Four pairs of walking legs with sharp nails on the torso about the toddler, scorched brown irritated hair that wraps around the whole body and splendid fangs and horns that glow black. The upper jaw gibberish as if to show frustration, and the warcraft looking at me with three pairs of red eyes was what I deserved to call a big spider.

"With my brothers and sisters in my hands, are you willing to fool me or human!

And the humanities you do hear.

Low voices like noise made it hard to hear, but still the words the big spiders were making were the same as we humans used.

With the warcraft manipulating the first confronted humanities in front of me, I'll set up an espada so I can respond at any time.

I guess you cared about my behavior like that. When the big spider lifts his legs, he wiggles his sharp nails down at us.

"You're an uncomfortable person trying to fight us!


If you take the shaken leg down with esperda, it sounds kinky and hard. But the blow of the big spider is very light, and I push my legs back in a state of surprise, half clapping, half clapping.

At that time, a few legs flew that touched the shaken out espada.

The big spider that flies backwards lands staggered, but loses balance because of the loss of his leg. So when I finally realized that my legs were missing, the Warcraft set me the standard for all six eyes.



Razz screams at the voice of the big spider who conceived his anger, holding him beside him.

In the meantime, I was observing the Great Spider without any particular fear.

- I'm surprised you spoke Mandarin, but you're far from calling yourself the Demon King.

Taking it off the shock that the Warcraft speaks human language, I give that rating to the big spider in front of me.

Many individuals who have grown up to be demon kings say they manipulate humanities, but for that the presence of the great spider in front of them is faint. The first two were easily tailored, and given the power of the earlier attacks, this Warcraft is not a great threat. This would have made Marnagarm, who confronted him last year, stronger and more like a demon king.

Considering the magic and intimidation felt from the Great Spider, it seems that he is not the individual who became the Demon King.

Then you should consider that the reason the Great Spider is speaking humanities was originally a highly intelligent species. I can't speak the language, but Bran and Ains understand the human language. It's not so strange to have a warcraft to talk to.

"I won't forgive you, human! Those children, they feed us!

"We, does that mean you have company besides the first two?

"Hmm! You don't have to answer those who die here."

Talk about the threads and poisonous liquids that the great spider flies as he slashes them away with an ice-covered espada. Behavior that I wish I could extract more information than I knew I was not afraid of.

That said, I don't even seem to notice the gin behind me on top of not being able to measure this one's power...

You won't get much information from this guy, I think.

Even if you have the brains to be vigilant about the sharpness of the espada and set it up from a distance, you don't seem to feel the gins behind you laying weapons, this big spider is not so capable. I was surprised to have spoken a human language, but there is no fear or anything because the content spoken is not commensurate with the strength of the Warcraft.

This big spider isn't that strong, so there's also the option of catching him alive and letting him throw up with those hands, but the method is time consuming.

I have to return Raz to his parents before the other Warcraft come out of the shallow waters, and I can't let Lord Pail or Lord Argo direct the mercenaries forever in my shoes. It would be quicker to look for individuals that might be easier to talk to, as we are certain to have company from the word 'we' the Great Spider.

This guy's parents should be here somewhere too...

It is natural to assume that there are more parents than the word brothers and sisters came out of the Great Spider.

This great spider is not that strong, but it is a medium threat if you think of it as its parent. Highly intelligent means more ability to learn for that matter.

Competing with the many warcraft living in the Abyss Forest, the great spiders that have grown enough to bear children will be smart and strong individuals.

- You should be sure to keep that one hunted.

Originally born of a species of high intelligence, the Demon King is terror. It is unclear to what extent the parents of this great spider currently possess strength, but you should definitely retain it in this hunt for Warcraft.

That's what I thought, first I peek into the gap to finish the big spider in front of me.

"You little mortal cunt!

and that's when the big spider, who was releasing yarn and poison, lifts his legs.

I remembered that operation that was carried out at a distance, and speaking of which, there were some species in the spider that would fly and attack the hair, and I put an ice wall not only in front of myself, but also in front of the gins and mercenaries.

At the next moment, a scorched brown hair stabs Kakaka and the ice wall in front of him.

"Be an idiot."

The big spider, who was caught off guard and surprised by the hair irritation, chooses to retreat after a roundabout.

But behind the warcraft were jinns and mercenaries.

While I'm impressed with the intelligence of thinking about fleeing, I use a flying knife without waiting for the big spider to move out again, who stopped by the sight of a new enemy.

The large spider, which received countless blades of ice, collapsed without holding it for seconds.

Jin gradually approaches, wary of letting the immobile Warcraft escape. Then Jin shifts his gaze to me, making sure he's running out of big spiders with a spear.

"Dear Doyle. You seem to have spoken a human language, are you glad you didn't catch him alive?

"Oh. He didn't seem willing to talk to him, and given the time to interrogate him and the effort to capture him alive and bring him home, it would be better to show this guy's body to Lord Joyeh and look for his people to eat time here"

"So is that. What do you do with the Warcraft material?

"Bring back the thread, poison, and body as one for reporting. Let's burn it here because it's out of the way later. Can you ask, Jin?"


Jin nodded at my words as he wrapped a flame around the spear, heading to the first two I knocked down, and the mercenaries listening to the conversation go on to recover the yarn and poison.

Starting each task, I spoke to the child who was stiffening in my arms.

"You kept me waiting, Raz. Are you hurt?

"It's okay, sir."

As far as I can tell, there are no injuries, but I don't know about sprains or mental illness, so if you ask, Raz adds, "Yes," as he took it and put it on.

I thought that change in attitude scared you in the fight with the big spider, but there's no fear in Raz's eyes when he looks at me. If so, is it confusing and intriguing?

"What happened suddenly? We were just talking normally."

"My brother over there called me Master Doyle, so he was a great man."

"... I see"

While I'm convinced of the response I was told while pointing to Jin, I stick Espada to the ground. Then he unloaded the razz he was holding beside him.

At that time, sprains and the like may not be noticed by the person, so observe the child's expression crumbly.

"You don't have to worry"

"Are you sure?

"Oh. Can you walk more than that?

Ask him that because it doesn't hurt to make him stand up, and Raz will step on the spot to make sure of his feet.

"It's okay!"


The way she laughs all the time is very similar to Liz and narrows her eyes. Although there are minor abrasions and cuts, they look better than anything else.

Having made sure Raz wasn't hurt badly, I stroke my chest down saying that I could make good on my promise to Liz with this. At the same time, I scratched the soft walnut-colored hair of the noisy razz.


"We're going home. Liz and your parents are worried."

"Mothers, were you angry?

"They said it was dangerous and I came out. You're going to be scolded."

"... yeah"

If you gaze at him, Raz nods hesitantly. I guess I have a sense that I did something wrong. I stroke my head again, grinning bitterly at Raz for dropping his shoulder softly.

We haven't had time to praise Razz since we joined Pail and the others, and we'd better get back to the shelter as soon as possible, from a safety standpoint.

More importantly, scolding children is the role of parents. And it is the duty of the child who worried about his parents to be preached to adulthood. I guess we should leave Raz to his parents.

Well, that's not what I can say...

Floating behind the lid are the appearances of the mother and father I saw in the castle before I left.

I think of the two of you who shut up and dropped me off, even with a flashy look on my face going to the Abyss Forest. I want Claire's engagement ceremony to be a success even for her strained mother, and I want to live up to her father's expectations, which she did not dispute among the round tables.

To do this, we need to kick the warcraft that are herding as soon as possible and send them back to the depths of the forest. Then we go back to the castle and have an engagement ceremony with Claire with no food on her face.

It's my job to look alive and make guests from other countries think that there was no abnormality in the Majesta. Otherwise, my parents, of course, have no face to match the grandfather who stood up for me and the Grays who sent me, believe me.

At the same time I thought so, I felt I heard His Majesty telling me to do my part.

Get your hands off Raz's head and raise your face.

Then I turned my attention to Jin and the others, and I saw the three of them coming here as if the work I had left to each of them had been completed.

"I've cleaned up the bodies over there"

"It's safer for the young to fight freely, so I'll carry this warcraft."

If you nod to a report of a mercenary with a spear that lifted a flame and a large spider on his back, the mercenary with his bare hands lifts the raz.

"Well, I'll carry the kid."

"Wow - expensive!

"I'll run, so hold on tight."

"Okay! Uncle, you're powerful."

"Uncle? That's not as young as the ladies, but even me..."

Where did the earlier depression go, and the razz held up in the form of sitting on the mercenary's arm makes his eyes shine at its height.

I pull Espada off the ground, thinking 'Kids are busy' and so on to Razz changing his face. If you shake the espada gently to pay off the soil, the body that slashed the hump wind glowed blue and white even though the sun wasn't plugged in.

I re-grip my brilliant espada as I would say even if I wanted to go quickly, and turn to the Jins.

"Hurry back."


At the end of the conversation with Jin, who re-gripped the spear, we ran off.

One of the mercenaries was responsible for carrying the corpse of a great spider, or the Warcraft attacked him more than he went home.

Even so, the enemies I and Jin would struggle with were not, and it took some time, but they were safe, to get Raz back to the place where it was a refuge.

"" Raz!


"Mother, father, Liz!

Laz, unloaded from the arms of a mercenary, rushes to her parents and sister.

"You idiot!

"I told you to stay on the grown-up side because it's dangerous!

My parents hugging Raz, who came running over, then drop the Iron Fist on my child. Liz seemed to be crying because her brother was relieved to be back.

"- Continue in the carriage. It's dangerous here."

Tell the family to make sure they are safe and evacuate the knight. The parents, who raised their faces haphazardly to the knight's words, walked out as the knight prompted them to hold the children up in a hurry.

In the meantime, Raz shows his face out of his father's arms.

"Noble brother! Mercenary uncle! Thanks!"

You cried a little or you screamed in tears. If you waved to Raz, your parents would stop your legs and bow their heads deeply.

"So I'm not old enough to be an uncle..."

"From all those little kids, we'd be uncles."

While complaining about Raz's dialogue, the mercenaries seemed somewhere happy.

That's the same with Jin, smiling as he drops off the family that the knight can take him to.

"Good for you"


It seems the Razz and the others were the last, and when the family gets in, the carriage runs out.

At the same time, the air in the camp, which had become a refuge, changes. Magic and struggle, which had been suppressed to keep citizens from being scared, are freed, and each one is armed. The shelter instantly transformed the atmosphere into a base for the knights.

In the meantime, distracted from the earthquake that wrapped the carriage to Wang Du, I give instructions to the mercenaries to do their part.

"Take the big spider you brought home to Lord Joyeh and tell him to hunt as a priority if he finds his people and speaks Mandarin. Give the poison to the pharmacists and get them ready for the antidote."

"Copy that. When you're done with the report, we can rendezvous, right?

"Oh. Thank you for hanging out with me"

"dating young people is part of the contract, so don't worry about it. Bye."

I walked off the two of them, waving at each other, and I faced Jin.

"Let's go too, Master Doyle."

The spear was already in Jin's hand, which opened his mouth before I spoke, and his expression was full of motivation.

I smile too so that I can sniff out the existence of a mighty enemy by meeting a warcraft that solves human language and be followed by a gin that is making my heart bounce.

"Let's go. It's time for the Warcraft Hunt."


Having shed my magic on Espada, I ran out to the Abyss Forest with Jin, who wrapped the flame around the spear at the same time as I replied.

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