American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 197 The Lifestyle of No. 17 and No. 18

When Trunks heard this, his face twitched. Anyway, he no longer had to hide his identity and name. Whether the child in this universe was born or not had nothing to do with him:

"It's none of my business! This child is not me in the first place!!!"

Seeing that the two men finally stopped, La Zili raised her white jade hands and put them in front of her eyes, looked at the dazzling sunlight in the sky, and shouted to them:

"I'm telling you two, the wonderful world is right in front of you, wouldn't you like to enjoy life?"

"You too, Lapis, you finally have a relaxing job as an expat. Shouldn't we fish for it?"

"Look at how busy everyone else is right now. They wish that one person could bear the workload of ten people. We should cherish the time we are fishing. I just made an appointment with Wanda and Carla to go shopping and then have a big meal. Why don't you come down soon?" !”

After hearing this, the two of them calmed down and fell to the ground. Lapis glanced at his sister helplessly. Since ancient times, beauties love money, and what they say is true.

Compared to Lazili, who likes fishing, Lapis is a quiet workaholic in character.

The guardian of the island in Dragon Ball Super is so conscientious that he can't even leave for more than a few dozen minutes during working hours.

In response, Carrot shook his hand cordially and said that there is no shortage of radicals in the Justice League, but there is a shortage of city defenders like you!

"Okay, that's it for today's training."

Lapis patted Trunks on the shoulder and showed an encouraging smile:

"After three consecutive days of fighting, the pent-up anger in your heart should be over. Go relax and see the customs and customs of this world."

Based on his general understanding of Trunks in the past three days on the 17th, he has determined that this kid will not make a breakthrough in a short period of time.

Only by practicing behind closed doors for a year can one surpass the current Super Saiyan state.

But he really didn't want to go into that spiritual time room anymore, it gave him a psychological shadow!

It's okay to be a sparring partner, but it's definitely not okay to be a sparring partner there!

According to the current situation, it is not realistic for him to practice for a while and give Carrot the results, so he should just have fun.

What's more, Broly also told him that Trunks' Super Saiyan transformation is just like the shit on the street. He must constantly develop his own potential to become stronger and stronger.

"Just in time, you can take this kid shopping. There's still someone to carry things. Iron Man sent me an email last night and made an appointment to go to Dr. Gero's research institute to investigate."

Lapis replied to Lizzie, and immediately received a look of extreme disgust from her sister.

No. 18 held her forehead. How come she didn't know that her bratty brother had the potential to be a scab before?

He actually took on another project behind her back?

"Boring, old bastard Grona didn't transform you into a perpetual motion machine to make you a scab."

"Yes, yes, I will let you go shopping for as long as you want without getting tired. If I don't earn more, no amount of money will be enough for you to spend."

Trunks is still a little unaccustomed to the daily bickering between the two, not to mention that he is now full of hatred, has no way to go to heaven, and has no way to go to earth. He is really not in the mood:

"I'm not interested in going shopping."

Upon hearing this, La Zili looked at him with great disgust and couldn't help but complain:

"I said, you haven't changed your clothes in a long time. I think there shouldn't be a clothing store in your world, right?"

Hearing these words, Trunks couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. He lowered his head. A feeling of sadness and anger instantly poured into his mind. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Then who should be blamed! If it wasn't you in that world!"

Lazri's energy-infused palm pressed onto Trunks' chest, and the expression on her face became solemn:

"Boy, don't act like you're the only one suffering in the whole world."

"We have never experienced the despair you have experienced, but you have not experienced the despair we have experienced either."

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of being put on an experimental table and cut open?"

"Have you ever tried the feeling of someone pressing a bomb inside your body?"

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of being deprived of all emotions and kneeling in front of others like a robot?"

"I don't want to talk to you about fate. As long as there are people alive in this world, who is not fighting against fate?"

"Who has not been tortured by fate?"

"Everyone in the Alliance is fighting for this planet. It is true that your appearance has made us aware of the possibility of endless time and space, but so what? What do you think everyone wants to do when they say they want to go to your world?"

"Everyone here is not excited by curiosity!"

"Batman, Iron Man, Carrot, and even the entire league only think about one thing."

Razali stared into Trunks' already cloudy eyes, lifted up the scarred body with her white fingertips, and said word by word:

"That's how many times we have failed in the endless timeline, which ultimately led to the destruction of the world."

"For Lapis and I, what is more terrifying than death is forgetting the feeling of living. This is also the human touch that Lapis has always been thinking about, and it is also the reason why he tries to believe in the Justice League."

"Even though we are like this, we are still living in our own way."

"I've heard you talk a lot about your time and space in the past few days. Isn't it enough to pay the price for being impulsive and willful?"

"How many soldiers have died in the twenty years since we appeared in that world to when you traveled through time and space for twenty years."

Upon hearing this, Trunks almost couldn't hold back, and closed his eyes tightly, fearing that he would cry in front of these two people.

However, what was waiting for him was not the expected attack, but a necklace worn around his neck.

Lazili's gentle movements exuded a kind of stepmother-like comfort. She put a metal necklace with an S logo on Trunks and rubbed his hair:

"Live well, live well, play well, enjoy your life well, and there will be a solution to everything."

Trunks slowly held up the engraved pattern of the necklace, with tears in his eyes, and murmured: "What is this?"

"Carrot asked me to give it to you. This is the family emblem of the El family, which means hope."

As Lazili said, Lapis also patted Trunks on the shoulder and said: "According to the records, Carrot El used to have the surname Sun. From a certain identity, he may be It is Mr. Goku you are looking for in this universe. "

Holding the necklace tightly in his hand, Trunks felt mixed emotions: "Mr. Goku. No, Mr. El, no matter which time and space, I thank you for your trust. "

Lapis advised: "Although you came here by accident, Stark and Dr. Banner both agreed that your original plan would fail, and you can't change the future by changing the past. "

"So, why not try to grasp your own future in this time and space. "

Trunks would never have thought that one day he would hear words of encouragement from No. 17 and No. 18, and these words sounded so pleasant and so tearful.

Thinking of this, he bowed to the two of them solemnly, and it was also the first time that he formally called them by their names. The two digital code-named androids have become a thing of the past in this universe:

"Thank you, Lapis, Lazili!"

"You're welcome. Help me carry more things when I go shopping later. "

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