- Doyle von Aginis.

It was a voice without discouragement.

My eyes, which I thought were black, glow red in the light of a lit fire. The moment those eyes were pointed at me, a chill ran on my back.

But my eyes don't move from the man as if they were stopped from sewing.

The vibrant red emitted a demonic glow, terribly beautiful.

- It's going to suck in.

A brilliant red ball stares at me.

The sound disappears from the perimeter and the red fills the field of vision.

Associated with that color that wraps me up is the flame. The flames that surround me are hot, and I know the pain of burning my skin. The flame-wrapped spear was horrible and just plundered and shredded this self. The grandfather in the process is relentless, and his sweetness for the body doesn't make sense. If you want to raise your voice to pain, those eyes directed at me will instantly stain you with disappointment...

- No, Grandpa told me I was a grandson.

Reminds me of the many words my grandfather gave me and the crimson eyes that look at me warmly.

Sure, Grandpa has been tough for a long time. But the flames that wrapped up for someone were hot and dependable, and there was compassion behind the deep red eyes that looked hard. Grandpa's color is not this inorganic red.

The moment I think so, the oleol that was in my hand explodes.

Had I returned haphazardly and sanely to the pain that ran on my palms, there was a dungeon made of stone walls unrelated to the flames.

If you look into the cell, your eyes like red vitreous balls are looking at me.

Slightly divert your gaze from looking directly into its eyes.

Apparently, I was under some kind of attack on that guy.

The sight I was seeing was very real when it came to the illusion that the man had created. Of course, Grandpa's appearance is not the same dimension as in my memory, even the trivial scabs and the pain the flames inflict when I hold back the spear.

Perhaps the man has some sort of influence based on this memory. Or I was in a place where I could observe Grandpa's movements as much as I did. Either way, he's a dangerous man.

If you alert the intruder and re-grip Oreo, once again, a smaller impact will run in your hand than earlier. Only dragons are used in the material, and Oreo's magic resistance is high. Therefore, he may have just played the magic of the intruder. But the pain I felt twice in my palms seemed to be scolding me, and somehow I apologize to Oreo in my heart.

Then he ran his gaze around the area alerting the man.

Zenos has a medicine bottle with about half the contents reduced. I look at this one abominably, but I can't see you feeling unnatural about my attitude.

Sounds like time hasn't passed......

To see how Zenos was doing, it seemed like I had been confused for a little while.

The falling knight has no noticeable trauma, and he doesn't smell blood. I can also see my chest is slightly up and down, so I guess I'm alive.

I take a breath into the same situation as I did when I rushed, and I see the intruder again.

"- Still no good. It was a failure to wait for the opportunity, saying it would be troublesome to get your hands on it early and be found by a school teacher. It would have been a good pawn, too bad."

The man who was still observing me, unfortunately lays his eyes down.

From the mouth of a man, if I kept seeing the phantom like that, I'd be his pawn.

What was he going to do with me? My chest turns to the questions that have arisen.

and that's when the man moved.

"Let's go, Zenos. I don't need you here anymore."

That said the man reaches out to Zenos, while at the same time increasing the magic around him. The man suddenly appeared in the dungeon, and if so, he should be considered to possess some kind of skill or magic about mobility.

He has a bunch of questions to ask about how he showed up, where Zenos got the bottle of medicine he has and what kind of potency it has. You can't let them get away with it.

That's what I decided. I'll slash every grid in the cell that's growing magic. The iron lattice, slashed and torn by Oreo, rolled with a ragged and flashy sound.

As the iron lattice plays on the cobblestone, I pack the distance from the intruder. And he stopped at the border between the chamber and the hallway.

As long as I let him escape, the man who flickered the flash he had unleashed with the intention of slashing each of the Zenos stared at me from the back of his cell. Zenos is held in one hand, and he tongues with his heart at the reaction of a man who seems to be able to do not only magic but also physical surgery.

Hold a big man, lightly...

He's a pain in the ass. It is difficult to prevent the phantom you showed me earlier, because I don't know if it is due to skills or magic or magic props.

A man can afford to run away holding Zenos, so he has good arm strength and reflex speed. Even if you fight directly, you must be strong.

If you lose your mind, you can escape. Even now, without Zenos, the man would have disappeared intact.

Ask, wary of every man's actions.

"We shouldn't be in such a hurry, we should slow down. You have a lot to ask - what did you want to do with me?"

Peek into the reaction, being careful not to look into the man's eyes.

The intruder glances at Zenos and turns his gaze back on me. At the same time, I felt the magic surrounding the man move.

"Don't worry. I can't pawn you anymore."

I jump to the back of the cell faster than the man who told me so moves on to the next move.

Sometimes it's in a narrow cell, and instantly there's no more distance from the man, and Oreo and the man's weapon go together.

I hear an unpleasant noise of critical and metal rubbing. The man's weapon that took Oreo was a dagger less than twenty centimeters across the blade, shaped like a survival knife.

The face of the man who took Oreo with one hand is cool. The dagger you have also looks very ordinary material. But there was so much magic in the dagger that it couldn't be easily pushed off.

Keep the blades together and drop your gaze for a moment. Hi, Zenos seemed to be losing his mind.

... I thought it was quiet.

At the same time I am convinced of Zenos, who did not utter a word, and at the same time I have strength in my hand holding Oreo.

Until I slashed the iron lattice, I did have Zenos consciousness, so then. While avoiding my attacks and jumping, the man acted in some way, snatching Zenos' consciousness away.

Given its speed combined with the fact that it was stopping Oreo with one hand, it was obvious that the man was not a disciple.

I wonder what to do now on one scale of a man's power that feels thin.

If you are asked if you can fight and win, the answer is yes. The man moves fast, but not invisible at all. Magically assist me and I can chase you. If you really fight, I don't think you'll lose.

But this is the basement of the castle. If I get rampaged here, it'll wrap up a lot of people, including the knights on the roll. You can't fight as hard as you can, like fighting your grandfather.

Besides, I can't feel a man willing to fight me. If you show any gaps, the man will take Xenos and disappear.

I just want to use ice magic to stop him so he can't get away with it, but I need a few seconds to ice pick up a guy here with no water and air. A man would be better off transferring first.

I don't know if I can use my magic on Oreo to push it off like this, but I can't give it all. It's tough for me to break a dagger with magic caged in it. Whether with the help of Rafael or Albione, the man escapes while he summons them.

The man sees through my grid like that, and I guess he's confident he won't get caught. In fact, if you move ready to get hurt a little, you can make time to escape.

Confronting me is a whim.

If you stare at him with bitter thoughts, the man opens his mouth all the way.

"You can't abandon the people in the castle, you can't catch me. Why bother coming at me when I'm so aware?

"... you have something to ask"

Answer me, and the intruder will look at me with a shine. When I think about it a little bit, I say pale.

"The purpose was to see if you could use it anymore. Zenos was also recovered. There's no reason for me to stay in this castle any longer. There will be no more trips to this castle. Is this it?

"What did you need Zenos or me for?

"What do you do when you know that? From what I've heard, you and I are incompatible."

My skin pops on a man with a fundamentally strange look on his face. At the same time, I was terribly convinced by the man's words.

This feeling, which was also present when I first met the man, is a disgust for the chills as well as the inexplicable ones caused by fear.

Is this man who inspires Zokri and his instincts the same person I am?

"... who the hell are you?

Those words came out of my mouth when I realized it.

A man laughs at me like that.

"Who is it? Ask another funny question."

"Answer me."

"You'll never see me again, you don't need to know. Is it better for me than that? Did you say sanale or something? Looks like a crack in the twins you were with just now was face-to-face with my people up there."


The moment the man said that, I felt signs of great magic moving up there.

If you look up at the ceiling unintentionally, the magic that you have felt comes next to the great magic. It belonged to Lord Joyeh, who remembered his words: 'I put up a great trap'.

That means that the man's compatriots facing senior Sana 'a are the same person as me and Lord Joyeh were chasing...

"Huh! First."

It was too late when you returned it to me.

The outline of the man holding Zenos sways.

As you look at it, the two bodies are transparent and overlap with stone walls.

"Now it looks like people's kids are getting together. He's weaker than me, but he won't fall behind me. Why don't you just go and do it quick?

That's what I left out, the man and Zenos disappear to melt.

It was almost simultaneous with Oreol cutting the universe hurting the stone wall and the dagger falling to the floor.

Karan Karan and the rolling sound of the dagger echo.

It was an instant event. I was distracted by Senior Sana's name and distracted from the man.

Pull out the oleol that ate into the wall with a chipping tongue for letting the man go without much information. And then I felt the signs of the spirits I was used to behind.

"The following magic has moved a lot in front of the corridor that leads to the guest building."

"There's a bunch of magicians I've seen before."

Arvione and Rafael, who felt the noise above and appeared to me, said, "If only you'd come a little sooner" up to their throats.

- There's nothing wrong with you two.

You should be thankful that you came voluntarily, feeling strange in the castle, without having to call me.

The power of Rafael and the others stands out. I was the one who asked Albione to stay around the pond where he used to live, saying that some of the escorts from other countries might feel the power of the two.

I'm conscious of avoiding people, and I don't deserve to complain about me not putting the Raphaels on my side.

Senior Sana should be given priority now. Reflection is fine later.

"Thank you both for coming. I'm sorry for the rush, Rafael, but can you get me up there? Albione will come with us and help us to stop the noise."

If you ask them to, they laugh.

"Cheap, my dear."

"I thought your husband would."


If I thank the two of you for your comfort, Rafael puts his hand on my shoulder.

The next moment I thought I was wrapped up in the signs of a familiar Lafar, the view in front of me turned.

Between the corridor leading to the guestroom building and the hallway lined with salons for high-ranking nobility.

"Stop him while he's stuck in the dirt wall!

That was the first word in my ear.

I don't know who uttered it. But I turn my gaze to those who hear voices.

That's how I saw the four thick dirt walls that stood to surround something and the green leaves that you can see from above the walls.

Every moving chunk of green leaves stretches out outside the walls and scrapes the dirt walls.

The magicians stood at a distance from the walls of the earth and surrounded themselves.

Some build and strengthen dirt walls, while others use wind magic to chop up crawling out of the crawl. But a new spread stretches from the slashed cross section and regenerates. I suppose you thought this wouldn't reveal a ray. There were those who were trying to use fire magic, but they were held by the magicians who were on their side.

Lord Joyeh, who noticed how it was, raises a sharp voice.

"Don't use fire magic yet! Hurt her."

"But other than fire magic, it doesn't make a decision. Keep it up."

A screaming voice rises from the sorcerer.

At the same time, spreads grew on some of the earth walls. I wondered if a single crawl had penetrated the dirt wall and crawled out, and the next thing I knew, the green would break through the dirt wall.

Countless cracks entered the dirt wall, rattling and making noises and collapsing.

"Dear Joyeh, the dirt wall has collapsed!

"Those with earthly attributes rebuild and strengthen earthwalls, and those that can handle wind magic are sharpened for demonic feet and spreads! Don't ever hit her! Prioritize human life!

Lord Joyeh commands the sorcerer's report.

What appeared with the collapse of the earthwall was a lump of leafy crawl. The spreads of various thicknesses, large and small, are intertwined with hundreds and thousands, like a single tree. That wooden warcraft, which was about to reach the ceiling, was fatter than five adults lined up.

And noteworthy is the center of the trunk. Senior Sana existed in the form of being embedded. Are you unconscious, those eyes are tightly closed?

Above Senior Sana's head, there were two fist-big holes. Probably the eye of that warcraft. It was as dark and empty as a deep hole.

"What are we going to do?

Looking at Lord Joyeh, who commands with the sorcerers surrounding the Warcraft who took in Senior Sana 'a, Rafael asks me.

With all sorts of voices flying around, my chest was terribly quiet.

"Stop him first. Albione, water."

"Should I sprinkle it so you don't call the magicians?

"Exactly. Can you ask for it?"

If you nod at Albione for grabbing my words, she dances through the universe like she's about to sing out even in a nose song.

"Leave it to me, all the time!

As soon as Albione put his hands together, the foot of the wooden Warcraft sinks about thirty centimeters into the water.

It's obviously not a good idea to water a plant warcraft, but I'll freeze it right away so there's no problem.

Freeze the floor about ten meters in diameter around the wooden warcraft so as not to involve the magicians, and I will head to Lord Joyeh.

"This magic..."

"Could you lower the magicians, Lord Joyeh?"

Suddenly the water appears and at the feet of the frozen warcraft, he tells Lord Joyeh, who groans blindly.

"Dear Aginis!? When the hell..."

I'll take care of that.

Declare that to Lord Joyeh, who is astonished, and slip through among the sorcerers.

I re-gripped the oreol I had and pulled out another knife with my empty hand. At the same time, he slashes off the crawl that was coming at me with an esperda.

A frozen crawl makes a heavy noise with Gotgoto, while falling on the floor covered in white frost.

"Everyone retreat immediately to stay out of the way! Turn to the reinforcement of the bonds you've strained around!

Lord Joyeh shouts back to me with the sound of the crawl falling. The magicians, who were solidified by the sight in front of them, also moved on to the withdrawal order that was given.

Stand in front of the Warcraft as he slashes down the crawl following the hastily moving sorcerers with two swords. The Warcraft, sealed in motion, was disturbed by me and swayed in a grumpy manner.

Unlike a red-eyed man, this guy doesn't have to worry about running away. Besides, it seems the retreating magicians have raised their total strength to strengthen the ties they've strained around, so it's okay to get somewhat rampaged up here.

After checking the position of Senior Sana with a white face, I set up an Oreo with Espada.

And I looked up at the Warcraft.

Don't think you can live with your hands on my men.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The Warcraft roared at me when I proclaimed myself in a surprisingly low voice.

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