"- Will you find my brother?

It was about an hour ago that I promised the toddler who said that and moistened his eyes that I would definitely take him home.

The girl who accomplished the feat of boarding a group of mercenaries alone and appealed to me to look for her brother was called Liz, a village child not so far from where she had been evacuated.

After that, I told Lord Richter about the situation and left for their village when I heard from Jin's parents where the village was located and where Liz's brother was likely to go.

Until I return, the mercenaries will be under the command of Lord Argo and Lord Pail. Fortunately, we don't have to give the mercenaries detailed instructions because our role is to buy time until the average person finishes evacuation. I asked the mercenaries not to let the Warcraft escape to the Wang capital, and even hunted the Warcraft.

Besides the simple job description of hunting if you see a warcraft, the morale of the mercenaries was not bad thanks to the notification that all the materials you could take from the warcraft apart from the reward would be given to the defeated ones. Until I get back, Lord Argo and Lord Pail will do well.

That's why I broke up with Lord Argo and I'm in the village where Liz and the others lived.

Together came Jin and two mercenaries borrowed from Lord Pail. The two dispatched by the Flaming Snake are facades that are usually under reconnaissance and secrecy, and are personnel to help with the search and, in case of a child, to get away with it.

With me and Jin, we'll have plenty of power. Such an arrangement was made because the disadvantage of increasing the number of people would be that it would take time for the orders to be delivered.

Time is the most important thing to help Liz's brother. Liz's brother must be recovered before the warcraft of a species that preys on his children comes out from the depths of the forest to the shallow waters where the village is located.

I was hoping I could find it on the way to the village, but not so conveniently. We arrived in the village without any sign of the child, and we quickly entered Liz's brother's search.

By the way, the name of the kid you're looking for is Raz. He has blue eyes on the same walnut-colored hair as Liz, and he's a boy who turns seven this year. He seems to have an average body and less than a hundred and twenty centimeters tall.

Me and Jin, we'll split up into two mercenaries and check the village half by half.

It seems that in the village where Liz and the others live, the main source of income is the herbs and warcraft materials that can be taken from the forest, where they were lined with dried herbs and beautifully stripped Worrabit fur. In the fields seen at the edge of the village, the potato-like crops blossom white, with buckets placed on the sides that would be for watering and watering, and dry laundry shaking at the ends of the wooden houses.

The villagers were all evacuated so there was no sign of people, but it was a sight to see if it was a long idle village.

I'll look around the village to see if there's any sign of Raz while I want to get Liz and the others back to this village safely. The village wasn't that big, and as soon as I looked while using my skills, I finished looking at my share of gin and me.

While I couldn't find the signs I was looking for and hid my impatient chest, Jin and I headed to the square in the heart of the village, where we met, looking at the other side and waiting for the arrival of the mercenaries who were circling.

That's how I often wait.

Only the personnel recommended by Lord Pail will show up not so late from us, and the mercenaries will show up in the square.

"Young lady!"

"Are you there?

"No, I didn't find any sign of that"

Unexpectedly tongues the words of mercenaries.

Apparently, a boy named Raz is not in the village.

If you are not on the road or in the village, you will remain in the forest of the abyss.

My parents say there's a herbal harvest in the shallow waters of the abyss forest from the village, and the road to the harvest also serves as a playground for the kids.

Of course, they're not letting the kids in and out without any precautions, and they're avoiding the warcraft around the area where the villagers are collecting the herbs and on the road to get there.

But he said that within their normal sphere of activity, the villagers meet more warcraft in Horn Momonga or Worrabit, species like Nagelfox, Ironsnake, and Goblin every two or three years.

If so, the power of the villagers to avoid warcraft is also known.

The current abyss forest has species coming out in shallow waters that usually live in the back of the forest in a way that is driven away by a herd of warcraft.

It does not work to avoid warcraft of a quality that can be purchased by villagers, such as those called medium or superior species. Safe roads, usually thanks to the avoidance of warcraft, are now dangerous.

Jin and the mercenaries seem to agree with me, and they all have a harsh look on their faces and re-hold their weapons.

"Was there a way to the collection yard?

"There was."

"Over here!

When the mercenaries say so and turn their heels back, they return to the path they have just come. The speeds of the two mercenaries who ran out only mainly of reconnaissance and secrecy were inside.

Me and Jin follow that back to the distance that opens instantly.

"Let's hurry."


The goal is to harvest herbs in the abyss forest.

In the shallow waters of the abyss forest, me and Jin run down the path cut by the hands of men, then two mercenaries borrowed from Pail.

To bring Raz back, the brother of a girl named Liz, of course. The mercenaries are exploring my surroundings, but I run using signs to detect signs of children myself.

Gah, gah, gah!


A bunch of goblins jump out of the shadows of the grass trees as if to hold us back from going like that, and Ironsnake threatens us from above the trees, but not me or Jin's enemies. When I instantly change my gaze and confirm my sharing, Jin goes straight to a group of goblins, and I go to Ironsnake, which is hanging on a branch of a tree with a sickle.

"Out of the way."

Jump over the trees and flash the steel scales. It's pointless for an ice-covered espada, such as the solidity of steel.

I turn to Jin as I hear Ironsnake's head fall to the ground with a heavy noise with Gotri.

There is no appearance of the goblins there, and there is a slightly scorched ground with a gin that does not disturb one breath. Having cleverly burned down only the goblins, Jin is very different from last year's sleepover, which had received repeated attention from Master Burning Gray up to the surrounding grass.

- Gin is also growing.

While maintaining the firepower to burn without leaving bones and equipment behind, the mouth slows down to a technique that only tailors the target prey.

What I feel for the gin, which is getting stronger and stronger, is agitation and exaltation. On the other hand, I don't think I want to be caught up, I'm excited about the gin that's definitely building my strength. I'm lucky to have someone close to me who can be incisive.

When Jin notices my gaze like that, he raises the end of his mouth small. I get high on that laugh that provokes me, but I shake off my exhilaration and squeeze my expression.

We have a mission right now to find Raz.

Jin, who felt such a change in me, tells me that he will turn off his grin as well.

"Let's go, Master Doyle"


If you snort out at Jin's words again, two mercenaries will follow you.

At first, we followed the mercenaries' lead, but we and the mercenary's location were switched at some point because there was no way the beasts would miss out on the humans marching through the woods.

"They're both mountain roads, but they're fast like us specializing in reconnaissance and secrecy..."

"Don't compare it to the growing stocks that compete for one or two even in the Majesta. It's just vain - I found it! Young lady, right. Hurry up, the Warcraft is chasing us!


To the voice of the mercenary, both Gin and I take steps and turn at right angles. Mercenaries seemed to be blurring at us like that, but I ran with no concern. Run for about thirty seconds listening to the mercenaries whisper, and my signs will catch my child's signs, too.

This sign of slow feet for a warcraft is definitely a child's. I increased my speed to the word that there was a warcraft chasing Raz while reassuring him that I was on time.

A few seconds after Raz got into the effective range of my skills, I feel signs of a warcraft chasing him. The next moment, I breathe in the amount of magic that the Warcraft possesses.

There are three signs of going after Raz. Since the size is not so different from that of Raz, based on the information obtained from the parents, the size of the Warcraft is around one hundred and twenty centimeters and so on.

If you think only of the height of magic, I will use my previously acquired [Disease] skills to increase my speed even further to the warcraft that outfought Hattie and Scoll before.

"I'll go first"

"Dear Doyle!?"

"You still have it up there!

One of the mercenaries and Jin raise their voice to me when I say I just increased my speed. But I move towards childish signs without answering the two of them.

The trees in the way are to be slashed away and proceeded at less than full speed for a minute. I finally cruise into the walnut color I captured with my naked eye and the three shadows that chase it.

- Do you want a flying knife? No, you can't. Stray bullets can hit children. Kazuchi is out of the question, and when it comes to it, is it easy to separate Raz from Warcraft on the ice wall?

I have confirmed the location of the Laz, the child and the chasing warcraft, and I conclude so. At the same time, skills were used between Raz and Warcraft to produce ice walls.

One of the three Warcraft, who was running directly behind the child, stops moving with the impact of hitting the ice wall. When the other two stepped on the ice wall at present, one climbed a nearby tree and the other changed course in an attempt to circle around the ice wall.

Stuffed with distance watching the triplets react, I slash every ice wall of warcraft fluttering with a bumped impact. I don't even look at the breathless Warcraft and ragged crumbling ice walls without raising one groan, and I have eyes for Razz that will harden my surprise if I proceed.

The boy with a face similar to Liz's opened his blue eyes all the time. At the same time, one of the people who climbed a tree earlier, about to jump off a branch with a child in his eyes, enters his sight.

"[Flying knife]!

I'm going to blow up every branch of the tree, and I'm going to fly an ice blade. And as he ran through, he held and retrieved with his left hand the razz that was still to solidify.


All of a sudden Razz held beside me was screaming without a voice, but when I was able to recover it safely, I zeroed my breath of relief. If you stop and look back a dozen meters from there, you will see countless blades of ice growing from your body and immobilized warcraft and one still alive.

Alerting the warcraft that is confirming my people's lives and deaths, I drop my gaze on the child I hold beside me. It would be a mistake for this kid to be a boy named Raz to see that he had walnut hair and blue eyes on a face similar to Liz's, and then was alone in the woods, but just in case, I'll make sure it's him.

If I'm wrong, I'll have to go find Raz again.

"Raz Squad in Casa Village, huh?

"Brother, do you know me?

"Your sister asked me to come look for you."

"To Liz?

In the name of the girl out of the boy's mouth, stroke her breasts down. Looks like this kid is definitely the brother Liz was looking for. Although there are some abrasions and cuts on the child's hands and feet, it is reassuring to see that there are no major injuries.

And then, if we send this kid to his parents, it's over...

I found the Gin and the mercenaries coming this way, and then I turn my attention to the Warcraft.

Of the three that were chasing Raz, the only surviving warcraft was a spider about a hundred and twenty centimeters long, twisting me with eight red eyes lined up in two rows that shimmered.

... will you let Jin clean this up?

My left arm has razz. I wonder if it is important to show the child the moment of killing, and more importantly to fight and wind up holding it.

The feeling of slashing a spider-shaped warcraft wasn't so hard that even Jin's spear could easily be defeated. We have a dozen seconds before the Jins arrive on this spot, so let's leave it to them.

That's when I concluded. Warcraft's upper jaw slowly opens.

Intimidation or poison, whatever attack may come, I will be more alert to the Warcraft.

But it wasn't either of them that jumped out of the mouth of the Warcraft.

"- How fragile is my brothers and sisters?"

That's what Warcraft told him in a low, cloudy voice.

"Did you talk?

"With my brothers and sisters in my hands, are you willing to fool me or human!

Zero words of surprise to the clearly heard human words, the spider-shaped warcraft is ridiculed. You thought or your voice absurd.

That was the first moment I faced a warcraft who would solve a human language.

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