Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode 241: Zenos Perspective

If you narrow your eyes to the cold of the wind that shakes your forehead, you'll hear the breaking noise as a part of the forest continues to stain white.

- Both monsters.

I sat back on the warcraft of his family tree, given to me by Master Maris, overlooking a quiet forest that reminded me of my hometown, and I zeroed my tongue. It is envy and jealousy for the talent that draws a line with ordinary people that brings them up in the flashy signals of war between Eratoma and Doyle von Aginis, who can also be seen without the use of far-sighted demonic props in their hands.

One tenth of them is fine.

If I had any talent, I wouldn't be here right now.

No. Even if I didn't want to be so high, I'd still be laughing with my parents and friends in my hometown village if the talented Ljeci and Sana weren't my siblings.

- If those two weren't born.

While dominated by ugly emotions that never wither away, the calm part that remains of me makes the decision that this short-circuited conclusion is the effect of Master Maris' skills. Being associated with Master Maris is also a long one, so I guess they are gaining resistance to the skills they use.

It was not only after Maris picked me up and started working as a pawn for me that I learned that I was more resistant to these kinds of spiritual skills than to state abnormalities. If I had known before I abandoned my hometown that it was susceptible to resistance to state abnormalities, I would have followed a straight path as a pharmacist by researching medicines with materials that were difficult to handle by the usual people, and I must have been treasured by the people around me by Ljeci and Sana 'a-like.

The self-derision that it would be too late to know if I had noticed my strengths sooner, and then the resentment that I would not have left the village sooner without the Ljecis, and the anger towards the adults who just kept comparing me to my brother and sister without even looking for my strengths.

The spirit invaded by the skill of [heart erosion] is chaotic, and I no longer know which is my true intention.

But I just know that I'm getting to the point where I can't turn back anymore.


Softly closing my eyes echoed behind my brain was the last conversation I had with Master Maris before taking her to the woods.

"Dear Maris"


"Why did you get me out of Majesta Castle?

That was a question that had been hidden in my chest ever since I woke up outside the castle and my consciousness was clear. I'm not necessarily what you need for Maris' plan. It shouldn't have been a problem to abandon me at the time I was captured while sinking my consciousness into feelings of resentment and jealousy. If you were in that state of paranoia, no one could pull decisive information from me.

I am proud that the land pattern I was born in is the only place where the herbs are produced and I have knowledge of the materials, but my talents and skill as a pharmacist are only known. There should have been as much instead.

The old me couldn't admit that fact and came out throwing everything away......

Now that we know the breadth of the world and are older, we also see reality. That sibling must also have found out that the world is vast at Epis School and there is an upper one, and that they broke that arrogant nose column.

I would have loved to see that moment, and so on, and I ask Maris again.

"There are enough pharmacists in the world to sweep and throw away, right?

"Well, yeah"

My heart aches for Master Maris' unmistakable affirmation.

It's painful and regrettable to be reminded like this even when you realize you're not special, but I'm not young enough to escape here either. And sometimes this is the last opportunity to ask this person, and I asked Master Maris for an answer without compromise.

"So why? If you'd abandoned me and left Majesta at that time, Doyle von Aginis wouldn't have chased me, and this plan would have been easy to accomplish."

If you tell him that with a harsh eye, remembering the purple eyes that look down at me, Master Maris opens his mouth with a blurred look up at the ceiling with no hints of emotion.

It is unusual for Master Maris to get on with these conversations.

"... back in the day, there was a time when I believed that if I made it a 'good boy' as my mother would say, I could be a human one day too. Well, it was a 'gentle lie' of parents directed at young children who make what is commonly known as reckless statements."

"? Yes"

But spinning wasn't the answer I craved, and suddenly I lean my neck against Master Maris, who started telling stories back in the day. But my heart bounced just a little when I thought this one might be sparing me so much goodbye, and I waited very much for the continuation of that word. Even if you can't grasp the context, there will never be another opportunity for this person with few words to tell you about the past and make you listen.

... Whether the next plan succeeds or fails in the first place, I will never see Maris again.

That's why I wanted to ask you the questions I had on my chest.

As I instantly felt the stars were on the verge of a moment's time for their last job, I saw Master Maris, and there were red eyes with comatose emotions.

"I understood that my mother's words were 'gentle lies', and at the same time I understood my own fate, I left inside. And when we met, you were screaming," All the people around you are liars. "

Having told him so and returned his gaze to the ceiling again, Master Maris never opened his mouth any further just looking at the universe with a blur.

But that was enough for me.

- Hey. You should be able to do that soon.

- Those two are geniuses, so I can't help it.

- That's enough if you can.

Those words I heard many times in the village were 'Interpretation you are a second-class stop' and the gentle lies of the adults who were not told to me that they were children. Without acknowledging that fact, it was the presence of the Ljeci and the surrounding environment that made it unsuccessful.

Now I think the world I lived in with my siblings was incredibly narrow, and I was ignorant. Sometimes I wonder if I would still have lived in that village if I had known back then. Although.

"If you want revenge on the ruthless world, will you come with me?

I didn't want to leave the village, and I cursed the world for poisoning me that it was just the ones with no eyes to see. That's what Master Maris said and reached out to me.

The vast majority of the world would say it's me or Master Maris who's wrong......

Even though they told me it was a paranoid paranoia, I had to believe that the world was more wrong that didn't honor me. If I didn't, I wouldn't have been able to keep myself.

Only Master Maris can do that to me, and he agreed that this world was wrong.

"If you're scared, you can stop. Now that you've gone down, the gear you've turned won't stop. I'm dead, and Doyle von Aginis is a miracle."

I have a distorted grin at that word I was told without seeing this one.

I am so aware that I am not enough for this world to take. But still, I'm not going to turn back any more. There's something in the crumbs that I want to pierce as well.

"No way. I won't stop coming this far. I've got all sorts of pills in the corner."

"Right. I'm not expecting you, but good luck."


To Master Maris, who never sees this one, there is nothing to be sad about.

I am gravely aware that Doyle von Aginis is no longer the only one who shakes this person's mind, and because until today, as I promised to meet him, there were no lies in Master Maris' words.

That's enough for me.

"What do we do? If you don't feel like it, I'll go."

I remember looking up at Master Maris, asking so with his hands stretched, as he looked up at the gentle and cruel lying adults, and out of my mouth, which was deeply hurt by the restful words, was neither asking for his qualities nor asking for his purpose.

'If you swear to tell me only the truth, no matter what. I'm sorry you lied to me.'

'... that's good. I swear to you.'

From the day I took Maris-sama's hand, who nodded after blinking at the demands I told her with a trembling voice, I know that the only way to go is ruin.

But that's fine.

I can't abandon my desire to be thought of the most, and even my siblings are in my hands. It's a good life for me.

Watching the moon begin to sink, I take a seat in my hand with a white coat planted with dramatic drugs.

"It's time to go"

Put your arms through the sleeve of your white coat without waiting for a reply and put your hands on the door to open it. That's how I dived the door, I think, mumbling my goodbye words.

"I'll see you when I'm alive."

"- If I were alive."

I wasn't asking for a response, I just sounded like I was responding to a squeaky dialogue. If I looked back unintentionally, Master Maris was raising the end of his mouth across the door that was closing.

Think of it, that was the first time I had seen Master Maris grin.

And it will be the last.

- That one kept his promise.

If I don't do the job I was entrusted to do.

I give up deciphering my intricately intertwined emotions, thinking so dark red that I mistakenly see it as burning black on my eyelids. I don't need to know my true intentions now. What I should do is buy time for the Land of Dragons and the Alliance of Fortraces and Beasts to bump into each other, and if possible end Aginis's line here. Doyle von Aginis and the Dragon King are difficult, but I can even deal with them to the extent of Ljeci.

A peek at the far-sighted demonic props in his hands in retrospect of the role given, he had just appeared at the exit of the Transition Formation where his siblings, who could not forget for a moment after leaving the village, were on watch.

"Are you here?"

It comes with two extras, but well.

Everybody, just take them on the road.

I warped the end of my mouth, so I could go to them and order the family that Maris gave me.

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