American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 463 Supernovas who lose one after another

"Damn monster!"

Derek roared in annoyance.

He had just seen how powerful Bugsy was and he didn't want to have anything to do with it.

But in the end, he was still targeted.

As a result, Drake could only accept the challenge.

"Since you are looking for death! I will help you!"

Drake shouted angrily, glaring at Bugsy.

Then he started to use his Devil Fruit powers!

Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Allosaurus Form!

Drake is quickly transformed into a giant dinosaur about the same size as Bugsy.

He stretched out a pair of paws and grabbed Bugsy's paws.

With the powerful power of the dinosaur, Film and Television prevented Bugsy's claws from falling on him.


Drake roared with all his strength!

Even though it seemed easy for him to grab Bugsy's paws.

But only he knew how difficult it was.

He felt very strongly how terrifying Bugsy's power was.

Just holding on to it made his paws extremely uncomfortable, making him almost want to let go.

So Drake felt the force and threw Bugsy to the ground.

Then he opened his mouth wide and bit Bugsy's head.

Use your mandibles to bite off Bugsy's head with your sharp teeth!


However, this is of no use at all.

After Bugsy sensed Drake's strong murderous intent, he became stronger and taller.

No matter how hard Derek tried, he couldn't damage Bugsy's skin.

It also tastes like biting into something particularly hard, very uncomfortable!

Then Bugsy grabbed Drake with both hands, and then his arms looked like they had no bones, spinning like windmills!

Smash Drake to the ground!

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

Bugsy roared as he raised his paw and clawed at Drake.


There was a harsh sound of muscle tearing.

A lot of flesh and blood was removed from Drake's body.

Blood spurted out like a fountain.

That terrifying force impact almost made Drake lose consciousness!

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy then continued to raise his claws, intending to give Drake a fatal blow.

"Damn it!"

Drake was in pain as he looked at Bugsy, who was taller than him, about to take action.

He immediately transformed back into his human form and narrowly avoided Bugsy's claw attacks!


Bugsy's claws hit the ground, causing a huge impact and knocking Drake away.

Let him lie down like a dead dog.

Just as Bugsy was about to continue his attack, suddenly there was the sound of music all around him.

"Yo yo trouble Cech!"

I saw Apu on the building in the distance, turning his body into a musical instrument and playing continuously.


Then he hit his chest hard, and a terrifying sound wave emitted from his body, which instantly came to Bugsy.


When the sound wave fell on Bugsy, a very terrifying explosion occurred.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

However, not only did this have no effect on Bugsy, it actually angered Bugsy even more!

"Oh my, what a scary monster, run away quickly!"

When Apu saw this, he immediately turned around and ran away, constantly jumping on the building to get away from the place of trouble and wrong.

However, how could Bugsy let anyone who dared to hurt him go?

Just rush out like a train.

I don’t know how many buildings were destroyed and how many people were crushed along the way, chasing Apu crazily!

"Hey! Is this monster so fast?"

Apu, who was on the building, didn't expect Bugsy to be so fast. He couldn't help shouting in shock, and quickened his pace in a panic.


After Bugsy crashed through a house, he grabbed the roof and threw it towards Apu, before continuing the pursuit.

That roof instantly penetrated the house at Apu's feet.

As a result, Apu instantly lost his footing and fell downwards.

Then Bugsy caught up with Apu very smoothly.

"Hey! You monster! Don't underestimate me!"

Apu saw Bugsy close at hand and shouted anxiously, planning to use his fruit power to fight against him.


However, Bugsy didn't give Apu any chance at all, he just went over with his paw and smashed Apu into pieces!

When Bugsy landed, he immediately looked around, looking for his next prey.

"Hey, you stepped on me just now. It hurt a lot."

Just then, a tall man with a pair of small wings on his back walked out of the ruins and looked at Bugsy covered in blood.

He is one of the supernovas, the weird monk, Urki.


Urki used the power of the fruit, and his body gradually grew taller.

He can turn the damage he takes into his own power.

When Bugsy ran over him just now, it impacted him and left him with a lot of damage. Now all of it is transformed into his power!

Now Ulki is almost as tall as Bugsy!

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

When Bugsy saw a tall human being appearing who was malicious towards him, he immediately roared angrily.

So he immediately rushed towards Ulki and attacked.

However, despite his huge size, Urki is quite agile.

He turned sideways and avoided Bugsy's claw attack.

Then he punched Bugsy's chin with a heavy punch, and then followed up with another punch to hit his chest.

He attacked Bugsy with two fists in succession, and made Bugsy retreat step by step! He actually suppressed it!


Finally, Ulki punched Bugsy with all his strength and sent it flying, making it fall more than ten meters away.

"As expected of a strange monk!"

"Destroy this monster!"

Ulki's subordinates, seeing their captain showing his power, couldn't help but shout and cheer excitedly.

Who here doesn't want Bugsy to die quickly? They were fine, but suddenly they were hurt by a monster like Bugsy. Who doesn't resent it!

Now seeing the big monster being crushed, they are naturally very excited.

However, just when they were excited, Bugsy's roar instantly covered all the sounds!

I saw Bugsy slowly stand up, his blood-red eyes revealing an extremely strong killing intent, staring at Ulki.

And its physique has further expanded.

"Oh my, Ulki's survival rate is very low." Hawkins, who was not far away, said while fortune-telling. "Roar, roar, roar!" At this time, Bugsy rushed towards Ulki with even more amazing momentum. This time, its speed was much faster than before. Before Ulki could react, Bugsy clawed down. It directly pierced Ulki's chest! "Uh uh!!" Ulki looked at the claw that pierced his chest in disbelief, and he wanted to resist. But Bugsy swung his claws directly and cut Ulki's body. As a result, Ulki fell down powerlessly and could never stand up again.

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