American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 102 Batman's guess, Sarama took the Barbatos script

At this point, Batman had figured out the general process and looked at Piccolo with a deep look:

"So you made this thing?"

Hearing this, Piccolo's face showed a hint of disdain. Both generations of Piccolo's disgust for the gods were engraved in their bones:

"Who would do such a damn thing? Fighting is my specialty."

Carrot El glanced at him. In fact, when it comes to fighting, the god's martial arts level is not low.

It's just that he is old and has weak combat power. In addition, his edges have been smoothed by his priesthood and time, which makes him look like garbage.

"It wasn't him. The person who made the Dragon Ball was one of his peers."

Carrot El gave a simple explanation and raised his head to look at Shenlong: "And what I want to do is to use the dragon balls to restore this place."

Stark and Bruce Wayne asked almost simultaneously: "At what cost?"

"The cost is that this kind of willingness, in a sense, goes against reality, and even forcibly changes reality."

"So there is a risk of reverse intrusion."

Carrot El explained to everyone: "The more times you make a wish, the more negative energy generated by going against reality will accumulate."

"Then, some products that deviate from life will appear."

Batman narrowed his eyes: "Sounds like dark matter?"

Carrot El pondered for a moment: "There are indeed some similarities, but the most critical issue is that the imbalance between the two is very serious."

"Although this little dragon is very weak, if something is really born, it may be so strong that even I may not be able to deal with it."

"So, if the real dragon also has such a wish-making risk"

Thinking of this, Carrot El unconsciously showed a hint of a Saiyan smile. The feeling of fear and excitement was indeed fascinating.

But soon, a rational perspective suppressed the madness in his blood, and he warned solemnly:

"That would probably be a disaster for the entire universe."

Everyone's faces showed solemn solemnity.

Batman and Iron Man shuddered when they heard this. Originally, they thought it was good and happy to hear that there was a gadget that could grant wishes, especially Batman.

But now, when Carrot El talked about the risks of making a wish, both of them felt that this so-called Dragon Ball should be sealed forever.

Batman squinted his eyes, the storm running rapidly in his mind was always analyzing in the worst direction:

"Looking at it this way, the Dragon Realm you are talking about is probably a dimension completely isolated from reality, and these wishing dragons cannot come to reality through direct means."

"That's why we use this method of summoning wish-makers to affect reality. The more influence they have on reality, the greater the power they can transmit."

"Perhaps, that Dragon God Salama wants to come to reality through this method."

Following Batman's analysis, Iron Man stared at Shenlong with evil eyes and kept adding:

"That's right. If there really is a completely free wish, why didn't the first group of people who knew about it grasp it and then make wishes like crazy?"

"Al, are you sure you want to use this power of unknown origin?"

Carrot El was a little surprised when he listened to the two people's analysis.

He just briefly elaborated on the speculation about the evil dragon. How could these two guys put Barbatos' script on Salama? ?

Could it be that Longdu likes to do this? ?

But if you think about it carefully, what they said makes sense. According to the devil's dimension theory in American comics, the unlimited overdraft of Dragon God Salama and the wish to modify reality are indeed inconsistent with behavioral logic.

Even as a gift from the Creator God, this kind of gift is a bit too great, because the person who makes the wish can be said to have paid nothing.

Isn't this a little too incredible?

Is there such a good thing in the world? ?

In addition, the large wishing beads are used to make wishes in the language of gods, which means that only gods can use them.

When does an omnipotent God need to make wishes? ?

In other words, what kind of wishes do we need God to grant?

Similar to Zamasu's wish for immortality, Carrot El didn't pay attention at all. This kind of clown's wish completely wasted the number of wishes.

If there is really a wish that needs to be granted by the gods at the top of the universe, then it will definitely be something that affects countless multiverses.

It has to be said that Batman's analysis also made Carrot El a little vigilant.

Everyone present was obviously past the age of listening to fairy tales, and everyone was skeptical about this good thing about pie-in-the-sky.

"It shouldn't matter if you use it once or twice. The level of the dragon's will is related to its creator. The creator of this dragon is quite weak."

Carrot El said, taking a step forward and looking at the little dragon created by the gods.

He still didn't take it seriously. Not to mention having the Spiritual Time House, even if he took a step back, he could have smashed the dragon ball before the evil dragon came out.

"I made a wish, well, you should pay back the interest."

Hearing Carrot El's words, Shenlong really felt like dying.

Through his own special ability, Shenlong already knew that Carrot El learned this trick from a man named Ancient One.

The human beings in this world are really bad, so bad, they are all black when cut open!

"The interest on the two wishes you owe this year is, first, repair this place, and second, revive all the dead people on Earth around you."

The dragon nodded impatiently, fulfilling this wish as if he was avoiding the plague god: "Okay, Carrot, the wish has been fulfilled."

"Then. Goodbye, I never want to see you again, and I wish my creator to die soon!"

The next second, the bright light pulled apart seven meteors that streaked across the sky. The sky was about to disappear, but Carrot El caught them all back in a moment of distraction.

Putting the items in his hand on the ground, the originally glittering beads had turned into gray stones, and they would not be restored until a year later.

The accumulated dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated with the disappearance of the dragon, revealing the blue and white sky again.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other in confusion.

As a yellow light spread across the earth, the Kent courtyard, which had been reduced to ruins, was restored to its original state in an instant.

The miracle descended, and the farmland burned by the fire turned into a scene of harvest again. All the tragic things that happened before seemed like a dream.

Only the bloodstains on the ground showed that everything was real.

As the ruins stood up again, the dead people stood up one after another, and the traces of war and gunpowder were washed away in an instant.

The whole reality seemed to be restarted. A pair of blank eyes sat up from the ground, looking at their hands in disbelief, and hugged their families tightly after coming to their senses.

"This, it's restored?"

Stark and Banner looked at the earth-shaking changes around them, and their faces were a little shocked.

The group walked out of the yard quickly, and the scene that came into view made everyone stunned.

Batman's acceptance ability is the strongest among the crowd. At this moment, various emergency plans have begun to churn in his mind.

But for some reason, solving problems through this mystical way always makes him feel uncomfortable.

This kind of extraordinary acquisition that stands out from reality, once it leads to abuse, will only turn everything into an illusory wish.

"Carrot, we must not rely on this kind of power."

Batman's face showed solemnity and heaviness. He hoped that Carrot could understand the consequences of this matter.

Carrot Al nodded to him: "I know Bruce, don't worry."

Walking at the end of the team, Wanda was a little absent-minded, staring at her hands in a daze. After seeing this scene, she looked thoughtful.

She felt that her power seemed to be not only used for attack, but also seemed to be able to do the reality modification similar to Shenlong.

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