Seven days after the tea party that made Claire cry.

Instead of apologizing for my disrespect then, I couldn't even get a glimpse of her.

"- This hair decoration is a drawing that has recently begun to fashion. And this one, because it's a non-endemic shape, many women possess multiple pieces in different colors."

Listen to Jeff, Sorcier, and then Ballado, who is tailoring his tea on the side, to Luce's voice, who explains it as he takes a picture of the hair decoration spread over the stone desk in the underground cave.

But I sighed sneakingly as I couldn't hear from earlier and caught Tierra and the mountain fairies moving and playing with the Earthlings on the edge of my sight.

The painting of the large original hair decoration, even coloured, which Lutze has in his hands, was sent by Mr. Richter, who is in Handel, and he has to give a reply by the end of the day, given the period of transport. So long as I'm sorry that I relied on Lutze like this.

Though I think so, every single thing I've been able to do in the last few days really crosses my mind.

I didn't expect to see Claire again when she said she was in the same school......

Or rather, I don't even feel any sign of what she looks like.

They hide their existence so strictly, it's only for a moment that they can capture Claire's signs. The next moment I thought I'd found it, jamming magic unfolded, with Ballado's ability to explore, but not to track it down, and Claire's appearance has already disappeared, even on her way to the scene immediately.

Though the spirits don't help, and the tough means of getting into the girls' dorm is solemn, what the hell does it mean that me and Ballado can't find Claire looking for this much?

"- Are you okay? Dear Doyle."

He was thinking about it as he remembered the status quo, and Luce glances into my face worried about stopping explaining it.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking a little bit and I wasn't listening."

"No. I was wondering if I could help in this situation."

"I'm sorry you came all this way."

I just apologized again to Luce for comforting me, and Ballado puts tea in front of me.

"We just had tea in, so why don't you take a break?

"Yes, yes."

"There's sweets, too."

Jeff nods at Ballad's suggestion and Solcier puts a bowl of sweets between us. Lutze also seemed in favor of taking a break, pulling the hair decorative drawings he had been spreading over the edge of his desk.


If we nod to the care of the Ballads who try so hard to cheer us up, we all loosen our expressions as if we were relieved.

I wonder if I would have had such a stuffed look on my face that I would have left myself with a slight reflection on my back. And watching each one speak tea per seat, I consider the situation in which I was placed.

Every time I ask Claire's alumni where she is, they say, "Are you Claire? You haven't seen it," he said. "Earlier, Sergeira and I went back to the dorm." Dozens of times.

I thought this was strange, and if I caught a royal and close noble brother and asked him what the circumstances were, he said, "I'm sorry. His Royal Highness Gray has ordered me not to say anything about Princess Claire's whereabouts..."

So if you look into it, almost all the noble children and those who accompany them say they are cooperating in Claire's cloud cover because of Master Gray's life. Nevertheless, the majority of students are not a major obstacle because of the degree to which they adhere to the dictum laid by Master Gray.

The problem is with me and those who are monitoring and jamming Balad, and this is incredibly tough.

Friends of that student come to call when they are flexible in trying to get their mouths cracked, and faculty are called to stop them when they try to get to where they felt Claire's signs, or the road is blocked so that they can't pass quickly.

The technique of hiding Claire's presence and erasing the traces perfectly is so troublesome that I think I'll let Rafael and the others work together to lift all the interrupters, even if it's a perfect time to get in with a surveillance network that always knows what we're doing.

... When was His Highness Grey finding all this talent?

While it's frustrating not to follow Claire, I think about it while admiring me and those who outperform Balad's ability to detect.

and that's when Jeff, who was chatting with the Ballads as he had tea, shrugged.

"- Nevertheless, how long is His Highness Grey willing to keep doing this?


Ballad calls out his name in a tone that makes sense, but Jeff never stopped talking.

"'Cause a good number of noble children are already starting to say,' Isn't it too much for anything? No one speaks up in person yet because they are His Highness, but it's only a matter of time. Also, the general students who have no direct involvement with His Royal Highness or the Princess are beginning to realize that the atmosphere that drifts between the noble children is strange."

Breathtaking for Jeff's words.

I was desperate to find Claire and didn't even care what the Grays' ratings were, but that's not a good thing.

The majority of Epis School students, including knights, magicians, pharmacists and clerks, take up positions involving national politics. Even so, it may affect the reign after graduation, such as getting suspicious eyes from the students.

I ask Lutze and the others with a clear mind that the problem between me and Claire is such an important one.

"... is that a development?

"Yeah, well"

I close my eyelids and look up to heaven to Balad's words, to which I replied on behalf of him, as everyone gave a worrying look.

... What the hell is Master Gray thinking?

It's important if the average student knows about it. As bad as the current situation is, Master Gray understands. His Royal Highness Prince Wang, I don't know how much you feel about Cisco, but you can't tell the difference between public and private.

So, what's the reason for interfering with Claire's contact with me?

- What are you going to say to Claire after him now?

That's what Lady Gray asked me.

On the other hand, there's nothing I can do about Julia that I can't explain, and Claire also said she would have waited, believing me, without explaining, if I'd made up for more time on my side.

No explanation needed... then what word does Master Grey want to say we need?

As I remember the words of that day, thinking about Master Gray's sincerity, a black cat squeaks in the arms of a earthly figure imitating me.

"Have you had a fight with your friend?

"Yep. Well..."

If you nod wondering what a lovely word to 'quarrel with your friends' you can clean up what's happening now, Tierra moves a dirt figure that mimics me and lets me sit in the seat next to her, and she goes down on her desk herself. And he told me.

"We're gonna make up properly before we get far away, right? Because people's lives are at stake."

"... right"

What I recall while answering Tierra's words is the report delivered with the hair decoration drawings. Apparently, the Scion and the others have made a move, and it is Mr. Richter's view that they will soon come into contact with the main body, the Black Snake.

The [ancient snake] to which the flaming snake belongs is a large mercenary regiment, whose members are scattered throughout the countries. If we add his mercenary regiment to the distribution and move it, it will be a great force in pursuit of Maris and Zenos. Therefore, at dawn when the Black Snake Negijo is found, which can be considered the main unit, I decide to go directly to negotiate.

And we're not going back to Majesta until we capture Maris or Zenos.

Honestly, I'm anxious to leave Majesta with everyone...

If you move the soldiers cheaply, it will trigger the war, so the country cannot move until after things have happened. It's the same thing, even if Grandpa or Celery, whose name is too well known, act.

I have anxiety that I can't protect him with this hand, even if something happens to Master Gray, Claire, and Ballad. But if you want to prevent Maris and the others from planning it, it's best if I move without my name or face penetrating.

I'm also getting ready for that.

I did everything possible to experiment with the abilities of the Yulia clan, and I reviewed my own equipment and abilities. In order to delay my discovery of my absence, Tierra was thus also given a replacement earthly shape.

All we have to do is leave as soon as the actions of Theon, [the ancient snake], and Maris and the others are grasped.

- It'll be a long journey, I'm sure.

We will keep Master Gray and Claire waiting, not knowing when we will be able to return and not being certain that we will be able to return. Still decided to go.

Claire would be saddened if she just got engaged and disappeared without a detailed explanation. So at least at the ball, I wanted to prepare a jumping gift to please you, but this situation is a lifeless one.

Would it have turned out a little differently if I had at least told Master Gray that I would be leaving Majesta soon? But don't bother if they say 'I'm going too'... etc., Solcier opened his mouth to shake off the heavier atmosphere.

"When you see them lined up that way, Master Doyle and the dirt shapes for the replacement look really like each other"

"Thank you. I'm practicing Doyle's tricks and habits so I can't get away with it right away."

That said, Tierra made me stand in the earthly shape that mimicked me, and with graceful motion she picked up the board that was rolling on the floor and made me sit down again. Then he put the board he had picked up at his desk without a sound, and offered it to the Lutze and the others.

Everyone exhales as impressed by the series of earthly movements. He then spoke his thoughts in the order of Lutze, Jeff and Solcier.

"It works perfectly to stand and sit"

"Oh. Just like that"

"It's similar to not making noise when you put things down."


In the light of the praise, Tierra teases the board placed by the earthly figure with her forefoot while saying thank you. If you look closely, the board was a passage bill that Rafael used to love.

Only half. Then I raise my gaze, and I tell everyone.

"It would be nice if Tierra were in this land, but when she's calling her to me, the doll's movements would be monotonous, so it would be helpful if you could help me"

"" "" Yes ""

Four people nod at my words.

Then a beat later, Jeff raised his voice to his surprise.

"What. Master Balad, aren't you following Master Doyle?

"Yes. Even with the high degree of completeness of the earthly form and the excellent skills of the earthly spirits, there are shortcomings raised by Doyle earlier. Because we need someone to deal with when the doll needs to be a substitute."

Balad's answer gives a mixed look of interest and surprise, not only to Jeff, but also to Luce and Solcier. Seeing those three, Balad spins more words as he says "to it".

"Otherwise, Master Doyle said, 'Believe me, wait for me to return'. Even if you feel uneasy about an indefinite voicemail, even if it's hard not being on your side, and you're worried and your chest is about to rip, I'll believe what Doyle has to say and wait for you!

To Ballad, who is so clear, breathtaking.

When I told him to leave a message, he thought he had given me so much thought about the importance of the job because we entrusted him with the role of following the Earthlings together, but he wasn't.

Do you believe my words and wait, or...

At the same time as I am pleased with Balad's loyalty for saying so, I can revive Master Gray's words.

No excuse to be with Julia, no explanation of the Maris or Zenos I have, no words to hang with Claire.

This kind of thing, I think, looks at Balad.

At that time, I knew the answer to the words asked. If so, all you have to do is arrange a gift and go to Master Gray.

I think so, and in an attempt to decide on a gift, if you reach for the hair decorative drawings that were placed on your desk, the board that Earthlings placed earlier makes a snagging catan noise on your finger.

And what caught my eye was a bill of passage that Rafael praised for its beautiful painting.

- One painting to complete for the first time by combining the two.

When I saw it, it flashed, and I took the purple balls out of the subspace and put them on my desk.



"Give this to the craftsman and have it split in two"

If you tell him that as you open the soft cloth that was wrapped in purple balls, Lutze screams with her eyes rounded.

"Are you going to break it? Take this stunning purple ball? You're not half-witted!?

"Oh. Break it in two. So..."

I tell Lutze in a hurry how to process purple balls that I've come up with.

Then, Luce's face, which had such an incredible look on her face, gradually changed, and by the time she had finished explaining it, she was staring at the purple balls placed on the tabletop with the eyes of a merchant who conceived the value of the product.

"With that intention, it may not be bad to be. Rather, the higher the value of the original condition, the more meaning it may make to the act of breaking......"

I ask, grinning bitterly at Luce, who tells me I don't even understand but it's a shame.

"Can we make it?

"... the substantive task is just to break it in two and chain it up. We're putting the King's Capital on standby for a skilled craftsman, so lend us one feniche for transport and we'll be there in time."

"Then, please"

If he told him so as he stroked his chest down, Luce looked at the purple balls with a seemingly complicated eye for a moment. But as soon as he switches his expression, he re-wraps it with a cloth that was laid with purple balls with a respectful hand.

"I'm in awe. Let's hang in the name of the Hendra Chamber of Commerce and finish what Doyle wants."

"Oh, I got it"

That's what I told Luce, who broke his hip with a perfect grin, I turn to the Ballads who watched the conversation.

"I'm going to have a little chat with Master Gray."

And I stood up to go to Master Gray.

Break up with the Ballads about cleaning up and then going back, and I walk down the hallway in the dorm alone.

A figure that will gradually disappear if you proceed towards the deepest part of the hallway lined with rooms where noble children live. I know I'm already on my way to see where there are no escorts or squires, rather than the students who bicker, and they're paying people around their rooms.

- You're still acting fast.

I thought while I was looking for Claire, but those who currently work as samurai hands and feet on Master Gray's side act fast. How many men does Master Gray have as his men, Claire's escort, me, Balad surveillance, and whoever executed the payroll?

With that in mind, I pause in front of Master Gray's room and knock on that heavy door.

"It's Doyle. I need to talk to you, so could you give me a moment?"

"Get in."

I push the door open and enter the room, thinking I was still waiting for the reply I heard without taking a breath.

"Excuse me."

When I said that and proceeded to the inside of the room, I immediately met Master Gray, who sat on the bench.

There's no sign of anything but the two of us indoors, and they've only been waiting alone. Master Gray urges them to sit in a bench placed across the street with his gaze.

And when I followed the silent instructions and lowered my back to the bench, I slowly opened my mouth.

"- Did you find any words to hang on Claire?

The words hung were what I expected. But the voice color is calm, no anger or intimidation. I thought it would start with a scolding, and I was greeted with an unexpected attitude and upset inside.

Nevertheless, I couldn't wait any longer, and I was prepared to respond to Master Gray's inquiry.


If you answer with your eyes straight across the street, a second, two seconds and time will pass and silence will fall between us.

Was that about five seconds ago? Master Gray shrugs away from me.

"Then fine."


I said, "Hey."

Raise your voice unexpectedly to Lady Gray's words and you will be told to do so lightly.

"No, no. Come on, that's so light!

Confusion precedes anger in salvation and forgiveness given.

Then why didn't you let me meet Claire by the time she was obstinate? What did Master Gray want to do? Various words run through my head.

Lady Gray tells me quietly that you have noticed my confusion.

"I'm sorry I swung back. You have a right to complain to me because I've done a lot of unreasonable tricks this time. If you're unhappy, let's hear it all."

When Master Gray says so and corrects his posture, he enters a listening position.

I understand you're not really mad at me for what I look like, but I'm gonna pull myself out of my body and put myself in a bench. This was the first time I had ever known more about Master Gray's thoughts.

"Weren't you angry that you made Claire cry?

"Half serious, but half acting"

"What, acting?

I thought I'd have to gather information for now. Ask me that, and I'll get that answer back.

"If you're just committed to not hurting Claire, you're mouthing it at the time Jin named Julia. I didn't stop knowing it would be a fight, and then I didn't let you guys stubbornly see each other to give Claire time to chill her head and to make you realize their abilities. And then it's a return of interest to you, who underestimate me so much."

Slowly bite the words of Lady Gray, who was told pale, and think of their meaning.

I still know what it means to chill Claire's head. But what does' their abilities' mean that I'm underestimating Master Gray, which I wanted to show you?

That must have been my question on my face. Master Gray told him a little lonely.

"- Are you going anytime soon? Leaving the Majesta to settle with Maris and the others."

Unexpectedly keep an eye on the words out of Master Gray's mouth.

... Since when did this guy know?

Lady Gray laughs at me like I'm in trouble, looking back at me with stunning or flashy faces.

"Daimyo, you thought I'd be in trouble if I told you I was going to follow you, and you were going to shut up? At this age, I can understand my position and strength. Don't worry, I know it's gonna be a leg clump and I'm not stupid enough to follow you."

I couldn't find a word to hang on to Master Gray, who said that and laughed bitterly.

I didn't think it was broken...

If Master Grey was aware of the trip and was waiting for him to come to report it, I suppose I was actually underestimating him for trying to go silently.

Master Gray was going to drop me off happy. Then I wanted to make me realize that 'their ability' to leave the country is no way...

What comes to mind are those who deceived me and Ballad and hid and protected Claire for the past seven days.

"Did you want to show them you were interfering with me or Balad?

If you ask them imagining the sincerity of thinking about making me realize their abilities, Master Gray nods with a freaking look that says you understand.

"I'm inferior to you and Jin, but I think they're pretty good. Did you burn your hands?

"Yes, very much."

Tell me what you think, Master Gray laughs satisfactorily.

And besides, when you correct your posture, you stare at me from the front.

"Hey, Doyle."

"... what is it?

Contrary to the mild call, the eyes directed at me by Master Gray were serious.

"I also had a lot of men like Doyle burning his hands. Your father is alive and well, as are Chancellor Libro and Lord Alan. As long as Lord Zeno and Lord Celery are retired, the Majesta will not waver - so when the time comes, feel free to go. You go home. We protect this land, so we'll be fine. You don't have to worry about anything else."

To Master Gray's words, I look at childhood taming in an unspeakable way.

- Just to tell me all this.

This man's throat clogged when he wondered if he was prepared to make his position worse.

You wanted to tell me that this childhood tampering is okay by actually showing and letting me know that there are a lot of people around Master Gray besides me who can do just this.

Don't mind me, just so I can get away from this land.

So that we can just focus on chasing Maris and the others.

"Those who, while complaining, say, 'If it were Gray's life', would also go along with such absurdity. As you know, they're all hard mouthed, good at hiding and protecting, and if they're armed, they have gin. Even if you're not on your side, they'll protect me and Claire without scratching one. So, Doyle, you do what you can."

I nod slowly at the familiarity who pushes my back and says we're fine.

"- Yes."

Lady Gray nodded at me like that.

Whether I can get suspicious eyes from students who don't know what's going on, I open my mouth to say thank you to childhood friends who acted to make me believe only one word: 'I'm fine'.

But Master Gray, when he waves his head small as if thanksgiving were unnecessary, spins his words in a brighter voice than before.

"Have you already decided when you're going?

I told Master Grey I didn't want to thank him. I secretly informed him of my plans while I had unspeakable feelings.

"It depends somewhat on the information from the Richters, but at the latest before spring"

"Right. I hope I can drop off my senior graduation together."

"Spring," Lady Gray muttered without a sound as she turned her eyes to the outside wrapped in silver, saying so. I can't find a word to put on that lonely look somewhere, and I just nod.


"Well, this isn't all a problem that I can handle, even if I say it. Let's hope the people you're chasing keep you company for a while now."

"Excuse me."

"It's not about you apologizing. Instead, I have to leave it to you, who are still students, the immorality of me and my father."

Yes, I'm quite clear, Master Gray tells me that he's going back to me with the gaze he was looking out the window.

"Don't worry, I'll take Claire to you on prom day."


"Claire has less information to know than I do. In the meantime, I guess I was just anxious to clearly feel the signs that you were leaving. I don't deserve to be the wife of the Duke of Aginis... but after a long time away, unlike me, I haven't been on my side for a year. I didn't have to fold my emotions well. I'm sorry to bother you at a time like this, but forgive me."

Lady Gray, who apologizes, seemed complicated, wondered what Claire, who suffers from not being able to find a place to feel down, and the meaning and importance of the action I'm about to take, and wondered if it bothered me.

Indeed, Claire's search was difficult, and there was frustration with Master Gray, who obstinately obstructed her. But now that I understand the sincerity hidden behind it, I'm generally not willing to blame Master Gray.

So I respond to Master Gray with a bright voice.

"You must be your son because you've made Claire worry about you so much and you've made her struggle. Instead, I'm worse in nature for making her feel the same way over and over again"

"Claire says you're better off knowing that. Though he is immature who cannot practice his readiness."

That's what Mr. Grey says and laughs at me for telling him to stand aside.

It was a misleading conversation, but it's just right for us right now.

"Speaking of which, have you decided on a gift for Claire? I've been worried sick for so long."

"Yeah. Actually, stop decorating my hair."

I smile and answer Master Gray's query.

That's how we kept having a hell of a conversation so we could spare our breakup.

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