Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode One Hundred Ninety-Three: Gray von Majesta, Claire von Majesta

[Grey von Majesta Perspective]

That was when autumn passed and the exhaling breath began to fade white.

After dinner, I was headed to the conversation room to interact with everyone, and I ran into Doyle, who would be on my way back to my room.


"Master Grey."

Doyle answered my call in the same way he always did, but if you look closely, the hem of his clothes is cut everywhere. Doyle has long been a man of unrelenting effort. So I asked lightly that I would have been working out again.

"Workout till this hour?

Doyle snorts, as I imagined.

"- Yeah."

That was less than a beat if I said it was my fault.

But I realized that Doyle was doing more than just a workout with a slightly delayed response and a shaken gaze on the verge of opening his mouth.

- Were you ready to fight the Maris and the others?

I don't have any certainty, but I thought so very naturally. Otherwise it would be a familiarization survey.

One day Doyle suddenly brought in a criminal named Zenos and a man named Maris who took him away.

And Julia that she is a compatriot of Maris.

Speaking of what I know about them, about what Maris and Zenos were plotting to overthrow Majesta, and the fact that the Yulian clan is not human, then about the relationship between the Terapeia brothers and sisters and Zenos.

There seems to be a lot more hidden information......

There were many changes with Lord Celery, who began to look like Yulia who moved to Doyle's place and the loads on his shoulders, Doyle, who became more encouraged to train, Scion and mercenaries who disappeared from Majesta.

But I guess I shouldn't be involved in this matter, to tell from Doyle's stubborn mouth about them.

"The more."


I thought it would bother me to hear more about it. I had that conversation and broke up with Doyle.

But somehow I get my hair back, and I look back. Then, on its back, away from telling nothing, overlapped the memory of the young days.

As a result of accepting the silent rejection, Doyle's past of not returning from my side passed his head and tried to call it off by accident. But I rethinked that I should not be disturbed, and I shut my mouth without uttering a word.

Unlike childhood, when everything was vague, Doyle is now my knight in history and Claire's fiancée. There's really a place for him to go, and a reason to leave is for the good of the country. If so, I told myself that Doyle would never go without telling me a word, and I dropped off my back going back to my room.

I can't say I want to go with you...

Except for the current king, I'm the only boy to name Majesta's royal family. That's why I have to be safe and protected. Even if, for example, you realize your dear friend is trying to jump into danger by herself -.

I broke up with Doyle, and I go down the hallway alone, listening to the tricks and my own footsteps.

I don't think the action I took this time was the best. But even if I didn't know when Doyle was going back, I couldn't let Claire mislead me with her true intentions.

This is the second time Doyle's ever left us. I think of him all the way. Claire's feelings deserve to be called love, but if he goes in the wrong direction, it's gonna be a big deal. I had to let Claire make the decision to stay of her own free will, given the strength of her actions when she risked her life to stop her engagement with Prince Adele's king.

This way, you can only interfere with Doyle and Claire while you're in school......

Though childhood and sister, if you graduate and start moving as a king prince in earnest, you won't be able to say anything to your personal life under one roof.

- If I had to drop Doyle off, I wanted to at least turn down my hindsight worries.

Nevertheless, this time it was too forceful. There would have been a way to make it more convenient, but I no longer thought Doyle was willing to go silently, so I hurriedly struck a hand that I couldn't even say was good for flattery.

So reflecting, I walk imagining what I would carry if I were your father.

Two boys students were in front of the door that reached them that way. When they put me in sight, one of them worships gracefully and the other takes a knight's thank you.

- Take it easy.

"" Yes ""

Correct their stand up posture with that word of mine. They are the sons of the Viscount family, who have succeeded the Count family and produced numerous knights who pledge allegiance to the royal family for generations. A few others, or fights, have helped me in this one one-sided case, and they are all loyal candidates after Doyle and Jin.

"Is Claire the only one in the room?


I nod at the words of the Count heir and put them in my hands at the door.

"Sometimes Claire and I need to talk, so don't let anyone come in"

"I'm in awe"

If you speak like that just in case, the Count Inheritance breaks his back saying he understands. The son of the Viscount who was listening to our conversation next to him opens his mouth with an indescribable expression.

"Your Highness Gray."


"This is the case, isn't it just too much? It is a well-known fact that Master Aginis's loyalty should not be called into question, and it is an open secret that he is being driven more by mercenaries and private soldiers. There are many voices that say 'Is it enough' for Aginis to be searched around on her own feet, and the unrelated students are beginning to notice strange things. This will continue to affect His Highness Grey in the future..."

Listen to the words of the Viscount, who spoke with perseverance while seeping worry. His Highness, who is not afraid of his identity as "His Royal Highness the King" and thus advises him, is precious.

- I'm blessed with my men.

And that's Doyle's presence is huge. Nature and his subordinate candidates were eliminated because of the many titles he had shown me in deference.

Some destroyed themselves trying to kick Doyle down, while others sold themselves in as more capable, eventually leaving without showing more ability than others.

All that remained were those who wished they could work for their country even if they could not take it as far as Doyle, or those whose ambitions were so mindful.

Therefore, I was able to consolidate my territory by leading them to a place where they could harness their abilities and by promising them a status and treatment commensurate with their work.

When I think of the faces of my men, who also burned Doyle's hand, I answer the Viscount who told me worried.

"Don't worry. I've just been talking to Doyle. I'm sorry I let you hang out on personal matters. Don't worry, I'll let Claire finish it today."

If I told them that, they both obviously loosened their expressions.

"There you go."

"Though I didn't know, I mentioned that I went too far. Forgive me."

I open my mouth, grinning bitterly at the relieved breathing Count Inheritance and the deeply bowing Viscount.

"No. Thanks for the advice. My father used to say," If you can't praise anyone, it's over, "because he thinks I'm right. Don't hesitate to tell me if you have any concerns."

"- Yes."

If you say a word of gratitude, the Viscount answers so, and once again, takes the knight's thanks. Next to it I opened the door as the Count's heirs gracefully broke their hips.

Then he advances his legs into the room, with a worried look on his cheek cane, and speaks to Claire, who looks out the window.

"It can't be, Claire."

"... Shut up, brother"

Pull the chair across from Claire and sit back as she said so. And I said back to my sister with an unfaithful, lonely look on her face.

"My men said, 'How many sisters, though you're cute, aren't you too blind? Shut up about your brother, who left Doyle even though he was advised to."

Claire has a bad look on my words, and she lowers her brow.

"... I appreciate that. And that your brother keeps me like this. As it were, I would have done more foolishness and caused more trouble to Master Doyle."

"We can't let those who are about to challenge the cause hear the shackled words."


That's what I said, I lay my eyes down on Claire, and I exhale a small, soothing breath. Apparently, Claire's feelings have calmed down a lot for the past seven days, except for the fact that she's been in isolation during class.

Claire, who shows an extraordinary passion when it comes to Doyle, is a sword of all blades. So I never let Claire go to see me while Doyle came looking for me.

If you are told to "believe me and wait," it is fine, but if you say "I want to go with you" or "Don't leave me" etc, it will be a heavy shackle for Doyle.

Something that I don't think I understand, but that doesn't stay with people's emotions. I can also think enough of leaving it to the momentum to say it. I thought so and put Claire on surveillance as well, but if I realized that my actions had been restricted and I seemed to understand why correctly, I would be fine now.

Having made that decision, I open my mouth to Claire to let her know it's time to make a decision.

"Doyle came to see me earlier"

"You can't bother Doyle's hands any more. So get ready, too."

Looking into Claire's eyes, who raised her face in reaction to Doyle's name, I utter words to push her back.

"If you can't, resign your fiancée. There won't be a warrant to reject Doyle now."

"Oh, I don't like it! Doyle's fiancée won't give up to anyone."

So I immediately answered, staring straight into Claire's eyes, and I spin the last word.

"- Then selfishness is over. Claire."

If I told him so to tell him, Claire gave him a crying look.

[Claire von Majesta Perspective]

I decide to be prepared that this time has finally come for the words of my brother, who will mark the end.

Thinking of the country, it is necessary to say goodbye to Master Doyle. Even with that understanding, knowing that this is an emotion that needs to be swallowed up, it's hard and sad to say goodbye to a loved one.

"With you, you know what I mean?

I close my eyes softly, nodding at the words of my brother, who inquires kindly.

It was at the beginning of winter that I realized that Master Doyle's eyes were looking at a distant land.

Gradually less time spent with us, instead a little anxiety about Master Doyle, who had more time with Master Julia, and by the time I relied on a handover to look into it, it was already late.

Not only the mercenaries you had at hand, but also the former Kingsguard knights who became Doyle-like private soldiers after their engagement, had disappeared from the Majesta.

At the same time, the atmosphere changed dramatically, Master Celery. That gentle look was reminiscent of Zeno after the retirement match, and I realized that this one was also entrusted with something by Doyle and left the line.

Master Doyle is ashamed of the name he bears.

And those who chose to fight for the Majesta and hence for us.

If I noticed, I felt like Doyle, who had often disappeared, was close to going to battle.

- Don't go.

If I could say that, how easy would it be? But I can't tell you.

I know that once we had a frustrating past, but therefore we were trying not to betray everyone's expectations ever again.

I know it's up to you to protect the Majesta even at the expense of yourself.

I know that it is only when we think of ourselves that weapons are fought in our hands.

And yet how can I say don't go because I'm afraid of losing it?

It's just an excuse, like about Master Julia. It wasn't uncomfortable having a woman besides me on my side, or regretting being abandoned. I just didn't want Master Doyle to leave me.

I was only fortunate not to say that to Master Doyle then......

If I told you, I'd put Master Doyle in trouble. On the other hand, I think so, I have myself moaning that I've finally come to the side.

For a long time, I waited a year because of my age difference, even after Master Doyle, who was away, returned to his brother. And we finally met.

If you reach out, there's a Doyle within reach.

I can exchange words and feel the finesse of my heart.

Now, I didn't think you'd let it bother you alone anymore.

But now, Master Doyle stretches his hands and legs out of the country, and his eyes look to his enemies in the distant land. And in the near future, they will go to battle.

To protect the magista we live in.

Loneliness and the fear you might lose, then, the nasty you can only wait. Swallow those emotions up and gently open your eyes.

My heart screams if I don't want to leave, but the thought of not wanting to interfere with Master Doyle is also in me, indeed.

- You can't waste your brother's attention after bothering your busy Doyle.

I think of your brother for selfishly dating Master Doyle, who has annoyed you, and swallows his personal feelings. And he stared into the gentle Bi eyes watching me, opening his mouth.

"- I understand everything. Brother."

"Then no matter what Doyle tells you, can you snort at him?


If you snort at the words you teach, your brother tells me that in a gentle tone.

"Trust the word. Surveillance solves. I won't even stop going to Doyle's, so you can do whatever you want."


"However, you can wait in your room when you're ready for prom day. I promised Doyle I'd deliver you responsibly, so I'll escort you between the dorm and the venue."

"Yes, sir."

If you respond that way, your brother will rise.

"That's it. I'm going back to my room, but what are you gonna do? I'll send you back if you want."

"I'll be here a little longer."

Your brother, who heard my reply, whines, "Well," he says goodbye and walks out.

I looked softly into the window, dropping off my brother until he disappeared beyond the slow-closing door.

Outside the window, completely covered in snow, there was a world of white, reminiscent of Doyle-like swords.

That's how it came, prom day.

Dressed in a shaped dress that I've never worn much, worn on my body line, I head to the ballroom while my brother escorts me.

"I hear you haven't met Doyle yet."


"Less than ten days after that tea party, are you nervous in person for the first time in a long time?

"Just a little. But I'm fine. Don't worry, we won't bother Master Doyle anymore or imitate the mud on your brother's face"

To my reply, your brother smiled loosely when he whined "well."

I smile back at your brother like that and look forward. That's how it's the students dressed in colorful costumes. The hallway leading to the ballroom is full of students, and you can hear the sounds of fun coming from there.

"That dress looks great on you."

"Oh, thank you"

Passing next to the students who have such an initial conversation, I turn to the crowd to find Master Doyle.

But I didn't have to look, and I found that look. Even if it's an overflowing passage with students waiting to open, only one seems to be in my eyes.

"Brother, over there"

"You're a boulder."

If you pull your arm to let them know you found it, your brother says so and laughs.

"Let's go to Doyle."


I nod at your brother's words and step out.

A cold breeze strokes his neck every step of the way because he's tying his hair up, and an unusually long hem tangles up his legs and makes it difficult to walk. But walk in a beautiful posture without putting the cold or the infirmity on your face.

- I can't let Master Doyle look unusual anymore.

The day your brother told you to leave me free, you never visited Master Doyle from me. Instead, I went to a review of my standing behavior and a practice where I smiled and said, "Please go".

Don't pry, drop off pleasantly, protect your home, and welcome you with a smile. That is the role of the woman who married the nobleman.

If I want to be recognized as the Duchess of Aginis, I must do my part.

With words of apology in my chest that I have reconsidered many times, I turn to Master Doyle for shameless deeds in the Duchess' name.

And finally, your brother called on Master Doyle, who approached the distance of his voice.

"Doyle, as promised, I've got Claire."

"Thank you, Master Gray"

Dear Doyle, who thanked his brother, then turned to me.

"- Claire."

That voice I've heard for a long time is gentle and exasperates guilt in purple eyes where anger and disgust do not float with fine dust. Without offending me for popping out of the room like that, on the contrary, my chest is tight and painful to Master Doyle, who reassures me that I was able to see him again this way.

But you can't get stuck in words here. I am disqualified as a fiancée, such as to allow Doyle to spin even words of apology for my foolish behavior.

"Dear Doyle. At the tea party the other day, I'm very sorry for your loss. After that, I apologize for taking so many trips to see you while you were busy"

If Mr. Doyle, who was about to open his mouth, told him so before he spoke, his purple eyes would be slightly opened.

It's not enough to apologize for the inconvenience you've caused this time, but I can't say any more words on this occasion when people are there.

It seems that Master Doyle also understands that blinking my words slowly opens my mouth to choose words.

"I'm sorry too. I'll get Balad ready for you later, will you listen to me?


As well as I nodded at Master Doyle's offer, I could hear the music announcing the opening of the ball.

"Looks like we're open, so let's go."

Master Doyle tells me that he is going to offer me his hand as the students enter the venue where the light tone rings.

"Best regards,"

If you lay your hands on it like that, you can get a soft grin from Master Doyle.


I hold that hand, looking at the gently narrowed purple color.

That's how I stepped out to say goodbye to my beloved.

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