- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The roar sounded like a blowing wind stuck in the cave.

Inorganic, unlike the roar caged in fear of death and anger at enemies, which you hear when confronting Marnagarm or the Warcraft, it is closer to sound than to voice.

The Warcraft's body length is nine meters by estimate. My neck is a little tired to look up, but I can describe it as small considering the previously confronted slime. Fear does not gush.

Empty eyes, not sure if they are visible or not, stare into a universe of nothing. The spreads stretched out by the people were shaking every bit like they were looking for something.

... does it feel more like you're instinctively preying on yourself than you are?

Think about that to the Warcraft that hasn't attacked you yet.

Shake an espada to try and fly a chunk of ice, but no response. If you don't react to what's moving, make a fireball a little further away from you.

More crawling toward the fireball than earlier, even though the size of a baseball ball could be made by children.

Apparently, the Warcraft is more responsive to heat sources than to prey movements. But you're not responding to me because you're holding Espada, and there's no sign of attacking the sorcerers who retreated backwards. The sensitivity to temperature is low, and the range within which it can be sensed does not seem to be that wide.

If you slash massive swarms of crawling crawl with esperda, the tip of the frozen crawl makes a noise and falls to the floor. extinguish the fireball and slash the rest with oreol.

Massive reduced spreading warcraft once again raises its roar. I guess it's a reflective sound when you reduce the spread rather than a voice that represents the emotions of a warcraft. Listening to the sound of the wind, I observe the spread of the Warcraft.

Sounds like frozen spreads don't regenerate......

Among all the swinging spreads were those whose tips were crooked and those which remained exposed to cross sections. The crawl I slashed with Oreo was regenerating immediately, so it would be the effect of ice magic.

If ice magic works, we just have to freeze it all.

But that's the story after rescuing Senior Sana. If it's healthy, it's still not a good idea to cool Senior Sana rapidly today.

Senior Sana's complexion was clearly worse than earlier. It may be my fault, but it also looks like the area I'm seeing is decreasing. Plant-type warcraft often attack and feed on beast-type warcraft and people, so it is likely that Senior Sana is being fed on this warcraft. In the rescue after freezing the Warcraft, the senior body won't have it.

Again, to observe the nature of the spreading, fire balls are released farther away than earlier. Slash the crawl towards the fireball as I thought it would, with espada. But this time, he lowered his power to freeze only the cross section he slashed.

If it doesn't taste good to freeze the whole thing, we just have to freeze the cross section. In that case, I wanted to know what the crawling away from the main body would do.

The tip of the fallen crawl continues to move away from the main body. Often observed, there was no movement in the frozen cross section, but eventually the tip of the crawl became round and leafy and immobile.

If you observe your surroundings carefully, the leaves are also coming out of the crawl that the magicians shredded earlier, some of them even sprouting small buds.

As I sprouted from the fallen crawl, I remembered a plant called Mother Reef.

Put out the fireballs and use ice magic to freeze all the crawls that fall on the floor.

Mother Reef is an asexually reproduced plant, with many indefinite buds in weeks when adult leaves are buried in soil or kept in water. Sometimes it's used as a teaching material in science classes. There are many other plants that can increase the number of individuals in other ways than leaving seeds, such as inserted branches and branches.

If the warcraft in front of you is of that nature, it is dangerous to leave scattered spreads unattended. It is fortunate during misfortune that buds seem to take time to grow.

Freeze it to the core so it doesn't grow any more, and look up at the Warcraft.

- Help Senior Sana quickly, let's burn it.

To the nature of the plant remembered and the gradual burial of Senior Sana, I grip the knife back.

If you get swallowed any deeper, you won't know where your senior is and it's dangerous, and it's harder to attack. Before that happens, I have to rescue you.

I speak to Rafael and run out.

"Rafael, I will slaughter Senior Sana 'a every inch of the way, so take it."

"Leave it to me!

Slash the Warcraft, listening to her reply.

The rescue method is simple. In order to drop the warcraft, remove the height of Senior Sana from the torso of the warcraft. It seems to take some time for the sprouts to grow from the spreads, so pull them away from the spreads immediately and you'll have no problem.

Start with the top. Slash Senior Sana around the top of his head with Espada with plenty of room. Then he made room from the toe to the bottom and slashed it apart, kicking it out to the side.

It's a little rough, but I don't have a problem with it because Rafael takes it gently.

After seeing Rafael and a mass of crawl floating in the universe, I confront the Warcraft.

When it comes to roaring, he runs over to the warcraft, which is playing the torso he lost while making a noise like a tiger falling whistle. And now I did everything I could.

"[Ice Column]"

Blink vertically to cut apart the Warcraft's eyes.

Using skills at the same time, a Warcrafted Ice Column stands to support the ceiling.

"[Random slaughter]"

Just in case, slash and carve every Warcraft on every ice column. Oreo and Espada, by the end of the cause or skill you had done with two swords, the Warcraft was like wood scraps.

Distracted from the icy woodcrumb hill in the center of the room, I call Lafar.

"Lafar, Senior Sana."


With the knife in my sheath, I receive Senior Sana from Rafael. And as I thanked him, I did another favor.

"Thank you. Then, I'm sorry to treat you like this, but would you call Master Elva from below? He should be near the prison where he was earlier, with Gardi and Senior Ljeci."

"Never mind. You're with Gardi and the others, Mr. Elva, aren't you? I'll bring you soon, my dear."

Dropping off Lafar, who disappeared with a flurry of laughter, I go in to pull off the crawl. It's troublesome to tear away every bottle of ice magic, but the drop in body temperature deprives Senior Sana of her health.

The surface spread was removed so as not to strain it as much as possible, and both arms were stuck in the mass. He clenches inside trying to tighten it and turns his arm around his senior's back. And hold down and pull through a mass of crawl with one leg. I looked up when I finished retrieving Zuluri and Senior Sana, and I could see Lord Joyeh and the others rushing by.

"- Dear Doyle, is there anything you can do to help us?

"Then can you cook the wood scraps over there and the pieces scattered on the floor, and also the spreads that are here? All without a trace. Apparently, this warcraft can also grow from the slashed crawl."

Answering Lord Joyeh's words, he puts his foot on the crawl that was nearby. Badly behaved and very rude, but I want you to give me a break because your hands are blocked in Senior Sana 'a.

Goro, if you show the sprouts that rolled through the spreads you were treading on, the look on Lord Joyeh's face will change.

"Immediately - were you all listening? I'll go to the center. Everybody's nearby. Burn them from the crawl!

"" "" "" Yes!

The magicians scattered according to Lord Joyeh's life cast fire magic on the nearby crawl. At that time, I could not burn with a single blow because the spreads were frozen, and I saw a struggling sorcerer.

I thought I'd solve the ice magic on the condition, but when I realized I couldn't do it alone, he would work with those nearby and start burning the spreads.

- Boulder, court magician. That's cool.

I recognize my lack of abilities and admire the way I calmly deal with them. If this looks like it, you don't have to go out of your way to risk unraveling ice magic.

While I was thinking that, Lord Joyeh had finished baking the chunks that were wrapping Senior Sana 'a. Then he turns to the crawl rolling at my feet.

"Foot, excuse me"

"In this position, I'm sorry"

Lord Joyeh laughs small if he moves and apologizes for being easy to burn.

"Never mind. More than that, we'll take care of her."

Lord Joyeh, who disposed of the spread by fire magic, then tells me.

and that's when he showed up behind him what I've been waiting for.

"Excuse me, Lord Joyeh. Dear Elva, I'm in a hurry!

Apologize and shout to Lord Joyeh for trying to advise me with a serious look.

Lady Elva and the others, who were brought to Lafar, had their eyes blackened and white on the sudden movement, but reacted quickly to the words' emergency '.


Who was it that shouted that way?

Dear Elva, Senior Liech, and Lord Tim, when they find Senior Sana, who is stuck in my arms, they change her blood phase and stop by.

"Brother Doyle, let Sana sleep here"

Ask Lord Tim about the situation if you put Senior Sana to bed as instructed by Senior Ljeci, who spread a white cloth that looks clean.

"Under what circumstances is Sana in this state?

"He was taken in when I came, so I don't know how it went. It was taken in by a wood-shaped warcraft, with the spreads leaning against each other. Positionally, it was above the trunk, and I didn't see how you said it was rooted out when you helped it out, and it was a tightened shape. I used a lot of ice magic to help out, so I'm also responsible for my temperature decline."

"Okay. Mage there! Bring it here without baking!

Lady Elva yells at the magician who was nearby when she hears my answer. The magician named for that sword screen makes him jump his shoulder in a vicious fashion and runs with the crawl he was trying to burn.

"Doh, go ahead!

"Thank you. You can go back to work now. Lord Tim, please analyze the toxicity. Ljeci, you have to help me."

"" Yes ""

Elva, who gave Lord Tim the cramp offered by the sorcerer, nominates Senior Liechi as his assistant and begins his examination.

When Lord Tim quantified the received spreads, he had shredded the spreads, leaves, and buds in his hands with only the hammer. It is then divided by site and placed inside the test tube.

There were medicine boxes and various appliances lined up around the three of them for some time, with serious air.

"... I'll clean up after the Warcraft."

"... let me help you too"

In the absence of a voice-over gap, I looked at Lord Joyeh and left the scene gently.

Senior Sana woke up not long after that.

All the remains of the scattered warcraft were also burned, and the other magicians, who had also recovered the ashes, went to look around with his deputy. Me and Lord Joyeh, along with a few magicians left behind, are refraining from interfering with Master Elva and the others.

It was okay for me to touch it with my scattered bare hands, so I wasn't so worried, but it didn't seem to be toxic to the Warcraft. Symptomatically speaking, Senior Sana seemed close to being out of magic.

Worth the treatment of the three, Senior Sana's face, which was white, was perfectly blood-colored, and her blue-blue lips were reddish-colored.

"You'll be fine now."

Elva tells me that she has finished the treatment and checked her pulse and everything.

Having seen everyone exhale in those words, Lady Elva began to clear the tools.

"Thank you, Master Elva"

When I finished thanking you, my voice sounded similarly and small.



If Senior Ljeci calls in with a bounced voice, his eyelids tremble.

Then shortly afterwards, his eyelids lifted loose and his familiar light green eyes appeared.

Senior Sana wakes up slowly after blinking with her pussy. And I just looked around.

There's nothing unusual about looking around busily. He doesn't seem to have any problems with his health, and I stroke his chest down.

and at that time, senor Ljeci, who was impressed, hugged Senior Sana.


She squeaks wonderingly at how things are not swallowing up for her brother like that.

"... Ljeci?

"Glad you're okay, Sana."

"... Mr. Tim? Oh, why are you here?

Senior Sana blinks at the appearance of someone who can't be there.

To her expression, full of surprise and confusion, Lady Elva, who had finished cleaning up, asked gently.

"Can you remember what happened to you?

"... when I woke up, there was no Ljeci, so I went looking for him... so when I was thinking about it, I went far... Doyle, before I bothered my brother, I thought I'd have to go back to my room..."

Once thought into Master Elva's words, Senior Sana spins the words to explore her memory.

"Yes... three days later, the man told me to run because something was coming to the king's capital... the man disappeared and the woman was angry. Doyle, I have to tell your brother, think!

Senior Sana, whose memory was vague and worded following, changed her complexion haha.

"What about your brother Doyle!?

"Relax, Sana."

"Already! Doyle, I have to tell your brother fast! I was arguing with a red-haired man, my sister, in Adele's maid! A man told me to get out of here because the king's capital is dangerous! Your maid's eyes glow red!

Grabbing my brother's shoulder worrying about his sickly sister and stopping him, I'm breathtaking in the words of Senior Sana, who rocks a gut.

A red-haired man, a red-eyed woman, a compatriot.

A conversation I had with a man I met in the basement circles in my head with Senior Sana's words.

At that time when I was confronting a man in the dungeon, I didn't feel Senior Sana's magic wiped out by any other great magic. So I was upset by the man's words.

When it was Senior Sana who was confronted with her countrymen, she wondered why she could have said it. I was wondering if he was good at magic detection at all, but at the time of his incarceration, I'd be convinced if he knew about the encounter between his countrymen and Senior Sana 'a.

Perhaps the red-haired man Senior Sana saw is the same person I met. And the man's compatriot, me and Lord Joyeh, was chasing a maid with the king prince of Adele.

This time the king and princes of Edel are staying in a room building built a short distance from the castle. Lord Joyeh and the remnants of the magic he pursued were interrupted in the corridor leading to the guest building, and the tsunami fit.

Then I wonder why a man advised his countrymen to flee. If you think that the man and Zenos were close, I don't care what you think, something bad will happen to Majesta.

To the thought of stoning and fitting, bite your teeth with gibberish. Regrettably, it's turning to the back.

The respite is three days, no, it's two days because it's already daylight.

Two days from now, there will be a wedding for me and Claire. Probably overlapped on purpose. Many people from home and abroad gather in the King's Capital to celebrate, so it's just right to do something.

... In two days, can we do something about it? Even though you don't know what's gonna happen?

A glimmer of doubt passed the back of his brain, but the idea shook off quickly.

Because it's not an answer or anything like that from what I've thought on this occasion, and if you don't act, nothing will change.

"Those are definitely dangerous people! I just heard your voice. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

"... I think that feels very right, Senior Sana. I think they're dangerous, too."

I stop thinking about it and speak to Senior Sana, who is still rocking Senior Liechi.

I want some information now.

"Brother Doyle!

"Senior Sana, did those guys say anything else about something coming in three days?

"Eh, I think he said something like 'those are out of control already, so you can't change'"

Senior Sana, who took her hand off Senior Pa and Ljeci, said so when she looked at me and stood up.

Those are out of control, or...

Men's abilities are metastasis and some kind of mental manipulation. The man said to me, "I can't handle it anymore." Then there are some conditions for putting it under the control of a man. And it's hard to re-manipulate things that are once out of condition.

"- Others, I'm sorry. I don't remember."

Return to me the voice of Senior Sana in my ear. If I dropped my gaze, I had a senior-in-law with a sober expression.

I breathe in front of a depressed senior.

Senior Sana said the man disappeared when she told him to run away. If the destination of the disappeared man was a dungeon, it wouldn't take long for Senior Sana to discover the men and be taken in by those warcraft. A little longer than I was confronting a man. So there won't be any more information.

Tell that to your own heart in a hurry and speak to Senior Sana.

"It's not about Senior Sana apologizing. I'm sorry I said I couldn't, even though I'm sick. Are you feeling all right?

Even though I was treated by Master Elva, the sickness is a sickness. He's a non-combatant man named Pharmacist, let alone Senior Sana, who shouldn't be with us, a woman.

That's what I thought it was, but it seems to have been an unsolicited word to Senior Sana. I thought I had a musty look on my face and opened my mouth with momentum.

"It's okay. More than that, we need to find out about those people!

To Senior Sana, who suddenly began to get angry, I wonder what was wrong.

And that was then.

Zaza, you can hear Zaza and the wavering water coming from somewhere.

I realized that I hadn't seen Albione as soon as I had the sound of the sounding water sprinkled for the Warcraft. Hourly shadows on my face, and I raise my face reflexively.

And what caught my eye was Albione looking down at me up close and a huge water polo that wasn't matched indoors.

'What do you know more about it, if you ask this girl?

In the water polo shown by Albione, who laughs well, a woman wrapped in black and confused red sat in a grumpy mood, the same man she met in the dungeon.

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