A few minutes to get into the simple carriage that was available and ask Lord Sumva's horse to pull it off. We finally got inside the castle, and we were currently walking on a level closer to the top floor.

A number of donut-shaped floors are stacked inside Fortrace Castle, and in the central blowout, which runs from the ground floor to the top floor, winged species such as dragon men and bird men and soldiers wrapped in wind magic look out for anomalies on each floor.

There is only a slightly higher fence on the border with the blowout, so the flying soldiers will be able to see the condition of each floor well. On top of that, if you take a peek downstairs, archers are positioned along the fence every few floors. Perhaps it is a mechanism by which enemies are shot down by them if they fly up this blowout.

- It's more of a fort than a castle to the contents.

My spine cools as I admire the structure I envisage making even the castle a battlefield.

This construction would make it easier to control enemies breaking in because there are only stairs that connect each floor and places that lurk inside each room. But that's the only place to lurk, which means, of course, that the royal nobility in the castle has no place to hide.

Literally, this castle is the last fort in Fort Race...

The battle preparations carried out everywhere and even the nobles, civilians, squire and maids who cross the castle are proof that they are armed. It is a terrible castle, with a hint of Fortrace's will to keep fighting until the last one.

So impressed, half fearful, half discussing, Lord Sumva stopped in front of a door.

- This is Lord Scola's office. We've paid for it, so let's talk about it. "

"Thank you for the guide."

When Lord Sumva, who spoke to Ries, tried to knock, the tiny, unlocked sound struck his ear and the door opened.

"... sounds like you don't need a knock"

"Sounds like an aunt."

Ries seems to miss the grunt of Lord Sumba, who smiled bitterly after he rounded his eyes at the open door without touching his hand.

Whether you're a rationalist who hates waste or even a troublesome nature to interact with when you enter the room, are you a working person who doesn't want to waste another moment or just wanted to surprise you? Including the story on my aunt that Ries told me just a little bit about, I have too little information about what I've imagined to be difficult to judge.

As much as I help diplomats in this country with a piece of cake, I'm sure it won't be a glimmer... but I just thought, Ries looks back at it in a rough way. And when I prayed to Rafael and the others, they lifted their hands gently towards me.

- See you later, Ruid.

"Oh. Have fun reuniting for the first time in a long time."

If she responds that way while grinning at the treatment as if besides, she nods gently and dives the door. That's how Ries walked into the room for about two or three steps, and the door moved out again alone, and eventually when it closed completely, the keys rattled.

"Well, shall we go too?"


The door was shut, confirmed. Lord Sumva urged me to walk away, but the direction we're going is somehow the fence surrounding the blowout, not the stairs.

... Aren't you going to lead me to the Black Snake?

Where the hell is Lord Sumva going?

While in doubt, I walk silently because of my position as a guest. However, there is a gradual increase in the unpleasant feeling in the grin of Lord Sumba, which deepens as he progresses along his steps, and in the appearance of the blow-out soldiers watching such a king brother's actions with a frightened face.

And that hunch is transformed into certainty by the voices of the soldiers who have heard it.

".................. dude. Looks like Sumba's getting off with a guest."

"Okay - make way for those who are in the direction of the Gate of Fire! Sumva and guests are coming through!

I thought one of the soldiers who was stopping us from noticing the feathers called someone downstairs like that, and I heard him screaming disturbing words, and then the same dialogue sounded like a message game over and over again.

... is that what you mean?

With the soldiers' voices gradually farther away, I sigh in my heart when I understand the actions Lord Sumva will take from now on. I didn't realize when I met him before, but Lord Sumva seemed a lot out of shape.

I don't have to wonder if the royal family is okay with this, but as far as soldiers moving in the way they're used to it seems fine. Well, I don't know what to say. Don't tell me to follow the town when I get into it. If I think favourably, I can also accept that Lord Sumva is forgiving me enough to decide that I don't need to mend my honor.

I arrived at the fence while I was telling myself, and I followed Lord Sumba's finger and peeked in. Then there was an unnatural space at our feet where we were paid to have a beautiful peek into the ground floor. Well, it's just like I imagined.

"Jump down here," he said.

"Much faster than using stairs"

Answer my whine like that. No, Lord Sumva jumps over the fence with his hands. And I thought I used some skill on the way down, and a few seconds later, I made a blunt noise and landed on the ground floor.

"- Lord Ruid!

This was followed by the voice of Lord Sumva, who arrived slightly. They're small and they don't look good, but apparently they're waving.

"Um, customer. Can I send you downstairs, if you don't mind?

When I was sighing in awe of Lord Sumva's attitude, who just told me to come quickly, the senior-like dragonman prompted me, and the young birdman said so in confusion.

Honestly, Lord Sumva's response is serious to the Guest. But as far as the soldiers' reactions are concerned, it is obvious that Lord Sumva does this on a daily basis. Given the position he gave me as a 'friend', I guess it's where I should take a ride.

It's a subtle thing whether you're treating me as a 'friend' out of pure favor or finally trying...

Either way, it seems impossible to do so to this extent. As I narrowed my eyes to Lord Sumva, who looked up to me, I politely refused the birdman's offer.

"Thank you for your concern. To this extent, there is no problem, so it is fine. Please continue your work."

"Please wait! Customer -"

At the same time as I finished saying it, I heard a voice pulling me from overhead if I put my hand on the fence, but I threw myself into the universe pretending I didn't notice. Clothes and hair stir up and wind cuts make my ears hang, but I don't have to ask Rafael and the others to help me with this.

With [floating] to kill momentum more than a dozen meters to the floor, I use the same skills on the verge of landing and land on the ground floor without making a shoe noise.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

And if you tell him that with disgust, Lord Sumva punched his hand with a pleasant regrettable grin.

"I didn't expect you to come down without a sound."

"Thank you"

"But it's too bold to play a prank, but there's no tension. Lord Ruid's father deserved a little more."

It was a boring word to say, but I recall him traveling with his father in the past, inspired by Lord Sumva's dialogue.

Does that mean Lord Sumva knows the Demon King crusade that took place twenty years ago in Agricult...

At the same time that I thought so, it was Julia's words that came to mind. She previously said that Maris seemed to have met a different compatriot than Julia in Agricult twenty years ago.

Given the history so far, it is likely that another compatriot was involved in the appearance of the Demon King in Agricult, and then it would be quite possible that Lord Sumva made contact with one of his clans along the way of the journey.

I open my mouth as I feel the pieces of information coming apart.

"Can you tell us more about that story later?

"Absolutely. I have some stories to pile up, so you should stay at the castle this evening. I have a room for you."

As much as I'm looking for clues to Maris and Zenos, Lord Sumva will want to know what's about to happen in this country right now. It was an inclusive dialogue, but it must be an offer I didn't even wish for, so I nod gladly.

"It's an honor."

"Let's take you to Theon first, after the old story."


"This way."

I have promised to exchange information without saying anything, and I will follow Lord Sumuba, who said so and walked out.

"You'll finally meet me."

"My dear child seems happy, and so am I."

He leaves the castle, guided by His Highness Sumva, whispering small to the words of Albione and Rafael. If you similarly narrow your eyes to the falling sunlight, the sound of weapons hitting each other somewhere not so far away plundered your ears.

"Can you hear me?


If Ni and I raise the edge of his mouth and answer that question to Lord Sumba, he points to the square building in the shadow of the main tower that has now emerged with a satisfying look on his face.

"Taking into account what I have heard from Theon and the current situation, as soon as Lord Ries and Lord Ruid enter the castle, I have offered the soldiers to begin their training. I asked the face of the Black Snake to train the soldiers, so if you go to the workout, you'll see them."

"Thank you. By the way, how familiar is Lord Sumva with the situation?

When I cut in and thanked him for his exhaustive response, Lord Sumva flaunted his shoulder.

"Lord Ruid wants the power of the [ancient snake] for some reason, and the leader refuses to face Lord Ruid for some reason, that's all I know."

"The leader, is it?

"Oh. He had a rare and unhappy look on Zion's face at the life of the leader"

You remembered Theon then, Lord Sumva rattles his throat strangely. But the grin on that face was somewhere gentle.

... Lord Sumva and Theon seem pretty close together.

The soft look on Lord Sumva's face was sufficient to make him realize that the relationship between the two was a long one. But then, questions arise about the origins of Zion and its previous predicament, as well as about the way the mercenary regiment names [the ancient serpent].

Theon once said that one of the black snakes had picked him up and raised him, but how could that make him so close to the king brother of a nation? And what the hell is the relationship between the royal family of Fortrace and the [ancient serpent]? If the way [Black Snake] had it came from a mercenary regiment, not a request from the castle, [Ancient Snake] would have a great influence over the Fortrais royal family.

This is absurd, such as the position of the mercenary regiment beating that of the country...

While I think so, my instincts whisper to His Majesty the King and the Four Yingjies that the figure of my father and mother glimpses behind my brain and that it is better for me not to insult them.

Maybe the face of the black snake you're about to meet is the same as them-

I have a feeling about that. I look at the two of them overhead, just in case.

"- Did you ask me to do it when you had to?

"I'll take care of it!

'I'll take care of it. Master. "

"I left it to you," I whispered to the two of you with a frantic grin, "Lord Sumva stops and turns around.

"Well. There are black snakes on the other side of this gate - ready? Lord Ruid."


Nodding, a golden tea eye filled me with serious colors.

"The head of the [ancient snake] is no less monstrous than the heroes of your kingdom. You should worry."

I am convinced that the hunch I felt earlier was right in the voice and expression of Lord Sumva, who asks about his readiness.

I can hear weapons crashing into each other and exhorting voices from the training ground, but I can't perceive the magic of those inside because of all sorts of magic and connections applied to the walls. I guess it's to keep the power from leaking to the outside world, but that perfect cover-up makes the mercenary regiment realize its high ability to do the opposite.

It's up to me to side with this or turn it on my enemies...

I'm nervous to think so, but I can't pull it off.

"- Yes."

Lord Sumva laughs furiously if he responds with such willingness and in direct retrospect.

"Then you should come"

And he unleashed the doors of a training ground with the faces of Scion and Black Snakes.

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