American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 118 Piccolo finally meets the Great Elder!

The shaking of the sky and the earth gradually subsided, and suddenly, the heat wave spread away, affecting the entire climate of Namek.

The moment the dying light dissipated from the sky, Frieza's eyes narrowed slightly on the oblate spaceship, and his face showed a cold and displeased look.

The wine glass shaking in his hand smashed into pieces with a bang. This was originally a drink prepared to celebrate his imminent immortality, but now he might as well celebrate it with fireworks.

Seeing this scene, Taguma was so frightened that he knelt down on one knee in front of Frieza:

"Lord Frieza, those two powerful fighting forces just now have disappeared."

Even though Frieza didn't know how to sense aura, no one could hide the slight vibration that shook the entire planet.

Frieza's face became extremely ugly, and the sneer on his lips showed a trace of undisguised murderous intent, but it was just a casual business. But it is the cold blood molded by countless bones:

"This is to be expected, Taguma. They will not continue fighting until they achieve their goal. Ha, what a bunch of rude guys."

"It seems that I'm here for the Dragon Balls too."

Frieza's eyes stayed on the dragon balls in Taguma's hand. In any case, it was better to collect these things quickly.

Sorby was so frightened that he lay on the ground, his legs were so weak that he couldn't stop trembling and asked:

"Well, how do you know their purpose, Frieza-sama?"

Frieza narrowed his eyes and looked at Sorbet as if he were an idiot. He was a little surprised that his stupidity could reach such an extent:

"It's obvious that a battle like the one just now can easily destroy this planet."

"But until now, Namek has been safe and sound. This can only mean that either the other party cannot survive in the universe, or there are things on this planet that they are worried about."

Frieza's words made Solbe feel ashamed, but the legion commander, who had some intellectual problems, didn't seem to hear it.

Frieza's words were not a kind explanation to him, but to ask him to act accordingly.

Now that he knows that the other party is here for Longzhu, he will definitely come to find them at that time.


At this moment, Frieza's spacecraft communication program received the sign of the arrival of Namek from King Kurd and Gullah.

Seeing this, a technician wearing a silver helmet hurried over and said:

"Lord Frieza, we just received the landing signal from the spacecraft. Lord Kurd and Lord Gula have also arrived on Namek."


Upon hearing this, Frieza curled his lips angrily: "Oh, oh, oh, this is really a surprise."

"But since I came all the way here, let's treat him well."

"After all, it's their fault for keeping an eye on me so closely."


"Neiru, I'm afraid Namek is coming to an end. You should take the remaining clan members and escape."

Some corner of the planet. , in the huge white hut, the old man's last instructions came from the bedside.

The elder's skin has turned brown with age, and he no longer has the strength to even open his eyelids. He is so old that he has entered the countdown to his life. He may die at any time.

In his long life, he has almost become one with this planet and this ethnic group.

As the soul of Namek, the Great Elder naturally felt the decrease in the lives of his people and the slaughter of villages by many aliens.

Very few of his already few descendants have been killed.

Nowadays, no tears can be squeezed out of his face, but his painful and mournful heart is tormenting this old man who is about to die of illness like maggots attached to his bones.

He never expected that those young children would walk in front of him

"Great Elder!!!"

Nailu clenched his fists unwillingly until his nails were deeply embedded in his flesh. Tears welled up in his eyes, but his expression still shone with determination:

"I will never abandon you. My mission is to protect you until the very end!"

"Even if you die! Nairu will die first before you!!"

"I will fight with those cruel executioners until the last moment to avenge the entire Namekian planet!!"

Hearing this, the great elder showed a happy smile on his face. Unfortunately, he no longer has the strength to encourage and comfort the child in the form of touch:

"Good boy, Nailu, I know your heart, but I believe you also felt the earthquake just now. It is by no means a power that you can match. You must leave the last fire for Namek."

"I'm sorry, Great Elder, I...I simply can't do it. I'm a coward. If I really want to leave a final spark, I don't think I'm the best suitable candidate."

"I don't have the strength to bear everything and survive, and I can't leave you here alone!"

"Protecting you has become the whole meaning of my life."

Nairu gritted his teeth in great torment and pain. Of course he understood how powerful those people were, so he was ready to die.

He has a clear understanding of himself.

He is definitely not a person who can live quietly for the sake of his mission, and he absolutely cannot afford to bear the fire of the Namek people's revival.

Therefore, he must advise the Great Elder to carefully consider this candidate.

"If Namek is destroyed, what's the point of living alone and eking out a living?"

"I am a fighting Namekian. Even if I die, I will die in battle!"

Hearing this, even the Great Elder sighed deeply, helpless.

"Humph, what a stupid thing. When will you end up with your innocent and stupid words?"

Suddenly, a cold voice with a touch of magic sounded behind Nailu, and his green face showed through the white cloak, staring at the two people coldly.


When the voice hit his ears, Nailu's face froze, and he immediately turned around and assumed a fighting posture. However, when he saw Piccolo's face that was almost eighty-nine percent like him, he was still stunned in surprise. .

"Are you a Namekian?"

Piccolo also observed Nailu and the elder who was almost a giant, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes:

"I guess so."

He suppressed all his breath, so it was impossible for the two of them to detect his sneaking in.

"Child, who are you?"

The Great Elder asked with some confusion. Although most people of their race looked similar, as the father of every child, the Great Elder was sure that he had never seen Piccolo on Namek.

Piccolo slowly looked at Nairobi and warned sternly:

"There's no time to explain. Now the frozen demon clan has all gathered here. You have to leave here quickly."

"I don't know the specific location of the remaining Namekians. Although I can feel the energy, they may not trust me."

"So it's up to you."

"Hurry up and gather everyone together and get on the spaceship with me."

"I'm here to guard you. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Upon hearing this, Nailu was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at the great elder, seemingly asking whether he should trust the person in front of him.

When the planet encountered a terrorist threat, Neru's heart was already in panic. What's more, there were also evil Namekians.

"Who are you? You're a sneaky guy who came out of nowhere. I've never seen you on Namek before, and you're actually eavesdropping on our conversation!"


At this moment, the Great Elder immediately shouted to stop Nailu's movements, then looked at Piccolo, raised his eyelids, looked him up and down, and smiled softly:

"Child, come here."

Piccolo's mind was actually slightly in a trance. This call was filled with feelings for his father that he had never felt since he was born.

Out of some unknown force, Piccolo was stunned for a moment and then walked forward obediently.

He walked until he was under the great elder and watched as the old man stretched out his wrinkled hand and slowly placed it on his head.

Immediately afterwards, Piccolo's memories were displayed one by one in front of the great elder.

"I see."


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