American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 110 New skin martial arts uniform!

"I'll go with you, Al. You have no experience in space navigation, so I can help you a lot."

The warm sunshine fell on Kara's beautiful cheeks, leaving a hint of loss and gloom. Looking at his reluctant eyes, Carrot felt inexplicably distressed.

Kara El really couldn't bear to let go of this younger brother who was finally reunited.

For Supergirl, her mission is to protect Al's growth, and she really did that. When she arrived on Earth, she fought desperately to protect his adoptive parents.

But things are fickle, and Kara, who was supposed to protect her younger brother, has now become a drag on him, which makes her feel very uncomfortable.

"Just stay here and bask in the sun."

Seeing this, Carrot El gave Kara a heartfelt hug, warm and reliable:

"Study the knowledge of the earth and the social life here with your heart, especially learn to control your own power."

Of course Carrot El could see what Kara El was thinking.

Compared to the illusory glory of Krypton, as a relative, Carrot hopes that Kara can live a good life without danger.

Although she was of Kryptonian blood, she didn't seem to have much choice, but it was enough as long as she didn't fall into the shame of Krypton again.

If the world has changed because of Carrot's existence, it is that they no longer need to hide themselves, nor do they have to worry about exposing their identities and causing public panic.

Carrot El has successfully established such a harbor and plans to lead everyone to usher in such an era.

"Of course, if someone bullies you, it's mine to beat him to death!"

The light shines down, and the afterglow of the sun is like an ancient watcher, quietly listening to the firm voice floating into the universe.

Carrot caressed Bulma's cheek, and the two's affectionate eyes met in the depths of each other's pupils, entwined with long-lasting love and relying on each other.

"Then... put this on this time."

Bulma kissed Carrot's face, then took out a set of clothes from the suitcase and stuffed them into Al's arms:

"Remember, when we first met when we were children, you were dressed like this."

"Wear it this time too, just think I'm by your side."

Carrot opened his clothes and his eyes froze for a while as the memories emerged.

What came into view was an orange-red martial arts uniform. The overall style was relatively loose, with a blue shirt and wristbands, paired with comfortable boots and a tight waistband.

"Yeah, I really miss it."

In the blink of an eye, Carrot's body swayed and he put on the brand new martial arts uniform. His whole temperament also underwent earth-shaking changes, and he became full of energy.

Compared to Krypton's tights, this one is looser.

The next second, Tony Stark, who had completed a lot of operations on the space ship that even Piccolo couldn't understand, copied and added more than a dozen communication programs, saw Carrot's martial arts uniform as soon as he came out. , laughed out loud on the spot:

"Hahahaha, you will definitely be very popular when you go to the comic exhibition dressed in children's clothes."

Bruce glanced at it lightly: "Even children in Gotham wouldn't wear this style of children's clothing."

Carrot's face darkened and he ignored them.

God, what did he just hear?

Two people without childhood actually talk about comics exhibitions and children's clothing? ?

"Okay, let's go."

As soon as Carrot stepped onto the spacecraft, he heard Stark muttering from behind like he was saying goodbye:

"I hope you don't add a few innocent victims to your journey."

"And...come back alive."

Under the gaze of everyone, the white chrysalis-shaped spaceship slowly lifted into the sky.

Because the spacecraft has the coordinate address to and from Namek, this time Carrot and Piccolo are riding the spaceship brought by the gods.

In the distant temple, God Piccolo watched this scene with tears in his eyes and his clothes were wet with tears.

For him, Piccolo's trip was like going home for him.

His intuition told him that Namek would encounter an unprecedented disaster.

"Hopefully, everything goes well for them."

With the words, the reverberating voice, the white spaceship turned into a meteor that shot straight into the sky and disappeared in the vast Milky Way.

Deep in the starry sky, there are dots of starlight scattered in the dark night sky, like countless diamonds shining in the night, emitting a faint light, reflecting the universe exceptionally brightly, making people feel awe.

The nebulae in the distance flow slowly, like beautiful clouds dancing in the sky. The wonderful shapes seem to depict a mysterious story, which is fascinating. There is only the quiet sound of the universe in the ears, and the hoarse breathing is like a collection of thousands of stars. The power echoes in the darkness.

"Uh-huh. Damn, all the bones in my body are broken."

On an unknown planet somewhere, green light rings slowly flew into the distance as each life passed.

Skeletons are like a forest, corpses are scattered everywhere, and in the dark silence, a woman's painful wail can be heard.

Blood oozed from the corners of Danvers's mouth and was covered in scars. She was stepped on her head by a purple and white paw and was crushed to the ground mercilessly.

"A nosy woman."

The desolate wind blew Gula's cold voice, and his thick and powerful tail tightened around Danvers' neck, gradually tightening:

"But I have to praise you. As a woman, you have such speed and strength. If you hadn't gained far more strength than before through training, it would take a lot of effort to deal with you."


Danvers' blood dyed the ground red. She never expected that this action to assist Green Lantern would cause her to suffer the first incredible defeat in her life.

The name of Frieza's army is known to everyone in the universe, and even the three major empires dare not touch its edge.

However, Danvers has never been afraid of anyone since her debut, and she accepted it on the spot.



The next second, Danvers was strangled and fainted.

King Kurd stood aside and watched quietly. It was the first time in decades that someone could make Gula use such a level of power.

"Let's go to Namek next, Dad. Frieza, the lonesome guy, wants to keep immortality to himself."

"He obviously doesn't take you and us seriously."

Looking at Danvers's limbs gradually going limp, Gula only thought about Frieza's affairs, and threw her out with a flick of his tail.

I don't know how many hundreds of kilometers she was thrown to some remote place.

Hearing this, King Kurd's deep voice put away the sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"Well, I hope Frieza won't go too far. After achieving immortality, he will directly blow up the entire planet."

Gula's breath slowly gathered, and the mask on his face faded in an instant, returning to its original appearance:

"Let's go, Dad. The core of this planet has been destroyed and has no value for sale. Let the woman be buried with this planet."

The end of the world is unfolding on the desolate planet. Volcanoes are erupting, the earth is shaking, mountains and rivers are flooding, and floods are collapsing.

Five minutes later, when Kurd's spaceship sailed towards the sky, a brilliant explosion once again bloomed in the depths of the other side of the Milky Way.

Billions of meteorites scattered in the depths of the universe, and a figure that was almost burned to charcoal was pushed tens of thousands of light years away


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