American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 182 The tenderness given by Odin, stay away from Asgard, Loki!

"What the hell? Are all of you humans so insidious? When did you learn this?"

Thor's eyes widened in disbelief. Today, he had learned what a Gotham-style mind is.

However, Batman did not answer him, but directly slammed the energy bomb in his hand into Thor's face.


Instantly, the explosion submerged Thor's figure. Having witnessed Vegeta's negative example, Batman would never use the prince-raising tactics when using Qi now. It would be better to just pile them together and slam them!

As for why he could use Qi?

He was about to turn the Spirit Time Room into a Bat Cave, and he had done so many architectural designs in it. If he didn't have Qi, he would have died in it long ago.

The gravity there is 10 times that of the Earth, the temperature difference is between 40° and minus 40°, and the air is one-third of that of the Earth. If Batman goes in without training, he will be crushed to death by gravity the first time he enters.

In addition, Bruce and Tony Stark have conducted many research projects on Qi, and the smart people in the Justice League actually thought that he had already mastered this skill.

As for why he usually pretends to be a mortal, don't ask, if you ask, it's persecution delusion, if you ask, the more cards the better!

If you ask, our master never relies on superpowers! But if it is a contingency plan, it is definitely worth considering!


The next second, Thor in the sea of ​​fire came back to his senses and finally took real action, knocking Batman down, and the two of them wrestled together. Batman knew that Thor's strength and speed were far above his own, so he used anti-joint skills to restrain his opponent and specifically looked for dead corners that he couldn't attack to hide!

If there were detectors here, it would definitely detect that Batman's combat power was fluctuating, but overall it maintained a continuous upward trend.

And this style of play also made Thor angry. First, he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of killing him. Second, under the same level of power, the prepared Batman had begun to gradually figure out his offensive routine!

Seeing that the situation was not right, Thor turned around and kicked Bruce away with one foot, and quickly pulled away. Thor's hammer also returned to Thor's hand.


Lightning flashed and thunder roared, a beam of lightning rushed from the sky to the ground, the terrifying voltage soared sharply, and the lights of the entire Justice League Building flickered.

Thor slashed towards Bruce!

"Now let's see what tricks you have!!"

Batman frowned, and his perception ability from the breath told him that he could never take this blow.

While condensing the gas bomb in his hand, the other hand also silently placed on a button on his waist, where a tube of Pym particles was placed. He had no choice but to shrink into the quantum field to avoid this move!

However, just as the earth-shaking thunder fell, Diana's shield also arrived.


"Buzz! Buzz!!"

Lightning overflowed, fierce fire burned, the wind moved, thunder roared and lightning flashed, and the place where the shield stood was like a barrier separating the sky and the earth, blocking the attack of Thor.

The whole world was illuminated!

However, at the moment when Thor's hammer emitted a dazzling light, Thor's eyes suddenly shook, and the whole person seemed to be out of touch with the real space.

White screen, light, illusion, space displacement, everything seemed to be still.

Green grass, Asgard's sky, and finally what came into his eyes was Odin's kind and majestic face on the throne.

"Is this... the call of the father of the gods?"

Thor was in a trance for a moment. The only one who could summon him through Thor's hammer and pull his consciousness back to Asgard was the god king Odin.

"Father, are you watching here?"

The God King Odin nodded, his comforting eyes stayed on Thor, and extended a bit of kindness: "It's me, Thor."

"What do you want?"

"Let Loki go to Gotham."

"What? Why, father? Do you really want to expel Loki?"

Hearing this, Odin swallowed a heavy heart, and sighed unconsciously: "Well, do it, you will understand later."


Odin raised his hand and waved, Thor only felt a buzz, the things in front of him gradually dissipated, and the stripped consciousness returned to the body.

"Uh uh! Ah ah!!"

Resisting the thunderous attack, he never stopped the attack until Thor regained consciousness.

After a while, just when Wonder Woman felt a little tired, Piccolo's magic light cannon was ready:

"Magic light cannon!"


A tangled and intertwined energy ray penetrated the arc of the thunder falling to the ground, and the moment it rushed into the sky, it also tore open the intertwined electric net, completely isolating the attack!

"What are you doing!"

With a bang, Iron Man also fell to the ground and shouted: "Stop fighting! Stop it!"

"What the hell is going on in the middle of the night?"

"Are you crazy? Thor? You actually killed me!"

"And Bruce? Why are you here?"

The members of the Justice League who were woken up soon rushed to the scene, each pulling the people on both sides apart, and stopped fighting each other.

Iron Man raised his hand cannon and stood in the middle to stop the two people, fearing that they would fight again.

Good guy, Stark didn't need to think about what happened between the two of them even if he didn't sleep in the middle of the night. His head hurt a little.

This day is really worrying!

Thor came back to his senses from Odin's instructions, looked at the heroes of the earth present, his eyes revealed a trace of loneliness, broke away from Piccolo's hand holding his shoulder, and glanced at Bruce: "You, take him away."

After Thor said this, he seemed to have lost all his strength. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that his slender back was very decadent:

"I only have this one brother, take good care of him."

Even if he was an enemy of everyone, Thor would not give up Loki, but only Odin, the monarch in the name of his father, if he was determined to exile Loki, then even he would be powerless.

Batman nodded silently.

And Odin, who had been watching this scene, sat alone in the hall for a long time without saying a word.

"Are you sending him out like this so that he can avoid Ragnarok?"

"If he stayed in Gotham, he might be able to escape this disaster."

A voice sounded silently in the magnificent hall, and the black cloak fell in the wind, and the S pattern formed by the silver dragon marked the unique identity of the visitor.

A pair of slender fingers were put together in front of the forehead, lifting a corner of the hair. The sudden appearance of the figure also made the temple throne, which should have been filled with loneliness and solitude, become a double shadow.

Odin seemed to have finally found someone to talk to, and he slowly sighed:

"Maybe, maybe I have been too selfish all along. I always wanted Loki to bear and support Thor, but I never gave him real independence."

"Since he wants such independence now, why not keep him away from the danger of Ragnarok? Maybe he can plant new seeds for Asgard by staying on Earth."

"You do this better than me, Mr. El."

"You know, they regard you as an imaginary enemy!"

In the magnificent hall, Carrot El silently put down his arm that was teleporting, and smiled calmly: "Isn't that just right?"

"Let them come!"

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