Amber and her wolves

10 Chapter 10 Hospital

I woke up wearing a horrible hospital grown. I hated these so much. They are always made of horrible stiff cloth that is always rough on your skin. I looked around and noticed that I was in a hospital. Then I remembered what happened. The fire the smoke and then nothing. I saw Bradley walk over to me and sit in a chair. He told me to relax and that everyone was fine. I asked about the fire and he smiled. Why would he smile? "You started that fire and when you were knocked out, it stopped. Nothing but a few scorch marks." He replied like it was the greatest thing I had done. What the hell had I done? I created a fire? How the hell cold I do that? It wasn't possible. There had to be some kind of logical explanation. I wasn't a witch. I couldn't be. I looked at Bradley who had picked up on my concern and worry. He smiled at me and told me that it was going to be okay. I tried to smile back but I couldn't. I looked at myself and I had bandages on my arms. They must have been from the fire. They would heal. I tried to move them but it hurt. Looks like I wouldn't be practicing for a while. Why was there a fire anyway. Bradley had told me that he had no idea what my magic was but it was probably healing magic like my mum. "I have no idea why there was fire. I think it was because of what you wanted. You wanted out so the fire tried to give you that." Bradley explained. I wanted out. But out of what? Out of the room I was in or the life I'm living? The doctor came in and said that they needed to run a couple more tests before they could clear me, then I was free to go back to the pack house. Great I was still with fucking werewolves. Danial came in after the doctor but stayed back. Bradley said that until I could control magic I was dangerous when I was scared. So he decided that I should stay with werewolves to get over my fear. Danial tried to talk to me but I ignored him. He told me that Alec was sorry for locking me in a room. If he was sorry then where the hell was he? Why couldn't he say sorry to me himself? This was pissing me off. Rose came by and ignored Bradley's warning. She said that she would heal and that I wouldn't hurt her for no reason. She had a point. I would only hurt them if they hurt me. Rose sat with me for a while whilst we waited to take he tests. Once Bradley was sure that I wouldn't hurt anyone including myself, he left to take care of some business. The test came back fine and I as free to go. Back to the house of beasts.

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