The sight of a young girl wrapped around a different beauty than a person with a full smile on her face, offering a hand that held the fluffy one is smiling and cute. Yes. It's very adorable, but the problem is that what's in that hand spoke.

Hey, you just talked about that hairball, didn't you?

I stare at it with the desire that it be a mistake. But to the voice that struck my ear again, my pale expectations blew away.

"Spirit of Fire, I had to go."

I still hear voices from hairballs.

Unlike small animals like rats and squirrels, looks like cotton wool and pom poms are just hairy balls. Wrapped in a long cream colour with hairy feet, it doesn't even resemble the famous Keselan Passalan.

Fishing for knowledge learned in my parents' homes and schools does not have any applicable creatures or warcraft. Various thoughts cross my mind as to whether it is a new species or another by-product of Cellulite-like experiments. At the same time, I felt like I had stuck my neck in something that wasn't nice.

I don't know if you know what's in my chest like that, but it's only as good as a hamster. It's desperate to get out of Fia's hands.

"Mmmm. What a prick!

In her hands, thin, soft hair also shakes. The feeling tickled, or the laughter zeroed when it tickled from the mouth of the fia.

"Phew, fia. What the hell is that creature?

Maybe she knows who it is, asks with anticipation. My voice, asking about the creature I first saw, was trembling more than I thought.

Elsewhere, she answers as she looks up to me with her innocent eyes, trying to calm her mind upset by encounters with unknown creatures.

'I don't know. I walked outside and I found it. "


Hairy balls look back at Fia, who tilted her neck and answered. Then his eyes met with circular eyes peeking through the fluffy hairy gap.

Did you have eyes or something......

In the middle of no longer knowing what to be surprised about, Hairy Ball opened his eyes when he captured me.

"- Human!"

Hairy balls scream and rumble.

A round body made a pong noise and fell out of Fia's hand at the fierce resistance that hit and changed from earlier. At the same time, her voice leaks out of her mouth.


"Run, run, run"

That's what the hairballs out of the restraint say and when they fall to the floor, they melt and disappear to be sucked in softly.


I watched the sight blindly as I heard the unfortunate voice of Fia.

... What was that creature?

Remembers daytime events in a lively talking room with Zawazawa.

After that, when I returned it to me, I immediately checked where the hairballs disappeared. But there was no anomaly in the place where the example creature disappeared, and even if I looked around, there were only signs of me, Fia, Balad, and then the librarian.

It didn't seem like Balad, and that was like a spirit?

He asked me in a hurry to check my surroundings. That is, it seems that it is the same spirit or creature close to it as Fir. Let's just say I'm unfortunate that Celery's lines are thin to save me from the fact that I didn't realize the fia.

However, Fia, who apparently lost interest when the hairballs disappeared, just left the library. It is unfortunate that I had so much to ask about the circumstances in which I discovered it and how long I was chasing it.

Well, I'm going to go to Lady Gray's and Lady Celery's lab after school tomorrow, so even then, I'm going to ask her more.

"They're running out of sweets when they realize it. There have been various other sightings of sobbing trees, uninhabited dancing water, blue souls, dolls moving on the doors that disappear, and there have been rumors lately that the school's Seven Wonders - Master Doyle? Are you all right, sir?

That's how I concluded about the hairy balls during the day, and the voice of Sorcier strikes my ear. Had I looked up, the faces I was having dinner with like Lutze, Jeff and Ballad would have looked at me.

- I did it.

I seem to have missed hearing too many of his words in my thoughts, even though he said that he had provided a rare topic for a sorcier who was often thorough with his listeners.

He came to the dining room to interact with his men for a long time, but the person he invited was rude, such as the sky above.

That's what I thought. I honestly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Solcier. I only heard it on the way."

"No, I don't mind because mine isn't much of a story, but is there something you care about?

A cream-colored object comes to mind behind my brain in that word of sorcier.

Luce and the others might know something...

Lutze and the others are traders, blacksmiths, and magic prop shops, each of whom aspires to a profession that requires professional knowledge. Even if you don't remember me or Balad, they might know.

That's what I thought. I open my mouth to ask the three of you if you know anything about the hairballs.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I ran into an unknown creature. I didn't feel harmful, so it's not that dangerous, but I was concerned because I ran away shortly after observing it in detail."

"What kind of creature were you?

When you hear of an unidentified creature, Xing rides it, and Sorcier smiles with a pleasant grin and asks for the beginning of the story. Looking over, Lutze and Jeff have embarked on themselves, so it doesn't seem to be a problem to move on to this topic.

Having decided that for everyone's reaction, I talk about the creatures I encountered in the library, gesturing and gesturing.

"He was a creature about this size, like a hairball. It's covered in long cream-colored hair with hairy feet, you talk. He has circular eyes like a small animal. The Spirit of Fire at Master Celery's was catching me, but as soon as I had eyes with me, I stormed out of her hand to escape. That's how he escaped, disappearing to be sucked into the floor. It didn't seem to show up in Balad's eyes, so I think it's probably something like the Spirit, but have you heard any rumors of such creatures?

When Luce and Solcier looked at my words, I showed with attitude that I didn't know how to shake my head. Luce then turns to Balad.

"Don't you even know Master Balad?

"... Yep. Unfortunately."

Ballado nods with sincere regret at Lutze's words. Odd, it was a useful opportunity for me around the corner, but you're thinking.

After Fia left, Jeff opened his mouth broadly as he remembered Ballad, who told me, with a very sorry look on his face, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you," he asked about the hairball.

"... didn't Master Doyle see the Mountain Fairy?

"The Mountain Fairy?

If you lean your neck against the word that came out of Jeff's mouth, Jeff nods in a light tone. I'm in a hurry to see how everyone reacts, wondering if it was just me and Balad who didn't know anymore about Jeff like that.

I checked sideways, and Luce and Sorcier were also blinking, so they're not that major of a story. I urge Jeff to follow me as I stroke my chest down that I was not unknown to the world.

"What is a mountain fairy like?

"It's an old legend that passes between dwarves. They look like cotton wool or Worrabit tails, and they say in the mountains where they are, they can get quality wood and minerals."

Listening to the description of the mountain fairy, I recall that Mr. and Mrs. Ferlierer at the blacksmith workshop where Jeff takes care of her was a dwarf.

"They say mountain fairies love sweets, and when they serve honey and sugar sweets, they tell you where the minerals can be excavated. When looking for a new mining site in a village where my parents grew up, you think there is a custom to offer confectionery or something? When I was a kid, I used to steal and eat offerings."

"You have such a legend...... thanks, it was helpful"


I thank Jeff for finishing the conversation, and if I look at Balad, I get a voice back saying "I'll look into it". I just nodded to my trusty squire, and I mouth the tea I had at hand.

and that's when Luce accidentally opened her mouth.

"... out, maybe one of the seven wonders is that mountain fairy"

Even Jeff, Solcier and Balad, who blinked patsy eyes at Luce's words, nod as they were convinced.

"Oh, sure."

"If you ask me,"

"There's a good chance that the Mountain Fairy is a sweet thief."

If you tilt your neck at the four people with the look of being good at it, Ballado will explain to you that he noticed me with a question mark.

"I'm talking about the school seven wonders Solcier was doing earlier."

"Seven Wonders?"

I urge Balad to stay ahead of the conversation, thinking that the seven wonders of school are in every world.

"Yes, seven of them: 'Confectionery Thief', where classrooms, talking rooms, treats you leave in your own room disappear before you know it; 'Sobbing Tree', where you can hear a sobbing noise even though the wind is not blowing; 'Dancing Water', where the water from the siege pond in the courtyard suddenly dances through the universe, 'Blue Soul', which is witnessed in the woods of the horse ranch; 'Disappearing Door', a magic department that you did see when you passed but are not on your way home; 'Moving Dolls', where the dolls in the exhibition room where the works made by the students are stored, move at night; and 'Another Librarian', whose face nobody has ever seen. They've all been witnessed by a lot of students, and it's been rumours lately."

"... right"

In Ballad's explanation, bitter things come up.

Because three of the seven wonders that I have just heard were verses that come to mind.

'Dancing water' first.

This would be the work of Eighty-Nine Albiones. I haven't actually witnessed it, but I hear she works in a siege pond in the courtyard during the day to observe the students. It's no wonder I'm playing surprise with the students as I see them.

Then 'Disappearing Door'.

This must be the hidden room Master Celery built for my training. Built in the same line as Celley-like laboratories, the door appears when you mess with the trick. Occasionally, they say Fia teaches Rafael and Albione and the others there how to use their powers, so I guess that's when they witnessed it. Since the figure of the Spirit not in the vessel is not visible to ordinary students, it seems that only the door appeared to have exited or disappeared in the first place.

And "Moving Dolls".

With regard to this, I remember Rafael happily saying "I did it for the first time, but it's fun to play with dolls" before. Odd, the students must have seen me disappearing and playing.

In that case, "Confectionery Thief" is fine, but I think I've checked on the other seven wonders...

Of the seven, three are more likely to be the work of the body, and the rest are extrapolated. Now those rumors seem to have come out of fashion recently when I brought them back.

"Dear Doyle. Something bothering you?

Ballado asks me that when I'm silent.

"No, about three of the rumors, I know what caused it..."

If I answered that, Lutze gave me a pleasant grin.

"It is"


"Is that true?

Following Lutze, Jeff and Solcier raise their voices of surprise. Then I came up with an exciting look at them, and I came up with a plan.

- It's not a bad idea to confirm the Seven Wonders with the Lutzes.

Think of it, the last time you acted with them was during the Knights of the King's Capital. It was only the first day, and I was on my way to Gardi, Scion, and Zenos.

After that, I climbed the castle in relation to Claire's engagement ceremony, and when I got back to school, it was clear to Lafar and Julia.

None of the rumors are dangerous, if not out of my mind. If it was really dangerous, information should be coming in from around Master Celery and Gray.

I was just hoping I'd have to find out about that hairball, and guys prefer adventure and stuff. It may be extraordinarily fun to examine the Seven Wonders while deepening your interaction with them.

That's what I concluded, and I told the three of them that I knew what I was thinking.

"Do you want to find out the truth about the Dancing Water, Disappearing Doors, and Moving Dolls that you have in mind, and find out about the other seven wonders together?

"" "Absolutely!

I smiled at the three people who ate the suggestion and I mouthed the tea again.

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