American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 167 Iron Man vs Steppenwolf! Thor's support!

"Bang bang bang! Bang!!"

The speeding streamer exudes fission energy. Not even the Divine Sword can cut through the armor, and it is naturally not afraid of Stark's hand cannon.

However, the devastating power of Red Lotus made Steppenwolf wary of him. He did not dare to be careless and raised his ax blade to block Iron Man's continuous artillery fire!

"Boom! Boom!"

However, seeing that the force of the explosion was easily blocked by him, Steppenwolf had an idea and sarcastically said:

"It seems that the moment just now has exhausted your energy, Iron Man."

However, the next second, just when he relaxed his guard, a heavy cannon suddenly hit him in the face!


This blow directly knocked him over!

"Damn, despicable humans!"

Steppenwolf's face was a little ugly, and he stared at Stark's mocking mouth with a fierce look. It was obvious that this guy just now deliberately made him relax his vigilance!

"People who invade other people's homes have no right to be despicable, Tauren."

Iron Man pointed at him indifferently and made a contemptuous gesture.

The appearance of Steppenwolf is no accident. In addition to figuring out the original distribution of combat power on the earth, this tentative attack is more important because Darkseid wants to figure out the real situation in the world!

Ever since he was unexpectedly projected into the Anchor Universe to complete the origin line, Darkseid soon discovered something unusual.

One day, a god named Loki floated from Apokolips.

In the original work, Loki should have drifted into the darkest place in the universe in a wormhole after falling from the Rainbow Bridge. After experiencing life and death several times and encountering countless dangers, he was picked up by Thanos and became his pawn to seize the gems.

But now Thanos is busy trying to capture the power of Frieza's army and is frantically expanding his army. He has no time to launch a plan against the earth!

At this time, Darkseid, who was unwilling to use his own power, happened to find someone who was familiar with the intelligence of the outside universe.

Although this guy named Loki is full of rebellion, as the saying goes, if a person's rebellion is expected, then keeping him is more valuable than killing him.

Loki also realized that this was an opportunity. Although it was not clear when this figure appeared in the universe, the entire Apocalypse's iron-blooded and murderous atmosphere could also tell that Darkseid was an absolute tyrant!

So, he went to find the Chitauri who were involved in the chaos of the universe due to the collapse of Frieza's Legion.

After Darkseid's strength was recognized by them, Loki secretly made a deal with them!

From the mouths of both parties, Darkseid also initially learned some information about this universe!

Then Darkseid was confused!

What a hodgepodge universe this is! ! !

He knew about Kryptonians, but what the hell were Saiyans? ? ?

What are the Infinity Stones? ?

The Galactic Patrol, the Lantern Corps, the Dark Quadrant, the Nine Realms, Thanos, the Three Empires, Frieza's Army. In addition to those different dimensions that have never been heard of, there are actually countless cosmic races that can grow to giant sizes? ?

What the hell is this? ?

Darkseid was stunned.

But while he was in a daze, Loki started to cheat again.

The earth is good, the earth is wonderful, the four-piece set of earth artifacts!

Once the origin line is laid, Darkseid himself will be a native of this universe.

What else could he do?

Of course he will continue his dream of becoming the overlord!

Adhering to the principle of collecting good things first and poaching good people, Darkseid immediately asked his men to conduct some investigation.

Since the death of the Universe Emperor half a month ago, the entire universe has completely entered a chaotic world where major forces are vying to rise.

More than half of the planets in the galaxy were involved in the battlefield, and jointly launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against Frieza's army.

The collapse of the number one real estate company in the universe means that large-scale horoscopes are unfinished. Those who are in debt, those who are not in debt, those who just need it, and those who are engaged in business suddenly feel like the sky has fallen, and the entire universe has become a mess!

If you buy a house but it’s not finished, you’ll end up on the rooftop, let alone if you buy a planet and it’s not finished, you’ll have to fight in the universe?

Taking this into consideration, Darkseid, under Desaad's advice, decided to lay a solid foundation first, with the galaxy as the center, and slowly expand to the outer reaches of the universe.

And among Loki's deceptions, the earth is a good direction!

It doesn't matter whether we can defeat him or not, the most important thing is to get a firm foothold and find out the situation first!

As for the Chitauri, he didn't care if they all died.

"I'm sorry, Minotaur, don't think that just because your bones are coated with iron, you think you are more powerful. Look at you, you don't even have any meat on your body. You'd probably be disgusted by a dog even if you use it as a molar stick!"

At this moment, Stark's mouth came into play again. His whole body was made of iron, but that mouth was made of poison.

"What did you say???"

Upon hearing this, Steppenwolf's eyes turned red on the spot, and he rushed forward with an axe.


The next second, the intersection of red and silver produced a huge explosion. The afterglow of the collision seemed to shine brighter than the stars. Stark, who had just received an axe, instantly realized that he was at a disadvantage in close combat!

He chases, he escapes! He cursed and ran away!

"I'm going to take the liberty to ask, Tauren, which planet are you from? Is it the Tauren Village planet?"

“Are the people on your planet made from fossils pickled in toilets?”

"Damn Earthlings! I'll kill you!!!!!!"

Hearing this, Steppenwolf got anxious on the spot and rushed over with gnashing teeth. How could you, a stupid Earthling, slander me, the great Dark Lord!

Steppenwolf, who was originally a little afraid of the red lotus energy just now, let go of his hands and feet, and this was exactly what Iron Man wanted!

The two sides fought for each other, and opened an arc of pursuit in the universe.

The terrifying axe blade can be compared with the sword of Vulcan that cuts everything at the atomic level, and naturally it is not something that Stark's steel armor can stop!

Even if Steppenwolf is stronger in hard power, he can't stand Iron Man's many tricks. In addition, after practicing Qi, Stark has completed the basic knowledge of using Qi.

Including using the whole body to merge into eyes to see supersonic movements, using breath to perceive the opponent's attack, and after various big scenes, he has developed many new moves!

If it weren't for the risk of running out of energy and being in the universe, Iron Man would definitely have the confidence to fight this bison.

But at this moment, Stark knew that he was short of energy and retreated decisively. However, in addition to using long-range artillery to block, every move was to create a gap between him and Steppenwolf.

And angering Steppenwolf was to consume his physical strength and prepare for the next support!

"Jarvis, analyze his attack data!"

"Yes, sir!"

While collecting data, Iron Man consumed Steppenwolf's power and held him tightly!

Calculating the time, it's time for the backup to appear!


Sure enough, at the moment when the two fell on a huge meteorite, the group of demons that followed Steppenwolf were suddenly smashed into powder by a square hammer!

This scene immediately attracted Steppenwolf's attention, but before he could react, a heavy kick suddenly hit his shoulder in the direction of the hammer head, kicking him out.


The next second, the flying hammer quickly returned to the hands of the person who came. The man standing in front of Stark was wearing a red cloak and had long hair.

Steppenwolf became alert. He keenly noticed that the man's eyes were full of fighting spirit, as if he was born for war and was born to be on the battlefield.

Thor also saw this temperament in Steppenwolf!

"Too messy, Stark!"

Thor turned his head and looked at him, curled his lips and said, "You actually attacked the other side alone!"

"The most important thing is that you don't play with me!!"

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