American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 223: Enter the venue, the grand gamble is all here!

Carrot El's words immediately made Peter feel like he was struck by lightning. When that figure appeared in his mind, his eyes turned red.

Thinking of that white-haired, old man, but always caring about him, kind and kind, he was the only warmth and his only trust in the world.

She is the Ni Lin that he must never touch, and she is the elder that he wants to take care of even if he suffers all the hardships of life and suffers the fatigue of poverty.

His brain didn't even have time to process why Superman knew about Aunt May.

Death. Yes, he never thought that he would die too, and he never thought about the consequences of doing so.

What would Aunt Mei do if he died?

Carrot El didn't know what he said. Everyone only saw the chatty Spider-Man, who was like an eggplant beaten by frost, his voice suddenly stopped, and he was stunned in place.

"Although she doesn't know what you did, maybe one day, when the news comes that Spider-Man is dead or missing, she will cook as usual and wait for her only relative to come home. "

"But he never waited. He waited until the early morning, until the next morning, until the police knocked on his door, or he waited forever."

"Then, the food gradually became cold, and so did the people."

As he spoke, Carrot El walked into the venue without looking back, but every word that came out of his mouth was like a needle pricking deeply into Peter Parker's heart.

"I believe you have experienced this feeling. Do you want her to experience it again?"

Spider-Man was completely stunned, and things he had never thought about gradually came to his mind.


The time was almost up, and Captain America and Tony also walked to Peter Parker's side: "Come on, kid, this is not a sightseeing tour."

Iron Man immediately saw the tiny camera hidden on Peter's chest, which made Jarvis pay attention to the boy's information and smiled: "What should I call you, Spider-Man?"

"The suit is good, quite distinctive."

"I'm Spider-Man!"

Peter lost his previous excitement at this time. People walked past him, and everyone left their fingerprints on his shoulders.

Everyone was trying to persuade him to go back, but only Diana smiled encouragingly when she came to him:

"Try to save the world and be your own hero."

Everyone's words echoed in Peter's ears until everyone entered the venue and he was the only one left.

After a long time, Peter silently took out his cell phone and dialed Aunt Mei's number.

"Hey Peter, my good boy, how are you doing today?"

"Mei, I have something to tell you now."


Spider-Man took a deep breath. There were only two choices left for him at this time. Go back and continue to be his good neighbor, or move forward and completely embark on the path of a superhero.

But no matter which one it is, there is no way around his dearest Aunt Mei.

So Peter decided not to hide it from her. Although he didn't want Aunt May to worry about him, he also didn't want Aunt May to see the news of his death one day:

"I'm on the Tistro Islands right now. The one the news talks about."

"What??? Peter?? What are you doing there? Taking pictures??"

Aunt Mei's incredible exclamation came from the other end of the phone: "Come back quickly! Immediately! Immediately! This is too dangerous!!"

"I'm Spider-Man!"

Peter Parker gritted his teeth and finally blurted out, then breathed a sigh of relief: "I am Spider-Man."

"I have two choices now, May!"

"Go back or go in!"

"I'm calling you because Mr. Superman just told me that he is the Superman who is often shown on TV. He said you can't live without me."

"I can't make this decision, and I can't make that selfish decision, so now."

"If you support me, I'll go in."

"If you let me go, I'll leave."

Peter Parker said everything in one breath, and God knows every word that came out of his mouth felt like it was being weighed down by a thousand pounds of weight.

On the other side of the phone, Aunt Mei seemed to be so shocked that she had a heart attack, and her voice had not been heard for a long time.


"Kakarot, strong energy is coming."

Walking into the grand venue, the people in the main alliance were like champions guarding the ring. After encouraging each other, they went to their respective arena masters and waited for the arrival of the other party.

Broly and Carrot El came to the main arena. When they felt Zod's aura, they suddenly said to Carrot El:

"Let me come later!"

Carrot El showed a surprised look: "Huh? He came for me, what are you going to do?"

Unexpectedly, Broly showed a rare tough attitude and looked at Zod with fighting spirit as he fell to the ground from mid-air:

"You have both Saiyan and Kryptonian blood in your body."

"So I must decide who wins or loses with the Kryptonians!"

Carrot El looked at him helplessly: "."

Good guy, are you jealous?

"I kept you waiting, Carrot El."

Zod fell to the ground, and the dark Krypton on his body was now in pieces. The carapace growing from his back had completely covered his back and chest, and a pair of black wings dropped to the ground.

Purple lines flowed on both sides of the cheeks, and the bones of the jaw protruded to expose the skin, exuding golden energy, but the strange thing was that the skin was dry, there were barbs on the body, and the whole body was swollen, like a huge monster.

"Day of Destruction"

Carrot El murmured. He had already expected that what would come today would not be a good one, so he was naturally prepared. This was really a tough nut to crack:

"Did you inject yourself with the Doomsday virus?"

"I didn't expect you to still be sane."

Zod could hardly wait any longer and glared at him angrily: "I'm really surprised that you know about the Doomsday Virus."

"But it's just an appetizer. I hope you can taste it, Superman."

Zod looked at the specific structure of the venue and nodded in admiration.

Obviously, he also thinks that it is better for the two sides to fight separately. Otherwise, the different strengths of the people will hinder the fight, and it is a waste of time to challenge them one by one.

"This venue is well established, I like it."

"Everyone else, go destroy the Justice League!!"

Seeing this, Zod shouted to the sky, and figures appeared one after another. Some jumped from the plane, while others flew away in mid-air and scattered in all directions.

They had already targeted their prey and began their hunting moment.

Carrot El was a little nervous. Judging from the number of figures on the other side, they were no less than those of the Justice League.


A muffled sound hit the ground, followed by countless figures falling to the ground one after another. The leader's eyes were cold, like a killing machine, unsmiling, revealing a silver metal arm, looking at them indifferently.

There are 10 people with the same figure as him. The Extremis virus and the Ark reactor were completely combined in the hands of Ivan Vanko.

In addition to the newly developed armor, worn on the ten Winter Soldiers led by Bucky, Iron Man, Captain America, Falcon, and Black Panther were instantly surrounded.

"Tony Stark, it's finally my turn to pay back the blood debt from your family!"

Ivan's armor extended two laser whips, staring at him fiercely.

Tony Stark was also surprised when he saw this huge formation: "Here I go, is it really my business in this?"

Captain America and Falcon stood together. Although Bucky had a mask on his face, he always felt that this person was somewhat familiar.

On the other side, the battlefield on the easternmost side of the archipelago is divided into a separate arena for giants and monsters to fight.

As Dagu transformed into Tiga and transformed into a giant, the overwhelming Zoga covered the sky with a dark color. After Luluye absorbed part of the evil god's power, Camilla led Dallam and Xi Terra found Dagu again.

"You're here, Dagu."

"Camila, listen to me explain to you!!"

"I won't listen!!!"

"Sister Widow! Please help me!!"

However, at this time, Black Widow had no time to pay attention to him.

"I'm sorry, the gambling game is suspended. You guys can play for a while, or you can come over and support me after the game."

Black Widow heard the voice in the earphones and replied with an ugly face. The group of people opposite her was also a big challenge for her:

"Casilla. I didn't expect you to come and bring so many helpers."

Black Widow faced the transparent weapon stretched out from the hand of the attacker as if facing a formidable enemy. She raised her hand to offer the sword of Emperor Weishan, ready to take action at any time.

When she was transferred to Karma Taj in the inner earth world full of monsters, it was the beginning of Casilla's defection.

Later, she was accepted as a disciple by Gu Yi. At that stage, she had dealt with Casilla a lot and knew that this person was a relatively difficult character.

"Long time no see. Your magic is even better, Romanov."

At this moment, Casilla's face already had thick dark circles, which was the result of being eroded by dark energy.

The author's new book: "Age of Dawn: Above the Campfire"!

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