"Sorry, I didn't discuss this with you beforehand."

The words floated to the deep blue sky with the sound of wind. The worries deep in the pupils were like broken glass, scattered on the lines of the palms. As the fists were clenched, destruction gathered on the finger bones. The power of heaven and earth.

Even though Batman and Iron Man looked dark, they understood in their hearts that Carrot's words were not groundless.

This troubled planet will never be at peace with his departure.

The three of them stood side by side, leaning on the railing.

Carrot's voice is very light, so light that it can disappear with the wind, but it is also very heavy, so heavy that it can carry fate:

"This universe is far more dangerous than I imagined."

Hearing the warning in Carrot's words, Batman interrupted him and along with Iron Man's gaze, followed Carrot's gaze to the sky, and said in a low voice:

"I don't care how many demons they have fought in hell, but he has not yet seen the power of our combination."

After the words fell, a white cloak descended from the empty roof, and Piccolo's contemptuous taunting voice came from behind the three of them:

"Hmph, what nonsense are you two ordinary humans talking about here?"

"Don't think you can fight just by wearing flashy clothes."

Now that Batman and Iron Man are here, how could Piccolo not come?

Tony Stark's face darkened, and he knew without even thinking that this webbing hook had been eavesdropping on their conversation. He curled his lips and said:

"Tch, do you think we are two monsters? One only drinks water, and the other is a big eater. Who knows that one is stronger than the other?"

"You are so powerful, how about this mess for you?"


Before Piccolo could say anything, Carrot El was the first to interrupt the two of them: "This time the earth can only be left to you, Piccolo must follow me."

Hearing this, Piccolo was stunned: "What? Why??"

Seeing this, Carrot El silently took out a capsule from his pocket and threw it on the ground. With a bang, the smoke exploded, revealing two single cabins.

Batman frowned when he saw this. He really didn't know how to complain.

What are the aesthetic requirements for the spaceships made by these astronauts?

It's obviously a good spaceship, but why does it have to be so cramped?

Could it be that the style made into a shooting star would fly faster?

"These two are the spaceships Sabo and Dodoria are on."

Taking out the two spaceships, Carrot El was not without aim, and explained to everyone:

"Just when the press conference was held, Banner and several doctors had already deciphered the spacecraft's program, and they intercepted a monitoring record that was reported to Frieza."

"The time recorded was before they set off."


"Sir, Frieza's starship has set off."

The vast universe is filled with large-scale starships, located deep at the junction of the Northern Galaxy and the Southern Galaxy.

A sturdy man with purple skin touched his chin with vertical lines like a beard, and looked deeply toward a certain direction in the Northern Galaxy with worried eyes.

Next to him now is a tall and slender figure who maintains etiquette at all times.


Thanos wiped his sword hand, paused slightly, and thought of the figure with two horns and a cold smile in his mind.

Deep in the pupils, there was a trace of lingering fear, but there was only fear and no fear.


"Did he go to Namek?"

Ebony Throat bowed slightly, raised his hand, and saw a table suspended in the air, slowly floating towards Thanos. On the table was a cup of brewed tea:

"Yes, sir, according to your plan, Frieza has already stepped into his grave with one foot."

Thanos held the sword in his hand, stood up slowly, came back to his senses, and looked down at the five Obsidian generals under his command.

"Then the second step of the plan can begin. Let Broly and Paragas go to Namek."

"The time has finally come when the emperor falls and we rise."

As soon as the words fell, the five Obsidian generals around them were all gearing up. After decades of swallowing and retreating, they finally had hope of overthrowing Frieza's rule and making a comeback.

The frozen demon clan dominates the universe, killing planets and selling goods at will. All powerful people have been beaten by the Kurds, even Thanos is no exception.

He would never forget that nightmarish day.

In front of that child-sized figure, everything about him was as vulnerable as a chicken or a dog.

That was the day Titan fell, and it was also Thanos' most humiliating day.

Resource depletion is something that every planet must face.

Krypton is no exception, and neither is Titan.

What is different from Krypton is that in the face of the many unequal treaties made by the Kurdish king when selling the planet, and the internal fighting on the planet, it has always been impossible to maintain a straight line.

The desperate Thanos saw through the essence of the Kurdish army's so-called planet trafficking at a glance, or in other words, how cruel the calculations of those cosmic capitalists were.

These so-called transactions seem to be selling planets, but in fact they are just another use and plunder disguised as "trading" after a robbery.

Eat up all their resources, turn them into a bunch of vagrants, and then go to another planet to open up wasteland.

And when the fruits are abundant, Frieza's army will come back to continue picking their fruits and slaughter them again.

This is simply an endless leeks, just a game outside the card table.

How could the young Thanos bear such humiliation?

He would rather see his hometown destroyed than kneel down and be a dog.

But the result was that Titan was destroyed, and he was left by Kurd as a sparring partner for the young Frieza, suffering all kinds of humiliation.

Until one day, Thanos made a deal with the goddess of death and staged a drama of resurrection after real death in front of Frieza.

Successfully escaped from Frieza's hands, year after year, Thanos carefully avoided the movement trajectory of Frieza's army.

While building his own forces and contacting forces in the universe that had been bullied by Frieza's army, he searched for the root power of the universe, collected a lot of information about legends, and tried to make a comeback bit by bit.

Finally, he found an opportunity to subvert Frieza.

Super Saiyan!

He found Paragas and Broly on the planet Wampa in the southern galaxy.

The Dragon Ball legend he collected about Namek fulfilling all wishes gave him an opportunity to lay out his plan.

He deliberately exposed his identity to attract Frieza's attention.

He knew that Frieza would definitely be curious about him, and almost every place in the world would be attracted by the word immortality.

How did he survive?

Why did he survive?

Sure enough, when the plan started, there were more eavesdroppers around him.

Regarding Broly's setting, I carefully looked at the two versions of the character setting and found no obvious conflicts, so I decided to merge them. In terms of origin, I will follow the old version, but in terms of combat power and personality, I will respect the setting of the new version, so that he can replace Vegeta as the eternal second-in-command beside the protagonist.

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