American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 158: Ego's answer, planetary energy crystals repair the star core

Ego's face was very ugly. He knew that Carrot was referring to Tiamu, the Celestial Group on Earth.

He had been to Earth, so he naturally knew that the Celestial Group existed in the planet that he could not see through.

As the perception of the Celestial Star told Ego, Tiamu's current situation was also very bad. He had been resisting his birth!

But this resistance was not because of kindness, but the fear of his own death, as if the moment of birth was the day of his fall!

This was more like a law that was not transferred by human will, so he tried to delay the time of his birth as much as possible.

Ego didn't know where this fear came from, but it sounded like Carrot El wanted to find a way to completely solve this problem.

The picture was still at this moment, and Carrot's eyes always stayed on Ego, as if you didn't say it, I, Old Sun, would stay here and not leave.

Ego was also in a dilemma. In front of so many people, he wanted to say that he didn't know either.

But since Carrot has been emphasizing that he came here for this, it means that he is sure that he knows what to do. If there is no answer that satisfies him, he will not give up easily. In the end, he chose to compromise on this matter:

"Well, if you mean to solve the chicken born in the egg, I really have no way, but it is not difficult to repair the broken eggshell."

"After all, I am also one of the eggs in your mouth."

The next second, a blue light condensed in Ego's hand, and the light almost illuminated everything in the hall, flowing like blood, gradually extending the trajectory of nerves, and turned into a crystal.

Ego handed him to Carrot.

"What is this?"

Carrot opened his palm, took what Ego handed him, looked at the crystal floating above his palm, and asked in confusion:

"This is a planet crystal."

Ego introduced to Carrot El. As an extremely conceited and arrogant person, especially when praising himself, he did not hide it at all:

"A crystal extracted from the core of a star. Of course, the end of the extracted planet is to become a dead star."

"I believe you also know that once the core of a planet is damaged, the planet will be destroyed in less than half an hour, but I am a god, so I will be fine."

The squinting old man was not stingy in showing off his strength on any occasion, but Ego did not want to offend these two guys who went to fight Frieza and Cooler for no reason.

He also paid attention to the battle that shocked the universe, or many people in the universe were paying attention.

No one thought that this battle would come so quickly, and its progress had even surpassed any timeline.

Especially when Carrot and Broly became blonde, it was a nightmare that Ego did not want to face!

Hearing this, Carrot El smiled. This trip finally had a solution to this matter.

In fact, in solving the problem of the Celestials, Carrot's position was more on Tiamu's side, not the Earth.

As the primary harmony of the anchor universe, the special existence of the Earth is absolutely not allowed to be destroyed. It has a regularity that no one can resist and cannot be broken.

So in this matter, the only one who will die is Tiamu, and it obviously understands this.

Similarly, the Earth cannot die, which does not mean that it will not be hurt.

What really worries Carrot El is that the supreme gods who are operating outside the origin wall will take this opportunity to pull the Earth's will and Tiamu to the Monster Universe and Ultra Universe timeline on Earth to completely repair and eliminate them.

After all, from the perspective of the story line, using environmental extinction theory to eliminate all monsters is the most reasonable arrangement.

Once this line is cleared, all the remaining special people, including Da Gu, will naturally integrate into the group of American comic superheroes, which is in line with their theme.

As long as the Congress officially merges TPC, the timeline of the Monster Universe and Ultra Universe will be shrunk in the direction of American comics.

This is not good for Carrot El, because it means that a party outside the world will deepen its actual control over their universe.

Therefore, this is a journey of racing against time.

His opponents have never been anyone in the universe, but have always been those manipulators outside the universe.

Either sit back and watch the timeline being pruned after the revival of the Celestials, or solve this problem first and use it to strengthen the power of the anchor universe.

It is for this purpose that Carrot El finally decided to travel to the universe.

Not only to eliminate Frieza, but also to save the fate of the earth.

What he wants to do is to preserve the two timelines of "Godzilla" and "Tiga" as much as possible.

In the case that neither the inside nor the outside parties overturn the table, the more timelines of the anchor universe, the more cards he has.

But if he wants to continue playing at the card table, he must abide by the rules of playing cards and find a way to create a relatively reasonable plot to rewrite the ending of fate.

This is why he pulled the "Tiga" of Da Gu to his side in advance and hid it in the snow.

It is to hold the center of the timeline in his own hands and never follow their route.

In the magnificent palace, Carrot El took the energy crystal handed to him by Ego, put it away silently, and showed a look of friendship to everyone:

"Thank you, Mr. Ego, thank you for your answer and gift, we will always remember it in our hearts."

Hearing this, Broly stared at Carrot with infatuation.

If the Mind Stone can translate a person's psychological condition into words, then at this time he will see a sentence above Carrot's head:

I don't believe you!

That's right, Carrot El does not believe Ego's kindness.

This old guy is not a good person.

What's more, the divine power given by Ego itself has great limitations. Once he dies, all the applied power will disappear.

Superman has a lie detector function. After some observation, Carrot confirmed that Ego was telling the truth, so if that's the case.

The planetary energy crystal is indeed a feasible solution.

A method and a plan that can be implemented have been found. As for Ego's power as a god, Carrot El doesn't want it.

With the sample of the planetary energy crystal, after figuring out its manufacturing principle, Carrot El will find a way to find an ownerless planet to extract one and completely solve the disaster of the God Group!

Now, the most critical step is the planet Yadrat, that is, to obtain teleportation.

This is a special ability that can be regarded as a miracle anywhere.

The most terrifying thing is that teleportation can ignore dimensions, space and barriers to penetrate!

As long as you can feel the air, no matter what kind of barrier the other party has set up.

No matter how untouchable the dimension is, you can directly pass through.

"You're welcome, Mr. El. Strictly speaking, the star core itself can be repaired. After you remove the embryo in the egg, put this in the star core, and that's it."

In response to Carrot's thanks, Ego even offered the method of using the energy crystal.

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