really wants to talk to you."

"I'll be right there!

Answer Master Elva, who invites him out loud so that he can hear you too.

- Even though I used my mother's healing magic and Elva's medicine, it's a great resilience to be able to move your body on your own anymore.

As I rush, I think about giving my resilience and sturdiness to the shelves.

The last knife on the left arm frozen to the shoulder, with a variety of cuts, frostbites and definitive responses, large and small. They were all attacks unleashed with the intention of killing them, and they should have done enough damage to break your grandfather's consciousness. Even so, rather than allowing consciousness to return and converse in this short amount of time, it is surprising mental and resilience, although it is quite impossible to move the body.

Nevertheless, if I can't force my grandfather any more, he'll be right about Elva, so hurry. I want you to attend the ceremony.

Running to Grandpa with that in mind, I saw Grandpa with bandages all over his body.


"So don't get up!

"But then I can't dress up"

"Seriously injured habits and you think it's dressed? We'll lose consciousness again."


When you look at me, Elva stops the old man who tried to get up. But Grandpa seems dissatisfied with the conversation while he's asleep, and eats down.

Elva, who flickers and threatens medicine bottles, and Grandpa, who tries to get himself killed somehow. I wanted to stop Grandpa, who couldn't do it, but Merrill, who quietly withheld behind her mother, moved when she didn't pinch her mouth except for Master Elva, who was seriously wounded.

"Dear Zeno, Do I have to report any further inconvenience to Sebastian?

"Stop it."

"Now, please follow Elva's instructions. Me, from Sebastian," Doyle-like sunny stage at the corner. If Zeno or his wife is too squeamish, promptly report it '. I thought this was going to be too much. "

Meryl's, it was a very quiet proclamation.

But it seems to have worked for Grandpa and Mother, and the two of you face each other in a way that can only be done if you look pale.

"O father-in-law, shall we be adults?

"Right, bye. When he comes, it's no bother."

"Yeah. If Sebastian were called in this situation, I'd see Doyle around the corner, but she'd let me review her manners and stuff, and that would be the last time I'd have time to talk until the day."

"Uhm, Sebastian preaching noble hearts comes to my attention"

"... when Sebastian comes, Libro and Lutus will definitely be delighted. Of course, me too. He's one of the few people who can help you."

Tell your mother and grandfather, who snort deeply into each other's words, that Elva is tired. When Merrill stared at the three of them, she backed off and refrained from behind her mother again, just saying she was done for.

There is no change in her expression, but the atmosphere that drifts is somewhat satisfying. Her inner self must be filled with accomplishments, as she kept peeking at the way she hid the billboard named Sebastian and letting it be done at the perfect time. Looks fine, more importantly.

While I laughed bitterly at the same Merrill, I fell on my knees beside my grandfather, who lay heavily.

"Grandpa, Mother, excuse me while I talk to you."

Before Grandpa can do any more, talk. I hurt him. What am I supposed to say, but if I can, I want my grandfather to attend in good health. If I spoke with that feeling, Grandpa turned those eyes to me.

"I beg your pardon from the high ground, Grandpa. I called you, so I came up."


If you hide your nervous chest and laugh about what you can tell me, Grandpa will call my name and shut up.

My mother laughed small at us like that and said, "See you later, Doyle. Don't force your father-in-law either," he turned to Merrill.

One by one and the other and the pharmacists stand up and distance themselves from us so as to imitate your mother's behavior. Even though there are patients away, the distance they can hear their voices is less compressive than when they were all peeking into their grandfather. As such, Master Elva stood up and opened his mouth slowly when he took a short distance.

"The arms of the sword and the ice magic were wonderful. I've been working out for today, but it was a complete defeat!

Say "that's not true" to your grandfather's dialogue and swallow. If you want Grandpa to put the spear down, that's a word I shouldn't speak anymore.

Enjoy the feeling that you and others still want to say it, I tell you.

"Thank you"

"... really, it's getting stronger"

Without humility or denial, he just thanked me, and Grandpa shrugged to bite. Once you close your lonely eyes, you will look at me with those eyes.

"Until now, I'm sorry, Doyle"

Grandpa's eyes, who told him so, were strongly prepared.

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