The venues used for ceremonies such as the entrance ceremony and graduation ceremony were busy with gloriously dressed students.

On the dance floor prepared in the centre, paired men and women dance with pleasure, and on both sides of them tongue drums on prepared snacks and drinks while tired students and those looking for someone to dance with ridicule.

And on the altar at the back of the room, the orchestra prepared by the school plays a beautiful tone.

Beginning with a relaxed song just to say, shoulder to shoulder, from lighthearted to moist atmosphere songs, intense songs for dance advanced, etc., the students were choosing their favorite songs and enjoying dancing.

Me and Claire, one of them.

Left foot forward, right foot slightly forward to the side, left foot aligned to right foot.

Forward your right foot, stand with your left foot on your side toes, align your right foot with your left foot.

Forward your left foot, stand your right foot with your side toe, align your left foot with your right foot, retract your right foot, side your left foot, and press your toe to align your right foot with your left foot.

Fit the song and take the steps.

Dance with Claire, taking care not to push or pull.

Then Balad's figure standing near the entrance plundered his sight.

Apparently, you've got a place to talk to Claire.

I just wanted some more time...

I turn my gaze to you and Claire as I whine about that in my chest to Ballado, who is fast at work. Just now, she was just looking at me, too, and I got eyes on her.

Her gaze involved slightly opening Claire's blue eyes, but as soon as she returned her expression she nodded small. They just looked at each other, and they figured out that she was ready for a conversation.

Keep dancing, smiling bitterly at Claire, who has a good guess.

The end of the song was almost here.

I remember interacting with Claire before I entered, listening to the melody that was gradually coming to an end.

Apologize to the opening if you seem angry, and if you seem obstinate, let's start by complimenting her outfit by following the stones between the men and women. She said she had thought of words to go to Claire many streets that way, but the actual action she took was unexpected.

"Dear Doyle. At the tea party the other day, I'm very sorry for your loss. And then again, while you were busy, I apologize for taking so many trips to see you. '

I didn't expect to be apologized for earlier, so all I could say was, "I was bad too," and I came to the ballroom with Claire's hand to delude me.

This one case would have just seemed like I'd been swept away in the eyes of someone who didn't know what to expect to travel or Master Gray's sincerity.

As a matter of fact, I was the wingman running around the school.

But after all that hard work, I wanted to apologize to Claire and say, "Claire's nothing wrong."

- That was the first time.

That was the first time Claire had asked me to 'do this' between the day I first met her and today.

After I settled with Master Gray, I went back to my room to think about my past and future with Claire. And I noticed.

There were times when Claire insisted that I was good and that I didn't like it.

But I never questioned my thoughts or forced my words.

When I was a kid, Claire came after me, scattered or hidden, and if she noticed, she was on my side.

But I don't remember being told 'I want you to come see me'.

Even after she stopped going to the castle, she had sent many letters. Even if I don't write back, keep Grey and his own updates and letters guiding my health regularly.

But there was never a letter spelled out asking for a reply.

When I realized that fact, I regretted the action I had taken at the Tea Party.

The question that Claire posed at that time was certainly unanswerable.

I have no regrets for my decision to go after Maris or Zenos, and I still take it for granted to keep those matters secret from Claire.

But I regretted from the bottom of my heart that I wish Claire hadn't clouded and easily bounced the demands on me that she had made the first time.

Couldn't there have been more to do? Even if I can't explain about Julia, how could I not let her drive so far as to exhaust another word?

Yes, I really thought so.

There was nothing I could do.

But I should have done something about it.

I could not settle my own mind, which contradicted reality.

But that's a natural consequence.

The time that has passed does not return, because there are only so few things I can do as a human being, and there are so many things in this world that cannot be counted, such as a reality that cannot be overridden.

So I thought about what I could do.

That's how I came to the conclusion: 'I don't blame Claire for this one'.

Or that's all I could do.

No matter what anyone tells me, I've decided to go.

... and yet, because I was apologized for earlier.

Reality is something that cannot remain.

With that in mind, I stop at the end of the song and face Claire.

"Thank you"

"Welcome, thank you. Dear Doyle."

After a slow movement and an end greeting, I offer my arm to Claire.

"There's a break, let's talk a little over there"


That's how me and Claire, armed together, walked out towards the entrance and exit where Ballado waited.

We left the venue, moving down the aisle we were waiting for before the opening.

Before the ball began, it was just a wide aisle. At present, the place was lined with countless desks, making it a brief resting place for the students.

In the aisle, where the hustle and bustle of the venue flows through the calm air as if it were a lie, students enjoying a desk enclosure and conversation, as well as men and women giving gifts, can be seen as potatoes.

Pass in front of the students who are interested in the conversation and walk a few minutes. At the end of the desk dotted across the aisle, there was that seat that Ballado would have prepared.

"- Well, I'm holding back over there, so please speak up when you need me."

Ballado, who led me and Claire to a desk where drinks and snacks were prepared, said so, showing the table next door about five meters away.

"Oh. Thanks"

"Thank you, Master Balad"

"Please, enjoy your stay"

Ballad, who broke his hip, tells him so, he leaves before us.

You've made me care......

I thank Balad in my heart for not making footsteps, but moving quickly.

Then I turned to Claire, who stood next to me.

"Which one do you want?

Ask from the right for drinks arranged in the order of water, citrus juice and warm tea in the pot, and Claire responds after being a little lost.

"So can I have some fruit juice?


Pour the fruit juice into the two glasses that were prepared and give one to Claire.

"Go ahead."

"Thank you"

Claire lays her mouth on the glass, and I drink fruit juice, too. Its fruit juice, similar in taste to orange, was reasonably cold and just right for a body warmed by dancing.

Keep quiet and mouth each other drinks. The silence was somewhat awkward, and I looked out the window.

Even though it was starting to melt a little in the last few days, harrowing and snowing again, it was dyeing branches and roofs white that were regaining ground color and trying to turn the outside back into the silver world.

- Cotton.

The sound of putting the glass away plundered my ears at that time when I had thoughts like, "This looks pretty cumulative" on the view outside.

Take your gaze off the window. And if you look next to me, there was Claire who could correct her posture and look at me.

- Dear Doyle,

"Say no more, Claire"

If you block out Claire's words, who opened her mouth the way she decided to, there will be confusion in her blue eyes. But you can't let her continue here.

If I get a full apology, I'll finally lose my standing...

I put the glass on my desk and I take the long thin box out of the subspace and kneel in front of Claire. Then I opened the box and offered her the ornament inside to look like her.

"Hair decorations seem to dominate now, but I want to give this necklace away"

Inside the box is a single crack of purple balls broken into two pieces, containing a single piece of silver chained necklace fitted with a ring-shaped pedestal made of silver.

"Dear Doyle..."

Why, Claire whines without speaking up.

I smile at her and say how she blocks the apology, and I take the necklace out of the box.

He then removed the crack he was wearing from under his clothes.

"I'm breaking balls that were originally one, so when we put the two together on this street, we go back to a beautiful sphere"

While explaining, I actually showed the cracks together, releasing the necklace on my neck, putting the other one on my palm, and offering it to Claire.

And stared into Claire's eyes, spinning her promise.

"When it's all over, I swear I'll connect the two and return them to the balls and give you a ring with that stone. So I want you to have this until the day I finish my job."

That's a word that promises a future we haven't seen yet with Claire.

I saw a bill of lading made on the assumption that the two would go together and came up with this.

I don't make pieces of stone worn in my necklace meaningless, like the passage note that came with Tierra. One day, I will return to the shape of a ball and give it to her.

- For that matter, no matter what happens, I'm going back to Claire.

Take Claire's hand, which was listening to my words as she watched over her eyes, and put a necklace in that hand, which is a testament to her vows.

"There are many things I can't talk about, and I sometimes go far away. You'll make me anxious or worried because of it, but I swear to this stone that I will return to you."

Claire, who chewed her lips to tears at my words, tells her with a trembling voice.

"... even though you know it's a question you shouldn't ask, you're an immature person who can't be impatient enough to say it, are you sure?

I look into Claire's anxiously shaking eyes and laugh.

Then wrap her hands around her own hands so that she can hold the neckline and stand up. And I told her confidently, just like she was doing to me.

"I don't know if I'm immature, but I like Claire. So, please, wait for my return in this land."

In my words, a grain of tears falls from my blue eyes and tells Claire's cheek.

But the next moment, she laughed like a blossom.

"- Yes!

I'll take the ornament out of Claire's nodded hand and hang it around her neck.

When the clasp of the neckline was clasped in and his hands gently removed from the chain, he made a noise with Charin and the shards of purple balls swayed at Claire's neck.

- Two months after the ball.

Richter gave me a report that I had located the home of the Black Snake, the main body of the Mercenary Regiment [Ancient Snake], and I was taking to the deepest part of the Miscellaneous Woods in the Horse Ranch.

It's true that spring is in the dark...

Across Bran, I look up at the sky in the middle of the night and morning, and then drop my gaze on Julia clinging to Bran's neck.

"Have you forgotten anything? Julia."

"Yeah, I'm fine... hey. Are you sure you want to cross this? If I fell from this height, I'd be dead, wouldn't I?

Blanc laughs with her nose like she made a fool of herself when she looks at the bridge made of ice and calls for Julia.

"Your husband was made, so you'll be fine."

"'Cause it's too high to see the bottom of the valley."


"I am originally a weak maiden!

I raise my voice to block the conversation between the two of them because it doesn't seem to end when I let go of Bran, who is unhappy with putting me on board, and Julia, who can't hide her frustration from fear or frustration.

"- That's it. I want to cross the border by noon, so I'm leaving now."

"Hey, people talk -"

Ignoring Yulia, who complained, I hold Bran's reins.

"Sorry to give you both a ride, but please, Bran. Come on, let's go!

"Leave it to me -!

With that said, if you tap your belly lightly with your feet, Bran hisses and runs out.

"~ Eh."

Finished crossing the bridge while listening to Julia's voiceless screams, Bran changes direction and runs to the border in light steps.

In the meantime, I returned the ice bridge to the water and turned my attention only once to the direction where the Epis School building was located.

"- All the time, I look forward to the return of Master Doyle. So please be safe and don't come back. '

Claire walks past me clutching the necklace I gave her and closes her eyes gently.

- Be sure to go home.

Pledge to your chest, face forward.

And I traveled from Epis School.

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