A few hours after receiving the blessing of the gods and obtaining the sword, the 'Holy Knife'.

I was allowed to use the Grand Temple transfer team as promised, and came back to Handel with my predecessors, Ries, Rafael and Albione.

That's how we go to the vacant land where we met His Highness Brio, Mr. Julia, Mr. Richter, Lord Scion and Lord Payle. We have Lord Sumva and everyone in the face of the Flaming Snake, and we will open our mouths to share the fruits of our breakup shortly after we reunite.

Beginning with reports from Julia and Richter, who watched over the Schultz Chamber of Commerce, that "there has been no noticeable change and the chairman still seems to be absent," Scion, who was exploring again with the mercenaries around Handel and the whole town, was fruitless. In the meantime, I rejoice that there has been no change in Handel, informing him of the information obtained in the Great Temple. Then, while introducing Seniors Leo, I told them about their history with the bandits of the Beasts and the status of Fortrace, and a harrowing look appeared on everyone's faces, but if I reported on the Holy Knife, I was given words of celebration while keeping an eye on them.

When we have all confirmed and understood the situation, Lord Sumva tells everyone about the deadline for the rescue of the former King Pines and Lord Velco.

"- Four more days, right?"

What I thought of as I rolled the rest of my time in my mouth was the meeting between King Prata and Lord Sumba. Given the circumstances surrounding Handel, it is not difficult to imagine Lord Sumva betting the right one to secure as much time as five days.


But there was no rush or anxiety in the face of Lord Smuba, who hammered him, and his deeply trusted golden tea eyes were pointed at me, laughing small.

I have to live up to my expectations.

All the more so because I am deeply prepared for Lord Sumva behind it.


All I said was one word. But my thoughts seemed to have been conveyed enough, and Lord Sumuba's laughter deepened, and the whistles and the voice of motivated consent echoed from there.

Everybody's morale is high, I don't care.

The holy knife resting on his hips is heavy, and every time he feels its presence, his heart trembles and his hot emotions rise. If I touched it, there was some heat on the patterned head consisting of cold metal, and I felt they were telling me to go fast.

"Mr. Richter."

"Go ahead."

If I call you by name, I will thank you and spread it out because you gave me a brief view of the Schultz Chamber of Commerce that Mr. Richter had in his hands before putting everything into words. Meanwhile, I opened my mouth to explain what I was going to do.

"- First of all about Seniors Leo, I don't know what's going to happen on the ground, so I'm going to wait on the chamber roof with Lafar and the others. I need you to take me with you when you hear from the injured."

If I told him so, I would have eyes on Senior Leo, who frowned as to whether waiting in a safe place would bother me. But it's more dangerous to walk them than the elves are likely lurking, and it takes a lot of time to protect them.

He said he learned to protect himself from Merrill, but he doesn't talk to his elf opponent with that degree of combat power. If I suck, I'll end up in a situation where I won't be able to move.

- Whatever you say, I can't take you.

Looking at it with that in mind, the seniors nodded lightly.


"It's Rikai."

That reaction of the seniors was clapping because it also put the possibility of being disputed into perspective, and if you blink your eyes by accident, you open your mouth with a look that Senior Leo might regret.

"I haven't been able to keep up with Master Doyle since I realized I wasn't strong enough. So don't worry about this one."

I look at Seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a snorting at Senior Leo's words and think of the path they have followed. I've only roughly heard of it, but I guess I had a harsh experience. To the point of biting my helplessness.

I wonder what experience you've had......

While I figure out what happened while I was away, I snort sweetly at Seniors Leo's judgment. The windy seniors who have come to think of reality are also concerned, but there are other things to prioritize.

"... thank you. Rafael, Albione. Seniors, please?

"I'll take care of it!

'Yes, sir. If we follow, we'll be fine, so don't worry. "

If you ask for the seniors who have given their heartfelt recognition, Rafael holds his fist forcefully, and Albione responds that way with an invincible grin. What a comforting reply.

If we leave it to the two of us, we won't have to worry about taking the seniors hostage, so we can focus on the Chamber's offense.

I am also concerned about the chest of the seniors who were to swallow their grievances, but this matter is no longer my only problem. I thank Rafael and Albione for their comfort, and I turn to Theon and the others.

"Let's move on to talking about inside the Chamber of Commerce, but this one doesn't have time to set up a meticulous operation, so let's triple up the premises. Me and Ries, Mr. Richter, and Julia in the center. I'll leave it to Theon on the right and to Lord Sumva and Lord Pail on the left."

It's a pretty messy operation, but if it's the face gathered here, it's fine because it has a lot of individual skill. In other words, I don't know what will happen because the Shultz Chamber of Commerce's insights are unknown, so it would be better to control the scope of responsibility at individual discretion than to challenge it with the collaboration of the blade.

Looking at those who will be commanders this time with that in mind, there will be an invincible grin on each face.

"Well, I hope it's easy to understand"

"Oh. If you're this good, you'd rather move on your own judgment than try to work poorly together"

"Right. Regardless of Theon and his old friend Sumva, it's easier to move without worrying about our kids getting in the way because you can't predict what's in the hands of the youngsters."

I don't know how many enemies are lurking in charge or their abilities, and no matter what happens, I seem to like it. The mercenaries have some happy look on their faces if they run their gaze around sassy, and I laugh in my heart.

Of course all the ancient serpent mercenaries here are confident in their arms and proud and adamant to be part of the prestigious mercenary regiment. There are a lot more experienced people than me, so I'm sure you'll be more forthcoming and willing to work than that or this.

I glanced at Mr. Richter, who was sneaking at me with that in mind, and he looked up at me with his mouth up in his eyes, and he squeezed his expression.

"So then. There is almost no doubt from the testimony of the Beasts that Chairman Elatoma of the Shultz Chamber of Commerce has something to do with the sudden declaration of war from the Land of the Dragon, and some of the employees may also be part of it. Please also note that an elf collaborator is likely lurking. Basics should be captured and dealt with individually if you want to resist. Ask the spirits to wait in the air so they can prevent evacuation and dispatch their seniors immediately, so let them know if there are serious injuries or something unexpected happens to them, head to the sky. That's all from me, any questions or comments?

Ask him that just in case, and the faces he had in mind raise their faces.



"No problem."

It's a partial reply, but I'm counting on it.

If I smiled and looked at Ries without hiding from them this time, they'd be waiting for us now or now.

- If you're ready, let's go.

About a quarter of an hour after Ries prompted me to be impatient with his deep green eyes.

Me and Ries stood in front of the front gate of the Schultz Chamber of Commerce.

Sometimes the start is near, and beyond the large building window behind the gate, many employees go and go, and a number of vibrant voices reach their ears. The same face seldom passes if we observe busily moving people, and I guess more than a hundred people work here when considered in conjunction with the size of the premises. Its buzz was gorgeous, the same as when it was paid in advance for visiting gates a few days ago, a sight that Handel's leading established chamber of commerce deserved.

But if you close your eyes and look for the signs, the situation is reversed, even though it is also a time of near commencement of the prestigious Schultz Chamber of Commerce. There are only about a dozen signs on the wide property, and they are situated on the spot at equal intervals as if intercepting the enemy.

You're willing to intercept...

With that in mind, I held my lid up quietly.

The appearances and voices of people who lived and worked even though they knew they were hallucinations were real, and they just seemed to fool me into reaffirming the number of signs. You can't be sure it's fake if you don't bother to look for signs, and it's quite a substitute for deceiving my sight and hearing so far.

"... make it a magic prop, make it someone's skill, it would be amazing if you were hallucinating this whole Chamber of Commerce property"

"Right. But sweet."

Zero words of praise if you don't think of the scene where you feel the temper of the enemy, a harsh assessment flies out of Ries' mouth as he explores the back of the gate. It still seems to be in the eyes of an elf who excels in magic, although he looks so hallucinated that he is likely to be fooled by some phases and psychological conditions.

You were right not to run away from Ries then......

I stink that I'm glad I didn't shake off her hand calling out to Ries, who basically truncated the hallucination in front of me.

It is easy to imagine that Handel would be desolate if it came to an all-out confrontation with the inside of an elf, given the strength of Ries and Lord Muske and Lord Scola. I'm really glad that only some of them were fanned by the Maris and the others.

It doesn't matter if you stroke your chest down or even a small number of people just say that the elves are part of the threat. Imagine the elves you're about to fight for. I'll wait for Mr. Richter to hear from me, staring at the telecommunications magic props in my hand as I feel the growing tension.

Mr. Richter and Julia are currently on their way to the front entrance and rear entrance, where I and Ries are now located, in order to proceed to the central part in charge. We plan to enter as soon as we hear from the two of us, and if we start, the Scion and the others on the right will be waiting on the left, and the Sumva and Pail will be on board the Schultz Chamber of Commerce in turn.

If you look up to heaven, Rafael and Albione are waving, and next to you Ries carries an arrow barrel filled with tons of arrows, holding a bow engraved with literature that would belong to an elf.

Instead of signaling the opening of the war, she raises her own hand in the role of unraveling this hallucination, and her eyes are sharp as she explores the back of the gate from earlier on, and she is like each other because the wrapping tension irritates her skin tingly, but I'm sure I'm in a similar condition.

Perhaps Maris, Zenos and Elatoma are not here.

But beyond here they wait.

I didn't know if my intuition had been sharpened by getting the Holy Knife, or if it was the aftertaste of encountering the gods, but I felt so clearly.

- Now I'll try to catch up.

Surely the signs could not capture its appearance even though they felt it. Remember before. If you hold your fist, the magic props for communication will light the green light you have been waiting for.

I hear Mr. Richter and Julia have arrived safely on the back.


"Oh. - Li"

"Me and Julia are on the placement. It's all right at all times. '

If you release the magic to respond immediately to Ries and connect the communication, Mr. Richter's voice will strike his ear shortly after I call him in. Apparently, my chest was stuck with him, as I could tell from the readiness announcement that I was told not to waste my time.

"… Understood. I'll start right away."

If you say so in shame that you were completely beholden to the deviant mind, the communication will be cut off along with the word 'good luck'.

It was Mr. Richter who ended the communication. Some people would think it would be disrespectful for me to have an exchange just for business right now. I know you're used to being a father and grandfather, but Mr. Richter doesn't think you know how to treat me well enough to impress me.

"Okay, here we go. Doyle."


If he treats a magic item that loses light while sensing that his father only trusted him, Ries says so and reaches for the arrow barrel he was carrying. And when you take out more than one arrow, you hold them all cleverly with one hand and lead one of them to the bow and point it toward heaven.

"[Shooting] [Striking]"

All the arrows that were in that hand were consumed when I thought I had so named my skills, and a beat later disappeared so that the noise and appearance of the people melted with the destructive noise that sounded from the people as if the falling arrows had plundered their sight.

"... wow"

A zoggling sensation in Ries' arms that pierced and destroyed the spot that was the cornerstone of her hallucinations in an instant conveys her skin and wraps her tongue around the height of her abilities. I confronted Ries only once, and it was more powerful than I could imagine because I had not slashed it either, because I had glimpsed the abilities of Lord Muske and Lord Skola and the two feats written in my wife's diary, and then the amount of magic I felt from her own.

But with my surprise elsewhere, he still had a natural look on his face.

"If I can't do this much, I can't travel outside by myself. That's why I was sent away as a messenger."

"I see."

I was convinced from the bottom of my heart by the words I was told with my shoulders flattered. If you are not truly excelling in force, you will not be able to escape when you are exposed as an elf within a human country.

Unexpectedly got good information. She's equipped with a new jacket that gave Lafar back her protection, and this is going to allow her to fight carelessly.

"I can protect myself. So don't worry about it. Use the holy knife."

"Let me do that"

I told Ries I didn't need to hesitate to tell her that my thoughts had been conveyed, and she laughs thinly as she glances behind the gate.

- If I find the fools, I'll let them do it.

Hit her unspoken gavel with such a beautiful voice tone that she deflects her attention from that look that she's going to be fascinated by. And when his hallucinations were solved, he shifted his gaze to the Shiltz Chamber of Commerce, which was creepy and quiet, and he made a tall noise, and the gate opened.

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