To a sudden apology with no context, I can't find the words to return them and cage them.

My grandfather slackened his gaze on me.

"It's been so late because of Noon's lack of will... but I've been meaning to apologize to you ever since I saw the simulated battle with Jin. And then there's something I need to tell you. Will you listen to me?

My eyes, filled with regret and readiness, can be directed at one and me.

Grandpa, who doesn't show how to open his mouth any more, seems to be waiting for a response, and he was staring at me.

That's my first experience. I remember spending a lot of time with him, and this was the first time my grandfather had ever seen me care about someone's complexion. Your Majesty still feels weird that I'm the one who cares.

Though there is no sharpness in the gaze that can be directed at me, I feel intimidated when I decide something. With constant sharpness, it would have been barometric. But now, for some reason, my chest squeezes at that gaze.

- He's trying to tell me something important.

To Grandpa's expression and atmosphere, I thought so.

After taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, where expectations and anxiety intersect, correct your posture and tell your grandfather.


"... thank you. Sorry to keep you company with the sentiments of old, Doyle."

Exhale at me for nodding, Grandpa tells me. After that look of relief, I lay my eyes down once to regret it.

My grandfather opens his mouth with a slightly nervous face, taking me elsewhere to wonder what the hell he would tell me about that change in expression.

"… far from here, there is the fatherland of Xuan beyond Edelstein, Handel, Agricult and Fortrace. The size of the country does not extend to Majesta, but many of the beasts we rarely see here live in the country. He was born and raised in the Count's house there. My parents are home to many martial arts officers, and I've become good at fighting magical weapons and physical enhancement through magic."

I told my grandfather in one breath that I heard a surprise and killing from his mothers who were watching us a little further away.

That should be it, too. From Grandpa's mouth, this is the first time I've heard about my hometown. Not unlike my surroundings, I guess my face is stained with surprise.

Grandpa gives us such a look at our reaction. But in the next moment, he turned his belly, and opened his mouth again.

"It's a historic house there. Non is heretical in his clan. All members of the clan were good at water and wind magic, and many could even handle ice magic. Wrap wind and ice around swords, spears, bows and various weapons and slaughter enemies. The way the clan fought was much like you are now. Non was born in such a house with flaming aptitude. Fortunately, I was good at international martial arts among the clan, so I was never told to face it, but I still couldn't help but narrow my shoulders until I was chosen by the brave - no, it was narrow even after I was chosen. Every time I got a job, they said," If only my attributes weren't flaming. "The fatherland couldn't help but neglect the house. Then I multiplied the battle and ran away from the country. That's how we got to Majesta."

Breathtaking for your grandfather's words. The phrase 'heresy in the clan' was repeated over and over in my head.

Mother and Master Gray, the people who were sitting a little further away, are also looking over and leaning over to listen carefully to Grandpa.

Grandpa tells us that elsewhere.

"Majesta is an easy country for Non. No one knows about my parents, and no one will say anything about how Noon fights. Everyone gave me words of gratitude and respect if I raised my kung fu, and at last I became known as the 'Brave Man of Flaming Spears'. That's how I met Amelia while I was getting familiar with the Majesta. She was a good woman. She's a woman with a strong core, and she never hits two different heads in front of her. Amelia is not the only one who can strike a knob with a flat hand. Not at all like the Non who renounced all responsibility and abandoned both the country and the house. It was more beautiful than anyone to stand carrying the house of the Duke of Aginis to a woman."

You remember that time, Grandpa narrows his eyes. The face that talks about her mother was loose and her voice was soft.

It was me who couldn't keep up with the facts told and couldn't afford to return the words. I was just listening to the words, but I only knew very well that Grandpa was happy to meet his grandmother.

"The home to go home, the family to protect, the meaning of living in the Majesta, Amelia gave Nun a lot of things. The name of Aginis is one of them. I remember asking Amelia that the original Aginis family had many sword-makers, although it was often forgotten because of the spread of the names of Non and Alan. The history of the Aginis family was lost with her death because it was an oral biography, but if you fished for the Duke's late, royal history book, which you devote to Majesta for generations, it would have been somewhat written."

Grandpa speaks so much, he exhales once.

We watched it in spite.

Now that Grandma Amelia is dead, no one knows more about the previous Aginis family that Grandpa inherited. Because the history of the Duke of Aginis family has been told and passed down from parent to child. Everything in the past, the main mansion has been hit by fire and burned down, and it seems that it has come to take the form of an oral communication from its owner at that time.

From Grandma Amelia, the history of the Aginis family, which was to be inherited by her father. Uncle Wynn did not know the contents of the oral message because he joined his son-in-law in another country before learning, and was forever lost in the unexpected death of his only storyteller, his wife. Before that, there was no way for anyone to know because there were no parent generations of Lady Amelia anymore.

As for the history of the Aginis family, Sebastian also deeply regrets: 'I also only know the beginning part. It's all because Amelia is here and my fault for giving up on making Zeno remember. Even in jail, we should have let Master Zeno memorize it early. Or at that time, I was able to tell Mr. Alan and Mr. Doyle if I wanted Amelia to be a professor and not hesitate to meet the family order on board with Mr. Zeno.'

The history of the lost Aginis family. I was told from Grandpa's mouth that it was not even a fragment, but it was very important to me and the information I wanted to hear.

My grandfather was a "Fiery Spear Brave" and my father was a "Thunder Spear Brave" but I've always wondered why this is the case with magical aptitudes and weapons I'm good at. Doubts that were in my mind like thorns, hoping I didn't have to be the 'Spear Brave' because everyone recognized me, headed by Master Gray.

But the magical aptitude came from Grandpa, and the aptitude of the sword came from Grandma.

Then I...

Immerse yourself in thought in order to swallow the information given to you by your grandfather.

But he didn't put down time, and a sharp voice flew in.


When I was drawn back to reality with the sharp voice of Master Elva I heard, I was surprised to see my grandfather in front of me.

Incredibly, Grandpa was trying to wake himself up. Every time I move my body to get up in a shabby motion, Zhu seeps into the wrapped bandage.

I have no words for the sight and I just stare at my grandfather.

"Don't move so much."

Unlike me, who couldn't react, Elva, who came running over, tries to put Grandpa to sleep again. Before a patient whose face was distorted by the pain of an unstoppable wound, it was a normal act as a court pharmacist.

But Grandpa pays for Elva's hand.

"Rested enough. It's not as bad as this."

"What, stupid?"

Naturally, Master Elva was angry at the attitude.

"I have to put it on. I have a serious problem. Get out of my way, Elva."

But stop the hand that stretched out to the words of the grandfather that followed.

So for a second, another second and not a short time I talked with my grandfather with my eyes, and when I sighed in frustration, I said, "Doyle, I don't even know if I can't see your sunshine," and went back to my mothers' side.

Grandpa, who groaned and dropped off Master Elva's back like that, "I'm sorry," faced me from the front as he slowly moved himself.



Respond to the grandfather who called his name to look at me and confirm.

The next moment, my crimson eyes and my gaze bumped straight at me. Grandpa opens his mouth without distracting himself from me.

"Magical aptitude is the blood of Non, and the talent of the sword is that the blood of the Duke of Aginis family just came out strong. If you go back to your ancestors, there's nothing strange about your magic, your weapon's aptitude, or your skills. Even so, Noh has never sheltered you from being slandered for 'lack of spear talent'. Besides, I didn't even try to hold you back. At some point I saw you as the successor to the Duke of Aginis, whether he deserved it or not, because he said that his status and fame were given to him by Amelia, but that he had no one to know about himself or the Aginis' past. I am well aware that the sin is heavy and cannot be opened. I don't think the time has passed and the words of apology are self-satisfying. So I'm not asking you to forgive me. Then I just want you to keep these words in your chest."

Grandpa separates words once he has said so much and breathes. Then stretching his spine, he gave him a serious look.

"Only the 'Spear Brave', which only lasted two generations, was in the history of the Duke of Aginis. Therefore, just because you don't succeed the" Spear Brave "doesn't mean you need to feel burdened. As the Duke of Aginis, there is no shortage of you who are trustworthy and brave enough to live in the Majesta."

You should have been looking at Grandpa, who said it out with clarity and perseverance, but his vision seeps inadvertently. At the same time, I felt something hot creeping up my throat.

"Live proud of yourself, Doyle"

I was just glad to hear that word from your grandfather.

- Am I supposed to do this?

Emotions that gush are relief and fullness.

I feel my foot, which was somewhere uncertain, was firmly on the ground in Grandpa's words.

My eyeballs get hot because my chest is grabbed. I rushed to wipe my eyes and my grandfather and I met each other. My grandfather gave me a painfully loving and complicated look when I almost broke my tears by accident.

"I apologize for the unnecessary hardship caused by Non's impudence." Be proud of yourself for gaining His Highness's trust. If I can protect you, I don't care about the means. 'As long as I'm sorry to have to take so long to realize I should have told you that - I'm really sorry. Boil it, bake it, do what you want, Doyle. "

Grandpa chewed his lips with a sorry looking face, bowing his head. By giving in, the bandage stains even more red. Still, Grandpa doesn't raise a single groan, he raises his face and looks at me without distorting his face to pain.

You didn't keep your head down until I spoke, I guess, to not force forgiveness. If you stay flat in this situation, you'll have to forgive me. If it is, then a flat attitude such as pain is to keep you from feeling the guilt and sympathy that caused the injury.

He's willing to accept my choice, whatever the answer is, whether he resents it, hates it or leaves it, without asking his grandfather for forgiveness, as the previous words put it.

Oh, my God, he's a clean man.

The rough and luxurious temper wraps around, but it feels good to see a straight, unwavering mind. Because he was such a grandfather, the people of Majesta accepted him. The unshakeable flames in the vortex of the war would have given hope to the beholder.

A man who deserves the name of a brave man, strong in body and mind.

Its overwhelming calories attract the beholder and inspire admiration and awe. That's why I admired it, too. Though I didn't have half the frustration I had for what I admired strongly. Still, the desire to be as strong as your grandfather did not disappear.

The hero's back he kept chasing and the fiery spear brave man he confronted today, and the grandfather now in front of him. I think of those figures and gently close my eyes.

- The admiration is still in my chest.

What I held when I won the battle with Grandpa was not disappointment but pride and slight loneliness. And what I felt in the words of my grandfather, who speaks and apologizes for the past, was so joy and relief that there seemed to be zero tears.

"Grandpa. Let me tell you something."

"... what?

Gently open your eyes and ask your grandfather.

I was glad to hear what your grandfather said. The relief that the admirer was able to affirm was immeasurable and gave me peace of mind and fullness.

"Do you think I will continue to be your grandson, not ashamed of your grandfather's name?

That's why I say questions that I was afraid to ask anyone at a young age.

Asking your loved ones about their worth is a courageous act. It's very hard to be denied by someone you like.

But now that you can affirm it, I feel confident that the words you say from your grandfather's mouth will not hurt me, but give me a sense of fullness. Because when you're loved, you can believe you're taken care of.

I asked my grandfather, face to face. Grandpa opens his mouth to me like that without getting lost.

"Whatever. You've been and always will be. You're not my grandson."

"Thank you"

Aware that my face will loosen to a response that does not betray my expectations, I stand up and gently press my shoulder while supporting Grandpa's back with my hand. My grandfather lay bare without resisting my actions like that.

Grandpa lays down again, and Elva and her mothers come and go into the treatment of the wounds opened with a series of actions. As I was about to be surrounded again by the pharmacists, I told my grandfather.

"Now and always, for me, Grandpa is a hero I admire."

I laugh at my grandfather for keeping an eye on my words.

"Leave the rest to me and rest in peace. Three days after the ceremony. Good luck if you don't recover to the point where you can walk alone by then, okay? Grandpa."

"... Doyle"

"Thank you for being a signpost for so long."

After carefully breaking my hips towards my grandfather, I turn and walk out.

"Really, there's nothing wrong with Non."

"If you know what I mean, it's about resting for the next three days. You, my grandfather, are not dressed in absentia."

"I get it."

"I don't know - I'll take Zeno to the patient's room. See the knights from the audience."

"" "Yes!

Turn your back on the conversation between Grandpa and Elva and go to the Greys. I haven't seen Grandpa's face, but I felt pleased with the voice he heard and his mouth slackened.

"Is it all over?

"Yes, I'm sorry for the inconvenience"

"I'm not making a big deal out of this. Thank you, Prime Minister Libro."


Exchange such conversations with Master Gray, looking at the grandfathers from a remote location.

The knights, who had been taken by the pharmacist and rushed over, could be seen shaking the handles of the stretchers on which his grandfather was riding as he spoke his thoughts.

"Count three and signal, so lift at the same time"

"" "" Yes ""

"Yi, to,, yes! - Thank you. Then take it straight to the patient room."

"" "" Ha!

As the blue sky stains red, he is led by one of the pharmacists and drops off his grandfather, who is carefully transported by four knights.

I didn't feel lonely anymore when I saw my grandfather slowly getting smaller.

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