American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 131: Final Battle with Frieza, Carrot's Real Purpose?

"What's going on?"

"This kid doesn't show any fear."

"Saiyans do have a warlike and barbaric nature, but this guy's behavior seems a little strange."

While Gula was puzzled, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly remembered something: "Oh, who is that guy?"

"I remember. He was the kid in the baby cabin at that time."

Gula suddenly remembered that he had met this little guy before.

Twenty years ago, on the day of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, his radar detected Carrot's spaceship not far away.

At that time, Gula could have shot down the spaceship, but he let Carrot land safely on Earth with the mentality of letting Frieza clean up the mess himself.

Things finally went as he wished. After more than 20 years, Carrot did cause a big trouble for Frieza.

Suddenly, the auras of both sides climbed to the top, gravel suspended on the ground, and electric light roared in the magnetic field.

Just as the sun was reflected over the treetops, the corner of the orange clothes suddenly swayed and the figure shook.

Carrot El took the lead in launching the attack.


A stream of light passed by, and the whole space seemed to be separated by a straight line.

A punch was thrown, and the hurricane that destroyed the world caused a catastrophe!

Wherever the fist wind fell, countless golden lights turned into flying torrents, rushing down, as if they would never dry up, and continued.

The kidneys, neck, head, kidneys, heart, flowers bloomed in an instant, like a bloodthirsty man-eating plant, swallowed up Frieza's figure in a blink of an eye.

Every move was vital, and there was murderous intent everywhere. For a moment, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the wind danced in the long river!

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

However, Frieza, who was submerged in the fists and feet, gradually raised the corners of his mouth, and the orderly blocking and dodging were not messy at all.

A pair of narrow eyes showed a mocking smile in the sinister, seeing through every move of El.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In an instant, the island was rugged, and where the two figures intersected, a continuous mountain collapsed.

Where the boulders splashed, countless golden lights spread from the vast ocean, and from the depths of the sea, huge waves were stirred up.

Gula's eyes were fixed on the two people, constantly observing Carrot's movements.

It was very strange, this weird feeling always lingered in his heart.

It was obviously Frieza who had the upper hand. He also knew that Frieza had many trump cards.

But something was wrong.

Gula narrowed his eyes, and the power that Carrot El showed now did not match the movements of his body.

Is this guy hiding his power? ?

No, I always feel that something is wrong.

Where the eyes stayed, the high fighting power opened the scene of the collapse of the world!

Even the whistling wind changed color, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, blowing the world gloomy!

Frieza's natural and leisurely evasion surprised Carrot secretly, and he murmured in his heart:

"This is Frieza after training, he is really strong."

"Now I have no scruples, I can let go and verify all my guesses."

"The trained emperor of the universe is my best test subject, let me feel it, Frieza."

He thought to himself, and the next second, Carrot El's figure disappeared.

Instead, countless afterimages appeared around Frieza, in the air, on the ground, everywhere, and Gula and Frieza were stunned at the same time.

Following that, Carrot El's afterimage was divided into five, five into twenty, and each afterimage was entangled with each other.

Instantly, the sky and the earth rolled up the whistling of airflow collision!

The fast moving figure opened twenty orange-red tornadoes in an instant, and with the injection of breath, it blew towards Frieza suddenly.

"What is this?"

Frieza frowned, put his hands in front of his eyes, and was unable to open his eyes due to the countless strong winds around him.

He had never seen such a fighting style before, so he did not dare to be careless for a while, and kept paying attention to the movements around him, fearing that Carrot El would take the opportunity to attack him in a blind spot.

However, Carrot El did not intend to attack him by surprise, which made Frieza's careful defense empty.

In the moment of distraction, the overwhelming strong wind caused a collision between air currents, thunder and lightning, like a giant beast swallowing the sky, caught Frieza off guard and swept him into the tornado.

Following that, all the tornadoes around him began to converge towards him as if they were moving in a regular pattern.

In an instant, a devastating storm stood on the ground.




The dark clouds were dense, and the wind swept like a knife while thunder and lightning flashed!


After being caught off guard by the turbulence, Frieza stabilized his body with a ferocious face, and wondered in his heart:

"Damn, what weird tricks did this monkey use?"

The terrifying hurricane spun faster and faster, like a huge drum, absorbing everything in the space, far exceeding the great power formed by the heaven and earth, and continuously attacked Frieza from all directions.

"Nothing, just that the appetizers always have to be cut before they are served!"

The next second, Carrot smiled indifferently, and his whole body burst into golden light. In the endless gust of wind, the air blade he injected into it instantly penetrated.

At this moment, the huge washing machine drum suddenly turned into a meat grinder at maximum power!

Every air flow turned into a sharp blade, tearing Frieza's body bit by bit like a thousand knives!

"Ugh!! Uh-huh! Damn it!! Such a boring move!! Uh-huh!!!"

Disturbed by the breath, Frieza was constantly being torn apart by the air blade, and seemed to have no intention of stopping when he felt this move. After that, he finally cried out in pain.


At this moment, Frieza had to admit that he was indeed inferior to this young sadist in terms of perversion!

The next second, Frieza's eyes widened angrily, and he forced himself to stabilize his body. His eyes of hatred surged to the sky, and suddenly bloomed!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The expansion of the breath caused the sound of bones exploding, and the sound was deafening.

Suddenly, a bright golden light slowly lit up in the center of the storm vortex.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Suddenly, there was a radiant light, a terrifying energy explosion, and with Frieza's angry shout, the color of the sky and earth swept by the wind changed, and the storm was turned into nothing!


The moment the golden light lit up, Carrot El's figure landed smoothly on the ground, looking at Frieza calmly under the sun.

Noticing Carrot El's undisturbed breathing, Gula's eyes suddenly widened and he was shocked:

"Did this guy achieve this scene just by relying solely on his speed??"

Carrot El's super hearing naturally caught Gula's words, and murmured: "Is it difficult?"

"I just took a few laps in the sky."

The distance between the two was not far away. Staring at Carrot's back, Gula frowned.

Sure enough, that uneasy premonition was not his imagination.

Carrot El crossed his arms, and his pupils passed through the golden shining light, even penetrating Frieza's body, and lit up slightly:

"First guess."


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