Lord Scola, with a grin that seeped through his nostalgia and loneliness, says so, slapping a ton of the workout floor with the cane he had. Then, with just that much motion, a new junction was erected in the training ground, and eight chairs emerged from somewhere.


"Your Majesty has given you permission, so you'll be fine."

Hearing Lord Scola's reply, Lord Muske snorts with Hun and sits in one of the chairs arranged in a circle. Lord Scola grins bitterly at such a brother's attitude as he groans, "You're a man of no choice".

I feel left behind by two heartfelt people, but if the king of Fortrace is also involved, it's probably not something I should ask.

"You're in the red chair there, and Theon is in the blue chair there. Ries and Sumba sit next to me."

When I obey the instructions of Lord Skola, I sit in the shape of one more seat: Zion, Lord Muske, Lord Ries, Lord Skola, Lord Smuba, one seat empty, and then I tilt my neck. But I was deeply convinced, with surprise, by the appearance of Rafael and Albione, who stepped down to their seats beside them.

A slight voice of surprise leaks from Lord Smubba and the mercenaries and soldiers around him to the Lafar and the others who sat in their chairs looking like 10,000 people. In the meantime, Sion and Ries, whom I had already met, of course sat without upset, as did Lord Muske and Lord Scola.

"You noticed."

"Naturally. If only the spirits hadn't come, they'd have beaten you out of the castle."

I was going to ask Lord Scola, but it was Lord Muske who seemed grumpy to answer. One woman after another opens her mouth as she wonders how to cope with Lord Muske's voice and glances, which do not hide her frustration.

"That's a bad elf."

"Albione. Muske's just not honest. He's really sweet."

He told Lord Muske, who had pressed him in good silence for such an interaction between Albione and Lafar, that Ries and Lord Scola would fold up.

"Uncle, why do you make Ruid so dangerous?

"Come on, brother. You won't be able to start talking."

Lord Muske, who told Lord Scola to be pissed off, finally glanced at me and turned his back on his arm without responding to anyone. Leaning on his feet abusively and with his back and arms on his back, he seems to be a bad glitch coupled with wrinkles carved between his eyebrows, and honestly, the mystical beauty of the elves is ruined.

I sit softly in the designated chair as I feel the craving for an elf that I have had since my previous life crumble into the figure of Lord Muske. I'm tired of everything.

I turn my attention to Lord Skola as he exasperates his inner anger at Lord Muske's meaningless hostility. Then she laughed like she was in trouble and apologized to me.

I'm sorry about your brother.

"... no"

Although I am dissatisfied, I shake my neck small to the side and tell him not to worry about it. Lord Muske's attitude seems unreasonable, but it is not a good idea to say dissatisfaction even though I don't know why.

Lord Scola, who looked at me like that and narrowed his eyes to nostalgia, closes his eyes once and tells him to tighten his expression.

"- Now let's talk about how we created a mercenary regiment called [Ancient Snakes], including the reason for our brother's attitude, and what we're doing now. Theon, Sumba, and then listen to what concerns you, too."

Sion and Sumva in her words, as well as the face of the black snake and the soldiers of Fortrace, who were sitting on the floor as they surrounded the lined chairs, nodded. Lord Scola, with a slightly satisfied grin at what was going on around him, speaks slowly of the past.

"- It started fifty-three years ago now. At the time, my brother and I were in a mercenary regiment called Opis. Opis was a mercenary regiment with a long history, but by the time we met he was so small that he couldn't be called a mercenary regiment... Saying it was enough to bring down Opis' martial arts, his head chose the path of unknown dissolution. The remnants of Opis, scattered in that way, lived free to return to their homeland, serve their country, and continue mercenarism with their companions they cared for. In the meantime, my brother and I chose to use the knowledge we learned in the mercenary corps to wander the nations of man, and we were caught in a war."

If Lord Scola shuts his mouth, silence will fall inside the training ground. Everyone, including me, couldn't say anything to the verbal facts.

- You two used to belong to Opis?

That wasn't in the diary. Even upset by the fact of surprise, a gracious letter of your mother floats in the back of your brain, and I convince myself, "Oh, so what?" Even an eye-catching elf, that's also close to legend. If you become a former member of the Opis Mercenary Corps, you don't want a peaceful way of life. That's why the old lady showed her friends where they were going and didn't leave that fact in the letters.

Yes, considering her breasts, Lord Muske looked at me with an unexpected face.

"You didn't know"

"Yes, because your wife's diary only said mercenary."

If you answer that, Lord Muske asks me with an indescribable look.

"That we were in the army of the Duke of Aginis as a mercenary regiment named [Black Snake]"

"... I just found out"

If I was surprised by the content of the question that followed, and while I wondered why I had just confirmed it, I told him as it was, Lord Muske distorted his face painfully and pressed silently. If you are perplexed by how Lord Muske is doing and turn your attention to Lord Scola, you will get a lonely look on her face that makes you happy.

"Amelia didn't tell you anything about us."

If you don't know what the words mean and tilt your neck, Lord Scola whines and sighs in a small voice, "Damn, that girl..." And I open my mouth again when I shake my head gently as if to regain my mind.

"As we wandered around working as mercenaries from time to time, we were solicited by those who sought force, and were chased to say that turning it down was enough to make us hostile. The mercenaries, who were familiar with him, helped him escape, but many were passive. He was gradually cornered and saved where he was dying by the then Duke of Aginis, Amelia's father. I put myself in the Duke's Army as a mercenary group called [Black Snake] with facial acquaintances who were saved that way together, and I wanted to repay them by fighting. But that's what bought the extra grudge and suspicion."

Nothing can be said of His Highness Scola, who seeps deep regret, and he is silent. At the same time, I realized once again that I knew nothing about the Duke Aginis family.

"By hiring two elves and a known mercenary there at once, after they were to be hostile to our chase, the Duke of Aginis was turned in suspicious eyes by the nobles near the front line. I wonder why you are not sending mercenaries to the front line, strengthening your own army and discussing your backs. Even in isolation, they continued to fight and lost their lives. The Duke's last words were not resentment toward us, but asking for the daughters and sons left behind to serve the Duke of Aginis. That's how we made the deal with the Duke of Aginis, and we stood on the field with Amelia."

The appearance of Lord Scola, who speaks faintly rather than in tears, will appear cold, depending on the beholder. But it seemed to me that perseverance was a sign of my determination to accept any accusatory slander.

"We promised the Duke of Aginis that we would help if we had to, and we made a contract. Naturally, that would be valid if you were to join the House of the Duke of Aginis, and of course even you, Amelia's grandson. So my brother didn't want to see you."

Unexpectedly opening his mouth to the words but unable to process a number of shocking information, he closes his mouth without voicing emotions swirling in his chest. On my behalf like that, it was Theon who broke the silence.

"- That's not too unethical, chief."

Had I turned my eyes haphazardly to the blameworthy voice of Zion, my angry ice-blue eyes would have stared at Lord Muske.

"There's a situation here too, you fucking kid"

While I am surprised that Zion reacted before anyone else, that's how Lord Muske responds to throwing up and throwing up. Sion was starting to make a rattling noise and let his hips float because such an attitude bothered him.

But before Zion can fully rise, the Rin voice of Lord Scola echoes.

"Stop it, Theon. And your brother hasn't explained it, so shut up a little bit."

With the words, Zion falls into the chair to be pushed into something, and Lord Muske's mouth closes pitched. I can't tell you whether or not, Lord Scola's arm looked kind of amazing.

While I couldn't go about a series of currents and blinked my eyes, Lord Scola, forcefully silencing the Zions, spoke to me in a calm manner without worrying about the two of them.

"Amelia said at the breakup that binding contracts would be discarded. He said that he would not be tied to the Duke of Aginis house in the future because he had enough work for him. As the saying goes, she didn't leave any [Black Snake] information for the descendants. But that's why it's too unfaithful of Zion to decide that there wasn't everything. You must think so with your brother. So I wanted to get you out of this and let you go home to the still safe Magister."

Quicker than I question Lord Scola's words, now Lord Sumva speaks up.

"No way!"


Lord Sumva, who changed his blood phase, calmly told me what was going on as his attention drew attention.

"The army of the land of dragons is about to move. At this rate, in less than two months, they will cross the mountains, ravage the land of the beasts spreading at the foot, and eventually march to Fort Lace."

Was it yourself or someone around you who took a haphazard breath in that word told to you by Lord Scola? I don't know, but I didn't want to be sure. They had all forgotten to blink and listened to the words of Lord Scola.

"Fortrace will soon be in the wartime system. In a few days' time, royal fates will descend everywhere concerned, and the more they will be eliminated and declarations will be made to the people. And as soon as the army of this country is ready, we will begin marching towards the foothills of the mountains."

She looked at me with quiet dark green eyes, not showing one upset, even though she was all alone in her surrounding gaze.

- The battle begins.

In her words, a figure of Maris appeared, squeaking her throat.

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