aristocratic quarters on the corner of the Epis School.

Among them, I and Lady Gray were facing each other in a special room reserved for royal nobility.

Master Gray asked me to have breakfast with you, last night.

He promised Jin that he would do his morning practice time, so he didn't have an escort, etc., but finally, he said that he wanted to come because he wanted to talk to me on a paid spot.

Of course, there is no reason for me to refuse that call, and it depends on how we have breakfast together.

"Still, you're totally cool"


I nod at Master Gray, who looked at the leaves falling out the window and groaned, looking out the window.

About a month after my engagement ceremony with Claire.

The leaves, which were blue and lush as summer, began to color red, orange and yellow, and became cold in the morning and evening.

"Dear Doyle, Your Highness Gray. Would you like me to get you something to top it off with?

That's how Ballado turns to us after breakfast. Master Gray shook his head small and said no to it.

Sometimes it's early morning and I do feel cold, but I'm not as cold as I need a jacket. And no matter how much it's falling outside, it gets warmer during the day. Not yet, you won't have to wear it.

I thought so. I move my neck sideways, just like Gray.

"No, I'm fine. But yeah, let me have some warm tea."

"I'm in awe"

When you break your hips into my words, Ballado starts preparing tea. Apparently, because Master Gray is here, I can be right in front of him this time from scratch.

I also trust Master Gray about Balad, so he won't need any action or anything to prove that he can't put poison in it, but I guess that means he's also courteous to his close friends. Around that time, the Rove family is well educated.

As I think about it, the teapots are warmed up on the boiling side of the water, and cups, teaspoons, sugar pots, creamers, etc. are arranged on the saucer.

Looking at it like that, he opened his mouth, much as Lady Grey remembered.

With that said, the castle sent word that Lord Gladys arrived in the East last night without a trace.

"That's good"

If you stroke your chest down on the cheap information of your abruptly told Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza, Master Gray will also loosen his expression slightly.

Fortunately, the envoys did not seem to have had to know about a series of events ranging from the escape of the red-haired man and Zenos to the hunt for the Warcraft in the Abyss Forest, and they received no complaints or inquiries from anywhere. On the surface.

The folks at Forest Race seemed to feel strange......

It's like a boulder, a fortress state, etc. When he said, with a grin that included Lord Sumba, the king's brother, "Majesta seems to have all the good soldiers and I envy him," he did it, but there was no further pursuit, so let's just do it.

As such, the parade through the king's capital from the vow ceremony and the celebration at the ball at the royal castle were successfully concluded, and the envoys of the other nations returned to their respective countries. The eastern country is far away, so I haven't been able to get back to the country, but it seems to be safe.

Looking back at the time of the engagement ceremony, Lady Gray's expression takes me slightly more seriously.

"- Then, it seems that the maid of honor was dated to Master Celery."

I see. This is what I wanted to ask you about for breakfast today.

The example maid Lady Gray spoke of is her hometown with the red-haired man who took Zenos away. She, named Julia, whom Albione has captured, is currently in this epis school.

"I work as an assistant and maid. When I went to see how things were the other day, I was having fun with Fia."


"I'm going to see how it goes after school tomorrow, will Master Gray go too?

"Oh. Let's leave it empty"

Lady Gray, who replied so, silences whether she is reassembling her plans for tomorrow in her head.

Speak up so as not to disturb Master Gray, who has begun to conceive. And when I got out of hand, I thought to the red-haired man who took Julia and Zenos, who were currently at Master Celery's.

The name of the red-haired man named after Julia is Maris.

They weren't people.

So what the hell are they, descendants of the Demon King?

Its demon king, born of dry ads, was physically very weak, but clever. Aware that his flesh and magic were somewhat stronger than human beings, the Demon King hid himself and exchanged blood with other races. That's how they were born, says Julia and Maris.

After a long period of interaction with humans, beasts and other human beings, the appearance, physical strength, magic power, basic lifestyle, etc. are no different from ours. There are rules like the law in the village, and those who break them are punished according to their sins.

Julia seems to have come out and lived in a more developed human country because she doesn't like living in boring villages. It's not like Maris and I originally knew each other, but they just met each other in the middle of living mixed up in people.

I was delighted to meet my fellow countrymen who circled by chance, and I just asked him to do me a little favor. He doesn't know what Maris is doing or anything, and he says there's no way to keep in touch.

I honestly don't know how far it is true and how much lies intersect.

- I'm sure she's hiding something.

Julia is right. The appearance is no different from that of a person, and she is inferior in terms of her body's sturdiness and total amount of magic, depending on the subject she compares to. Without Albione or Rafael, we would not have been able to discern that we were different from humans.

But when it comes to whether all Julia's stories are true, they are quite suspicious. I think they have a big secret we don't know.

That seems to be what the fathers agree with, and for a while we were to monitor and observe her. Of course, I rubbed where to manage her figure.

She's poor as far as I can see, but in fact her abilities are unknown. Also, unlike beasts, elves, etc., I don't know what their essence would be if they were descended from the Demon King.

Without some force, we cannot cope with unforeseen circumstances, and we must be able to keep her confidential in case her secret leaks to another country.

Fortunately, it was the Lord Joyeh and the sorcery division who were fighting with me at that time, the Elva Pharmacist Chief and the Liechi Seniors who saw her. Therefore, after a thoughtful pause was made to the people and seniors of the Sorcery Division, discussions were held between His Majesty, Father, and Shi Yingjie about Yulia's personality in the face of the head of the Sorcery Division and the head of the Knights.

Thus, many opinions were expressed, such as whether the Knights or the Sorcery Division were also Knights of Kingsguard or, no, in Kingsguard, there could be danger to the royal people, this place was researching the ecology at the research institute…, but after the excessive bending, she became the depository of Master Celery.

- Please, Master Doyle.

In retrospect of the crap about Julia's physique, I heard Ballad.


If you thank the tea placed without sound, Ballado smiles back down again. When I took the warm cup of tea and turned to Master Grey, I was just about to put my mouth on it.

Master Gray quietly places the cup and opens his mouth again.

"- There is a risk that students will be on their side, but all the faculty members have more or less the heart of the fight. More importantly, scratching Master Celery's eyes and escaping is a daunting undertaking. And oddly enough, there are currently spirits of wind, water and fire here. Even if she does, she can handle it enough, and the school is a quarantined place within the Majesta. It's easy to stop talking and destroy evidence when something happens. You don't have to worry about the human eye of another country if you're wrong, and it's safer than keeping you in the royal castle."


Nodding to Master Gray's story, I return the cup to the saucer.

Then I raised my face and my eyes met with the dark green eyes that sparkled a pranky glow.

"More importantly, Epis School will reach your eyes. Well done, Doyle."

That's how I raise the end of my mouth, too, to Master Gray, who laughs.

The whereabouts of her figure could be rubbed. As such, we were lucky enough to scratch because we didn't decide when we were going back to school.

If Master Gray or Claire were to return to school, they would be quite busy preparing for the two loads, escorts on the road, electing drop-off personnel and the castle. That's how, while the discussion was interrupted, he took Julia out and asked Master Celery to take her back in the transfer formation one foot away.

Once we get to school, the rest is ours.

If the Knights Commander or the Magic Division Commander move to bring her back to the castle, it will draw attention. Now that the accommodation is over, there's no reason for them to visit the school. Father could use the reason of being a relative of a student, but from the standpoint of being the Commander of the Kingsguard Knights, you can't leave the side of your Grace. Therefore, it will not be possible to move her secretly from the school unless Master Celery, who can travel alone and for long distances, or my relatives, Grandpa, move.

I didn't think it would work out so well, but I succeeded in keeping Julia's figure within reach, thanks to Master Celery, who enjoys how I move, and Grandpa, who decided to retire completely from the match at the castle.

"I'm getting a letter of protest, but if you get to school, it's this one. As for her, Master Celery and Grandpa were cooperative and helpful."

"By the way, the letter of protest is coming to me, too. Father and Lord Alan, of course, from Prime Minister Libro and Chief Pharmacist Elva. It seems to have reached the head of the school, and it annoys him"

I felt guilty and slightly nagging at Lady Gray's words.

With me grabbing Julia's figure, it's definitely the school director who's doing the most damage.

Master Celery keeps an eye on her and asks Rafael and Albione, who have followed me, to keep an eye on Julia's movements, but the school director has a duty and responsibility to protect the students. Besides, even though he's irrelevant because of me and Master Celery, he's getting protests from his father. You must be rubbing your temper.

I went to see how Senior Lyochi and Senior Sana were doing later. Then I'll ask Senior Leo for some stomach medication too......

With that in mind, I utter words of apology to the dean of the school.

"I am very sorry for the school director. But I have trouble hiding her from His Majesty and Father before I know it. There's something about Zenos."

"Oh. And then how are the seniors doing?

Mr. Grey's voice color, which asks how Seniors Ljeci and Sana are doing, is a little heavy.

Thinking about the case when someone noticed his relationship with his predecessors, Lady Gray explained everything from Zenos' real name being Zegen Terapeia to his two brothers.

Therefore, I guess I was curious to see how Seniors Ljeci were doing.

"I'm staying the same. I asked Senior Leo about the two of you, so I was wondering if you'd be okay."


"I also ask Gardi to tell me if anyone is making strange moves"

"I'll take care of it."

"Thank you"

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Master Gray for his offer.

The pharmacist relationship will be suppressed by Elva Pharmacist, but there are many aristocrats and knights with a good nose. I've told Gardy to report any ruse to explore, but he may have missed something because he has a Kingsguard assignment.

There must be no more than the safety and future of our seniors, just in case. The best way to contain the trends of the nobles and knights and to be able to deal with them extensively is to help Master Gray.

Master Grey nods forcefully at me for making sense of that.

"Leave the nobles' trends to me. Let's keep our eyes open. When it comes to our moods, we just have to be careful..."

"Yes, because it's hard to tell at this stage how your position might fall, even in your two breasts"

"Try to get him to see his face as much as you can."

"Of course it is."

I often worry about the advance of seniors with Master Gray. Mr. Grey changes the subject, who decided that there was nothing he could do for the LUCI seniors at present.

"How are the mercenaries doing?

"The Zion, the Flaming Snakes, and then Lord Argo are being asked to circulate rumors such as' They have a delicious job in a foreign country '. Along with that, I asked the Hendra Chamber of Commerce for a job that needed to be bought outside the country. As the Chamber of Commerce escorts began to move out, I was wondering if time would fix the rest. They're also asking us to gather sightings of Zenos and the others."

"Let the mercenaries look for countries in and around the Majesta while buying. Good hands."

You heard my report and decided there was no problem with mercenaries, and that's what Lady Gray said and nodded.

"Then the current challenge is with the Maid."

"Yes, I plan to head out to the library to find out more about her."

"There's a collection of books in the school that aren't even in the castle, so maybe there's an out-of-the-box dig. Chancellor Libro and Adjutant Rutus said the castle's library will be explored."


I'm just finishing up a full report, and I'm gonna drink up some warm tea.

It's going to be tough.

We just have to wait for information on Zenos and Maris' whereabouts. We must remain attentive to the trends of the nobility, the knights and the seniors' moods until the matter of Zenos and the others is resolved with regard to Seniors Ljeci.

And she named herself Julia.

You wouldn't be lying, but you're not saying all the truth. Well, I think there's a tip for catching Maris and the others in the part where she's silent.

So I have to know about her clan.

To do so, let's first look into the birth and history of the Demon King......

As I pictured the descendants of the same demon king in my brain, I began to think again about my plans for today.

A library built on the corner of Epis School.

The interior, where arched ceilings dispelled the sense of closure, had a wide aisle in the centre, with desks and chairs arranged in a straight line in the form of longitudinal sections of the building. An amount of books that make you wonder how many thousands or tens of thousands are on either side of the aisle that is being blown out. Bookshelves filled with a wide variety of books without a minute's gap are arranged in multiple ways.

I will proceed with Ballado after breakfast with Master Gray, who boasts a collection of books that won't even take a pull from the Magesta Castle library.

"Now I will gather materials about the demon kings that have been confirmed in the past"


I just got here about inside the building, and I can tell it's Ballad.

Thus, searching for books written about the birth and history of the Demon King, often.

Red plunders at the edge of his sight when he was sliding his eyes between the shelves to the title and keeping one more demon king-related book and one in his arms.

A vibrant colour that evokes a burning fire, not the black and confusing red of Julia and Maris. In the familiar red, I stop looking for books and follow them.

Then Balad, who was looking for a book in another row, turned to the central aisle.

"Master Doyle? What can I do for you?

At the same time as Balad's voice sounded, I find the person you're looking for in the back of the aisle.

"There's a fia"

Answer Balad as he sees her crouching in the back of the aisle.

The eye-catching, vibrant red identity was the Spirit of Fire fiir at Master Celery's.

"The Spirit of Fire?

As long as I follow my gaze and see how Ballado looks looking for Fia, she doesn't seem to be in the vessel right now.

Few words, but surprisingly curious, Fia occasionally flutters around the school using things that are not always visible to people.

I pretended not to see the faculty who were under Master Celery's guidance or whether she would not cause any problems and whether there were circulars or not.

Therefore, I usually don't speak up when I see them. But this is a library surrounded by books, which, given her host attributes, could not be left alone.

She will not accidentally burn a book as she spends time with Master Celery......

For once, be careful. It was a light feeling to that extent.

"Fia. What are you doing here?

If she spoke that way, she smiled happily and offered to show off what was in her hand.

Having sighted the contents of that little hand, at the same time as her actions somewhere smiling, I vehemently regret being involved in cheap feelings.

"I got you."

"Let me go, Spirit of Fire!

Somewhere proudly stuck out Fia's hand was gripped with talking hairballs.

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