American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 224 Desperate Martial Arts Tournament, timeline cutting begins!

"So... why don't you introduce the people around you?"

There was no trace of fear on Black Widow's face. She was accustomed to life and death and didn't care at all how many people came to the other party.

Next to Casilla was an unseen man in a cloak, wearing robes that looked like those from the ancient Roman period, and a group of people who could tell they were killers from their costumes.

But even in the face of such a large battlefield, Natasha did not flinch at all.

Magic, martial arts, fighting, killing skills, espionage, intelligence, she thinks she can't lose to anyone.

No matter how many come from the other side, just fight!

"Hello, the famous Black Widow, my name is Leixiaogu."

The man took off his cloak and gave Natasha a gentlemanly smile.

"What a tough name to pronounce."

Natasha felt disgusted. It was a life-and-death battlefield, but she was still pretending to be a ghost. She turned her head and warned the ghost girl on the side: "Be careful. If there is a fight later, follow me. Don't separate!"

Ghost Girl nodded, but she didn't take these people seriously. Ghost Girl in Ant-Man 2 is a very special existence. Because an experiment in the quantum realm failed, she has now become a special person. As an individual, all the molecules in the body are being broken up and reorganized every millisecond.

In a sense, she is equivalent to the humanoid Grizza. Only the Flash and Superman can hit her if they are fast enough.

At the same time, the entire Zhenglian battlefield fell into a difficult situation.

No. 17, Piccolo, Hulk, Diana, and Trunks, who have just arrived for support. As the second echelon of the main alliance, their opponents are by no means ordinary.

"Be careful, the other party's energy is stronger than ever."

No. 17's face turned pale, reminding everyone that after discovering that the world was so terrifying, he didn't know whether he should be grateful that Dr. Gero gave them power.

A drop of cold sweat ran down Piccolo's face. He originally thought that after merging with the gods, he would not be a hindrance, but now it seems that it may be difficult to defeat this group of people:

"No need to remind me, listen, even if the fight doesn't go well, we still have to wait for Sun to come and save us!"

Zanga, BoJack, Peter, Geku, and Buchin, five ghost-like green faces, showed mocking glances at each other, staring at them with disdain. Each of them exuded an aura that made everyone afraid. :

"Stupid bastards of the Earth, anyone who resists the King of the Galaxy must die!"

"Let us torture you properly."

Those five people are exactly the Metroid Warriors in the Dragon Ball TV series, and they have crushed several super-powerful beings, especially the leader BoJack, who has surpassed the full-power existence under Super 2!

"Amazon warriors are born fearless."

Diana drew her sword and took the lead in confronting Zangjia, who was also a woman.

"Calm down, Diana, we have to work together!"

Piccolo No. 17 shouted at the same time. Before the two of them could finish speaking, Peter and Buchin rushed towards them. They had no time to think about it and could only respond hastily.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

In a flash of lightning, countless explosions rose into the sky, and Piccolo and No. 17 fought side by side.

They are both people who like to analyze rationally when fighting, and their personalities are similar. Therefore, the two sides cooperate with each other tacitly, and there is no gap between fists and kicks.




For a moment, the whole place was filled with sand and rocks, and the aftermath of the battle had caused the surrounding rocks to collapse.


Bruce Banner's body burned with terrifying lava scarlet, transformed into the Hulk, harnessed the power of the red light ring, and smashed towards BoJack fearlessly!

This time, Trunks no longer used his sword and fought back and forth with Goku.

However, not long after the fight, everyone fell behind.

The most dangerous thing about the Metroid Warriors is that their moves are deadly, they are murderous at every turn, and they fight without any sloppiness.

There is also a binding energy light that can absorb the opponent's power!

With a bang, Diana's sword fell to the ground. She was knocked to the ground and rolled several times. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked extremely ugly:

"Damn it, even if I practice Qi, will the difference in strength still be so big?"

Even Batman has practiced Qi, not to mention Diana who has actually felt the opponent's strength in these wars.

But even if she practices Qi, she will not be able to break through the barrier of super full power in a short time, unless she can obtain the blessing of DC divine power!

Zanjia looked down at Diana with a teasing smile on her face: "She is such a beautiful woman. It would be a pity to kill you."

"Would you like to become one of us?"

"I can give you a chance to live."

Diana spit out a mouthful of blood, took a deep breath, crossed her arms, and silently transferred the breath to the bracelet, combining it with her divine power:

"A bunch of disgusting bastards, better go to hell."


In an instant, a huge wave set off a wave of destructive energy, which directly knocked Zangjia away. The collapsing rocks rolled down countless rubble and fell on her, burying her.

Just when Diana breathed a sigh of relief, purple light surged out from the ground, turning the collapsed mountain into ashes.

Zangjia straightened her messy hair, and the smile on her face disappeared, leaving only frightening anger. A bright blue light condensed in her hand and hit Diana.


The powerful explosion annihilated everything. The Hulk's figure was also blown away by BoJack, and he stood up in embarrassment.

At the same time, at the Justice League headquarters, Batman's face was also extremely ugly. On the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th, four android figures appeared in the surveillance, and beside him, only Captain Marvel could beat.

"Do you have a backup plan, Bruce?"

Rhodes glanced at the formation on the opposite side and looked at Batman with lingering fear.

Bruce's face was as cold as ever. Even though Rhodes paid attention to his small movements, he didn't find any signs of panic. He put his hand on the earphones:

"Superman, the opponent is moving very quickly. The people are already here. They are all artificial humans."

"Pay attention to one of them named No. 16. He is a full robot with computer chips. Send him a route alone and let Jarvis crack his terminal. Let go and implement your plan, God of Fighting."

Carrot El's expression became tense. As he expected, in this war, the truly capable core personnel of the Anti-Justice League organized by Lex Luthor were all people from the Dragon Ball universe.

"The cutting of the Dragon Ball timeline by American comics has finally begun."

The new book, Age of Dawn: Above the Bonfire, is the first original work. Please read it and give your opinions. It has not yet been decided whether to sign or not. Of course, this book will continue to be written.

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