American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 139: Old And New Generations Of Ghost Rider!

Ghost Rider originally thought that as long as he made it clear that he did not know the whereabouts of the Saint Van Gonzal contract, maybe Cain and the others would not continue to ask for cooperation with him.

After all, their goal is obviously the St. Van Gonzal contract, and it's fine if they can't get it out.

But who knew that the other party actually knew where the Saint Van Gonza contract was, which immediately made Ghost Rider wonder what to do?

After all, if the other party really knows the whereabouts of the Saint Van Gonzal contract, then I should be useless in the eyes of the other party. Why do they still cooperate with me?

This question has always been lingering in Ghost Rider's mind, making his mind full of doubts.

But now is not the time to think about these questions, but to consider whether to agree to cooperate with them.

After thinking a lot, Ghost Rider could only agree in the end.

But while Ghost Rider, there's one more question.

"Since you already know where the St. Vaganza's contract is, why do you want me to act with you?"

Ghost Rider looked at Cain and the others in puzzlement. To these people whose goal was the contract of Saint Vanganza, the final value was the clues about the contract of Saint Vanganza.

But now that I know the whereabouts of the Saint Van Gonza contract, I should be useless to them, right?

"As I said before, the purpose of our foundation is to protect people's normal life, so we need people like you and your strength."

Cain looked at Ghost Rider seriously: "You are actually one of the superheroes, the things we do are similar to superheroes, and you can also treat us as "967" as a superhero similar to S.H.I.E.L.D Organization, understand?"

Cain's sincere look and serious attitude made Ghost Rider silent.

If it weren't for the strong sinful aura on Cain and the others, perhaps Ghost Rider had really believed them completely.

But looking at them, the thick, thick sin like blood has even stained their souls.

Ghost Rider really didn't know that he should take Cain's words.

If it is false, but the other party has no reason to deceive themselves, but if it is true, then how can they have so many sins?

"Good people may not kill people, and bad people may not necessarily do bad things. Everything has two sides. You judge the souls of these people because of your mission. For many people, you have done A good thing, you reduce the number of bad people, but you still do a good thing to their wives, children, parents?"

Cain knew very well what Ghost Rider was hesitation, so his words immediately made Ghost Rider silent.

Ghost Rider cannot deny that he is indeed purifying this society.

The people he killed were all sinful people, but is what he did necessarily good?

"Those people you judged will be sent to hell to become Meto Faith's food because of the contract. Do you think you, a knight who judges other people's sins, are a good person?"

Cain's words hit the nail on the head.

Although Ghost Rider has always judged the wicked, those who died under his Eye of Judgment all deserved what they deserved.

But Ghost Rider and Punisher are actually the same existence.

They all violate the idea of ​​the mainstream superhero, that is, the existence of non-killing.

The mainstream superheroes basically have a set of ideas, that is, they will not kill others, no matter what kind of enemy they face, they will only subdue each other, not kill each other.

Definitely this also has a premise, for example, the other party is a human being, or someone they know.

As for those little guys from alien planets, they are not included in this regulation.

In fact, these superheroes are not so noble, and there is widespread discrimination among them. It is impossible to truly achieve fairness and justice.

Don't aliens have mothers? Don't they have families of their own?

So in Jiang Bai and the foundation's point of view, there has always been one point.

Humans first!

No matter when, human safety is the most important.

Other than that are those who are peaceful, and are close to human beings.

As for those dangers that threaten human safety and cannot be used.

For example, 682 is an object that the Foundation needs to eliminate. If it weren't for the fact that 682 is really not an ordinary life, and can't be killed no matter what, it would have been completely killed by the Foundation long ago.

So after Cain noticed Ghost Rider's thoughts, he immediately asked Ghost Rider a question.

A question that Ghost Rider simply cannot answer.

Ghost Rider, who works for demons to collect human souls, is not a good person in essence.

No matter where it is placed, in any era, it is an out-and-out bad person, a person who deserves to be raped by a thousand knives and quartered!

And Ghost Rider also understood this, so when Cain asked him about this, he was silent.

He didn't know how he should answer Cain?

"Can't come up with an exact answer, can you?"

Cain watched Ghost Rider speak in a flat tone, but facing Cain's words, Ghost Rider could do nothing but nod.

"This is the two sides of the matter. Our foundation is a human-oriented organization. Everything we are in is for human beings. No matter whether it is evil or not, and whether it can be recognized by the public, we are just silently doing what we should do. , isn't that enough?"

Not enough?

Ghost Rider thought about it carefully, perhaps the foundation is not as famous as the S.H.I.E.L.D and other superhero organizations he is familiar with, or even unknown.

But what the Foundation has done is more recognized by Ghost Rider than S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D constantly publicizes what crisis they solved and how many lives they saved.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D has played no role in the recent major disasters in New York, and no one even knows how these disasters were resolved.

and many more!

If these recent disasters in New York were not solved by S.H.I.E.L.D, would it be...  

Ghost Rider suddenly looked up at Cain and the others.

"Before New York was attacked by aliens, and the tsunami that occurred in New York were all solved by you?"

Ghost Rider looked at Cain and the others suspiciously, trying to get an affirmative answer from them.

If none of these things are resolved by S.H.I.E.L.D, then the only possible solution Ghost Rider can think of is the Foundation in front of him.

"It's us."

Cain was not hiding anything.

Since Ghost Rider has already asked this question, and plans to recruit Ghost Rider to be his companion in the future, there should be some trust and honesty.

After receiving a definite answer from Cain, Ghost Rider said to Cain after a brief silence: "I believe in you!"

Ghost Rider absolutely trusts Cain and the others, and cooperates with Cain sincerely.

This is also the result that Cain and the others wanted to see, so after getting such an answer from Ghost Rider, Cain immediately decided to proceed with the plan to the next step.

"Let's act now, meet another Ghost Rider, and get the contract of Saint Vaganza."

"Another Ghost Rider?"

Ghost Rider looked at Cain and the others with some doubts, not understanding what the other party meant by these words?

But Cain and the others didn't say much, and left with Ghost Rider directly.

the next day.

Bright sunlight fell on a cemetery.

A handsome old man with white hair, capable figure, and heroic appearance, who looks like a beautiful National Mounted Policeman in the last century, is holding a hoe, lying under a big tree in the middle of the cemetery, basking in the sun.

"Carter Slay?"

The sun in front of the old man was blocked by a few uninvited guests, which made him frown very unhappy.

"who are you?"

Carter stood up unsteadily, looking at Cain and the others in front of him with displeasure.

"As you can see, I'm just an old man in charge of guarding the cemetery. I don't have any property. I think it's not a good thing to be sent to prison for robbing such a poor old man, right?"

Kurt looked very humorous, but Cain heard another meaning from his words.

Obviously, the other party also knew their intention and identity.

"Previous Ghost Rider, don't worry, after you see our friends, you may have new considerations."

Cain walked aside as he spoke, and then revealed Johnny standing behind him...

As the previous Ghost Rider, Carter immediately felt that Johnny in front of him was the new Ghost Rider.

"Motor Faith's new toy?"

Carter looked at Johnny with some pity, as if he was saying that you are so pitiful in comparison.

But Johnny is full of doubts about Carter at the moment.

"Are you the previous Ghost Rider?"

"As you can see." Carter shrugged, and then reached out to pick up the hoe beside him: "I am Carter Slay, and I used to be one of Morfaith's toys like you, but compared to you, I Seems like something is missing?"

Kater Srey is a product of Faith's experiment with Ghost Rider.

The real Ghost Rider represents the wrath of God, and is an existence that can punish others for their sins like a strong one.

But Kater Slay is just an imitation made by Me Faith Tor using the power of Zatanos, and is not in Uriel's contract.

That's why Carter said that Johnny seemed to have something more than him.

But Carter didn't care about these, but continued to talk to Johnny.

"I know why you are here, San Van Gonza contract, the biggest contract I successfully traded for Me Faith."

The souls of tens of thousands of people are indeed a great national medicine.

Even for a demon lord like Mo Faith, it's not small.

"Using this contract, I got freedom from Mur Faith, but I didn't give the contract to Mur Faith, but ran away with the contract, and now Mur Faith wants you to give this contract to me. Take it back?"

The Ghost Rider made by Moto Faith is the spokesperson of Moto Faith in the world.

They will replace Faith to conclude a contract in the world, complete the contract, and collect the contract.

To put it bluntly, he is a wage earner, and what he does is not a devil's work in essence.

But Johnny is different, he is the real Ghost Rider, and he represents the existence of God's wrath.

So he can judge others, judge those who have committed sins.

And the soul after being judged by him will fall into the hell of Me Faith because of the contract he signed with Me Faith, and become the food of Me Faith.

So Faith is completely exploiting the loopholes in his contract with Uriel, and

Attempts to make a legitimate Ghost Rider his own.

And Carter and others are just the guinea pigs that Moto Faith conducted experiments to achieve this goal.

"We are not people from Faith, we are from an organization called the Abnormality Foundation, and we are now working with the current Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer,

Fight together against Faith's son, the Witch Mind Demon. "

Cain immediately explained 3.8 and explained his identity, then stopped talking, and handed over the power of negotiation to Johnny.

After all, having two people who are also Ghost Rider negotiate with each other should be much more effective than just being an outsider.

"Has the Witch Heart Demon come to the world? His purpose should also be the contract of Saint Vaganza, right?"

After all, it is the souls of tens of thousands of people, and for any devil, it is a big meal.

After eating it, the power of the Witch Heart Demon can at least double.

Coupled with the appearance of Johnny and others, Carter immediately understood what the witch heart demon's purpose was.

"That's right."

Johnny nodded: "The foundation is a trustworthy organization, I think it is more reasonable and safe to hand over the Saint Van Gonzale Contract to them than to any devil.

Hearing Johnny's words, Carter looked at Johnny in surprise.

"Aren't you going to hand over the contract of San Van Gonza to Me Faith? If you call the contract to Me Faith, maybe you can be free from his hands like me."

"The order he gave me was to stop the witch, but he didn't say that I should bring back the contract of St. Van Gonzale to him."

Johnny has no intention of using the contract of St. Van Gonzale to exchange Faith for freedom.

After Carter heard Johnny say this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"It's incomprehensible that an honest kid like you would make a deal with a devil like Moto Faith."

As Carter spoke, he raised the hoe in his hand and slammed it on the ground, and the hoe broke in two.

And in the broken hoe, there is a roll of parchment.

"This is the covenant of St. Van Gonzale. 11

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