"How are you, duke boy"

That's what I said with a laugh, Lord Argo, who raises his cup. A few liquor-like bottles roll on his side and a beautifully served knob is placed on the rock.

If Lord Argo empties the cup in his hand, a woman who would be Pale's companion pours more booze without getting her hair in.

You're too lenient......

I want to say that this is a swallower, into the sight in front of me, into my heart.

I was in the mood to say a lot about how they were doing, but I could see how relaxed I was, so I swallowed the words that came out to my throat.

Given the amount of alcohol consumed in the seats compared to previous swallows, I know Lord Argo is resistant to alcohol. To this extent, I guess it would be enough to make the scenery. Tell yourself that if you were to be a mercenary's face, you might want to stay as relaxed as this, and thank him in front of Argo.

"In shame. Lord Argo didn't know his face, and I apologize for the other day."

"Don't worry about it in the booze seat. I haven't had fun in a long time either."

"It would be helpful if you could say that. And thank you for your time."

If you say that and bow your head, Lord Argo laughs.

"Hey, I mean fine. I'm sorry about the famine amulet, but rumors of the Duke's boy have reached our ears. A man of sufficient strength says he wants to fight to protect it, but it's better to stop it."

"If there's a young lady, there's a better chance we can make it home alive."

A voice agreeing with the words of Lord Argo and Lord Pail rises from the mercenaries who were nearby. When I looked around at the words I heard, I saw the mercenaries with a grin and felt willing to accept us.

"Thank you. Quick, but this is Jin von Schpietz. He's my colleague."

"Oh, the next spear brave man."

"I've heard rumors, too."

The two turn their worthy eyes to Jin.

But Jin walks out of there without even looking at the two of them.


After leaving between the roundtables, Jin sounds energetic with his mood still rising.

I turn to Lord Argo and his men to get down to business, watching the mercenaries observe Jin with interest.

"I guarantee you strength. So about you, I'm in command."

"Not one of the Knights, but the boy in command of us?

My words surprise my servant, Lord Argo.

I came to a meeting between the round tables in anticipation, and what I would say is that I softly promoted the Knights and the Magic Division chiefs. I can't help but be surprised.

"Yes, Your Majesty has given us the word not to let the warcraft out of the abyss forest until the inhabitants have finished their evacuation."

"Words from His Majesty the King...... I'm going to forget because I'm relieved, but speaking of which, the young lady is the kind of duke who gets the princess as his daughter-in-law. Such a young man reports directly, and on top of that, there are some brave spears, and maybe we can do something here, too?

"His Majesty the King can't, though. Depending on your working condition, you may be given a word from His Royal Highness Prince Wang."

If you answer to Lord Pail, who has asked in such a fearful manner, the mercenaries will go out of their way.

And that was then. A different temper is born a little further away from us.

"Dear Doyle, there seems to be some noise over there."

"... oh. I wonder what it is."

That's what I said to Jin, who reacted to the mercenaries, and I use wind magic to pick up the sound.

At the same time, Lord Argo lays down his subtle cup, and Lord Pail puts his hand on his own gain. The mercenaries around them also reacted differently to those two actions by reaching for weapons and floating their hips.

In the meantime, I clear my ears to the conversations of the mercenaries I hear on the wind.


"Hey, don't take a weapon against a child!

"'Cause if I catch you with those tiny bare hands, you're gonna crush me."

"Stop before you go to Mr. Argo!

"Don't let him get hurt! If the kid gets hurt, he'll kick your ass."

If I looked in the direction of the noise at the conversation I heard, I could see a small walnut color at the feet of the tight mercenaries in the clump.

"Shall we see?

"No, fine. The cause of the commotion is a small child. I don't feel like killing him, and he seems to be coming this way, so let's wait."

"Are you a child?

Listening to such conversations between me and Jin, the mercenaries who were about to get up also bow down again.

"A child is a villager who has been evacuated"

"There are knights nearby, what can I do for us mercenaries?

Listening to the conversation between Lord Argo and Lord Pail, I look for the walnut color I saw earlier.

With the mercenaries around us completely calmed down, those who were in a hurry were gradually starting to calm down.

Whether there is a meter or not, the Guest runs with walnut-colored hair without noticing any change in the mercenaries who went from capturing to guiding us.

The child, who fits the word toddler, moves his small hands and short legs hard while uplifting his cheeks and advances between the mercenaries.

For a little while, watching the child run desperately, the little guests popped up in front of us with the impetus of the pong and the sound.

But the next moment, you're surprised that suddenly there's no more flickering vision and obstacles, and the kid breaks the balance.



Hurry up and stretch your arms and grab the clothes of a relaxed child. The little body floats in space with my back clothes grabbed up and my toes barely touching the ground.

The toddler, dressed like a kitten with his roots covered, had meditated on his eyes and seemed unaware of the current situation.

It doesn't taste good when your neck is tight, so get the kid off the ground for now.

If you let him stand gently on the ground, it's time for the child to open his eyes when he was ready for pain and hardening himself. But he doesn't understand one thing about the situation right now, and the kid makes his eyes squeeze. Then, looking around with the kyorokyoro, he surprised the strong mercenary who was sitting nearby to jump on his shoulder.


Breathtaking toddler and frightened and depressed mercenary. I kneel to gaze with my child as I hear the sound of both sides chewing off laughter.

"It's not safe for a kid to come here alone, is it?

With a soft grin and a voice, the eyes of a toddler who was meant for mercenaries will be directed at me.

The kid who admitted to my existence looked wide open, but he didn't respond any more. I ask him gently, reassuring him that he wasn't scared like the mercenary he was earlier.

"What about the parents..."

"There he is! Brother, you're the brother who gave me the candy, right?

The little guest, who blocked the words out loud, happily pointed at me. He continued to be looked at with a nippling grin and a glittering eye, unwittingly wandering.

The kid smiled at me like that and gave me an anxious look.


"No, it fits"

If you rush to affirm your sad look, the kid grabs my sleeve in gasp.

And he spoke out in a rage momentum.

"You know, the knight who brought me candy earlier said your brother was sweet. That's why I was looking for you to listen to me! Tell the knight," Is your brother an adult? When I heard that, your brother was different because he was Mr. Gaksey. Your brother will come when he grows up, so he said not to be like your father or a knight, but your brother is Mr. Gaksey, right? That's why I didn't break my promise to your brother, and I thought I could talk to you. You know, there's a lot of dangerous majus in the woods right now, right? My father and I were wondering if you were going to lose your home. So, brother, he said he was going to take the treasure. I was just messing with you, but I don't know what I would do if Maju ate me. "

You're starting to get anxious as you're talking. The toddler's eyes moisten as you look at them, holding my sleeve tight with your little hand.

I rebuffed the child's words as he stroked his little head as he enjoyed crying.

It was somewhat difficult to understand, but apparently this kid's brother stole the adults' eyes and went back to his home to pick up the treasure and the dot. And the child is worried about his brother, who wants to. But my brother tells me not to teach adults, so he came to tell me that he's a student.

Until then, just because you're a kid, but it's an amazing thought circuit inside. The penetration is full.

Should I praise you for successfully finding a way out of the promises you made with my brother, or should I tell you what a lot of adults are asking me, or should I preach about the dangers of mercenaries?

I have a lot to think about, but I can tell this kid later. Looking for this kid's brother is more of a prerequisite than that.



I didn't need any more words before the tearful child.

Jin runs out to the residents in search of the child's parents.

"Go and listen to me, too."


I saw at the edge of my sight a mercenary ordered by Lord Pail and with a relatively gentle face chased after Jin. If I ran my gaze, Lord Argo would have snorted, so I turned my gaze back on the child.

- They asked me for help like this, and I can't say no.

To a toddler desperate to cry, I thought so.

I couldn't talk to the adults in front of me who promised my brother, and this child would have been tempted and anxious.

Still worried about my brother, desperately wondering how I could help him, and this kid came looking for me. Though for my brother, it would have taken a lot of courage for such a young child to jump into a group of armed mercenaries.

I'll wipe my toddler's tears with a handkerchief as he remembers a child desperately running at the mercenaries' feet.

Then the child said with force in his hand holding his sleeve.

"Brother, you're much stronger than a knight, aren't you? Will you find my brother?

"Leave it to me. I'll find your brother."

If he looked closely into his eyes and answered, the child glowed and laughed at his moist eyes.

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