American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 225 Batman's Destruction Program!


After Batman hung up the communication, he began to operate on the computer. Under the instructions of Carrot El, he separately called up a screen No. 16.

If the opponent is a complete mechanical cyborg, then Zhenglian's artificial intelligence power can easily hack into the opponent's chip.

"So what can we do now, the legendary Dark Knight?"

Captain Marvel asked suspiciously as he looked at Bruce's unhurried expression.

With her strength, it is already her limit to go out and fight one person, let alone face four at the same time.

"No need to do anything, we need to evacuate here."

"The Justice League headquarters was originally a bait put out by Carrot and me."

"Based on the stabilization measures and loss of qi energy, we have conducted a series of related experiments and the final research results."

"I, Stark, and Bulma jointly developed a special device that can store gas energy and control the released energy within a certain explosion range. At the same time, during the release period, the high-power drive dissipation characteristics of the gas itself ”

"For this experimental project, we formulated the Zhenglian Fall Plan."

As soon as Batman finished speaking, a red countdown sounded throughout the Justice League.

"Zheng Lian's fall plan, it turns out that you had expected that they would come to attack us."

"But this is a huge gamble. Blow up the entire Justice League. Is this all your hard work and massive funds?"

Clinton, who was fully armed, tightened the bow and arrow in his hand, somewhat admiring Batman's wisdom.

He had to admit that this late stage of persecution paranoia was indeed very prescient at certain times.

Batman glanced at him and said: "If money can bring victory and human safety, I am willing to spend all the wealth of the Wayne family."

"This is also an opportunity to move from the bright side to the underground."

"Now, we are going to fight a roundabout battle, making it look like we and the other side will die together, detour through Gotham, and then go to the main battlefield for support!"

Batman quickly started the self-destruction program on his computer and led everyone towards the original evacuation route:

"There is a room on the underground floor. Inside is the opening device of the magic portal, which leads directly to Gotham. Let's go there."

"Danvers, you are fast. Number 16 will be handed over to you. When Jarvis successfully takes over control of him, take him away immediately."

"Jarvis, immediately take over control of No. 16. Wait until the artificial people enter the headquarters and block their detection radars."

Jarvis: "Understood, Bruce, but the situation on the battlefield is not good. Mr. Stark is in a tough fight."

Batman: "I understand. The opponent has not revealed all their cards yet. They are fully prepared. You have to find a way to control public opinion. This is a long war. Keep an eye on the situation on every battlefield."

"Everyone is ready to move. We will go to a new battlefield at any time. Start taking action now."

Batman arranged the remaining people in an orderly manner.

"Wait! Batman!"

Seeing this, Rhodes, who had a military background, immediately became nervous, walked in front of Bruce and asked, "I want to know, how powerful is that bomb?"

"Sorry, I have to remind you, we're not far from New York City."

Batman pulled a group of people and said as they walked: "Don't worry, the explosion range of the bomb has been tested hundreds of times and will not exceed the scope of the Justice League headquarters."

Rhodes looked confused: "Hundreds of experiments???"

Batman: "More than that, the evacuation of personnel was completed last night when it was transferred to the Temple of Heaven."

"You don't have to worry about the power of this bomb. It's infused with the power of Superman's full blow."




At the same time, on the other side, the war in the Budokai has begun like never before.

On the main stage, Zedd's body burst with bright energy.

Purple electric light flowed out, creating a scene of earth-shattering, roaring roars intertwined with thunder and lightning.

Facing Carrot El, Zod finally no longer had to suppress his own strength. He allowed barbs as thick as bones to swell everywhere in his body.

Letting every inch of hardened energy fill all the cells in his body, he glared at the two Carrots:

"Carrot El, everyone on earth calls you God!"

"In that case, then I am willing to become a monster, a monster that kills gods!"

"The shame you gave me will be repaid a hundredfold today."

Just before Zod launched his attack, Broly suddenly stood in front of Carrot El, ripped off his upper body clothes, looked at him coldly and said:

"What a pity, your opponent is me."

Zod looked at him and immediately noticed the tail wrapped around his waist. His eyes turned cold: "Huh? Is he another remnant of the Saiyans?"

No matter how crazy Zod's aura was at this moment, Broly still maintained his posture with an unchanging expression, and with a strong fighting spirit burning in his heart, he responded:

"To be precise, it's the future of the Saiyans."

Carrot El knew the virtues of Saiyans and quickly reminded Broly:

"Be careful, he injected himself with the Doomsday virus, which is a very terrifying product on Krypton. The original Doomsday is completely invincible. Like you, he will continue to evolve and become stronger, never ending."

"The stronger the impact, the more it will evolve and release the energy accumulated in the body in one breath."

"His body is also fused with Cell Cells. The Kryptonian body will continue to grow stronger under the yellow sun, coupled with the regenerative power of the Namekians."

Broly interrupted Carrot: "That means I have to destroy him in one go, right?"

As he said that, Broly looked up at Zod's appearance, and couldn't help but feel some sympathy:

"A warrior from Krypton, it must not be your intention to give up the dignity of a warrior and fall to this point."

"Let my purity awaken your soul!"

Carrot El: "???"

Zod: "???"

Zod looked at Broly with a bit of sarcasm, as if he were looking at a young child: "Sure enough, Saiyans are a boring race."

"He actually tried to find a reason for himself to feel at ease because of bloodshed and violence."

"War is essentially a continuation of violence. No high-sounding purity can cover up the bloodshed behind it. Only victory is the only goal. Therefore, soldiers in war have already turned themselves into devils."

"I am a soldier, and I will do whatever it takes to win."

Broly pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and then nodded slowly. The next second, the arrogance around him spread out boundless heat waves, and he faced Zod:

"Then let us use our fists to prove who is right and who is wrong."

"Kakarot, go and support the others. Everyone is currently at a disadvantage."

After the explosion, Zod's body became larger and larger, and the symbol on his chest was torn in half, turning into a monster completely:

"It just so happens that the Saiyan and I also have a score to settle."

"As for you, Carrot El, you will not lack opponents. Today is your end."

After Zod said a harsh word, he turned around and fought with Broly. The sky collapsed, the mountains and sea poured in, and two terrifying rays of light shot straight into the sky, colliding in mid-air to create a devastating force.

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