With the door open, a breeze blows through us. Inside the dungeon, the lights installed all over his heart swayed and the iron lattice glowed dull.

- Dark.

Pretending and spine tremble at the scene that spreads at the end of the door.

The dungeons are made so that the light does not plug in to eliminate the sense of date of the humans who have been put in them, and only a small source of light installed on the walls, regardless of morning and evening, is relied upon. Therefore, whenever you come, it is dim and cold because it is underground again.

By its very nature, dungeons are a natural place when it comes to spooky atmospheres. But I felt even more spooky today that the situation of meeting Zenos in the middle of the night made me think so.

It wasn't even a chill. It was a trivial feeling, but I care a lot. I'll use the sign detection to find out if there's anything ahead, but I don't feel anything but Zenos and the two knights on the lookout, three signs in total. But when I turned to the deepest part where Zenos was, my skin was wrinkled.

Keep an eye out, but the iron lattices line up there as usual. Leaning his neck at the chill, which also seems to be his fault, he lays down his arms to delude the floating goosebumps.

Just then, Master Elva turned around and told him.

"I'm coming."

With words, we are prompted by gaze, and we follow its back.

Mr. Elva led me, Senior Ljeci and Lord Tim, and finally Gardi stepped inside. That's how everyone steps into the passageway lined up in the cell, and the door closes as they make noises with Gi. Then I heard Gachan and the lock being dropped on the other side of the door.

Then the quiet returns to the dungeon, and the brightness that was shaking with the wind stops the movement and lights us up lightly.

In the meantime, when Elva confirmed with her eyes that the door was completely closed, she spoke of the purpose of this time as she slowly walked out.

"I got you all together today to listen to Zenos Verch, I just want to say, he's the same, so we can't have a conversation. As far as whining goes, Doyle, you seem obsessed with you and Ljeci, but I doubt I can even recognize you guys where I actually meet you face to face. But, Doyle, you and Ljeci will be back at school in seven days, won't you? I was familiar with Zenos, Lord Tim, and I didn't think it was a bad idea to let him see me once."

"In fact, I asked you to let me talk to Zegen."

Lord Tim tells me to take over Lord Elva's words.

"... Zegen"

I roll the name from Lord Tim's mouth in my mouth.

From the story flow, I guess Zegen is Zenos' real name.

As much as I named the last name Verhi instead of the same Terapeia as my seniors Ljeci, I thought the name would be a pseudonym as well. But I didn't need to know, so I didn't even dare ask.

I want him to be tried as Zenos Verch, more than I've decided to hide his relationship. Therefore, you should not know anything that would indicate a connection to Seniors Ljeci. So while I was concerned about Senior Ljeci not calling his own brother's real name, I didn't bother asking him his name.

From what I've learned, the day I call Zenos by that name will not come. Because the brother of the seniors, Zegen Terapeia, is no longer in the world, and he will be judged as Zenos Verch.

... Zegen Terapeia, huh?

Carve into your chest the existence that you wish to spend the future with the seniors of Ljeci but therefore decide to slaughter.

The man in that chest is painfully understandable, but doesn't want to.

I will never forget that name.

"Zegen is the real name of Zenos Verch. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever speak this name again...... did you hear from Ljeci about when he was gone?

The bitter emotions that spread throughout your chest swallow and look forward.

And I answered Lord Tim's inquiry without turning around.

"After strangling Senior Ljeci, he went missing, and I heard that the circumstances determined him to have been eaten and killed by a warcraft, and a funeral was held."

"That's right. But when I first heard what happened from Ljeci, neither I nor my fathers believed it. Zegen was so adorable about Rieti and Sana. I didn't want to admit that he had the Leeches in his hands. I wanted to think it was some mistake. But they had bills floating around their necks, and Zegen disappeared."

Pale, there is no change in the voice color of Lord Tim, who speaks only of the facts.

I think of the hidden emotions in my chest, listening to what was said at the time in a calm tone. Lord Tim said he was familiar with Zenos. With this happening, I'm sure Lord Tim has more to think about than I do.

"- When we heard the strangulation marks and testimony left in Ljeci's neck, we collected and buried everything that he used and that reminded him of him. Because Zegen, who grew up and lived together, felt he would never return, instead of the grave. But he wasn't actually dead, and there were times when Sana didn't remember him, and he didn't put down the stones that carved his name like any other grave."

Hearing the voice of Lord Tim speaking without precipitation on his back, proceed.

You care about him talking about the past, Master Elva's walk ahead was slow.

"If he was eager to study by saying, 'At least don't let the Rieti and the others pull you out of your knowledge,' he would have been able to escape easily by making you sleep with his homemade medication. And yet I didn't want to admit that I hated them both so much for bothering to strangle them. I didn't want to think he was a fake. So I have spent until today without a name inscribed on my grave, without ever coming, and with the name 'Zegen' as a forbidden sentence. By doing so, we wanted to make sure we didn't have everything. The crime, the presence of Zegen, everything."

The voice of Lord Tim, so revealed, is bitter, and I look back.

"I never dreamed we'd be seeing each other again in this way... but I think it's just the right opportunity. To be honest, I still can't believe Zegen tried to kill them both. Sure, he envied the talent of the Lychees. But I was just as proud of you, and I adored you two. He was a good brother."

Having said so much, Lord Tim laid his eyes down softly to grieve. Then turning forward, he tells quietly.

"So I want to see him in person and ask him. I was wondering if all the days we've spent together and the days we adored both of them were acts."

Lord Tim's eyes passed us walking in front and were directed to the deepest part of the dungeon where Zenos waited.

- Listen to that, what are you going to do?

Simple questions arise about Lord Tim looking to the deepest part of the dungeon.

But I never spoke of the inquiry.

I felt that Lord Tim's words contained strong emotions, and I felt that his eyes looking to the deepest part of the dungeon set something on my mind rather than regretting the past.

Perhaps Lord Tim has come to set himself apart from the past. Somehow, I felt that way.

If you're willing to let Zenos get away with it, you can't overlook it, but if Master Elva brought you here, you won't have to worry about that either.

Then you shouldn't let me pinch your extra mouth. This is Lord Tim's problem.

At the same time I conclude that, then the question arises as to why me and Senior Ljeci were also called.

But the question was quickly dispelled by Lord Tim and Lady Elva.

"Whatever the answer is, it's not something I'm listening to and feel good about. So I really wanted to do it alone..."

Lord Elva tells you to block the words of Lord Tim, who speaks with a worried look at Senior Ljeci.

"I said I should accompany you, too, Ljeci. There is a question of whether the conversation will be concluded, Ljeci, but you should also know Xenos' answer in order for you to move forward."

Lord Tim lowers his brow pitifully to Master Elva, who tells him in a resolute tone. To those two, no one pinched their mouths.

Lady Elva's claim is good. There is something in this world that I should not lose sight of, no matter how hard the reality may be, although I do not know how Lord Tim felt, thinking of Senior Ljeci's mood and caring about him. People can't move forward just because they're running away from reality.

Senior Ljeci, I'm sure you know. Turning his eyes, he nodded with a hard look on his face.

"I want to know what my brother thought of me and Sana."

Elva nodded satisfactorily at the answer, watching how Senior Ljeci was doing.

"You have a right to know. Nevertheless, Doyle, if I personally summon the medication you brought in, it will be a hassle when it becomes public."

"So do I, too?

If you ask me that, Master Elva turns to me.

The eyes directed at me were something that made me feel very strong will.

"Yeah. Plus, you have to know what it means for people to judge people and what they will produce later. Doyle, if you'd stayed a little more childish, I wouldn't have asked you this far either... but you stepped in on your own volition to keep your Majesty and us away. Then you should know. How Zenos lives and what ends he follows. How many people will be affected by his being brought to justice and what emotions people who were close to him will have. That's the responsibility you have to fulfill when you catch him."

The words said by Master Elva were heavy.

You stuck your neck in yourself, so I won't allow you to run away. Look out for Zenos till the end.

Elva's eyes, which I tell you otherwise, accuse me somewhere. I realize now that Elva is not comfortable with me sticking my neck in this matter.

There are various aspects to things. Sometimes it's good for the vast majority, but a few humans get cut off and cry for it. Behind receiving much gratitude and respect, sometimes resentment.

At least, Lord Tim and Senior Liech here are grieving the end of Zenos. If I had done this then, I could see that I had the regret of

Sadness or regret. There is no guarantee that the emotional spearhead will not turn to me around.

Lady Elva is asking me if I'm prepared to accept such negative feelings.

Master Elva, who stopped at some point, stares at this one. I opened my mouth looking back at it.

"- I understand."

Bite and answer the meaning of the words spoken with concern and advice.

Lady Elva sighed small at me like that.

"... Really? Okay, let's go."

Lady Elva gives an unexpected look.

That was the moment when I tried to reply to Master Elva, who was about to walk out again.

The deepest part of the dungeon, where Zenos is, there was one more sign.



As Gardy pulls out his sword, I run to the cell where Zenos is.

"Brother Doyle!?

"No, you can't, Lord Ljeci. It will get in the way of Master Doyle. Lord Elva and Lord Tim are here."

With Gardy and his conversation behind my back, I ran out of Oreo.

What I saw in front of Zenos' cell, which I had thus reached, were two knights lying down in front of an iron lattice and Zenos looking down at the knights from inside the cell with one hand of the medicine bottle.

Then an intruder standing next to Zenos in an iron lattice.

The intruder, dressed in black from the top of his head to his toes, saw me rushing in in in a slow motion.

The man who was looking down turned his face over here, and his eyes, which looked black, reflected and glowed the lights.

- Doyle von Aginis.

To the inorganic red that went with one person, I definitely felt my whole body flutter.

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