American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 198 Do what they wish for! Or do nothing!

During the three days after returning to Earth, Carrot El, who should have been extremely busy, stayed at home with Bulma and her parents.

This period of time has been really hard for them, especially the Kents. The two elders, who were originally just ordinary farmers, were once again forced to be involved in a bizarre fantasy world.

This made Carrot El feel a little guilty, and at the same time he expressed his apology and companionship to them as a child.

But the answer given by Jonathan and Martha is that from the day we picked you up, we have been mentally prepared for this day to come.

Martha caressed Carrot's cheek, looking at her son with eyes that always exuded the love from her mother. She knew that her son could have lived a more carefree life than anyone else, but he was willing to spend a lot of time. and energy to create a win-win future for everyone:

"Go ahead, son, you've already decided, haven't you?"

"To do what they hope or to do nothing."

If there is any difference between Carrot El's world and other time travellers, it is probably that he has parents. Because there is no such orphan education, the sense of separation from the world is not that serious.

"We will take good care of Bulma and ensure that she will not be allowed to do dangerous experiments like before."

"I know that the last time it was an unexpected situation, no one could predict it."

Carlotte nodded, he was not very worried about Bulma's safety right now.

Not to mention that the Justice League will not let anything happen to her now, even Dr. Manhattan will not stand idly by. After all, this is the key target of his bet to protect.

Facing his mother who had been treating him like a day for decades, Carrot El hugged Martha very gently, leaning on her mother's shoulder quietly as she did when she was a child, whispering:

"Thanks, Mom, it's great to have you."

Jonathan patted Carrot's shoulder, his eyes full of relief:

"Fly, son, I will always be proud of you."

Carrot El also embraced Jonathan. For any superman, the greatest luck is to have such a pair of adoptive parents. Of course, this is also the luck of the earth:

"Me too, father, like every child in this world, I am also proud of my parents."

"Your names have been recorded in the history books of mankind."

"One day... it will become a myth."

After saying goodbye, Carrot El opened his arms, embraced the sun, put on the Superman suit skillfully, and soared into the sky, announcing to the world the return of Superman.


The familiar sonic boom soared into the sky again, walking across mountains and rivers, crossing rivers and seas, and a dancing silver-gray cloak outlined a figure traveling through the world.

Everyone in the Justice League started a busy day, and the Namek clan was organized into a medical team, a security team, and a nature protection team.

The remaining children and elderly people were placed in a small town in the Zhenglian area.

After being supplemented by a large number of Namekians, the newly established Justice League also got some buffering opportunities.

When Gamora and Nebula first arrived on Earth, they originally planned to join the alien legacy project team, responsible for sorting out alien data on each spacecraft and processing the debris from the Battle of New York.

But before going to work, Natasha directly approached Carrot El and reported that she had transferred the two sisters. She meant to create a separate "Women's Federation" in the organization.

So Carrot El gave the two sisters a long vacation, letting them enjoy the peaceful time on earth first.

Mantis Girl is now a treasure, because many people in the organization cannot sleep well for a long time, and the lovely Mantis Girl only needs to touch them, and they can get the highest quality sleep for a night.

Of course, this does not include Batman's extreme skeptic, who will never let someone who can read minds touch his brain.

Mantis even tried to control his mind once without giving up. As a result, she finally knew what it meant to have willpower that was more terrifying than the planet.

Broly was invited to take the time to go to Asgard and fight with Thor on Carrot's behalf. The final result was that Odin's wine cellar was empty of more than a dozen barrels of wine!

Piccolo took the god to spiritual time and pestered him to vomit eggs every day. After the Dagu team members went through a series of procedures, they began their own journey of recruiting troops. It is worth mentioning that a military advisor named Kirino Makoto found him on his own. Come to the door.

With his help, Dagu seemed to have acquired the ability to predict, and his work went very smoothly.

Especially under the strong rebuke from his immediate superiors, consultant Natasha and Tony Stark, Dagu even directly contacted TPC in the name of the Justice League, and the computer Kallen snatched it away.

A decent-looking base was just set up.

Batman, who had practiced martial arts, did not try to break his back, and even defeated the rebellious Bane without removing the pipe. However, the various demons that followed in Gotham made him fall into the endless career of knights as always.

All the disasters that happened on the earth seemed to have calmed down with Carrot's return.

Carrot El also started busy dealing with his own affairs.

All the way to the sky above Kuroshima, following the cave dug by the Gakuma brothers, Superman entered the underground world.

Stretching for thousands of miles, passing through time and space, where the mountains and rivers meet Cishan, five vast fingers stand there as if they separate the distance between heaven and earth.

When Carrot El came to the original location, two rows of eyes of a huge head could be vaguely seen in the thick soil buried deep in the ground.

Although it's just the tip of the iceberg, the last time I came here, there was only one eye serving as a light source in the underground world.

It seems that Diamu's birth date is getting closer, which also shows that the current development of human society has become more and more prosperous without the internal friction of superheroes.

"Time is running out, Superman. You once said that my matter can only be solved by going to the universe. Now that you are back, have you figured out what to do?"

In the deep underground where the daylight lasts, Diamu's telepathy comes, with a little doubt and a numbness that is half dreaming and half awake.

Arriving in front of Diamu, Carrot El pondered for a long time. One of the main purposes of his last trip to the universe was to solve the problem of the monster universe formed by the gods:

"After thinking about it, although this is a bit unethical, since there are people with more positive energy than me who can do it, I decided to follow suit."

"I have a question before I leave. I heard that after each group of gods completes their divine manifestation, a new universe will be born. Is this the same for you?"

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