Beyond the open door, those who appeared to be soldiers wearing uniformed weapons were facing the mercenaries everywhere in the workout.

The combination varies from one to one, from multiple to multiple, from one to multiple, but overall the mercenaries look more dominant.

- Are they the black snakes?

Expectations or nervousness or throat in front of the face of the black snake who was finally able to face each other.

Even if the magic is cut off, I can tell they've been creeping through numerous training grounds from the way they look and wield their weapons in sight. Among those faces, one man caught my eye at a time.

... You're the leader over there.

From behind shaking platinum hair in the deepest part of the room, there was a style that drew a line with the rest of the mercenaries.

Even as I was blinded by that back waving my wand at several soldiers, I stepped out and crossed the workout grounds. At the same time, the magic swirling indoors stroked my skin, and the intense signs of the people who were inside came through hissing. It seemed the same for the face of the black snake, and one person who sensed my magic turned to me again.

The soldiers who were dealing with the mercenaries stopped and looked at me.

"What's wrong?

"Hey. Who's with Master Sumva?

In the gaze that increases with the spreading of the hustle and bustle of battle between soldiers and mercenaries, if you go for the deepest man in this training ground with the highest amount of magic, you are not like Zion. At that time, Theon was grinning and pointing to the platinum-haired man I was aiming for, so it seems he's definitely the head of the [ancient snake] standing at the bottom.

"What the hell are you standing on! If you're upset by this amount of magic, you're gonna die early."

The voice that tells you so may be the same as your father's, or younger than that. But after relentlessly beating down the soldiers I was dealing with with with with a cane, I sighed at him. That behavior kind of stinked of old man.

As I heighten my guard against behavior that does not match my tense voice, I approach the leader step by step who still does not look back. Those who kept an eye on me in the workout swallowed my spirits.

The leader looked back slowly in places such as almost in time if he proceeded with his hand on the sword pattern so that he could be attacked whenever he felt many gazes. And.

"- I want to. I'm trying to get him around the corner, but he's distracting me... So? Not bad magic, but which one of you won't get in my way!?

The moment the head looked back at me, he shouted at me with his wand pointed at me as he opened his deep green eyes.

"Hey, why are you here!

Surprise, anger or agitation. The beauty of a leader who would be a man's platter is ruined because he is dyeing his face red and letting his lips fight. By the way, the head looks like he's in his thirties or something, but from the same pointy ear as Ries, it seems like he's definitely over three hundred years old.

- And, well, it sucks if you don't leave the reality escape this much.

On guard of the wand directed against me and the magic put into it, I cage my strength in the hand that holds the pattern of the sword.

I am shocked by the fact that the leader is an elf, but I am convinced that it would not be strange to have a deep connection with the Fortrais royal family. I know how to reuse it when I think of the ability of an elf, and given its long life span, it's not strange to have a connection from my grandfather's or great-grandfather's time. It would be a great talent to put together a large mercenary regiment called [Ancient Snake].

It sucks to be hostile, but while I spit evil in my chest, I confront the leader.

"Answer me! How the hell did you get into the castle!?

How should I respond to the words of an angry leader? Speaking from the magic put in the wand, if you mis-response, Yarrarel.

When has this tension never happened, and so on, and staring at each other for a few seconds or minutes? I wonder if my dark green eyes moved correctly the expression staring rather than staring at me, and I increase the sharpness of finding something.

"Sumva! Scion! You guys conspired against me!

There are signs of people moving behind me when the leader screams like that with his cane poked at me, and two footsteps approach me after a few beats. That's how two familiar voices sounded inside a quiet workout.

"That's out-of-heart, chief. I didn't do anything. If I wanted to, I would have told the young man who came into the training ground who was the leader."

"I just moved as the royal family of Fortrace."

The leader, who raised a further glance at the two statements, asks Lord Sumva in a harsh tone.

"You mean that hungry ghost is worth more to Fortrace!

"I'm in trouble when they say that... According to what I've heard, only you, the leader, are strongly opposed to it. Right? Yet isn't the way you put it a little cunning? It sounds as if the [ancient snake] 's totality"

The leader, who stuffed his words with pointers from Lord Sumva, turned his sharp eyes to Zion.


"- No, no. I didn't mean to talk to you, did I? Your mouth slipped when Sumva put you on it! Besides, it wasn't me or Sumba who invited the young lady to the castle. She's an elf girl named Ries! Don't you, young lady?"

"Oh, oh."

I nodded because the desperate Scion asked me to agree, and that's where I first got a rush on the leader's face.

"He said it was Ries!? So," No way, brother. "

A slightly higher voice echoes inside the workout as soon as the leader, who changed his complexion sassily after hearing Ries' name, once again fought his lips off. At the same time, Shion and Lord Sumva, who were beside me, breathed a blatant relief.

"It's too late, Lieutenant."

"Waiting for you, Lord Scola."

"I'm sorry about that."

Unlike the two people who lose their shoulder strength as relieved by the Lord of the Apologizing Voice, the head's complexion gets worse and worse. Eventually he ran his eyes as if looking for an escape, but those around him missed sight so as not to look at such a leader.

"Oh, you guys!

Where did the intimidation go? The leader looked away from everyone and gave a sad look. Apparently, Lord Muske, the leader, can't lift his head to your sister.

- I didn't know Ries' uncle and aunt were the chief and deputy chief of the [ancient snake].

I gently take my hands off the pattern of my sword while blinking my eyes at the result I never imagined. There are many things I don't know what's going on, but as far as Lord Muske and his surroundings, who obviously wolfed and fogged his magic, I guess this place has subsided.

Apparently, for some reason, the leader who didn't want to see me has stopped around and asked the royal family of Fortrace to keep me away from the castle as the general idea of the [ancient snake], and his sister Lord Scola didn't know that, but what the hell is going on?

... Well, do you know that from now on?

Looking back as I pondered the strange situation, I turned to the Lord of Footsteps, who approached me with a knack. Then I saw Ries and a beauty very similar to her coming this way with one hand something very similar to the wand held by Lord Muske.

She speaks back to me in an out of place voice if she meets Ries, who was walking a little behind her as the tension in the workout grew with the footsteps of Lord Scola.

"The person Ruid said he wanted to work with was your uncle. Sure, Uncle, I'd be comfortable with you."

I don't know how far you understand this situation, but I see Lord Muske groaning "ugh" at Ries' innocent words of praise, and I'm stuck in a response, too.

"Oh, well, yes..."

"Is there a problem?

"... I was just about to ask if there was going to be a problem"

It's kind of hard and cloudy to say that he was being rejected scatterly on his uncle by Ries, who can be seen placing his full confidence.

Lord Scola, who watched us interact like that, told his brother that he would sigh loudly at the moment.

"Brother. How do you feel being sheltered by a mean opponent?

"Beh, don't ask me to do that -"

"You don't know because I didn't ask you to? - Hey, brother. Do you remember how old we are this year? Thirty-six, right? He'll be seventeen this year, roughly eighteen times older, two hundred and eighty-nine in detail, right? And yet you don't think it's lame? I can't stop being embarrassed. Still not an exaggeration when it comes to the elves. Stick with the old kid. It's not manly to get involved and avoid even the Black Snake kids and Fortrace people in the first place. I can somehow guess what my brother thought of trying to poke Amelia's grandson, though. What about as a good old elf trying to escape without even telling a kid so hard why, let alone seeing his face? And what do you think of this response, even as the leader who binds the [ancient snake]? Brother."

To Lord Scola, who barely breathed out, the air in the training ground drops in a gut. At the same time, Lord Muske's complexion became even worse.

To Lord Scola, who smiled at the truthfulness of his heart, I am somewhat reminded of Lady Celery, who is not here. Around the time when the face of the black snake leaned down from earlier, trying so hard to keep an eye on her, I guess the impression I had is not a mistake, though.

When I was thinking about my surrounding attitude, I learned to hook up and think back to Lord Scola's words. And I realize they gave me a name that I'm not supposed to hear in this land.

... Didn't you just look at me and say 'Amelia's grandson'?

I almost overheard the outrageous accusations, but Lord Scola did look at me and say 'Amelia's grandson'.

Could it be that the two of you know about your wife?

At the same time as I question that, a red diary left by my grandmother floats in my brain.

"- Did you?"


"What's wrong, young lady?"

Ries and Zion react to the unexpected squeal, but I take one step and one step forward to Lord Muske and Lord Scola, who still speak without responding.

Time to rest the hearts and minds I occasionally spent with my fellow writers in a red diary that clearly spelled out the war situation and my anguish about fighting. I was very impressed to feel that the words I wrote down to remember the trivial annoyances and the knowledge I heard from my companions were very carefully written and that the time was important to my mother.

Standing in front of the two of you remembering the calm time that was written in the gentle writing stops the conversation and two gazes are directed at me. You didn't think I'd come near on my own in this situation. The two people with void poked faces look just like my grandmother had written.

"- Lord Muske, Lord Scola."

"Ah? Now." What is it?

I ask the two of them with certainty, smiling small bitterly at Lord Scola, who responded by blocking the words of Lord Muske, who hoisted a single eyebrow.

"Don't you mean the two of you twin elves who were fought with Grandma Amelia and Grandpa Zeno during the war?

When I saw the two of you with your eyes round the words, I shrugged in my heart that I knew it.

Muske and Scola. I've always thought I'd heard it somewhere since Ries told me its name, but I didn't hear it, I watched it in my grandmother's diary. I shouldn't be able to remember right away by reason. I never met her at all, and I didn't know what she looked like.

But there are rarely elves with a small number of races, and twins with the same last name. The twin elves that appeared in your grandmother's diary would be for sure in the two in front of you.

As if to affirm my predictions like that, Lord Muske, out of surprise, tongued with a bitter face, and Lord Scola nodded with joy.


"Yes, it is."

Given the response so far, well, it's an imaginary reaction. But nevertheless.

... Why does Lord Muske seem so uncomfortable?

I've never seen him since he was born, but I don't think he'd let go of the grandchildren he knows and welcome him, but I don't think there's any reason he hates me so much.

I was under the impression that I had read the diary that Lord Muske seemed to have an unparalleled hostility towards Master Celery, but he seemed to have been close to his wife with Lord Scola, and not a bad relationship with Grandpa or Sebastian. Of course, I'm new to the two of them, and I don't remember having a bad relationship with Theon or Flaming Snake, or having a problem with [Old Snake] again.

At a time when I was desperately wondering what the hell had gotten in the way of Lord Muske's inquiry, Lord Scola, with a roughly frantic grin, spoke to me.

"Have you heard from Amelia about us?

The delightful Lord Scola overlaps with the figure of Tierra, small and breathtaking. I don't think the deputy head of the mercenary regiment that puts the world on the line again can be unaware of your wife's death, but you can't hurt or buy anger with inadvertent remarks. I'm not here to talk, I'm here to negotiate.

"... no. My wife died before I was born, so not directly. But your two names were written many times in the diary your wife left me hoping it would help her offspring. As a trusted companion and dear friend"

If you say so while carefully choosing words, a variety of emotions such as nostalgia, joy, remorse and anger float and disappear in the faces of the two of you whether you remember the time.

Like Master Celery, I guess there are still indelible thoughts among Lord Muske and Lord Scola. I was immersed in memories and confronted by both of them, but I watched Lord Ji and Lord Skye and Lord Skola without reacting to them.

When such a long, short time had passed, the sound of clothes rubbing echoed within the quiet workout.


"........................... you can do whatever you want"

Lord Muske responded to Lord Scola's call by leaving plenty of time open. Lord Scola, who gave his permission even as he grinned bitterly at his brother with a recalcitrant expression of obstinacy, smiled and glanced at me to reassure his worried surroundings and finally turned to me. And.

- Let's talk a little bit about the old days.

With a grin of grief, I said so.

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