The next day, after discussing it with the elf girl Ries, she agreed to work together to serve each other's purpose. Having finished my lunch, I was walking with Ries on the bounce bridge leading to Fortrais Castle.

Side by side as Rafael and Albione out of the vessel observe intriguingly the moat that passes under the bridge, I bite my sense of accomplishment at Fortrais Castle, which I first saw up close.

Less than thirty days after I slipped with Theon at Handel. I can finally enter the castle thanks to Ries. They're going to ask me to meet the face of the black snake during my visit with my aunt, so I think I can finally negotiate with them.

In retrospect of the previous days, if you proceed behind the soldiers who walk in the lead in the order of Ellis, me, Rafael and Albione, the wooden bridge will eventually end and turn into cobblestone and brown soil.

"- Please wait here while I call the guide."

"Okay. Thanks for the guide so far."

I imitate Ries, who thanked the soldier for stopping in front of the large gate of the castle wall, and I bow my head too. When the soldiers returned the salute to us, the moment they dived through the open gate, blinking the black wings on their backs, they disappeared into the castle.

Looking next door at what had happened to Ries, who softened out as she dropped off the soldier who flew away with her, her gaze was directed towards Rafael and Albione, who looked happy to peek into the water in the moat.

According to a story I was told a little bit about, when I had to move inside in the past for some reason, the spirits of the wind of Raphael and his companions carried me through the holy trees and dwellings. He also said, "I didn't have to contend in the clan because of Lafar's help," so I guess there was a lot going on during the migration.

Apparently, Rafael accompanied the elves on their journey after transporting the sacred trees and dwellings with his companions. At the time, he was a hundred years old, about ten years old in human terms, and Ries said Rafael used to play with him, and he was happy to reunite with each other after he had finished discussing with me.

Albione seemed to be talking late into the night, but the century-old hour was hard to talk about yesterday. I'm sure we haven't talked enough yet.

That's what I thought. I speak softly so Ries can only hear me.

"I'm here, so you should see it. If you say the moat was rare, you'll delude it."

"Oh, yeah? Then I'll just go for a little while."

Ries' back to Rafael and the others does not look like he has lived for very nearly two hundred years. They say that elves live about ten times more than humans, so when they convert to humans, Ries is around twenty years old, and yet what makes her look young is the difference in race or is she an international child face......

Sometimes when I think seriously, I realize that if I don't know the average of the elves, it's useless, and I stop thinking. And when I gently shook my head and erased the unanswered question, I remembered her uncle and aunt, whom Ries had now told me as I looked up at a castle built of grey stones.

Born into the world as a rare twin for a low birth rate elf, the two left their power unattended and traveled outside inside on the day they reached the age of one hundred and fifty. And even though we meet a species called man and like his life and life, various problems arise when the elf stays in one place because he is a long-lived and capable species among the subhuman. So they're crossing human nations on a ten-year basis.

An elf with excellent abilities would have had a rough time because it is visible that the country and the bad guys would have arrived if he had lived there for a long time.

It was approximately one hundred and fifty years ago now that the two of them embarked on a journey. And Ries last saw his uncles a hundred years before the great emigration that inspired the elves to get to know Rafael.

By the way, my uncle, Lord Muske, is a firepower sorcerer, and my aunt, Lord Scola, seems to be good at delicate magic, such as intelligence and kingdom. It is unclear what my uncle is doing because he is inert in his brush, but my aunt tells me that she receives letters inside once a year, and that she has been helping with diplomacy and other things in the castle of Fortrace for the past few years.

What the hell have they seen and felt and lived in this world in the hundred and fifty years since they left? And during the war that took place roughly fifty years ago, I would like to ask, if I had the opportunity, where and what I had in mind. There's just one thing that bothers me.

Muske and Scola... I think it sounds familiar...

Where the hell did you hear that? No matter how many memories I dig up, the possibility of my mind's actions passes through my brain.

That's enough to wait with my neck twisted to feel like I have a small bone caught in my throat. The sound of pacara, pacara and hooves approaching strikes my ear, as if to recall me, who had been delayed in my thought.

- Ries, it looks like the conductor's here.

If you tell him that while watching the sound and shadow of the hooves that gradually get louder, Ries, who was kneeling in with the Raphaels, rises up in his face. Then as I quickly got myself together, I stood next to me.

Confirm your familiarity by imitating Ries like that and return your gaze to the nearby horse. Then it was across its back...

"You kept me waiting, guests. This is Sumba Shams, who helped me guide you to Lord Scola today. Regards."

The conductor, who came as the wind swept the dull yellowbrown hair reminiscent of hyenas, said so, narrowing his golden tea eyes as he gently jumped off the horse.

"Oh. I'll take care of you. This is Scola's niece Ries. I'm not used to being outside, so I don't know how to be rude, but I'd love to see more of it."

"Never mind that point. Lord Scola always takes care of me."

"Thank you"

I don't know. What is Buddha about this? He doesn't seem to know him. Ries was shaking hands with Lord Sumba, who bowed his large body when he finished introducing himself soothingly.

"Oh. That's the face I saw somewhere."

"Huh? Where?

"Here. At the engagement ceremony of your husband and princess..."

I scream in my heart at the unexpected appearance of Jen, listening somewhere far away to the conversation between Albione and Rafael being exchanged overhead.

- The conductor said he was the king's brother!?

The amazement and various questions about what the hell this is all about run around the back of my brain. Is that all Ries' aunt is important, does the royal family of Fortrais want friendship with the elves, or does she know my companion?

If you tighten your expression by hiding your chest confusing which is the correct answer, the eyes of Lord Sumva's gold tea, who finished greeting Ries, will look at me once more. And Ni and his mouth drew an arc.

"Long time no see, Lord Ruid. He seems to be enjoying our country a lot more than anything."

I keep my cheeks in a mood and gracefully fold my hips that I'm about to draw to a greeting that just says I know everything I do.

"Long time no see, Master Sumva"

I was surprised, but Lord Sumva's appearance is convenient for me. It is unclear how this situation materialized, but we can't rush to waste this survival.

If you smile firmly back at your scorched tea eyes as you think about it, a pleasant laugh echoes around you.

"- Ha ha. I can't show you one thing in a hurry. He's not as cute as he looks."

"Let me take that as a compliment."

Ries blinks at the fact that the conductor has spoken to me intimately. But when Albione whispered a word or two, he took a step back to stay out of the way of conversation while seriously observing Lord Sumva.

Lord Sumva nods like he was impressed when he runs his eyes from my head to my toes without realizing but pursuing her with a sudden change of attitude.

"Unmatched margin for the year. I just want to say it's a fluke, but neither I nor Theon hate guys with strong liver seats. Welcome to this visit."

"- Thank you."

I was surprised by the name of Zion, who was told Sarah, and a beat of reply was delayed. Lord Sumva smiles satisfactorily at me like that.

"You're finally a little upset."


"I immediately noticed Lord Ruid's visit, but there was a little bit of a situation. The information was kept up, but I was just surprised that this one was coming to the castle before I was ready to invite him. I was in a hurry because I kept my cool face when I said I managed to get my plans adjusted to keep me in shape."

I tried to delude myself into reacting to Zion's name, but Lord Sumva spinned that word faster than I could make excuses.

If you believed the words you were told, you wanted to thank me, but you couldn't move because of all the circumstances. While I was doing this, I knew I was about to climb the castle using a legend named Ries, and Lord Sumba rushed to pick me up. The disclosure of various information that can also be used as a disincentive from the encounter, including in the case of Scion, may be an excuse for cooperation being delayed knowing my purpose. This is the most likely way to offend me, but I guess this is what I would have had to do given my position as a royalty in Fortrace.

From previous conversations, Lord Sumva treats me only as a friend of the King's brother by the name of 'Ruid', and his identity is willing to lay low. I guess that's what it means to call a pseudonym every time something happens, not to touch a change in appearance. Just being a friend of Lord Sumva will jump your freedom within Fortrace, and I honestly appreciate this response.

If Lord Sumva wants to impress me, I should take care of it. Having concluded that, I open my mouth as I look up at the face of Lord Sumva, one and a half head tall.

"The advice from Lord Levy is from Lord Sumva?

Lord Sumva answers my query with a slight loosening of his eyes.

"Oh. I ordered you to be free of deficiencies, would you have had any problems?

"Yeah, you put on a good value every day."

"I just promptly instructed the process not to cause any problems. I'm sure Lord Ruid is very good at what he's worth."

"Thank you"

I cut up the chatter briefly with thanksgiving, spinning the words Lord Sumva would want to get down to business.

"By the way, I'm asking if there's a Scion in this castle, is it possible for me to meet him?

"Oh. Lord Scola and Lord Ries will also be reunited for a long time, because there will be things we both want to talk about. In the meantime, I will lead Lord Ruid to Theon."

You had already made up your mind, and you nodded to Lord Sumva, who told you so without hesitation, that I also knew, and spoke the dialogue that he would want.

"I am grateful to Lord Sumva for his meticulous care."

I chose an easy word to understand in order to tell him that I understood what I wanted. Of course, I will not forget to claim that it is a personal debt to Lord Sumva, not Fortrais. I don't have to ask Lord Sumva here, because I have the option of asking Ries' aunt.

Apparently he understood correctly the meaning put into the dialogue, Lord Sumva snorted firmly after exhaling in a small, reassuring breath.

"I understand. I'm sorry I didn't do much."

"No. These things will be mutual."

Sometimes in diplomacy with other countries we do not see weaknesses and we restrain each other, sometimes we give in to each other. This is where Lord Sumva and I will fall.

If you smile with that in mind, Lord Sumva groans a little "thank you" and turns his attention to Ries, who is skipping a question mark on our conversation.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Lord Ries. It's late, but I'll show you to Lord Scola."

"I don't mind. The older people said the more they were, the more they preferred a roundabout conversation. I don't know, but I guess we both need to have this conversation now."

"I'd appreciate it if you could say that."

Have you ever laughed at the peeve of something that you think is in Ries' story, Lord Sumba returns it with an indescribable grin? Then he coughed it up as if he'd regain his mind, and he told us.

"- Okay, let's go. Beyond the walls, we have a carriage."

If you nod at the words, Lord Sumva enters the walls with the grand steps that his body deserves while taking his horse. Ries, me, and Rafael followed that back and dived into the big gate.

- From a page in Amelia's diary.

○ Month ○ Sunny

Muske sold the fight to his brother Celery, who came to report the war, and he was beaten to death today. I wish I'd given up...

× Mon × Sun Cloudy then Sunny

Today we all tried the formation proposed by Zeno. Muske and Scola's squad breathed perfectly when they said it was their first attempt. That's twins.

△ Month △ Sun Rain and then Sunshine

It was heavy rain in the morning so the workout stopped and Scola taught me all sorts of magic. I was surprised because I had a strong impression of preaching and intelligence using wind magic and didn't know she could do so many things. Amongst other things, the magic of life that I use in my elves is interesting...

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