
The next second, as Iron Man sprinted at full speed, the reactor device behind him suddenly bloomed six wings.

Rather than wings, they were more like the wings of a fan. Energy was injected into them, and the scorching light instantly surged out!

Then, the six energies merged into one and turned into a powerful beam of light, rushing straight to the control center of the Chitauri mothership! !


The light ignited the stars, and the galaxy burned brilliantly. Stark, who had entered the red lotus state, was extraordinary in strength. Even a light blow could destroy a large city.

What's more, he also studied the ratio of Carrot and Piccolo to release energy, and the power was even more devastating and difficult to stop.

Among the stars, only a red light that pierced the stars and the moon tore apart everything in front of it!


The sound of explosions one after another was endless, like dominoes, and when the vast mothership was ignited by the explosion, the starry sky in front of them was even illuminated.

Suddenly, all the soldiers and machines stopped working, and the invaders that had been making everyone run around collapsed in an instant.

On the earth, on the streets full of abandoned vehicles, Steve adjusted his breathing a little tiredly, and his eyes were always alert to the fallen figures, not daring to be careless.

As a veteran, he would naturally not relax his vigilance on the battlefield, but the situation in front of him was obviously caused by the son of a friend who rushed into the universe. He sighed and said:

"That arrogant man really succeeded. Now he is going to say that I am an outdated antique."

Steve could already imagine the scene of Stark confronting him, and for a moment, his head hurt a little.

Thor was suppressing Loki with Thor's hammer, and his eyes stayed on Diana who came to support him. He looked at her for a long time and said:

"Come to Asgard as a guest when you have time, you will definitely be very welcome."

Diana glanced at him and smiled at the corner of her mouth. Of course, she knew what the people there were like.

To be honest, Diana was not interested in Asgard at all. She could only shake her head and declined:

"Forget it, but you can come to Earth more often."

"To be honest, you are so strong that it is unexpected. Maybe only Carrot can fight with you."

Thor frowned in confusion: "You have been talking about that Carrot all the time. Who is he?"

"Since he is so strong, why doesn't he appear on the battlefield?"

Diana looked up at the sky and said: "He went to keep more dangerous guys out of the earth, some guys who can turn this planet into ashes with just a flick of their fingers."

Thor was silent for a while. He believed that Diana would not lie to him, and silently remembered this name in his heart.

When did such a person appear in the Nine Realms?

Could this Carrot El be the one who threw Thor's hammer back?

Loki looked at them without saying a word, and glanced at the Lasso of Truth in Diana's hand from the corner of his eye. He did not dare to interrupt, and quietly accepted the fate of being captured.

On the rooftop of a building somewhere, the battle that had settled down also made Hawkeye begin to collect arrows. Suddenly, the sparks that cut through the air turned into a halo and appeared behind him.

Clinton turned his head and saw Natasha came out with a red hair shawl, moving her wrist and sighing:

"Compared to the frontal charge, I am really more suitable for this job."

Hearing Natasha say this, the old friend who knew her work style very well shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face. It seemed that the people on the side of the Co-Governing Dawn were in big trouble:

"Has it been negotiated over there?"

Hawkeye noticed that there seemed to be some red blood stains between Natasha's fingers that had not been wiped clean.

It is conceivable how she negotiated with the old guys of the Co-Governing Dawn to stop the nuclear bombing of New York.

The existence of Superman not only puts him at risk of becoming a native of his country, but also makes all those who follow him gradually become reckless.

If this were in the past, which force would dare to do this? ?

"Of course, I am very convincing."

Natasha waved her hair and helped Hawkeye collect his equipment.

The battle is far from over. After a short chat and a short rest, they turned around and rushed to the next battlefield.

"Not only that, I also talked about the division of spoils and bidding projects for post-war repairs, aid funds, etc."

"Leave 20% of the alien technology to the co-governance government for public relations fees, and move the rest away. Let Stark and Bruce prepare. They will be busy next."

Hawkeye heard this and slapped himself on the forehead on the spot, wanting to cry but not tears:

"Honestly, I find that you have learned bad things from Al now!"

Natasha rolled her eyes at him unhappily and stretched comfortably. God knows how comfortable her life is now:

"Sorry, I learned this from my current magic teacher. Carrot usually robs directly."

Hawkeye stared with despair: "Is there any difference? Aren't they all robbing?"

"Of course there is. Robbery is a barbaric act of primitive people, and negotiation is a bargaining chip for civilized people to gain more benefits."

Hawkeye: "."

At this moment, Batman's voice suddenly came from everyone's radio:

"No! Save people! Stark is not back!"

After the words fell, the originally relaxed crowd suddenly tensed up and looked at the entrance of the wormhole.

Because they had mastered the controller, the switch of the Cosmic Cube was now completely controlled by them, but even if the reinforcements had stopped, Stark still had no sign of returning.

At this moment, Stark's face was frighteningly ugly. Amid the explosion of the endless sea of ​​fire, a huge silver axe chopped off his six wings at lightning speed.

A guy wearing silver-white barbed mail stood on the remaining starship, looking down at him and asked:

"Warrior, tell me your name?"

Stark sneered. Judging from his clothes and accompanying equipment, this guy was definitely not a Chitauri!

This invasion on Earth was sudden, and Tony naturally had the same view as Batman. This was definitely an organized and premeditated plan to tire out the soldiers.

At this moment, facing the appearance of the mastermind behind the scenes, Stark did not flinch and faced him head-on. Although he could not see the expression on his face through the mask of the armor, Steppenwolf could still read a contemptuous attitude from his actions.

"I am not a warrior, Minotaur."

I saw Iron Man slowly raised his hand cannon, made a classic move of Iron Man, and said with a stern look:

"I am, Iron Man!"

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