Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Lesson 228: Maris Perspective

Animals and warcraft live according to the code of weak predation in the woods surrounded by rugged mountain ranges. There are no demonic stones, rare herbs, or places for spirits to make dwellings. It is a forest that has nothing to offer, so rarely do humans, subhumans, or the like come. In such a quiet land I was born and lived with my own people.

With our ancestors the Demon King of Dry Ads, we hardly ever suffer from sickness or injury, and we have nothing to basically do because it was forbidden by the adults to hunt down their prey so often to fill their bellies. Those chosen about twice a year go to the human country to buy clothes and other groceries, but it was a little festive, for example, when other species strayed into the woods due to their representative decisions, bad weather, etc.

serenity, a day worthy of calling.

Something smokes and increases in my mind every time the adults laugh at me that the flow of time is slow enough to get tight, and that it's peaceful and good to be free. But the time passed when I couldn't understand the vague thoughts I had within me, and I couldn't even put those emotions into words.

That's how many years.

By the time I grew up over the age of seven, I didn't eat enough of the same meal as everyone else, and I always felt hungry. The adults began to tell me that I was ancestral, and that pity and awe mixed with the gaze I could be directed at.

But I couldn't understand the power that ancestral returns could bring or the meaning of everyone's gaze.

He was also an ignorant child who had not been able to correctly recognize his abilities and was just inclined to his neck by discomfort, not knowing the meaning of his emotions even though he felt like he was being strangled with twitching and seriousness.

The grownups did that to me.

Knowing how to use my powers, I guess I was afraid to descend into a man's country to satisfy his hunger and ravage him with desire. They shut up and taught me nothing about the true use of the abilities of my ancestral demon kings and clans, the differences between us and other races.

I think it was for the village and it was for me again.

Because if I didn't know what other species were singing raw, I wouldn't have questioned my belly, nor was I dissatisfied with my days in the village.

But my routine turns a certain time into a border.

The opportunity was curiosity and just a little prank.

One day, as I was playing with the family that my leisure time had created, I realized that I could share my sight with them. And that day when I learned about the new possibilities of my family, oddly enough, the day before two buyouts were made a year.

I somehow thought I'd let my family lurk in their loads.

They're going to a very far away place, so their families may be exhausted along the way, but if they do well, they may see the nations of humans and everyone they don't normally see.

It was a degree of curiosity and a slight prank.

And that will produce irrevocable change.

The first time I saw the outside world was full of cultures and liveliness that had developed beyond comparison to the villages, and everything I saw over my family was new and breathtaking to me.

I don't hear voices, but I get my chest grabbed by the look of people with a lively look on their faces, and my heart jumps at the tears the girl shed whether she got away with her parents or not.

And I thought.

He wants to go there, too.

I was an ignorant child. I didn't understand the emotions I had towards the sight in my brain.

But now I know.

That's when I envied the vibrant people and rejoiced at the grieving girl. And I guess I instinctively rattled my throat wanting to fill my belly by ravaging that place that people invigorate at their mercy.

I remember asking my mother and adults how I could participate in the decision to a representative of the buyout after not understanding the emotions spreading within me and continuing to gaze at the human country so that everyone would eat in until they arrived home.

And happy or unhappy.

No one noticed my change.

It is common for young people to want to participate in buyouts in less irritating villages, and no one would have thought of the sincerity of their desire to go to the human country as a result of the overlap between the fact that I was ignorant but therefore unable to put into good language the desire I had, and the fact that no one could use my family members for reconnaissance.

If anyone had noticed then, I would have been killed a long time ago.

But without disclosing the desire I lived within, I grew and strengthened. With it, I was able to gather information on my own in the shame of my evolved family, and by the time I understood about the outside world and the secrets of the clan that everyone kept secret, I had remembered to hide my emotions and deceive others.

- When you're a little older.

When did you find out that the words of my mother, who smiled as she stroked my head asking me the day I could get out of the village, were a gentle lie. The adults were not willing to let me out of the village, but they were afraid to remember how to use their powers so strong that they were called the ancestors who lived in this body and wave them around.

You didn't try to kill me because of your love for or pity for a clan that has been reduced in number.

I may have been in awe of the danger of falling back on you, but I no longer have a reason to know that I abandoned the village. And it was something I didn't need to know.

My mother, my father, the villagers, they don't remember me as one.

- You just have to decay, knowing nothing.

In that village where serene times flow.

It has been more than twenty years since I ordered my fellow inhabitants to use the power of the awakened Demon King to wait for the end of the clan by forgetting about me, but nothing seems to have been solved. Demon kings have high abilities, and interference from other races, like the Arakunes in the Abyss Forest, can be solved under harsh conditions and depending on individual growth, but their dominance over the same species is immense. I was surprised when I discovered Julia outside the village, but she seemed to know nothing about me, and my orders at that time are properly rooted because I took more peace with my fellow countrymen than my desires. Then you won't have to bother putting your hands down.

Living in the village wasn't bad.

I didn't think it was a bad idea to go to death to have a peaceful time and sleep watching over everyone.

But he could not extinguish the desire he had, and decided to abandon the village.

The rebirth of a declining clan has never been considered.

The days of battle are not worthy of them, gentle and foolish, who, in awe, were merciful of me.

The joy, the sorrow, the fullness, the pain, everything passes quietly without knowing one thing.

- Colorn. Colorn.

Blessing bells ring in the land of Agricult as I think of my fellow countrymen who have placed them in a forest surrounded by harsh nature. If we opened our eyes softly to the clear sound played by the unbelievers, the remnants of the power that had burst from heaven would have poured down into particles of light, raising the temple of White Asia in the darkness.

"Have you gained strength?"

To the Grand Temple, which is visible in the distance, I think of purple with shining gold hair and strong light.

Loved by the world.

The moment I saw Doyle von Aginis at first sight in the Majesta, I knew I was.

At the same time, my instincts as a demon king whisper, "Kill me."

Shortly after abandoning the village, following the child according to a fierce disgust that neither the brave nor the Virgin saw in Agricult, a sad cry beaten to the ground and shaking the broken spear and air.

I thought it was funny.

He would be overthrown one day as a symbol of disaster. While in the opposite position with me, he also resented his destiny and became interested in its appearance cursing the world. What will happen to this world if this man becomes a being that leads the world to ruin, like the king of Fatalia?

Will we come to an end to fulfill his wishes?

Will you guide him so that he can play his original role?

The answer seemed to be the latter. The seeds of malice I planted did sprout, and they should have grown well, but I tried to take them in as pawns, and Magisterhe, if I could just take a leg, would have disappeared from him pretty and refreshing at some point. I heard that she was dying of an unexplained disease and became like someone else, so I guess there was some kind of intervention.

On top of that, it is thus given new powers.

Abominable, as long as I envy you.

"Do you want to ambush me and discuss it?

If you divert your eyes from the glowing Great Temple and turn your gaze to the Lord of the Dead Voice you have heard, you will see a grin in your eyes that contains joy. Eratoma, who never concealed the joy of abusive treatment, was the man who deserved to stand on the stage I had prepared.

While experiencing the glory and fall of the clan on the front lines, all you want is pure enjoyment. This man, who has lived dispersed by humans outside inside to satisfy his own greed, without a sense of justice such as revenge or the rebirth of his clan that made him lick his hard acid, now enjoys doing my men's imitations of what he thought.

It's unclear why Elatoma wanted to act with me when it was so lifeless to kick and trample on others with no sense of companionship or anything else. But it helps, so I'm letting you like it.

"Whatever you want."

"Are you sure? It could easily be slaughtered, such as a child who hasn't had the power of a brave man."

Elatoma, who tells me so and enjoys my reaction, seems extremely pleasant and has a peek at his bad personality. But I'm not willing to blame you because I'm the same person who sees the same people in front of me as pawns and tries to dispose of them.

"Oh. Whether you go here now or not, the results are probably the same. Doyle von Aginis and I will soon see each other."

I don't know if my response was surprising. If I answer that to Eratoma that blinks my eyes, I get a clogged look.

"If that's what you say when you wake up as the Demon King, don't. The connection between the demon king and the brave man can't be broken. It's regrettable to die without seeing the end, even though it's finally getting interesting in the land of dragons and elves"

It's my answer, but that's fine.

I am one of them, but I am not willing to rule Elatoma like the villagers.

And he's not willing to worship me as the Demon King again.

It's just that the stage I've been creating matches Eratoma's tastes.

We don't know each other's purpose, and if we get in the way, we don't hesitate to slaughter them.

Elatoma and I have a relationship to that extent.

Otherwise, you shouldn't.

"Well. Now it's time for you to excuse me, as the tedious prince is about to move out on his own. I feel like I can see something that looks more fun involving that kid, so I need to gauge the fit."

"Whatever you want."

"Of course, I like it. Because it's a life given you a corner. Best of all, we need to have fun!

Elatoma, who said so with her hands wide open like a stage actor, smiles madly in its face, engraved with wrinkles, as she takes out the magic props she was planting and unfolds the transfer formation.

- Yes, to my paradise.

Eratoma, who disappeared with that word, will never face each other again.

The stage I kept thinking about since the day I first met Doyle von Aginis is ready and already open.

We still don't know if it will be a tragedy, a comedy, or if it will follow the next story again.

But it would be either me or Doyle von Aginis who would survive.

Because that's what brave men and demon kings are for.

After looking at the Grand Temple, where the light converged and silenced, I also thought of the safe house that Zenos would be waiting for to leave the scene as a destination for the transfer.

- Entrance to paradise or to hell?

He stepped into a swirl of magic to wait for the end of the act, distorting his lips to the absurd dialogue that had passed behind him, whether inspired by Elatoma's last words or not.

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