The golden light spread, which seemed brighter than the stars and more dazzling than the day. In just a moment, it passed through the chest of the huge Ilud.

There was an explosion with a bang, and the terrifying afterglow was lit up. The air wave rolled up and directly overturned the starship.

In this crushing massacre, all the Iluds were swallowed up by the explosion of the starship in less than half a minute.

As one of the cosmic people who was easier to beat by Tiga, Captain Marvel was like killing a chicken with a butcher knife when dealing with them.

"Oh yeah! This is too powerful!"

"Hahaha! You are finished!"

"Well done, Danvers!!"

The people on the spaceship clapped their hands excitedly to celebrate, and Rocket and Star-Lord's eyes were shining. Seeing that the pursuers were defeated in an instant, everyone finally saw the strength of Captain Marvel!

This thigh is even fatter than Ginyu! !

After doing all this, Danvers also floated in front of several people, facing the fluttering golden hair, he raised his mouth helplessly:

"Since you saved my life, I'll give you a ride. I'll leave when we reach a safe planet."

Peter Quill and Rocket looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "Thank you, Danvers, I'm grateful."

You can't stay in a place of right and wrong for long. Several people didn't have time to sigh. They hurriedly started the spaceship and flew towards the farther starry sky, not knowing where to go.

But what they didn't notice was that there was a white-haired old man who was secretly watching them in a corner from beginning to end, muttering to himself:

"Super Saiyan, Kryptonian, and now there is Captain Marvel, Quill, I really want your power more and more."

It is difficult to see this tiny figure like a grain of sand in the vast universe. Seeing the direction where several people left, the old figure slowly disappeared on the spot.


Sight, before waking up from the darkness of fainting, a strong smell of meat poured into Broly's nose.

It smells so good, I'm so hungry!

Before he woke up, his saliva was already overflowing from his mouth. When Broly slowly opened his eyes, he saw a huge grilled fish, with two huge fish eyes like lanterns staring at him on the fire.

Carrot was adding firewood to the fire below.


Carrot El didn't know where to get some salt and sprinkled it on it. According to the food demand of the Saiyans, the daily salt consumption is also a terrifying number.

Seeing Broly wake up, Carrot El patted the salt on his hands and handed him a set of clean clothes:


Broly, who had just woken up, felt a little dizzy. He reached out to take the same vest as Gogeta handed to him by Carrot and put it on.

El was very attentive. For a child like him who grew up in the mountains, normal clothes were not suitable, but the waistcoat was just right for him.

"Thank you, Kakarot, where are we now?"

"Where is Gula? How is he now?"

Broly smelled the fragrance first, and his eyes were shining with hunger. He kept staring at the huge grilled fish on the fire, but reason told him that it would be better to pay attention to the current situation first.

Carrot El cut a piece of meat and handed it to him, but Broly didn't even look at the meat in the bowl. Instead, he pounced on the fish and ate it!


Carrot El sighed when he saw this, but he didn't care about Broly's eating style. He knew what kind of Saiyans were. It was not certain whether this fish was enough for him to eat alone.

"Gula blew himself up and died. The Saiyans finally got their revenge."

Sitting on the stone, Carrot El's pupils reflected the fire and fish meat. He added firewood to the fire and did not compete with Broly for food.

Something was wrong on this planet. Before Broly woke up, Carrot El used X-rays to check the surface vegetation of the planet.

There are always strange and terrifying planets in the universe, but only this planet made him feel very strange.

Looking around, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the sun is shining, the vegetation coverage rate accounts for 99% of the surface, the streams are gurgling, and it is a beautiful place!

But there are no creatures!

He did not find any traces of birds, beasts, tigers, leopards, wolves, insects, and even small insects.

This big fish was taken out of the universal capsule he carried with him. At this moment, in addition to the spaceship, there were only some food, clothes and daily necessities in the capsule.

Hearing Kakarot El's words, Broly paused for a moment, feeling a little empty in his heart, as if he had lost his life's goal for a moment.

But he also felt a sense of relief, finally, all this finally had nothing to do with him.

The hatred that had lingered in his life for more than 20 years finally dissipated. From today on, he no longer owed anyone anything.

Thinking of this, Broly's mouth showed a bright smile, and then he grabbed the grilled fish with a big appetite and ate it, tearing off a large piece of fish meat, swallowing even the bones in one bite:

"So what are your plans next, Kakarot?"

"I want to go to Yadrat, but we lost our way in outer space, and there are no coordinates of Yadrat in the spacecraft's route information."

"I want to find a trading planet to see."

Carrot El sat on a rock, staring at the campfire in a daze, while Broly leaned against a big tree with his arms and legs spread out. While he was talking, he had eaten a big fish, but he was only half full. He looked at Carrot expectantly:

"Is there anything else to eat?"

Carrot looked helpless. His chaotic identity also brought countless chaotic partners. If he killed one Vegeta, there would be thousands of Vegetas. Obviously, there was another guy who was relying on him now:

"We don't have much food reserves. Most of them are left on Piccolo's spaceship. We need to replenish them as soon as possible. After dinner, we will hunt some game."

"There is only water on this planet, but no living things, so we have to go hunting in the universe. As far as I know, some giant races often float in the sea of ​​stars. If we meet them, we can just replenish our supplies."

"Then, let's find a place to wander around."

Although the food reserves were not much, Carrot still took out the remaining wine and food in the capsule.

After all, they should celebrate. This is their victory and a new beginning for the future.

Although the hero who destroyed Frieza's army did not get what he wanted, if the universe doesn't give it to us, we have to learn to take it ourselves. If we can run into some space pirates or some planets like trading houses, what's wrong with him going there for a meal?

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