When the sky rises high and the moon rises and the stars shine in the night sky.

Down the stairs leading to the dungeon, with Senior Ljeci.

It's quiet here, like the hustle and bustle of the day in the game between me and Grandpa is a lie. Katoon, Katoon and the two footsteps can be heard sounding yawning. I guess the lack of conversation between us is also applauding the tranquility around.

Nevertheless, the destination can't be the dungeon where Zenos is, playing conversations, etc.

If you look to the side properly, Senior Ljeci is walking silently. Somehow I was called out to the nervous face, and I remembered how this happened to one person.

We dropped off the grandfather to be transported and the accompanying mothers, and after a while we responded to the audience's cheers, we left that place behind. And then I went back to my room so I could finally sit back, but it was the treatment of Seniors Leo who was waiting for me to take a breather.

The treatment that Senior Leo started without telling me whether or not to say "remember later" was very polite. Whenever he found deep wounds and burns, Senior Leo wrinkled between his eyebrows, and Seniors Ljeci seemed to bite his lips off, but no one said anything.

They are people who complete pharmacy and aspire to save lives, such as pharmacists and healers. There would have been a lot of things to say to me that took precedence over myself. I appreciate the kindness of my predecessors who treated me silently, without worries or anger in words.

Thanks to the seniors' careless use of cures and magic drugs, the injuries that were all over the body were completely healed and there was no scratch left. It is a boulder.

When Lady Gray and Claire saw the treatment to the end, they said, "See you tomorrow" and went back to their rooms. Neither of us said 'don't be impotent' nor 'don't do anything dangerous'. Because you know I don't have words to give back when you're advised to.

I imitated those two, and the Leo seniors went back to the prepared room.

I showed my understanding on the path I was aiming for and gave a softly thankful word to the backs of those who would cooperate, and I sank myself into a bench to rest my body.

Then, a few minutes later.

When I finished dinner and tried to take a bath, Senior Ljeci visited me again.

Anything, they say the villagers are coming to the castle about Zenos. I was surprised at how the villagers entered the castle and when the hell did they come into contact with Senior Ljeci, but when they heard the story, they didn't meet him in person.

"The men also hunt, so I have a signal to use at that time. I saw that, after the battle between Brother Doyle and Master Zeno. I don't know more about it because it conveys simple words, but it looks like Elva invited me. 'I'll be waiting in the basement tonight, so come with Master Aginis,' he said. Can I have some time, please?

That's what I told him. When Senior Ljeci heard my reply, he rushed back to his room because he came out during Senior Sana's bath.

I dropped off Senior Ljeci. I contacted Gardi for now and ordered him to accommodate the dungeon watch tonight. I don't know what Elva wants, but whatever happens, there's no harm in keeping it within you so that you can stop talking.

He then took a nap until the time he promised Senior Ljeci and left Balad to deal with his absence to come out. And it is that Senior Sana joins Senior Liechi, who has been out of the room in the gap where he is sleeping, to this day.

To tell you the truth, I just wanted to ask you to give me a break today or so, but we're in the castle six days after, including tonight. It's obvious that I can't do anything after the ceremony for the second three days, so I'm not complaining about this evening's call. There's a lot more to be concerned about than that.

Elva is the one who invited the villagers...

Reminds me of Lord Elva during the day, and unspeakable emotions swirl.

It is not so surprising that Elva, the chief pharmacist, is connected to the villages of the seniors of Ljeci, who are engaged in the cultivation of herbs and the making of medicines. The senior villages seem to make unique medicines, and it's not strange to think about borrowing knowledge to analyze Zenos' medicines.

The problem is that 'waiting underground' has been communicated by humans from the same village. The only thing underground in this castle is a cell with Zenos in it. As long as we wait underground, it is obvious that we need to talk about Zenos.

If it's just the analysis of the medicine, you don't have to teach the villagers the presence of Zenos, you just have to give them the medicine in kind.

But Master Elva has revealed the presence of Zenos to the villagers. That means that Master Elva has found a connection between Zenos and the village. And I'm aware of Seniors Ljeci's relationship with Zenos by calling us both.

... the question is which of the actions I took caused me to notice.

I think of my faults that I had made before I knew them, and I tongue them with my heart. Perhaps I was the one who made Master Elva realize. Otherwise, sooner Lord Elva would have called people from the village. It would be reasonable to think that you noticed the relationship between the village and Zenos because of my actions and called them in.

I'll have to see what determines my actions for the future. Besides Elva, there may be others who are aware of it.

At least, Prime Minister Libro and the others know.

Because the two of you, who are often in the castle, are close so that Grandpa and Selly have a lot of opportunities to fight together.

Master Elva watched to see if the key figures were there in the name of the ambulance team, and Chancellor Libro and his auxiliary lord must have been in the dark while so many eyes were gathered in the battle between me and Grandpa.

Lord Joyeh also said that while me and Grandpa were fighting, he had put a net all over the castle to catch the example killer, and it seemed to be moving a lot behind that game.

That's all I've been thinking about, I can see the end of the stairs.

The slightly lit lights blurred the watching knights and doors, Master Elva standing in front of them and one man.

In doing so, he strokes down his chest that one crack of the knight is Gardi. I was a little anxious because it was an order I gave quite critically, but it seemed like I made it, more importantly.

Responding to Gardi, who smiled slightly and broke his hips, he lifted his hand and turned his attention to the Elva-sama. The man I was with looked young and looked something like around the twenties.

Seeing the man, Senior Ljeci jumps down the stairs where he left off a few steps.

"Mr. Tim!

"How have you been, Ljeci"


The man called Tim came running over. Asking Senior Ljeci how he was feeling, he strokes his head slowly.

I met Tim, happy to reunite with Senior Liechi, who is happily stroked, and I spoke to Lady Elva.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Master Elva"

"No, because we're just here, too. Quick, but this is Tim Noxes. Still to come, I'm the next village chief in the village of Noxes, your home town of Ljeci."

Dear Elva introduces you and looks at Lord Tim again. Muscular to the cause or pharmacist of living in the woods, he was somehow reminiscent of the woods, coupled with a short cut burnt tea hair and a calm atmosphere with dark green eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Aginis. My name is Tim Noxes. This time the villagers..."

"Nice to meet you, Lord Tim. My name is Doyle von Aginis."

Block Lord Tim's words for trying to apologize about Zenos.

Conspiracy In a swirling royal castle, we don't know when or where what is being set up. No matter how much Elva and I know each other on this occasion, I have trouble making statements that make me think there is a clear connection between Zenos and Seniors Ljeci.

"We are close to Seniors Riechi and Sana 'a, the same village as Lord Tim"

With the thought of not telling me the rest of it, I tell him to fold it up.

Lord Tim stared at me when he blinked at my attitude.

"... Aren't Rieti and Sana bothering you?

"Excellent, so very helpful."

"That's good"

To my answer, Lord Tim exhales. And when I laughed softly, I squeaked and stirred Senior Ljeci's head.

"That's good."

Of course.

Senior Ljeci replies well to Lord Tim's words. Plus Senior Ljeci was trying to spin the word, but Master Elva, who had been watching quietly until now, moved.

"Say hello around there, let's go. Ljeci, you will have to return soon."

To the quietly spoken words, Senior Ljeci and Lord Tim tighten their expressions when they say hah. I keep an eye on those two, too, and ask Master Elva.

"Right. By the way, what the hell are we going to do?

"Let's talk about that inside, too. Please open the door."

"" Ha. "

The Gardi and the others saluting Lord Elva's words then push the door open when they unlock it.

As soon as possible, the chilling air widened out of the gap in the door.

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