
In an instant, the thunder python, born of blood, fell with the fury of thunder.

But even Thor didn't know what kind of crisis Batman had, and he managed to dodge it by accident.

According to a certain chapter of DC's story, Batman himself even feels that his innate sense of crisis is far better than having superpowers.

But this is an instinct that only belongs to him, and only he can use it to the extreme.


In an instant, a deafening wave of air overturned everything around him, and Batman jumped off the tall building a second before the lightning struck. When dealing with these powerful people, he never relaxed his vigilance.

Just like human keepers when dealing with elephants, lions, tigers and other creatures, they must be careful every second.

He can make 10,000 mistakes, but you only need to make one mistake to die.

Batman knows very well that these people have the power to destroy everything in a single thought, so every step must be carried out with the premise that the other party can kill him in an instant!


This time, the entire Justice League was completely alarmed, and everyone who was sleeping or not sleeping rushed towards here.

"I go!"

"what happened?"

"Is there another enemy attack??"

"Assemble! Assemble! Stark goes to put on the armor, and Clinton goes to get the bow and arrows!"

Diana picked up the shield and rushed out, hitting Piccolo who was standing on the wall and flying away.

Not far away, where Loki was imprisoned, dazzling thunder and lightning lit up the night for a moment.

Thor turned back to look at Loki and saw the playful look on Loki's face, but said nothing.

But after the thunder fell, it still failed to calm the anger of the God of Thunder. He made up his mind to teach this bat who did not know how to respect the gods.

Thor walked to the window step by step, trying to find Batman.

However, at this moment, the roar of an airplane engine suddenly rose from the ground, as if it had been expected and waiting there.

The automatically programmed Bat Fighter spewed out 3,600 revolutions of flames and ultrasonic waves in an instant!

“Crack, crack, pop, pop, pop, pop!!”

"Buzz buzz!!"

The fire light rose, the sound waves trembled, and even Superman could suppress the high-frequency ultrasonic waves, let alone Thor.

"Ugh Batman!!"

Thor covered his ears and endured it for a while. His whole body was surrounded by dense bullets. Missiles, artillery shells, and a gleaming golden light hit him one after another. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and threw Thor's hammer over!


The next second, the god's hammer penetrated the entire bat fighter and smashed it down.

The moment the fire light rose, the Bat fighter also fell to the ground.

But Batman, who has experienced hundreds of battles, was not on the plane at all. He was able to stop Thor for a moment, which has achieved the effect that this arrangement should achieve.

Sure enough, he hates encounters!

Thor felt uncomfortable and rubbed his ears. It was the first time he faced something like ultrasound. He was so dizzy that it was really uncomfortable. He jumped off the building after Bruce!

Although Batman is very capable of hiding in the dark, he raises his hand and illuminates his surroundings with thunder and lightning.


Thunder and lightning flashed, illuminating Batman's location. Thor raised his lips when he saw this, withdrew his power and shook his wrist, intending to teach Batman how to behave.

"You think you're good, Batman?"

"You just know how to do some little tricks. If you have the ability, we will do two tricks!"

The moment he was discovered, Batman silently noted this. It seemed that in the future, he would have to guard against searchlights coming from the opposite side when sneaking, and it would be best to prepare a suit with vantabiack light-absorbing paint!

"Happy to accompany you."

Hearing this, Thor threw Mjolnir directly, trying to use the characteristics of Mjolnir to knock Batman to the ground so that he could not move!

However, because he had withdrawn his divine power, this blow did not have much power, and Batman easily dodged it.

Calculating the force with which the hammer fell, Bruce immediately discovered that Thor did not actually use divine power.

However, the next second, when he rolled to take out the batarang, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

No, even if no divine power was used, the blow was very light, and it only splashed some rocks when it landed on the ground.

Sure enough, his judgment was correct, and the next second there was a ringing sound behind his ears!

Batman, who has experienced many battles, immediately realized that the hammer was only used to attract his attention, and the real attack was yet to come!

But no matter how quick his reaction was, it couldn't be faster than Thor. In a blink of an eye, Thor hugged Batman from behind, strangled his neck with his thick arms, and said through gritted teeth:

"How are you, little bat? Are you still proud of your three-digit fighting skills that you are proud of?"

"Actually, you have never been on a real battlefield!"

"It's not enough to understand what a true warrior is."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. If you have any tricks you want to use, just try them."

"But I agreed in advance that if I beat you, Loki must come with me."

Batman glanced at him coldly. Just as Loki said, Thor didn't see fear in his eyes, but with or without Superman, he wouldn't:

"I am darkness!"

"I am revenge!"

"I am Batman!!"


The next second, a strange explosion exploded directly from Thor's body, and it was installed on the explosion point on his back without knowing when, which caught him off guard and made him stagger.



Batman punched Thor in the face. Regardless of whether there was any damage or not, the main point was an extremely insulting one!

Fists and feet close to the face, fighting against each other, followed by a set of bat capes covering Thor's head.

Bruce hit Thor's head with a set of combos, it didn't matter whether it scratched or not, the main point was to make him feel uncomfortable!


Thor was stunned for a moment, but he was just stunned for a moment, and he slapped him backhand and flew him out!

Under the premise that Thor deliberately paid attention to his strength, Batman was only hit into the wall, that's all.

However, when Thor rushed up, there was no Batman in the place where the dust was originally all over the sky.


Thor was stunned for a moment, why did this guy disappear again?

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The gas bomb twisted the current, and the darkness expanded the energy. When Thor turned around again, he saw Batman appeared behind him, holding two huge energy bombs in his hands, looking at him expressionlessly.


Seeing this scene, Thor's pupils gradually dilated!

Odin's beard!

How much did this old Batman hide? You're so angry that you didn't use it earlier!

What are you doing hiding it from everyone? ?


If he can get angry, then all his previous embarrassment was just pretending?

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