American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 195 The coordinates are the key!

Everyone touched their foreheads speechlessly at Stark's arrogant tone. Perhaps the biggest difference between him and Bruce Wayne is that one has a mouth and the other doesn't.

"I don't think that's the point."

Natasha thought about it. Ancient One had popularized the gap between the other worlds to her, so she was not very interested. However, her rich experience as an agent made her carefully savor what the blue-bodied man said:

"The point is, that guy said he was entrusted to send him here!"

"Who entrusted him? Why did he send this child here?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Carrot El, who had remained silent all the time.

Since they started discussing, Carrot El seemed to be out of touch with the world, fell into a daze, and sat quietly at his desk, as silent as Cambridge tonight.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Maybe he was stimulated?"

Stark and Beak looked at each other. It was the first time Diana saw Carrot in such a state, and her eyes extended a trace of worry.

She loosened the lasso on Trunks, walked forward and put her hand on El's shoulder, which was the action she often made to Carrot:

"What are you thinking about?"

Feeling Diana's touch, Carrot El came back to his senses from his thoughts. After looking at the people present, he walked in front of Trunks and said to everyone word by word:

"I'm thinking, people are not the point."

"What Dr. Manhattan really wants to send is the coordinates!"

"The coordinates on the time machine!"

Everyone's eyes were stunned for a long time, and Carrot El's words instantly woke them up.

"You mean, we can go to their world through that coordinate?"

Iron Man's eyes condensed, and he quickly calculated the feasibility of this matter.

Even Piccolo's face became more and more solemn. Traveling through time is not a trivial matter, and none of the people present are fools.

When Carrot pointed out the most critical point, everyone reacted at the same time. This is definitely a huge temptation that they can't resist!

But Carrot El obviously didn't think this was a good thing, which was why he had been thinking about it just now.

A person of Manhattan's level personally sent Trunks here, it was definitely impossible for him to want to create a family ethics drama!

What in that universe you and he had a son, and in this universe I killed your husband and then had a son with you, for people at that level, these plots have no meaning.

Abandoning human factors, what they really want to send must be the coordinates on the time machine!

As a link in the epoch-making dividing line in the Dragon Ball universe, Trunks traveled through time and space, returned to the past, restarted the official history universe of Dragon Ball, and put the originally destroyed universe on the right track.

The importance of this move is almost no less than the DC Flashpoint incident.

Now that he has disappeared, it is not ruled out that it will cause the global contraction of the Dragon Ball universe.

The most critical issue is that Manhattan is a DC person, why would he send someone from the Dragon Ball universe?

Even if he wants to catch him, he can't catch him!

Unless the Dragon God Salama crossed the line first and sent Trunks in, trying to restart the android chapter in the Anchor Universe, but was intercepted by the people behind Dr. Manhattan and finally thrown to himself.

But Dr. Manhattan's actions also surprised Carrot.

He gave his power to his unborn child.

It's like the end of the Doomsday Clock.

In Carrot El's view, this is a gesture of goodwill, and it is also laying a line of defense for the future of this universe.

Once Superman is gone, there will be new, even more powerful Quantum Superman, born as his bloodline descendants!

In a broad sense, as long as Superman, the symbol of the center of the DC universe, does not fall, no matter what choice he makes, even if he rebels and votes for Salama, DC can still guarantee the right to enter the Anchor Universe!

But from a personal point of view, Dr. Manhattan also left his own power for the Anchor Universe.

This is his personal choice for the creatures in the universe, leaving the weight of fate to us, to the future, and to hope.

According to Doomsday Clock's monologue, Dr. Manhattan himself hated being treated as a puppet, especially when he could see the strings. Fortunately, Superman's appearance gave him hope and enabled him to restart the universe.

"Wait, you just said Dr. Manhattan, do you know that blue man?"

Natasha noticed Carrot El's address to that man and looked at him in confusion.

Carrot El nodded. Since Dr. Manhattan had made his choice, he might be the one he could fight for.

With his ability, he could travel between the Anchor Universe and the DC Universe at will, becoming another fixed bridge.

"I've heard that he comes from another different universe. Dr. Manhattan is the official name given to him when he was still in human society."

"He is a very scary guy. If you have a chance to meet him, remember to be polite to him."

Carrot El snapped his fingers and removed the energy chain on Trunks. He looked at everyone and said:

"Let's get back to the point of the matter, time travel."

"I think this is not a good thing for us. At least for now, we are still in a passive stage."

"The other party's behavior may make us act as a pathfinder. If they die, it will be ours, and if they win, it will be his."

"Or maybe they want to divert the tiger away from the mountain. When the rest of us are gone or the troops are divided, we can take the opportunity to do something to this universe."

"The connection between these time and spaces is very unstable. Once something happens, we can never come back. So, there is another possibility that the other party wants to banish us to another universe."

Carrot El tapped his hands on the table and said to everyone seriously: "In short, this will be a time travel that is targeted."

"My suggestion is to seal it temporarily!"

The corners of Tony Stark's mouth rose silently. Apparently he had already thought of this answer: "Just like I thought, if we play with time, time will also play with us."

"What about this Saiyan child? Will he stay here forever?"

Broly patted Trunks' shoulder with his generous hand, as if to comfort him not to be afraid.

He still has a good impression of Trunks, who is of the same race, and also wants to know something about the Saiyans from another universe.

Carrot El shook his head: "Unfortunately, I'm afraid Trunks won't be able to go back in a short time. Think about it, since the other party asked him to come here, will he let him go back easily?"

"This involves more than one universe. No one will easily hand over the hostages without paying some price."

"This is a conspiracy. We have to take people now, whether we want them or not."

After hearing this, Piccolo felt quite depressed and aggrieved. Since Frieza's death, it seems that no matter what they do, they have been put under an invisible shackles:

"Are we just waiting here and letting the other party have a conspiracy and do nothing??"

Carrot El walked over and slapped Piccolo on the shoulder: "Don't worry yet, do you still remember the martial arts of the gods?"

"When attacking, be as fast as lightning, and when defending, be as quiet as the sky."

"Stabilizing the situation does not mean being timid, but laying a solid foundation for yourself. If you want to truly get out of here, you must first lay a solid foundation!"

"You know that the other party has a conspiracy, but you still sneak into it. That's stupid."

"You have to remember, this is our world!!"

"The future here does not depend on any party, it only depends on us. If we don't catch him ourselves, we will hand over the world to others!"

Carrot El's words were not only spoken by Bic, but also for the first time to everyone present to preach his own philosophy, to step out of the universe and make his own way in the anchor world.

"Don't worry, we are holding back for the time being in order to turn passivity into initiative. I have already thought of how to solve the hidden dangers of time and space travel."

Carrot El's confident words undoubtedly gave everyone reassurance.

Although he doesn't know exactly how he wants to crack it, as long as there is a direction, everyone will no longer be a leaderless fly.

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