The gazes they looked at each other revealed the observation deep in their pupils. For a moment, under the blue light reflected by the crystal, they seemed to have their own agenda, but they all knew each other.


These two words were the common voice of Carrot and Ego, because neither of them knew what to do with the other.

"But not for now."

When they turned their backs, Carrot and Ego also thought of this sentence at the same time. Obviously, neither of them wanted to get involved in the other's mess.

After Carrot accepted the planetary energy crystal, Ego arranged for Mantis to take everyone to stay.

It was still safe here for the time being, at least before Peter Quill successfully controlled the energy of this planet, everyone's lives would not be threatened.

Breakfast, sightseeing, playing, rest, one-stop service, almost asking Mantis to give them a foot massage.

Of course, Ego probably couldn't accept the hands that had massaged other people's feet to massage his head again.

In the hall, Star-Lord and Ego were the only ones left soon.

Everyone was tactful and did not disturb the reunion of the father and son, and left to rest.

Mantis became curious about the Guardians of the Galaxy, while Captain Marvel followed Carrot and Broly silently.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Strong people will make friends with strong people, and weak people will feel more secure when they get along with weak people.

The magnificent corridor was covered with luxurious carpets, and the footsteps of the three people overlapped.

Danvers followed Carrot El, always paying attention to the movements of the two people, and suddenly asked:

"You are from Earth, can I ask you about someone?"

The gems inlaid on the wall reflected Captain Marvel's expressionless face. Everyone who knew her knew that because of her personality, Danvers herself rarely smiled, and even had few emotional fluctuations.

"Nick Fury was driven off the stage by me, and now he should be fighting with dogs in the black neighborhood for food."

Carrot knew what Captain Marvel was going to say, and directly blocked Danvers's steps forward with one sentence.


Danvers was stunned for a moment, and Carrot El's words suddenly froze in mid-air:

"So you have dealt with Nick?"

After a long pause, Danvers reacted and narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

Carrot stopped, turned around and looked at her calmly. Danvers was very familiar with this look, because it was exactly the look she had when she looked at others before, and said:

"Yes, so do you want to avenge your friend???"

Danvers stared at Carrot El's face, and his face showed a change like a fighting spirit. He had to admit that people who can be called superheroes usually have the attribute of an iron-headed kid.

It is commonly known that even if you know you can't win, you still have to fight to the death.

This law does not only apply to her, but also to other superheroes, including Stark after his transformation.

Danvers had come into contact with the Supreme Intelligence and fought against Gura. Even when facing them, he never backed down. Therefore, even if Carrot's strength exceeded his, she could still face it calmly and answer:

"If you do evil, I will, I promise, even if you have the strength to kill Frieza, but if you become the next villain."


Captain Marvel's words made Carrot El laugh. He looked at her with a smile and interrupted her with interest:

"Can this kind of superhero speech be a little more innovative?"

"Even if you do that, it will only be in vain."

"Since you understand the meaning of the phrase "The dragon slayer will eventually become the dragon", you must also understand that Nick Fury, who is now the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is no longer the little agent you know who can only play with cats."

Carrot El took two steps forward, and the whole person was very close to Captain Marvel, and said in a deep voice Said:

"Personally, I can understand that talented people make defensive and vigilant plans against uncontrollable dangers."

"But the difference between Nick Fury and Bruce Wayne is."

"Even if Bruce has prepared thousands of plans and updates hundreds of them every day, he will never implement them as long as you don't become bad."

"He will even prepare countless plans to pull you back when you become bad. Even if you become bad and are controlled, the first principle of his methods is to control you, and then to kill you."

"Because he knows very well that contingency plans can only be contingency plans."

"That is an extremely subtle, but extremely important line of measure, and it is also the bottom line of all premises."

"Just like his oath of not killing."

Captain Marvel has not heard of Bruce's name, but through Carrot's words at this time, he has also developed a strong curiosity about such a person.

Carrot El paced around her, put his hand on her shoulder, and whispered:

"Bruce understands this, but Nick Fury doesn't. Even if he just prepared a plan, as long as the plan is ready, he will definitely use it on you, regardless of whether you become a threat or not."

"When the sword used by the warrior to slay the dragon is made, some people will seal it up, because having a sword but not using it is different from not having a sword in hand."

"And some people, when the sword is forged, will directly kill everyone in front of them, regardless of whether they are dragons or not."

"This is why I let him compete with dogs for food."

"It's not just because he offended me, but because he just held a fruit knife and thought he could kill everyone, and really did it."

"It's like this for me, and it will be the same for others."

Carrot El's words made Captain Marvel fall into silence. Looking directly at the evasive look in Danvers' eyes, he slowly let go of her and said meaningfully:

"Power will make people conceited, and make people no longer believe in good people, but believe in evil people."

"Because evil people are easy to control, they are greedy, and they can use them without any psychological burden."

Hearing this, Danvers suddenly raised his head and looked at him: "Are you trying to say that you won't Become that kind of person? ? ? "

Carrot El smiled faintly and took two steps back:

"No, I want to say that no matter what you become in the future, don't regret it. "

"Even if Nick Fury falls to such a fate, if you ask him, he will still tell you that he does not regret his decision. "

"Also, you are welcome to return to Earth at any time. It is very different there. "

"You have extraordinary power, but you have been neglecting practice for a long time. If you need it, I can help you become stronger. "

Carrot El smiled and extended his hand to Captain Marvel. After returning this time, he can also start to hold his martial arts conference.

All the momentum needed for the early stage has been prepared, and it is time for this grand event to usher in a new era.

Captain Marvel hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and held Carrot's palm to express his affirmation of friendship.

Having tasted the lesson of failure, Captain Marvel also had a little desire for the strength mentioned by Carrot El.

"If Nick is really like you said, as his friend I should take care of him, but I promise I will never cause you any trouble."

In a sense, Danvers and Peter Quill have similar attitudes towards the Earth.

Obviously, they are both unwilling to go back.

Peter Quill is unwilling to go back because he cannot tolerate the absence of his mother there.

And Danvers is unwilling to go back because the meaning of her existence has been lost there.

But now, it seems to have it again!

"As if you can beat me."

Carrot Al replied bluntly.

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