Time for the castle to calm down and change its date.

I was with her in the space provided between the hallway leading to the salon and the corridor leading to the guest building. Suddenly she shows up in front of me, stiffening herself. She is Sanale Terapeia, one of those men that Doyle von Aginis brought.

If you put your hand on her cheek, which is stiff, surprise turns to fear. The light-green eyes that were opened showed me with my eyes glowing red.

"Did you see it? You're a troubled kid."

Whispering, his eyes closed briefly if he dropped a knife on her neck with the opposite hand from the one that had accompanied him on his cheek.

I lose consciousness and take a falling body with one hand, and I sigh zero.

I was suddenly contacted by that man, my compatriot, when I finished serving dinner to His Highness Brio. Scratch the eyes of the magicians searching for the killer who snuck into the quarters and head to the place presented by his compatriots. After a long time of face-to-face encounters, the compatriots greeted each other there as well, saying, 'We failed to train the Warcraft. I can't operate on my own anymore. I will hide myself from Zenos until the noise subsides. You run, too,' he said.

Sometimes, to devour fear and mourning, there are warcraft in people. But enough to release one or two in a small village in the back of the mountain. That's also enough warcraft to defeat if ten adults get together. You can't get emotions if you destroy them all, and if you do it on famous land or on a large scale, a man-made disaster could be suspected at the end of the investigation. As a result, if a person catches you and the presence of the clan brightens up, it can also annoy your compatriots who wait quietly for the end.

It creates tragedies in a secluded and natural way so that we do not become aware of our existence. That was the implicit understanding of those who went out, when that compatriot.

If the Majesta falls, the next one poses a danger to Adelstein, whom I make my residence. In other words, if the forest keeper Majesta is no match, the surrounding states will also be devastated.

When I complained about what I meant, I said, 'No more time'.

He's strong in my family, and he's completely different from me. Did you try to handle enough numbers to make it unmanageable, or did the individual become stronger than expected? Either way, I don't have one if I get involved.

Even so, the man just told him what he wanted to say and left. In that too selfish manner, it goes without saying that he was willing to kill.

But there was hope.

Reminds me of the daytime fiery spear brave and the next battle beyond the human domain of the Duke of Aginis. The two of them, of course, are spirits of fire who were on the side with the old man who was united so that no harm could be done around them, spirits of wind and spirits of water who are following the next Duke of Aginis. There are many other people in this country who possess monstrous strength, such as thunder spear braves.

There is a good chance that the human side will win. Even if a man-made disaster is suspected, it doesn't originally matter to me, and my fellow murderers are long gone. In case my suspicious eyes were turned on me, I wouldn't have to worry about being able to look into it if I went back to Edel. You don't have to let go of the position of maid with His Royal Highness Brio obtained over time, and if there is damage to the Abyss Forest and villages around Wang Capital, it will be in a treat.

That's what I thought.

More than that, I can't believe she's the one listening to the conversation.

Look at the child in your arms, sigh.

I became conscious of all the conversations I had with my fellow countrymen, and I was delayed in sensing their existence. At least if I had noticed before I went back to being a maid, I could have been deluded, but I've just been seen to the point of changing my appearance.

When this happens, we just have to run. Zero sigh, decide to flee.

I can't manipulate memories. If you report what this child who woke up has just seen and heard, he will soon realize that I am the one who snuck into the magicians' quarters. If you get your hands on this kid, the next Duke of Aginis will always do a perp hunt.

Oh, my God. If they hurt my body, they'll follow me to the end of the earth.

The Royal Castle, with its many conspiracy swirling places such as politics and the rear palace, was a delicious feeding ground full of negative emotions, but there was no choice. I'm sorry to hear about the struggle to be with His Royal Highness Brio, but I can't replace my own life.

... Him, I'll definitely hit him the next time I see him.

So he decides to take the shards of his family from his nostrils.

Since sneaking into the quarters, the perimeter of each building has been watched by magicians. I don't have the skills to travel well, and once I'm found, I can't escape because I'm not good at combat. In order not to be caught, I had to gather their eyes in one place.

Put the child in his arms to sleep on the floor and place a fragment of his family on it.

It's a species that absorbs and feeds on the magic that drifts into creatures and land, so if you put my magic on it, it'll be big in no time. This warcraft is good at regeneration and reproduction, it regenerates immediately even when slashed, and with a slice of leaves and spreads, it will buy good time because it sprouts and grows anew.

I command you not to eat and kill sanales before giving them magic and growing them. If I accidentally take her life, I'm afraid of later.

There is nothing against my life that this warcraft, a family member, draws the blood of the Demon King. Still, just in case, I tell her over and over not to eat and kill her.

Thus, it was the moment when the magic was greatly moved to awaken the Warcraft.

Sounds unrecognizable in people's ears echo around.

I rushed to use [disguise] and assimilate it to my surroundings in the ripples of sounds that spread based on me using magic. Then use [Signal Disappearing] to move to the corner of the room. And it was the moment I lurked my breath.

"Right here?

"Right here. Let's find it."

"... you've finally used your magic enough to catch me in a trap"

"Don't waste it. Above all."

"He said if I tried so hard and it was empty, I'd cry."

Sorcerers come together in a variety of ways, including those who rush in, those who have magically transferred, and those who use magic props to summon their people.

They look around looking for me. But I found a grown warcraft, out of consciousness.

"Hey, it's a warcraft!

That's what the magicians say and run right in front of me. They had canes and magic props in their hands that made them feel strongly that they were willing to fight and capture me.

Oh, it was dangerous...

Stopped my search and a cold sweat poured on the sorcerers surrounding the Warcraft. Hold on to the buzzing heart, I breathe desperately.

I had hair in between. If it had been a little later to hide myself, I would have been found by the sorcerers.

"Why is there a warcraft in the castle?

As many sorcerers gather, young sorcerers still squirm.

At the end of their gaze is my family. It is a warcraft that has been intertwined with thousands of large and small spreads and has become like a great tree. With my magical influence or just over three meters across, the Warcraft with a height of nearly nine meters has a splendid appearance inside.

It's a plant, so it's doomed to fire. It's weak, but it puts an important subordinate of Doyle von Aginis inside the Warcraft. As long as she's around, they shouldn't be able to set fire or anything.

Nevertheless, this is not going to be okay. We need to get out of the castle while their consciousness is directed at the Warcraft.

"You even summoned him, didn't you? Let's just clean up with fire magic and find the operator. They should still be close by."

"Seriously! There are people in the Warcraft!

A sorceress houses a giant fireball in her hand, but she mists it when she hears the words of a sorcerer who discovers a girl imprisoned by a warcraft.

I stroked my chest down to react as I thought.

I slowly walk out with the magicians on the sidelines who notice Sanale. Even though it is assimilated to the surrounding scenery so that it cannot be found, if it makes a big move, it will be found. Push in the rush and proceed with a little caution.

"We need to rescue him quickly."

"In the meantime, surround yourself with dirt walls and hold your feet."

Listening to such conversations, we head out into the hallway leading to the salon. There was no shadow in the hallway, but I proceeded with great care.

That's how I stopped hearing the hustle and bustle, and I just stopped showing people at all, and I open a window that was nearby and go outside.

I exhaled heavily the breath I was packing on the soft lawn I felt behind my feet and the pleasant night breeze. Then the complaint almost came out of his mouth, but swallows on the brink.

If I make a voice or something, someone might ask me. We don't even know where a trap like that was set up earlier, and we should refrain from any far-fetched behavior.

Proceed with caution, reflecting on what was licking the court magician.

The earlier trap was one that analyzed and used the magic I left behind. When you sense homogeneous magic, you will be notified where a special sound was sounded and used. It was okay when I used [disguise] to look like a maid, so I guess there are a few conditions for sensing magic, but it's still a lot.

That trap should have been set to activate on all the castle grounds. Otherwise, it makes no sense. It would have been tough to make that trap in a short period of time and set it all up around the castle grounds, even if we split it it up.

It's a tough thing to do even though you don't know if I use magic.

That's it, you wanted to get me...

There is zero sigh in the magicians' obsession.

To be honest, I didn't think the court magicians would make it this far, nor did I think I could make it this far. So I cheaply contracted the job of breaking a demon prop my countrymen forgot to put away, but it was a failure.

Dada is not the country that did not collapse while caught up in the wars waged by our predecessors. There are a lot of people like monsters, and it's best to just disperse from a country like this.

While I was thinking about that, I was even coming to the side of the walls.

It's just a castle wall and it's quite tall, but if it's as tall as this, you can use magic to go up.

I checked my surroundings for signs of people and climbed the walls.

A pleasant night breeze takes my hair away. Above the walls were high and the whole castle was well seen. Magesta Castle, which bears the moon, is beautiful and although I felt like watching a little more, I don't have that time.

I feel terrible magic from around releasing the Warcraft earlier. That's the magic of the next Duke of Aginis, I guess he's fighting the Warcraft. You'd better hurry and run away, not enough power in that Warcraft to deal with him.

Apologize to the bereaved family, and I will face the kingdom. Then he picked up the magic props that he had kept.

It's a defensive magic item that I held for a while. It is expensive and disposable, but instead the strength of the junction formed by the magic props is high. If you defend yourself with this, it won't be a huge injury going through the boundaries of the walls.

- Next, let's go to a country without national traffic with Majesta.

So the moment I decided to jump to my heart, I stopped on the chills that ran my spine.

Without knowing that's the biggest failure.

"- Get out of there, where do you think you're going?

Something limp on my shoulder with my voice, the next moment I thought so, my hands, feet, hips and something cold wrapped around me, pulling me back into the castle grounds with strong force. I saw the Spirit of water carrying the starry sky and laughing as it fell due to an insurmountable force.

I feel my body sink into the water with a zappoon sound, and I hold my breath in agitation.

Water travels vigorously around your body and is about to crush you with water pressure. Soon, however, the pressure disappears, and water draws from around the body. If I opened my eyes as I leaned my neck against the easier body, I would meet the Spirit of Water over the wall of water.

'You, you must be the child your husband was chasing. Everyone seemed obsessed with that warcraft and hadn't noticed, but there was still a brand new trace of magic from the room to here.'

They're convinced I'm the killer, and there were no question marks on her words.

Be alert to water spirits while checking your current situation. Apparently, I was trapped in a water cage created by the Spirit. Up, down, left, right, back, everything around me is surrounded by a wall of water.

I tried to push the water wall to see if I could escape, but I didn't even freak out.

Originally a descendant of a plant-based demon king, I can pair well with water and, normally, increase the power of water for food. But I can't take a drop of water away from this dungeon by magic.

That means the Spirit of Water is the overwhelming superior over me.

"What do you want me to miss?

If you ask that to the spirits hiding their hurried insides, she grins.

'If you're going to miss it, you're not following me in the first place. Come on, let's go.'

To her ruthless words, I drop my shoulders.

With me elsewhere, the cage rose to chase the spirits of the water that danced through the universe.

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