American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 119 Piccolo also has a bug! The Great Elder’s advice!

For a long time, the wind swayed the treetops on the green plain, as if echoing the old man's dying whisper.

Although he was so weak, he could hear the voice of hope from the gaps in his words.

A reassuring smile broke out on the great elder's face, and two lines of tears faintly flowed from his already dry eyes.

Just like a drowning man finally grasping the life-saving straw, the dying man waited for the medicine to cure his illness, gently stroked Bick's head, and gave the returning wanderer the final comfort:

"Good boy, your name is Piccolo, right?"

"On Earth, it seems to be the name of a potato chip."

Piccolo: "."

The great elder's words made Piccolo's face suddenly twitch.

God knows the first reaction in his mind was, it's a good thing that arrogant bastard didn't want to eat potato chips, otherwise he would have had another disgusting nickname! !

"You, how do you know this??"

Feeling the great elder's palm that had not yet moved away from his head, Piccolo couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

Could it be that the "huge" Namekian in front of him has the ability to read memories? ?

So, can I do it too?

Seemingly seeing through his thoughts, the Great Elder smiled slightly: "Yes, I just read your memory."

"This stunt is not difficult to learn, and many people who use chi can do it."

Piccolo nodded, keeping this in mind, and glanced at Naru slightly from the corner of his eye.

During this period, the two men's combat prowess was about the same, but Piccolo did not expect that there was such a strong person on Namek.

Of course, if they have such power, they can be considered strong.

"I see, it seems you already know the whole story."

After hearing Piccolo's words, the great elder's weak breath was filled with excitement. From this point of view, it seems that they still have room to maneuver: "Yes, I already know your plan."

"Good boy, welcome home."

"Thank you and Carrot El for everything you did, Namek will always be remembered."

"Naru, you immediately gather the rest of the people as Piccolo said."

"We can no longer be separated. Whether it is evacuation or fighting, the Namekians must advance and retreat together."

Neilu immediately bowed and saluted: "Yes, I will do it right now, Great Elder."

Now that the Great Elder has admitted that Piccolo is trustworthy, he no longer has any scruples or questions.

"Your name is Piccolo, right? It's been a long time since I've seen a Namekian as powerful as you. The Great Elder will leave it to you."

Nailu's trust made Piccolo feel a little baffled, but he had to admit that this stubborn species also treated him particularly well and responded with a slightly cold smile:

"Me too."

Without further ado, seeing Piccolo join in, Nailu turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Seeing Nailu's figure disappear into the sky, I could finally entrust Piccolo with some things I couldn't say to him:

"Little Piccolo, I didn't say it clearly in front of Nailu just now. My life span has come to an end and my body can no longer move."

"So I won't go with you later."

"I will select a new great elder and pass the Dragon Ball contract to him."

"Great Elder??"

Piccolo's voice was unconsciously filled with a hint of hoarse pain. He was not blind, and of course he could see that the old man in front of him was in pain.

Let alone boarding the spaceship, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for him to even get off this hospital bed.

You must know that Frieza in the original book was very murderous. After so many years of killing the planet, this is the first time he has encountered such a prank.

You didn't even touch him, but you could blame him for your death! !

"Little Bic, before you die, I have some words for you. When you read the memory just now, I saw the confusion in your heart, as well as your persistence and unwillingness for power."

"Both you and Naru can be considered strong, but compared to Carrot and the others, even if you are ten times stronger, there is still a world of difference."

"So you think of ways to become one with your other self."

"But you hate your other self so much, and you don't want to integrate with him to complete it. You are worried that you will lose yourself because of it, and you also hate being cowardly with others."

"The most important thing is that even this may not win them over."

The great elder revealed his thoughts unceremoniously. With his last words, as a gift from a senior to a junior, he had no scruples about it:

"Don't worry, as an elder, I will teach you a method."

"You can let the child use all the strength of his body to spit out an egg first, and then the god will die due to loss of vitality."

"After you eat that egg, you can resurrect the god. That's it."


Piccolo was stunned for a moment. The cold and serious face just now was gone, leaving only shock and astonishment.

He seemed to have heard Carrot say that this kind of behavior is called a bug in the human world?

What, is this great elder also proficient in this? ?


Piccolo's stunned gaze reminded the elder of his youthful years, and he smiled faintly.

Don't forget, he is the one who created the Namekian Dragon Balls, and he is the father of almost all Namekians.

An old guy who has lived for hundreds of years, signed an agreement with the Shenlong Realm, and ordered the Dragon Balls to be sealed and hidden in the snow.

"Little Piccolo, if you want to become a stronger person, you must completely get rid of the origin of the previous generation."

"You are a second-generation Namekian. Strictly speaking, the first-generation power of the old demon king Piccolo is not suitable for you."

"You have talents and vitality far beyond theirs. When you complete the other half of yourself, your strength will form a surge, enough to become a super Namekian."

"Even so, it's not complete. The old body of the god is vicissitudes and lacks vitality. It is old and weak."

"Even his personal talent is not as good as that of the newborn Namekian."

"If you have to assimilate, he is not the best choice."

"But if you use this method to let the god on the other side also give birth to a brand new, younger, and more energetic second-generation life to assimilate with you, then your potential will be immeasurable."

"What's more, the existence in the egg has not yet hatched consciousness, which will not affect your existing personality, and it can also completely separate you from the status of the god, and become two people from now on."

The elder sighed deeply.

The appearance of Piccolo not only brought him and Namek hope for the evacuation of the entire tribe.

More importantly, in this incident, he saw the opportunity for Namek to give birth to a cosmic-level strongman!

In the past, he thought that Nairu was strong enough, but until just now, the great elder had a clear understanding of those real cosmic strongmen.

This made him feel even more desperate and terrified. No matter how Namek would develop in the future, even if the tribe returned to the peak of its previous civilization.

But in front of the cosmic emperor, they were just ants that could be annihilated in a snap.

Even the power of the Super Namekian was far from enough.

Fortunately, Carrot El sent Piccolo to him.

Nairu's potential had reached its peak after he developed it, but Piccolo still had an endless future.

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