American Comics: From Containment Anomalies To Great Old Ones

Chapter 140: Taking Advantage Of The Fire To Rob S.H.I.E.L.D!

The contract of St. Van Gonza seems to be just a simple piece of parchment.

But he can control the ownership of tens of thousands of souls. The Witch Heart Demon believes that he can have the power to defeat his father, the demon lord Faith, by obtaining the contract of Saint Van Gonzal.

But in Jiang Bai's view, this is completely nonsense.

Perhaps with the contract of St. Van Gonzale, the strength of the Witch Heart Demon will indeed increase to a certain extent.

But it will definitely not be able to compete with Mo Faith.

If the Saint Van Gonzal contract is really so powerful, after Carter took the Saint Van Gonzal contract away, "Me Faith will not have an attitude of not caring at all.

Instead, he will definitely catch up at the first time and snatch the contract of Saint Van Gonzale.

"In this kind of place?"

Johnny looked puzzled at the Saint Van Gonzal contract in Carter's hand.

He never thought that Carter would hide such an important thing in such a simple hoe.

"Precisely because it is important, many people will definitely hide it in a very secret and safe place, but is there really a safer place in this world than by your side?"

Listening to Carter's explanation, Johnny looked at the Saint Van Gonzal contract in his hand, and nodded silently.

Indeed, there is really no safer place in this world than being by your side.

Especially for Ghost Rider like them.

Ghost Rider is a person who was deceived by a demon and signed a contract with him.

They have already seen too many demons playing with humans. In their eyes, perhaps no place is absolutely safe.

Because the devil will dig out these things in his own way, and it is even possible that the hiding place you have worked so hard to find is a place carefully arranged by the devil to tease you

So instead of trying so hard to find a place to hide the Saint Vanganza Contract, only to find out that Faith Tor is actually watching your jokes, it is better to just keep the Saint Vanganza Contract by your side , so that even if you die, you will die in peace.

But looking at the St. Van Gonzal contract in his hand, Johnny still asked Carter the second question with some doubts.

"Why are you willing to give me the contract of Saint Van Gonzal?"

The contract of St. Van Gonzal was something that Carter stole by deceiving Faith, and now he is willing to give it to himself?

Logically speaking, this should be Carter's time, and he should attach great importance to the contract of St. Van Gonzale.

But now it's just given to me who just met for the first time and has a great connection with Mo Faith. Doesn't this seem strange?

"Why would I be willing to give you the contract of St. Vaganza?"

Hearing Johnny's inquiry, Carter also showed a thoughtful look on his face.

After he cheated his freedom back from Metor's hand, he immediately ran away with the contract of St. Van Gonzale.

And this run lasted nearly a hundred years, from the panic at the beginning, to the peace of mind now, and then to the lack of interest in life.

Carter would also often ask himself why he didn't directly give the contract of St. Van Gonza to Mur Faith, so that maybe he would not have to live in such a hidden life, and he could live in the sun with integrity and do what he liked. Things to do.

But as long as he thinks of those who regretted signing the contract and kept praying for salvation, Carter will feel as if something is blocked in his heart, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"I also worked as a Ghost Rider for Mo Faith, and fulfilled the content of the contract for him and collected the rewards."

"And there is often only one reward for these contracts..." Carter said here, and suddenly looked up at the sky: "Soul!"

"These people didn't get what they wanted after the contract was made.

"Metor Faith is always cheating, teasing those with whom he makes a pact, and taking pleasure in it!"

Suddenly, Carter's mood became a little excited, and he said with an angry expression.

"I once saw a priest. His town was facing a drought. All food and livestock were gone. Seeing that the people in the whole town were starving to death, he definitely made a deal with the devil after praying to God in vain. "

"He asked Me Faith to send down a heavy rain, hoping to save the town, and Me Faith did send a heavy rain, but no one in the town was saved because of it, do you know why? "

When Carter said this, his face was full of anger and hostility.

After hearing Carter's question, Johnny shook his head slowly, indicating that he didn't know.

"Because the heavy rain Mo Faith asked him to rain was so heavy that it even flooded the entire town. Those townspeople didn't survive in the end, and all died in the heavy rain that the priest made a deal with the devil, and were killed alive. drowned!"

Hearing Carter's words, Johnny thought for a while.

That's exactly what Faith Moto would do.

At the beginning, I signed a contract with Mo Faith, hoping that he could cure my adoptive father's cancer.

In fact, he did it, but in the end, his adoptive father died on the field shortly after he was cured of cancer because of a mistake in performing speed stunts.

Thinking of this, Johnny also began to doubt.

Could all of this be planned by Mo Faith? In fact, the death of his adoptive father was planned by him alone!

"Me Faith, the old devil, has always regarded human beings as food and as a means of entertainment. He will fulfill his contract, but he will also take advantage of the loopholes in the contract, making life worse than death for those who signed the contract with him!"

"In the end, the priest watched all the people he wanted to save die, died in his own contract and goodwill, and he also betrayed his faith, was abandoned by God, and became a sad existence."

Even a person like Carter, who is used to all kinds of tragedies, can't hide his anger when mentioning this scene.

"When I went to collect the priest's soul, I found that it was still white and full of pure priest's soul, but it was still muddy, like a pool of disgusting mud. It was the priest's sin, because those townspeople It was because of him that he died, and he committed the felony of dealing with the devil."

"That damned Mefaith, this bastard old devil! He will never really fulfill the contract, including the contract of St. Van Gonzale. He is always deceiving and teasing the person who signed the contract with him. "

Speaking of this, Carter suddenly raised his head, and said to Johnny with a look of disgust: "So I also want him to taste the taste of being teased by others, being taken advantage of by others and cheated by others!"

After all, the reason why Carter would lie to Faith and take such a big risk to do this.

Its purpose is to make Morte uncomfortable.

Because Carter hates Mer Faith, Carter, who works for Mer Faith, witnessed many people willingly offering his soul, but in the end he didn't get what he wanted

Many of them are even existences that can be called saints.

Because they are willing to dedicate themselves to others, which is the so-called devotion in the Bible.

It's a pity that dealing with the devil is not among the devotion approved by the Bible.

So these people will eventually be defiled by their sins and become the food of Moto Faith.

And what they wanted from Faith, they didn't get it.

Moto Faith lied to them, to all who wrote their own contracts.

The devil's contract is just a piece of deceitful waste paper. It has no other use except to bully the weak and plunder everything from others.

That's why Carter thinks that Faith Moto is a piece of shit, a goddamn thing!

He must pay for what he has done.

In fact, Carter did exactly that. He deceived Me Faith, got his freedom, and stole the contract of St. Van Gonzale.

Maybe this is the most humiliating time for Meto Faith?

After all, as the demon king of hell and one of the demon lords, this should be the first time he was played by a human being to this extent.

As long as he thinks of this possibility, Carter feels that everything he has done is worthwhile.

Being able to make Faith feel uncomfortable and humiliated is enough for Carter.

"I will give you the contract of St. Van Gonzale because I can feel that you are the same as me."

After Carter made it clear about his dislike and hostility towards Mer Faith, he said to Johnny: "You are a Ghost Rider like me, and you are both dissatisfied with Mer Faith. If you can make Mer Faith Feeling betrayed by Ghost Rider once again, I think that is enough to give me everything!"

Carter hated Mertor, much more than anyone imagined.

That's why he said such words.

Even Johnny was surprised and unbelievable.

Because he never thought that someone would hate and hate Mo Faith to such an extent.

But when he thought about the things Carter had experienced, he felt relieved again.

Because if Johnny went through those things, maybe Johnny would do something similar.

He will also feel disgust and hostility towards Faith, and wants to make Faith feel remorse and pain for everything he has done!

Because what Faith has done is really disgusting!

"I see, thank you Carter, you are willing to believe me." "

After receiving Carter's answer, Johnny calmed down a little.

At the same time, he is also thinking about the relationship between himself and Faith, whether there should be some changes?

In the past, Johnny's view of Moto Faith was basically fixed on the role of boss.

It should be normal for me to get what I want from Faith, and then to work for Faith for what I got.

But following what Carter said, Johnny began to wonder whether the death of his adoptive father was also related to Faith?

As long as the seeds of doubt are planted, the next betrayal is almost doomed.

So Johnny is also starting to think at this moment, should he still maintain such a relationship with Moto Faith?

This is what Jiang Bai wants to see.

Want Ghost Rider to join Pandora's Box and become a member of the Foundation.

First of all, it is necessary to contact the contract between him and Mo Faith.

No matter what method is used to terminate the contract, Johnny must recognize the true face of Mo Faith, and voluntarily terminate the contract with Mo Faith.

Only with Johnny's consent, Jiang Bai can start from Mo Faith's side.

Although this may be a long time operation.

After all, it is indeed not an easy task to take back a person's freedom from the devil who eats people but does not spit out bones, and is currently the human being he is most interested in.

So it is very likely that it will take a long time to prepare, and definitely Jiang Bai has already prepared for all of this.

Johnny took over Saint Van Gunthacchi from Carter

about, and put it in his pocket.

The souls of tens of thousands of people are all on this humble piece of paper.

"How are you going to deal with The Witch? The Witch is Mer Faith's (good) son, and I honestly don't think he's going to be an easy character if you really fight

If you attack him, the faster you go, the higher you will be!"

Demons will increase their strength by devouring souls, but the souls that have committed crimes are more nourishing for demons.

From the current point of view, if the Witch Heart Demon really intends to gain the power to fight Mo Faith.

It is bound to devour the souls of innocent people in large numbers, so Carter believes that the arrest of the demons should be done as soon as possible.

It is absolutely impossible to let the witch heart demon absorb more people's souls, this will only make it more difficult for the witch heart demon to defeat.

"Saint Van Gonza.

Cain revealed their destination without any hesitation.

It can be said that all of this is in Jiang Bai's expectation, what is the witch heart demon planning to do?

How Cain and the others should act, everything Jiang Bai has already planned for them.

It's just that before that, they still have one thing to do.

"Now S.H.I.E.L.D should have started, we have to go to S.H.I.E.L.D first."

"Because of the contract of St. Vaganza, the Witch Heart Demon will definitely go there if he thinks of getting the contract of St. Vanganza. This is reasonable, but you still have to go to S.H.I.E.L.D,

And why is that?"

Carter looked at Cain and the others in confusion.

He just regarded Cain and the others as Johnny's helpers, so he was deeply puzzled by Cain and the others' diametrically opposed behavior.

But regarding this, Cain said very indifferently: "Now S.H.I.E.L.D should be in a mess, it's time for us to go over and make trouble.

S.H.I.E.L.D will be devastated by this chaos.

Jiang Bai intends to let Cain and the others take advantage of the fire and rob them, so as to teach S.H.I.E.L.D a lesson!.

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