American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 077 I suspect you are showing off your luck.

The address Stark read on the TV was the sea-view villa where he and Pepper currently lived.

Stark has always cared about Pepper, and the first thing that comes to his mind is Pepper's safety.

But now he told the global audience his home address on TV. From this action, it can be seen that he should be very angry.

"Master Luo Bai, Mr. Stark may be in trouble." Just as he was thinking about it, Polaris suddenly spoke: "He has come to see you many times during this period, and he seems to be very anxious."

"I know." Luo Bai replied calmly.

The main reason why he was so calm was because he had already anticipated the current situation.

And he remembered that before he left, he specifically reminded Stark to pay attention to this matter.

But at that time, Stark seemed to want to solve all problems by himself, so he didn't mention it much.

Now it was expected that Stark would look for him. Thinking of this, he planned to go to Stark to see the situation.

"Wanda, I have to go out now. Study this magic book by yourself first. If you encounter a problem that you don't understand, wait until I come back to teach you." Luo Bai warned.

As soon as she finished speaking, Wanda asked: "Are you going to find Stark?"

"Yes." Luo Bai nodded in response.

Wanda didn't reply, but the smile on her face disappeared.

It can be seen that she still has "hate" for Stark, and she doesn't even want to hear reports about "Stark".

Seeing that Stark's news was still playing on the TV, Wanda got up with the book and returned to the room.

After she left, Polaris explained in a low voice: "During this period, Wanda mentioned to me the matter between her and Mr. Stark. I tried to persuade her, but she could never completely forgive Stark."

Polaris sounded a little guilty, and she seemed to feel guilty for not convincing Wanda.

But Wanda's "hate" for Stark has been accumulated since childhood, how could it be easily changed because of Polaris' persuasion.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai opened his mouth to comfort her: "This is none of your business, Lorna. Give Wanda some time, I think she will understand. Okay, I'm leaving first."

After saying that, he opened the portal, which was located at Stark's ocean view villa.

At this time, Stark was conducting research in the underground studio of the villa, with a very serious look on his face.

If you look carefully, you can see that he is suppressing anger.

Just as Stark was concentrating on his research, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

A familiar yellow circle appeared in front of him.

That's a portal!

The moment he saw a familiar figure appear, Stark's brows widened.

The seriousness and anger on his face disappeared, leaving only excitement and joy.

"Luo Bai, you're finally back!!" Stark sighed and stepped forward to greet him.

Compared to his excitement, Luo Bai seemed much calmer.

"I heard from Polaris that you have been looking for me during this period. It seems that you are in trouble." Luo Bai asked.

When mentioning this matter, Stark's face became serious: "You're right, I did encounter some trouble. No, it's not that I was in trouble, but Happy was in trouble. No, actually this It's my problem."

Stark tried to explain recent events.

But because his mind is too confused now, he has started talking nonsense.

Seeing that he couldn't organize his words well, Luo Bai interrupted him: "Tony, you are very anxious now."

Stark was silent, then sighed,

After a moment, he spoke in a depressed and aggrieved voice: "I admit it, Luo Bai. I am indeed very anxious. Because something happened to Happy, and he is now lying in the hospital. The doctor said he doesn't know if he can survive."

Happy, formerly known as Happy Hogan.

He is a driver and bodyguard hired by Stark.

Of course, that's only a superficial relationship.

Since Happy once saved Stark's life, the relationship between the two is more like friends than employers.

Something happened to Happy now, and Stark must be very anxious.

The most important thing is that as Iron Man, he didn't even protect the people around him.

This made Stark fall into self-blame.

Realizing his current mess, Stark became frustrated and helpless: "You know what? Lobai. I am Iron Man, a genius!! Now everyone calls me a superhero, and I have fanatical fans. But I I haven’t even protected the people around me. That ‘Mandarin’ keeps launching terrorist attacks, but I can’t even find them now, Luo Bai.”

His tone was full of self-doubt.

This made Luo Bai couldn't help but enlighten him: "Don't think of Tony like that. Everyone will encounter trouble, and you can't doubt yourself every time you encounter trouble. You should make your heart stronger."

Stark shook his head and sighed: "I want to, but I can't. If I had such a powerful ability as you, I think I wouldn't have encountered this kind of trouble."

"But you will encounter new troubles." Luo Bai shrugged and said helplessly.

New trouble?

Stark frowned and asked in confusion: "You will also encounter troubles that you can't solve?"

Luo Bai nodded and said: "Of course. In the past four months, I traveled to the multiverse. Then I was targeted by a powerful force. That thing now recognized me as its host and forced me to follow me. Integrated.”

"Is this a problem? Are you sure you're not showing off your good luck?" Stark frowned and asked in confusion.

Traveling to the multiverse will bring power to your door.

If this is a problem, he would like to encounter it every day!

Just thinking about it, Luo Bai spoke: "Of course not showing off. The stronger the power, the stronger the self-awareness. Just like this thing that is eyeing me, it is always tempting me in my mind."

"What is it tempting you with?" Stark asked curiously.

The next second, he heard Luo Bai's answer: "It suggested that I eat you, then swallow the earth, and then swallow the universe."


Stark didn't understand, but the expression on his face was shocked.

After a moment of stunned, Stark finally recovered and said in surprise: "I don't understand."

Luo Bai explained: "This thing has a side effect of making the host feel hungry. Don't look at me acting very normal, I am actually very hungry now. I have been trying to control this power and use my strong willpower to resist hunger."

At this moment, Stark was already confused.

He almost understood what Luo Bai said. In simple terms, Luo Bai's body now has a powerful force that can never be full.

That force can devour everything, including the entire earth.

The earth can still exist safely today, entirely because Luo Bai's willpower is strong enough.

After understanding this, Stark no longer had any internal friction, anxiety, or self-doubt.

Instead, he began to get a little scared now.

"Luo Bai, are you sure your willpower is strong enough to fight against that force? I mean, I shouldn't be that delicious, and the earth may not be delicious either." Stark complained.

Luo Bai thought about it, and then answered very seriously: "I'm not sure about this. After all, I'm a human, and it's normal for people to lose control."

"... Please, I really hope you are a god now!!!" Stark sighed.

Your friend disappeared for four months, and as soon as he appeared, he wanted to eat you and even wanted to swallow the earth.

This is too scary, friends!!!

Who cares about the Mandarin? Luo Bai's current situation is obviously even more terrifying!!!

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