Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode 242: The Lječić Terapeia Perspective

Brother Doyle raised his voice suddenly as he proceeded through a quiet forest that reminded him of his hometown. I followed that voice screaming to run, and I tried to move my legs, but it was too late, and a familiar formation floated and glowed at our feet.

- It's a transfer formation.

I knew immediately that it was the transfer team that was trying to swallow us because they let us use it scattered in the temple between leaving the Majesta and joining Brother Doyle. But as long as we look at the wide-spread formation and the increased glow that we just said was close to activation, we're not going to get away with it on our feet.

I don't know what to do. If I raise my face, I'll rush over at an amazing rate. Mr. Scion looked in my eyes and my brother grabbed me and Sana's arm. Then I wondered if Mr. Zion had caught up with his brother without putting it between them, and a loud voice irritated the billies and tympanic membrane.

"I'll take care of you! Young lady!"

"Oh! In the Handel"

That's how our world turned dark as the two conversations reached our ears with a solid trust in each other.

It was for a moment that my stomach was attacked by a floating sensation that was zoary.

I lean my neck unexpectedly in a quiet forest where my feet once again tread the earth and my brightened vision hastily looking around to see what the hell I had been flown to.

... This is the Elf Forest?

Looking at the same scenery and the variety of grass trees, it doesn't look like they were flown far away. I thought the destination was exactly what the enemy was waiting for, so I clapped up a little on how things were around so quiet that there was no sign of a creature.

That's what I thought. My brother and Sana were the same. I looked at the two blinking eyes, but Mr. Zion, who belonged to the Hundred Warriors of Mercenaries, was different.

"- Put up your weapons. They're already surrounded."

The air is strained at once by the words uttered by Mr. Zion, who glanced around. That's what Brother Doyle should call a mercenary he trusts, and he sees a different world than we do.

I thought I got a little stronger thanks to my master...

Close your eyes and explore the signs and you have no idea. Though I was trained by my master before I left, Doyle, it's a natural consequence because I haven't reached the point of having signs detection and other skills, like Brother Doyle and Lord Ballad, but I regret it a little.

"I have no idea."

"Me, too."

With his brother agreeing to zero words in his tongue, Mr. Zion squeaks with a small voice as he glances at us with a chillary glance, holding a loud Hulbert with one hand and gently.

"There are twelve within ten meters. You're like a warcraft, not a human being. There's a good chance the youngsters will be there if we go that way because there are about three of them that seem to be strong behind us. But I don't know how far the youngsters are from where I can sense them. There's a possibility of a trap, rather than deliberately breaking it off. You won't be willing to merge easily, so we're smarter looking for a handel over here. Do you have any idea where we're going?


"" It's okay. ""

Mr. Scion mutters "just" in a whistle when he slightly raises the end of his mouth if he shows the magic props indicating the orientation brought to him by his master along with his brother and Sana.

I don't know how valuable it is for us to be unfamiliar with the journey, but it was in the luggage that Master and Master Serena had prepared for us. I'm sure it's more expensive than we think.

"Fine. You're letting me have it. If we head west, we'll get to Handel, but the youngsters won't be able to get there easily. For now, if you get out of the woods, you'll see our guys, so if you get away with me, run in one direction looking at it. We'll be far away, but avoid the west."

"" "Yes" "

"Your job is not to fight, so prioritize yourselves. If I tell you to go, don't look back and run. If they fight badly, it's out of the way."

My brother, me and Sana snort firmly into Mr. Theon's words.

My master has sporadically told me not to force myself into the war. He said it would be most helpful for Brother Doyle to leave the battle to the experts and hide himself in a safe place, as it would only be shackled to no avail in real life, such as our burning ability to fight.

As a man, I feel complicated. It's an assessment, but we're pharmacists, and our ability to fight is insignificant, so we can't help it.

- I'm not a good person enough to do that and this.

That's what I thought when I went to middle school and epis school where I met my brother and spent time with my brothers, Doyle, and I became recognized as something special. And Master Balad and Sebastian, who have served the House of the Duke of Aginis, taught me that I should do what I can.

What we need to do now is get off this front as soon as possible so that we don't get in the way of Mr. Scion or Brother Doyle, and get ready for treatment in case, not fight the enemy. Brother Doyle, Mr. Scion, the master who sent us out to this land, even Serena, wouldn't expect that from us.

What we need to do is there's more to help.

I exchanged my gaze with my brother and Sana as I remembered the days I had spent learning all sorts of things, and when I squeezed the back string of the load with my empty hands, I finally caught the sound of my ears rustling away and something tearing up the grass.

"Coming. You guys come here thinking about protecting yourselves."

"" "Yes!

It was almost at the same time that we answered and countless spreads grew from all sides.

The material of the coming crawl is close to wood, as thick and sharp as the arms of adult men. In ordinary people like us, it's definitely a major injury just plundered, and we have to avoid it because it's difficult to take it.

But Mr. Theon retreats them with a single wave of Hulbert, laughing thinly.

"Don't be ridiculous!

Then if Mr. Theon sticks up Hulbert as if to break the ground, the stone columns growing out of the ground will pierce something that is lost in the trees, and the attack that was pouring from all directions will stop.

It was an instant event.

I remember feeling the fragments of the crawl finally falling apart slapping my hair and shoulders with the words' If you go to a battlefield like the Aginis family, I am also a category of the weak ', which my master and Master Sebastian had spoken of several times.

I watched them while avoiding the occasional attacks of thunderspear braves and flamespear braves, and Sebastian and his master who sometimes spoke of stopping them looked like someone who could fight enough from my point of view, but I see he did. If it's the battlefield of your brothers, Doyle, that makes this offensive on a cool face, we're in the wrong place. I guess you're right not to take part in the fight and hide yourself until your turn comes. I feel so much now.

"Let's go. Over here!"

I rush out to be played by that voice that sounded, chewing on my standing and my role.

Now is not the time to think about it.

We have to get through this forest to play our part.

I told myself so while chasing Mr. Scion's back with my brother and Sana.

However, having found the figure of a warcraft pierced and immobilized by stone columns in the flowing scenery, I unexpectedly opened my eyes and eventually the memory of the engagement ceremony between Brother Doyle and Princess Claire, which took place last year, rushes through my head.

Sana with a blue and white face and an ice-soaked warcraft.

The wood-shaped warcraft trapped in ice had hundreds of intertwined, blue leaves of varying thickness, large and small.

Like that warcraft that was pierced by the stone columns released by Mr. Theon and stopped moving.

- Brother.

Floating on the lid is the figure of a brother connected to a cold cell and staring into the universe with his vain eyes.

Are you there?


That night the chief pharmacist took me to the dungeon with Brother Doyle and Mr. Tim, I never met Brother Zegen. And later, when Brother Doyle told me that the intruder had taken my brother and ran away, I was honestly relieved.

I decided to protect Sana, but I still didn't want to see my brother or anything to be tried.

Dodd, dodd, breathe out hah as I feel my heart pulse so painfully.


This breathlessness is not the only reason I'm chasing Mr. Theon's back, who runs while paying for the impending Warcraft in Hulbert. It was arrogant. It was horrible just to think that your brother had become a criminal as a result of our hunting down, and regret and guilt plugged my throat and stopped me from breathing.

- But.

I move my legs, eating my teeth out of breathlessness.

You mustn't stop.

Because I decided to move on.

When they offered to leave a message despite informing me of their plans to travel to chase the man who took my brother away in the dungeon, I thought Brother Doyle might have left us, not only because of his lack of strength, but also because he could fight his brother.

And the idea didn't have to be far from it.

- If we continue to act together, we will also see something we do not want to see more than ever, and it involves considerable danger.

I remember that word that Brother Doyle told me before I left the temple with my wish to 'I don't want Sana to remember my brother' and the promise I made at Castle Majesta at that time, and I felt I was willing to keep it.

I mean, I can afford to be in this situation, or I care too much around you. Really.

If you held so many things, you wouldn't be able to help but be heavy.

But Brother Doyle doesn't mind, he tells us you can leave it to yourself to run.

Because I suffered so much, I was kind to people.

Someone stronger than anyone because he rose up and got over it.

Although I have been sporadically sweet by the tenderness, I have been thinking a lot about myself since I reunited with my brother. And this time, when I was supposed to go to Brother Doyle by the commission, I felt like God told me to settle for myself.

So I came along and I'm here now. [M]

Doyle, like your brother, I admitted my mistakes and decided to live on my back.

Close your eyes and you'll see your brother's gentle smile, the tears he saw while strangled, his vain expression in the cold dungeon and his pickly immobile appearance spreading on his lid.

Remember when we used to play together, I regretted so many times that I would have done this, reflected on my past deeds, and I would never forget Sana lying down in the woods where the rain of grace fell and looked down on her like that and her brother.

But I'm sorry. Brother Zegen.

Because no one can do anything about not having a past.

Tim and his parents said it wasn't just me and Sana.

You tried to protect us, Brother Doyle or Chief Pharmacist Elva.

I can't tell Sana the truth. My brother and Grey's brother care about me.

Then an important fraction I decided to protect.

I choose a future where I walk shoulder to shoulder with them.

We stop, too, to imitate Mr. Zion, who made a loud noise and stopped his feet with his tongue "chipping" at the figure of a giant wooden warcraft slowly approaching him as he rocked the earth.


But I wipe the sweat off my cheeks, and I look up. [M] And I looked straight back at the same shallow green eyes as me and Sana, who were looking down at me cold from above the wooden Warcraft.

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