American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 194: Visitor from another world, Trunks

Celestial Temple. Justice League Office.

The considerate Mr. Bobo invited the Kents and pregnant Bulma back to the room to rest.

But instead of continuing to play music and dance, everyone who was interrupted at the party gathered together with Trunks in the office for a meeting!

There are not many people on this planet who dare to use force against Carrot El, and there are even fewer people who dare to use force in front of him, especially if it will affect the Kents.

Therefore, this person is definitely not from the earth. This is the common view of everyone.

"That's just the way it is."

In the conference room, Dr. Pym described everything they had experienced in as brief and precise words as possible, while Karael added his feelings about strength.

After everyone listened to the whole story, most of the people had sobered up from the wine, and the expressions on everyone's faces became solemn.

" invented a time machine in the quantum realm?"

Bruce Banner felt a little incredible: "This is crazy, isn't it??"

"We can go to the past or the future!"

"No, that's not the case!"

Tony Stark quickly gave his own analysis and inference:

"According to Erma's final analysis, if the time line of the universe is not unified, it means that it is fusion in nature. In layman's terms, it is similar to the different environmental landforms caused by the movement of the earth's plates."

"It's like we all live on the same earth, but there are deserts, forests, grasslands, cities, and glaciers on the ground. These topography and landforms that are completely out of reach are gradually coming together to form a sphere that operates according to laws. "

"Every landform seems to be single, but in fact it is integrated, affecting the overall situation, just like when the Antarctic melts, other areas will be flooded."

"For us, the disappearance of either side is a fatal blow."

Tony Stark gestured for a long time, snapped his fingers, and tried his best to speak in a language that everyone could understand:

"We have the same relationship with those timelines."

"These timelines are equivalent to different continental plates, and the time machine is like a car."

"You can take a car to the desert or the beach, but you can't escape from the planet itself."

Tony Stark's brain was running rapidly, and at the end of his speech, he pointed to Trunks, who was bound by his hands and feet:

"This child's situation is similar to being swept to another place by a storm while riding in a car."

Glancing at Dr. Pym provocatively, Tony Stark still felt a little uncomfortable.

If he hadn't been dragged by Batman to make various plans, he would have started studying Pym particles long ago, and he would definitely have invented this machine before them.

Even Dr. Pym was very surprised by Stark's accurate judgment. If nothing happened later, even he would have thought that Bulma had invented the time machine, and he couldn't help but nodded in agreement:

"Tony's right, I thought so too at first."

"But to be precise now, we should have invented a space teleportation machine that can travel to other universe timelines!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, seeming to digest this information.

Seeing this, Natasha turned a pen in her hand and scratched her chin with the pen cap:

"Okay, let's not talk about the time and space machine for now. Next thing, let's talk about this guy."

"According to what you guys said about the blue-body man, he is Bulma's son?"

The conversation between the people also made Trunks, who was tied up, a little confused, which also made him look at them very warily.

"Who are you? What time is it now? How come you are hanging around with androids?"

Except for Piccolo, No. 17 and No. 18, this group of people are all unfamiliar faces. He has never remembered such a group of people on earth!

But after all, Trunks grew up next to Bulma, and he has been exposed to scientific theories since he was a child.

Looking at the current situation, he felt as if he had traveled to the wrong place, and seemed to have traveled to an unusually remote place.

"Children, don't interrupt when adults are talking."

Tony scolded him unceremoniously. He was not Carrot's biological son anyway, so he could scold him as he should.

Diana snapped the whip and decisively tied the mantra lasso around Trunks' neck:

"Tell me your identity, origin, purpose, and name!"

The moment the lasso was attached to his body, Trunks answered Wonder Woman's question uncontrollably:

"Trunks, the last Saiyan on Earth, came from 784 A.D., the son of Saiyans Vegeta and Bulma."

"In order to solve the world destruction caused by Android 17 and 18 who wantonly massacred life on earth, he came to the past to find Mr. Goku and brought him medicine to treat viral heart disease."


Everyone first looked at Carrot El with different expressions. Seeing his expressionless face, they looked at No. 17 and No. 18 silently.

Tony Stark was happy when he heard this, and clapped his hands in agreement: "Bah, bang, bang, bang."

"Wow, congratulations on adding two more world-destroying people to our team!"

"Welcome, Lizzie, Lapis to join the team!"

"I don't think we should call it the Justice League. It would be better to call it the Destroyer League."

"By the way, how can this kid speak Japanese??"

No. 17 and No. 18 looked at each other and twitched their lips. They both saw a sense of nonsense.

Being a villain, killing humans, and exterminating planets, what kind of invincible villain can accomplish these in this world?

"It seems that in that world, Dr. Gero has completely taken away our emotional modules."

No. 18 walked forward, pulled out Trunks' sword, and raised his chin with the sword as if he was playing with a toy. Looking at the undisguised hatred in Trunks' eyes, he smiled self-deprecatingly:

"Different worlds, different lives, different us."

"I really don't know which one is luckier."

Diana's eyes were fixed on Trunks' eyes, and she couldn't see any abnormality:

"My lasso won't lie, and he didn't lie.

Natasha spread her hands and put her arms on the table: "So, the characters are different, the worlds are different, and your theory is correct. This machine does not travel through time, but through space. "

"It seems so. In the realm of God, traveling through time has always been regarded as a taboo. "

Diana glanced at the sword in No. 18's hand. Hmm, it was quite sharp!

Tony Stark asked curiously: "Am I in that world?"

Trunks shook his head: "Never heard of it."

"Heh, no wonder it was destroyed."


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