"Come back soon so we don't keep Claire waiting"

"To make sure my daughter never cries, to return safely."

I was currently in an outdoor training facility, given such thankful encouragement by Master Grey and His Majesty the King. The day after day, Mr. Obza and I used it for our morning workouts. It's full of magicians and knights. They are personnel to move the first battalion leaving for the Abyss Forest and the Transition Formation.

First of all, the evacuation of residents and the creation of defensive bases mean that the first group of us has a large percentage of magicians overall. For this reason, the person responsible became Lord Joyeh.

Lord Joyeh in the front row and me and Jin in the rear are waiting to deal with arriving in the woods or being attacked. Upon arrival, as soon as we can see if there are any perils around us, Lord Joyeh and the others will help evacuate the inhabitants and create traps and trenches to keep the Warcraft away from the King's capital. Me and Jin are going to rendezvous with the mercenaries and focus on stopping them from going outside the woods while reducing the number of Warcraft.

The head of the second line is the Knights Commander. This one has been chosen by the Knights and the Sorcery Division to specialize in attacks because it is intended to annihilate the Warcraft.

No one is going to drop us off.

Everyone does their part as His Majesty says.

Looking at Majesta Castle, I think of the Greys who would be working in a rush inside. After a few moments out of sight from the castle, I then check my gear and belongings for defects.

As we go to the Abyss Forest, Balado and Seniors Leo have kept it with Master Gray, because there is no one to rely on even if there is something forgotten.

... With that said, I wonder what that means for the arr given to Balad.

Beginning with Espada and Oreol, who offered to his hips, I recall a set of medicines needed for the treatment given to me by my predecessors Leo, and the candy balls handed to me along with portable food when I checked the tools needed for the camp prepared by Ballado.

A small bag that I think is for me and candy that was put in a large bag that I think I have all the quantities for now.

'If you mouth something sweet, you'll relieve the tension,' Balad said, "but who was the care the big bag of candy was directed at? It is regrettable that I missed hearing the sincerity because it was a hasty departure.

They won't be knights or magicians......

For the first time in a long time, there is an air of tension and exaltation. As far as their expressions go, morale is high, sweet and seems unnecessary to comfort the mood.

But I don't think Balad will let you have anything meaningless.

... Well, you know when you need it.

That's what I concluded. I'll wait quietly for the departure.

If you look next door, there is a motivated gin, lined up in front by armed knights and magicians. There were magicians with canes around us waiting quietly for us when we came out, some of whom looked like cellulite.

Inhale the refreshing air that is characteristic of the morning as you watch it ready to go steadily. To the bright, downpouring sunlight, I thought it must not get hot today.

That's how it is, and that's when it came.

As the tight air in a good way stimulates tingling and skin, I walk out of the magicians lined up with a wand, Master Celery.

"Now we begin the first wave of metastases. Everybody, please stay out of formation, okay? You'll only stay in the castle if it sticks out."

Sorcerers and knights rearrange the sound to Master Celery's words. The metastases written at his feet peered into his face as people stood at the centre simultaneously, spreading all the way to the critical. It is a dramatic change.

Master Celery put up his cane when he smiled at us, who had fallen into the formation without a minute's gap.

"Come on in. I wish you good luck."

When the wand is unloaded, the magic formations painted at your feet emit a blue and white light.

If you close your eyes to the intensifying glare of light, great magic will surround you and then shake. It was for a moment that I felt the sickness of losing my sense of equilibrium, and if I noticed, my feet were treading on the ground.

Smells like the blue smell of damp soil and grass trees that characterize the forest.

If you gently open your eyes to the changed air, the depressed and lush trees about a hundred meters away.

Safe, we seem to have arrived at the entrance to the abyss forest. For the first time in a year, the abyss forest is somewhere creepy, and if you clear your ears, you can hear the sounds of various creatures.

Using [Signal Detection], I feel a number of signs of creatures moving around in a hurry, and I am reminded that things are different when I'm sleeping with them. The identity of the signs would be small animals, given their size, but this number is abnormal near the forest entrance.

They must have come this far, driven up by the Warcraft. Make sure there are no signs of anything other than small animals around, and I'll tell the captain knight who was nearby to do so.

"There seems to be a lot of small animals, but there is no imminent danger around"

"Yes, sir. - General, get ready!

Sorcerers and knights who were nearby move in unison, according to the knight's decree.

"Are we all right to turn to Lord Joyeh?

"Yes, thank you for your cooperation!

"No, now if you'll excuse me"

Something's wrong with an exaggerated and politely bowed head knight, taking Jin away from the spot early enough. I have a hot and troublesome gaze at the results of working with Grandpa or the knights.

Feeling his gaze on his back, he walked out looking for Lord Joyeh.

Looking around, everyone is working on their jobs, including setting up treatment centers, camping, and preparing to fight to dive into the woods in preparation for the junction. If you look closely, every place seems to be lined up with five or six people at a time. Depending on the content of the job, there are many magicians or just knights.

The voice of Lord Joyeh plunders his ears for a few minutes as he progresses through the crowd with care not to disturb them.

"- Master Doyle!

If you look around stopping your legs, you'll see the head of the Sorcery Division, buried in the tenacious knights but waving his hard up. On that side, I saw a knight in a Kingsguard uniform who looked like his father's men.

"Jin, over there"

Grab Jin's root, which was blinded by the knights' weapons, and head to Lord Joyeh.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

"It's okay. Quick, but this Kingsguard will show you to the mercenaries."

The Kingsguard, introduced to Lord Joyeh, will be interviewed when he confirms our appearance. Somewhere I recognize that knight, like the Kingsguard knights I met in extracurricular classes in Wangdu, was someone I had looked after at an early age.

"- We're out of time, Lord Richter. Best regards,"

If you say so and thank me, the Kingsguard knight smiles softly.

"I'm glad you remember, Mr. Doyle. You've done well. Jin hasn't been here in a long time either."

"Thank you"

Long time no see, Lord Richter.

Lord Richter seemed to know Jin.

- Naturally.

Jin had his face in the royal castle training ground in a way that would replace me. Nothing's wrong with someone I know wearing it.

"There's some stories to pile up, but let's just get moving"

"" Yes ""

Lord Richter sees me side by side with Jin, and he breaks up. But in the next moment, I tightened my expression.

"Now if you'll excuse me. Dear Hexe Magician,"

"Yeah. All three of you, take care"

I bowed my head with Jin to Lord Joyeh, who guided me, and we followed after Lord Richter.

"This is the camp of the knights who were stationed here, and now also the refuge of the surrounding inhabitants."

In the place guided, the resident knights and several Kingsguard knights were rushing around.

The camp, which was situated more than a dozen minutes from the entrance to the woods where Lord Joyeh and the others were located, was equipped with a number of lifelike tents.

In that corner, there are many figures of civilians and thoughtful people.

Everyone must have followed the evacuation recommendations in their clothes. There are also a variety of things to wear, with confusion and anxiety on their faces. I found myself in awe of the knights running around busily, and the neighbors who were leaning against each other because of their lack of location, and I realized the whereabouts of tons of prepared candy.

- I see, for them?

As always, Balad does a good job.

Sweetness is a luxury for those who live around here, and everyone will be delighted.

The mercenaries are over there.

"Yes, sir."

I glance at the indicated corner and nod. A bag containing large quantities of candy was then removed from the subspace and handed over to Lord Richter.

Lord Richter, give this to the inhabitants.

"Is this - candy balls?

"My squire let me have it, saying that mouthing something sweet would also relieve the tension. They'll be anxious to be evacuated wearing them, and if you don't mind handing them out."

Lord Richter, who had opened the large bag he had given him and checked the contents, nodded as he raised his face.

"- That would help. When you stay nervous, you consume up to your health. I've been talking to the other knights about if we don't do something about it, because it's a place like this. Even if I wanted to relieve your anxiety, I couldn't do anything for you."

"My squire would be considerate, wouldn't he?

"Boulder, Duke's squire."

Agreeing in a way that impressed him, Lord Richter thanked the knight when he closed the bag with candy and held it like it was important.

"Okay, now. Thank you for the candy."

"Yes, thank you for showing us"

I bow my head to Lord Richter, who walks away with Jin, and we go to the mercenaries too.

Even though the knights are rushing around, they are sitting on the ground caring for weapons and observing the knights. Under this circumstance, they were unusual to let some laid-back air drift.

I guess I'm just running a mercenary business and I'm used to the training ground. As reliable as it can be. Proceed among the mercenaries with that sentiment towards the mercenaries relaxing as they each like.

As soon as I do, I hear cheerful voices from people.

"Oh, young lady!

"How you doin '?

"You don't have those birds with you today."

"Inn's father told me to come back because he's waiting for me with ingredients and booze."

"Thankyou, call me again. I'm going for free!

"Me too!

It's mainly Pale's "Flaming Snake" and the mercenaries we met at Waldo's home. The mercenaries at first sight look at me as rare as a friendly voice and ask the mercenaries at the face of the translator.

Proceed answering the voices you hear one after the other. Jin, who walked next door, looked closely at the mercenaries' equipment, which was different from that of the knights.

"Master Doyle is close to the mercenaries."


A familiar mercenary speaks up as she progresses in an appropriate conversation with Jin.

"Young lady, if it's you and Argo's grandfather, it's that way."


If you look at the indicated corner, Pail will gently raise his hand and call us.

Beside it, there was Lord Argo, and we scratched the mercenaries and headed for the two of them.

"Long time no see, Lord Pail."

"It's not like we're about to get engaged, young lady."

Pail, who welcomed me, told me when he met me face to face. A cheerful voice from right next door, if you clasp your shoulders at her pitiful gaze.

"How are you, duke boy"

When I saw the voice, there was Lord Argo, who put up a laughing cup with his heels.

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